More Teen Vogue Outtakes

More HERE at the source- 30 outtakes in all.

Hopefully better quality images surface soon as these are a bit craptastic.


Allie2 said...

hello everybody!
awesome pictures. Rob is definitely channeling Elton John in some of those :-P


I just started a blog for all the wallpapers I've made and since a lot of them are of our beautiful Rob I thought I'd share with you lovely ladies :-)

I explained this in my posts but because I started making them for my own personal use I only have them in one size but if you like any of them just leave me a comment there and I'd be more than happy to redo it for you. also because I like you guys so much if you have any requests again just leave a comment :-)I still have some more to post but I hope you like them!

Anonymous said...

I have to say, I think the styling is terrible in these pics. I can't imagine why they would want to dress them the way they have. I think I heard that they never printed the shoot? I could be mistaken, but I sure understand why they would decide not to use the pictures.

Georgie said...

Thank you Allie2 - the first Rob one fits my screen beautifully

Silverfreak said...


i love you goszde & dani
i join your site every day for 100 times, in hope to see new sexy fotos of rob!
you make my workingday more comfortable
thx btw :D

the white suite is awful

kespax said...

Styling is crap and rather a bad photographer also, cute as they all are they are not looking their best. Why did they persist with the boring tree shots, and the parched earth ones?

Mandy said...

I agree with Anon 2:32.
This would have to be least fav photo shoot of the cast.

kespax said...

Have to laugh though for Rob looks good in anything, he looks just fine.

The rest, all of their outfits are clashing and unflattering, poor Nicki looks like an amazon beside Kristin who looks like an elf creature.

Hannah said...

I agree with the fact that this certainly isnt the best shoot of the cast but...
I have to say that I think KStew looks FAB in the first 6 pics. I think that style really suits her.
Not the best pics of Nikki by any means, God love her! :-/
Rob, even in the white skinny jeans he is still yummy. The suit in the last 2 pics.... nom nom nom..

Hannah said...

And Pic 8 .. The flower type thing in Kellans mouth just looks like mouldy fluff on his chin! haa!

Anna said...

I love the dodgy white pants... or more specifically, I love Rob IN them! For some reason it just screams (kinky) sex.

Gozde said...

We have a serial tagger on our hands :) They watermark AND put a huge logo on their pictures.

Rhonda said...

I think the cast in general looks horrible here, and I can see why they were not included in the mag, but Rob in white pants, Rob channeling one of my all-time faves John Lennon, and Rob in that incredible-looking suit--he looks amazing!

margot said...

styling .... is wrong, doesn't match their personalities, they're cute and yound but look crap
borning and ugly - that wasn't easy to achieve but the photographer 'succeeded"

margot said...

and still something on older thread, this one with DeTagged photos ...

Can any body deTag unnecessary clothes from some nice picks of Rob ? at least shirt ?? pleaseeee :)

Anonymous said...

he is so hot, he should be with kristen stewart

Jewels64 said...

Aw hell...Mel's gonna be bitchin about the white pants again....

Unknown said...

Rob as usual, is gougeous, no matter what this prodecers make he wear. Nikki has an amazineg beutiful face, but her thighs.... defenitelly not good with mini skirts
and Kristen is always beautiful!!!

Gozde said...

Really? I would KILL for Kristen's thighs :)

Melissa said...


Seriously! No man should EVER wear white pants. I don't care if your name is Robert Pattinson either. It just goes against nature.

AND I'm not even gonna say "IMO" because the previous statement is TRUFAX.

Honestly, who in the hell picked these clothes for this shoot? They need their head checked like STAT.

BUT-Rob's face looks HOT as per usual. Let's just skip those SHITEOUS white pants. OH and those nasty yellow sunglasses. Seriously folks, WTF!

Ok, rant over.


Melissa said...

OH-and what in the hell could possibly be wrong with Nikki's thighs??? She looks AMAZING! Sheesh.

Unknown said...

Nikki or Kristen's thighs?
I was talking about Nikki's thighs!!

Unknown said...

And is just my opinion!

Lizalou said...

Morning all!
My friend and I went to see How to Be last night. Very good film. Oliver, Joe, Jonny and Mike were there.

First, let me say that I nearly came unglued with the Twilight fans last night (ashamed to be one of them this morning after that).

At the Q&A, the guys stood in the front of the dark theatre with spotlights on them. Apparently they were blinded by the bright light and requested that the theatre bring up the houselights. Well, for whatever reason, the theatre staff never did - so the guys remained blinded up there. Now here's the bad part - cue the Twilight fans - people would NOT stop taking photos. It was ridiculous. Nonstop flashbulbs going off. One girl in particular, who sat about 10 feet from me, I had to restrain myself not to either take her camera or break her fingers (kidding!). She must have filled up her memory card - never put the camera down. Constant flashing in the guy's faces. Argh. I don't know what's with these people... I don't know why you need that many photos and what's the motivation? Do they feel like they get a piece of Rob by having photos of these guys? It really makes me feel for Rob having to put up with this all of the time. If he was there, it would have been pandemonium, i'm sure.

Aside from the annoying fangirls, the movie was excellent. Oliver, Joe, Jonny and Mike seem to be such a candid, warm group of guys. Ridiculously quick-witted, intelligent, funny, with a little bit of self-deprecation thrown in. Definitely the kind of guys that you'd love to share a few beers and good conversation with. They also said that they've all been friends for years (went to film school together).

They did talk about Rob (a fangirl asked the Q to a chorus of giggles). They had nothing but good things to say about him.
First, and I think this speaks volumes about Rob, they were impressed that he was able to blend in seamlessly with them. As I said, Oliver, Joe, Mike and Jonny are old friends and they all agreed that it would have been intimidating for anyone to come in and insert themselves into their little tight-knit group. But apparently Rob did just fine and got along with all of them. That only leads me to believe that Rob is probably just like them.

In response to what it was like working with Rob, Oliver also mentioned that Rob had a knack for adding little things to the end of scenes that weren't written into the script. For example, in the scene where they're talking about physical fitness and Rob's eating cake, it was all Rob at the end. The script should have ended right after the physical fitness line.

Oliver also mentioned that Rob was quite fond of the "cry stick" that actors use to generate tears for scenes. Rob used it for dramatic effect (explains why his nose looked red, eyes looked red-rimmed and skin blotchy sometimes!) and would use it and then wipe the tears away before the take. Apparently he used it so much that he became immune to it(British dry humor, though, never know when to believe them so take that with a grain of salt).

Overally, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. Rob played the awkward, trying-to-find-himself 20 something really well. And the guy who plays Nicky (Mike) is great in the film and in person. Very smart, talented guy there.

One last completely frivolous fangirl comment here - there's great wrist/hand porn in this film. Yowza! Rob has nice wrists and big hands. I know he's over 6 feet, but i'm 5'10 so that doesn't seem big to me. However, i'm amending my prior thoughts. He's huge next to the other guys in the film - and I saw those guys last night, they're not *that* small.

Anyway, enjoy your day everyone. If I can think of any Rob tidbit from last night that I missed, I'll post.

Sam said...

anyone interested in seeing my pix from meeting sam and bobby last night- feel free to ask for a friend request on my facebook- i don't know how to post pic on here:

Gozde said...

Ooops, sorry Danni, thought you were talking about Kristen's :))

Unknown said...

It's ok doll!
And i would kill for Kristen's thighs too!!!

Sam said...

does anyone know if i can post pics on my homepage on here?

crazy said...

Agreed. This is not my favorite photo shoot.

Would someone show Kristen another stance please? I noticed she does this in pics when she's wearing a dress, and it looks bad, imo.

Suz said...

Thank you merciful gawd..

a photo shoot I can live with(out)

My weakened heart thanks you.

Although those white pants and geekazoid glasses...

ahhhh Fuck!

It's just fuckin hopeless

Goz, Have I told you lately that I love you...?

TwiHartRK said...


I saw you had trouble finishing up that thought.

Good luck with the live without part.

Geekbert looking HAWT.

Mel, I know you hate um but they ARE nice and TIGHT!!!

Suz said...


(holding you close)

We'll get through this...


Tight White... FUCK!

crazy said...

Hi Alie and everybody!

Alie~ you still here?

Suz said...

Craaaaa zay!

Morning kitten

crazy said...

Hey chickie Suz! or Cheeky? what does cheeky mean?

Suz said...

Cheeky = Fresh.. Brat

Suz = Cheeky


crazy said...

oh and i luvs your avatar. The lips make me________. fill in the blank with proper crassness.

crazy said...

hee hee

crazy said...

oh. it works?

Suz said...

I vow to NEVER change my avatar...

What is on your? I can't click on it.. there is art on his arm??

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
crazy said...

Suz~ yeah. Emmes made this for me. It's a tat with my name and his and hearts and all. I guess I'm his foreva!!! yippee!

Suz said...

what??? how cool. I can't view it.

: (

crazy said...

want to see it large? (whoops)

Suz said...


size matters.

crazy said...

I meant the tat, cheeky! (winks)

Suz said...

oh.. snap

crazy said...

Suz~ do you know yet if you can see LA with Kelly and I? hope so!

Suz said...

I am probably going to be at that screening...

I have another commitment that same evening here in Philly -- Dane Cook

I am sure we will bump into each other...

; )

crazy said...

I suppose I'll recognize you. LOL!

Suz said...

I'll be the one with the entourage.


Suz <---- is off to be productive


crazy said...


Sophia Z.86 said...

OK, Gozde and Danni:


Danni, I would prefer to have Kristen's legs as well, not Nikki's. Actually, I am somewhere in the middle: not too thin ~ not too "fat". BF likes! No, I am not saying that Nikki is fat, ok?


Laura said...

The return of the tightie whities!!!!!!! Oh yeahhhhhhhh!

The croquet pictures fucking KILL me! I think "croquet Rob" is neck and neck with "Comicon Rob" in the hotness race!! DAMN!

Shani said...

Boo on Teen Vogue... I went to their website awhile back and seen this hot mess...what a waste of sexy. They should be ashamed at even publishing this shit. What a waste of a tree limb...:(((

Anonymous said...

kristen's thighs...really??? i think her legs resemble spaghetti noodles...not feminine or shapely at all...

in my opinion, rob looks good in the tight white pants... although the boots are very unfortunate as well as the glasses...and the man is tall, could we get him a jacket that reaches the length of his arms please? rob in a suit is pure win... every.single.time.

Shani said...

Good Morning Vietnam(Robsessed)Ladies!!

A special thanks to Goz my enabler...

Jewels my FF mistress/Goddess...

And to all the lurkers out there in the shadows getting off peeking at our comments...What's up bb's...

Shani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shani said...

Lizalou- Thanks for letting us know. I think Rob is just one of those guys that can just hang out with anybody...he is just cool like that...

Oh and I like when he was sitting on the bed legs straight out with those BIG ASS FEET of his just right there in the camera angle taunting us...makes me horny bb...I would have jumped... because you know the implications are serious bizz...:P

crazy said...

LOL@ Shani! hi!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 2:32, I totally agree with you. This shoot is just weird. I feel like the stylist who created this look was trying too hard to be "different" and just made them look ridiculous. There's a way to be artistic and edgy without looking amateur. And that's really what the styling in this shoot was... totally amateur. I would have been embarrassed to be a model in this. It's hard to make beautiful people look bad, but I'm afraid that's what happened here.

Anonymous said...

Nobody even mentions the hand porn in photo #2? Am I alone on that?

RPnKSaddict said...

I have to agree with Goz's description. I will always love the twilight cast, but this is one of my least fav photoshoots.

Lizalou thanks for telling us about your "How to Be" experience.
It was nice to live vicariously through you.

~KY~ said...

definately my least fave photo shoot, yet rob manages to make me drool anyway.....

Anon/L.A. said...

OK... pic #8.... is Kristen seriously that tiny, even in heels? Usually in photos she looks like she has really long legs. I have no clue how tall she is but she looks like she's 4'2" here.

Also not really my fave photo shoot, but ANY pics of these gorgeous people make me smile.


Divinesally said...

Lizalou~thanks for sharing! I hope I won't have to mess anyone up tomorrow at the screening. I really have a lack of patience with certain Twifans.

The girls have great legs. And Rob is definitely channeling Lennon in this shoot. I don't know if that was purposefully, for it works. Love the retro vibe he's giving off.

I LOVE ROB in white pants! Reminds me of TBMHB, by the ice cream truck, and in the hospital. His long lean legs and nether regions are especially accented in the light colored jeans. teehee.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I agree that Rob is channeling Elton John/John Lennon here.

Thanks Lizalou for your review! Very interesting. Yes, the fangurls can be annoying and embarrassing to be around...

Thirty! I totally agree about Kristen's legs: spaghetti noodles...def. not feminine or shapely. Nikki has much better legs. And I am quoting DH who is a leg man. Of course, my legs and Nikki's are similar, haha. I think Kris should stay in pants...

Anonymous said...

Everyone looks cute except for Nikki Reed. She looks fat in all the pics. everyone looks toned while her fat thighs are the biggest. Her butt is too big even in the Twilight movie.
I hope someone will replace Nikki Reed in Eclipse and Breaking down. She looks TOO OLD for the Rosalie character.

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