How To Be DVD Details, HQ Pictures and HD Trailer

It's "How To Be" day on ROBsessed!

How To Be's DVD Distributor in the UK, Network Ltd., sent us the following press release and high quality pictures of RobArt Pattinson. Thanks to them we now know what is in the DVD extras (26 minutes of extended scenes!Eeek!), have an HD Trailer of the movie and the close-up shots of RobArt just about killed me.

First the High Definition Trailer:

Then the press release:

TWILIGHT sensation Robert Pattinson stars in the new, quirky, offbeat, post teen-life crisis comedy HOW TO BE (15); available to buy for the first time on DVD on 18th May 2009, RRP £14.99 and also via iTunes, RRP £9.99.(Gozde: Pre-order for £9.98 at Amazon How To Be [DVD] [2008] ;))

Art (Robert Pattinson) sees himself as an enigmatic artiste. But he realises that he must take action if he is to prevent himself from wallowing and sinking deeper into his angst-ridden life as a struggling and disillusioned musician in London. A solution comes in the shape of a book titled “It’s Not Your Fault”. Not content to just draw inspiration from the printed words, however, Art invites the elderly author of the book to come and live with him and his dysfunctional parents…

HOW TO BE is a surreal and comedic journey about growing up and a wry look at the increasingly common phenomena of the twenty-something generation premature crisis in life, frustrated creativity and the lucrative world of self-help. Directed by Oliver Irving from his own screenplay, with contributions from his friends Johnny White and Joe Hastings (also the composer of the music in the film); HOW TO BE is a whimsical relationship comedy that is sure to generate laughs and cringes in equal measure.

Special Features:
• Extended Scenes (26 mins.)
• How to Make “How To Be” featurette (20 mins.)
• Audio commentary with director Oliver Irving, Mike Pearce (Nikki), Johnny White (Ronny) and Joe Hastings

And the pictures. Click for HQ goodness :)

*sigh* Look at that pout, awww :)

No plucking and some scruff? Yes please....

I forgot to add that How To Be will be will be available on demand on IFC Festival Direct in the United States for three months beginning April 29! Thanks to "anon" for the reminder :)


Melissa said...

Uh, I think it's pretty official, Goz. You really are trying to kill me!!! LOL


Love it!

AND you know, most 22/23 year old men I know look like little boys. Rob looks like a MAN! PURE WIN!

Thank you soooooo much for posting.


Maryann said...

AHHHHH All the HTB goodies..and EXTRAS on the DVD too! That commentary must be hilarious lol

Thank's so much Gozde, you're my heroine for this!!

Melissa said...

OH-I forgot to mention, and Dani are AWESOME. It's so nice to see all of your hard Robsessed work pay off. :-)


Carla/Germany said...

i am so jealous of his eyelashes!

and it's sooo nice to see him in normal pictures. no sugarcoated, photoshoped, eyes made greyer/bluer than they are stuff.
just him (well being Art, but..pff).

Angie said...


That is all.

Sara said...

Carla, I was just about to comment on them!
haha. They are really beautiful and they match his feminine fingers. lmao ;p

Unknown said...

I wanna see this movie so bad!!!!
What I have to do to see this movie in Brazil???
Help a robsessed crazy girl here!!!!!

Anonymous said...

does anyone know when they will come out for region 1?

SummerGirl said...

Fabulous -- thanks you SO much :)

SummerGirl said...

the eyelashes, the eyelashes, the eyelashes


Maryann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maryann said...

He certainly got some long lashes yes..*sigh* and I am so looking fwd to my DVD arrives

Anonymous said...


How To Be will be available on demand on IFC Festival Direct in the United States for three months beginning April 29.


Thanks Goz. I love RobArt.

Meredith said...

Any news on a US DVD release? I don't get IFC and I'm really hoping to watch this film.

Anonymous said...

no matter how dorky they tried to make him look... his beautiful features cannot be disguised: the eyes, the jawline, the lips...the scruff

k thanks...bye

SummerGirl said...

*gets up off floor*



Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suz said...


I have officially had a MO FO-ing


Goz... why?? why? just one day I asked.. my old azz heart.... have mercy (don't listen)

Suz, who REALLY is Art's #1 Groupie!

Lizalou said...

Yes, I agree. It's so hard to disguise his features. No way to 'ugly-up' this man.
I thought he looked cute as hell in How to Be. Put some jeans on him instead of those dorky, grey, too-short pants he wears in the film and it's a total go for me.
Hell, who am I kidding - i'll take him with the dorky pants! ;)

crazy said...

ohhhhhhhh just look at that beautiful, beautiful face.......

(taking too many deep breaths here, hands and feet are tingling, starting to hyperventilate)

Unknown said...

Gozde, you´re right, the photo with the little pout is priceless.

Uh, baby! The pic before the last... My God!!... He looks so fine! Lovely eyes, his lips, his eyelashes, his eyebrows, his hair, his... his...*THUD*


*Recovering again*... Dear boy, you will, definetly, going to kill me someday.

Melanie said...

The pout, unplucked brows, the eyelashes-100% adorkable. He is incapable of looking bad. Thanks for the photos-now I must find some one to resuscitate my heart.

WinWin said...

Hi girls,

Thank you so much for the Robart photos. Those lashes and eyes kill me. Network at work is in and out, my robsessing is suffering. Only 22, so much to look forward to.

Hi crazy, is that a tattoo on our boy. Love it.

Hi suz!

Anonymous said...

He has really clear skin. He always does. Sadly, that makes a strong case for chain-smoking and beer...

WinWin said...

Going to order uk dvd today. must find secret hiding spot for all my rob stuff.

Divinesally said...

Hello all! Hope everyone's good. I can't wait to see this tomorrow. I cannot contain the excitement! Yipppeee!!

ROBArt is so troubled and beautiful. I just want to give him a bear hug and whisper, "everything is going to be just fine."

WinWin said...

amcas, don't forget the junk food, hot pockets and cheeseburgers. his parents gave him some good genes.

WinWin said...

ds, hi honey. what shaking love!

kristen said...

Holy hell - those last 3 photos zoomed in are going to be the death of me!! His eyes are mesmerizing. And his eyelashes! Jesus, can I get a pair of those please? They're freaking beautiful! Some people just get all the luck :)

Divinesally said...

Hey WW! What's shaken toots!?! It's been a hot minute, girl.

crazy said...

Hi Win and Pupida!!!

W~ Emmes put a tat on Rob just for me! ain't she sweet??

what's up girls!

tomorrow? jealous!

Anonymous said...

WinWin- ha ha! That's right. I'm calling my mom right now to complain!

Divinesally said...

Hey BB Cakes! How the hell are ya!? Thanks for sending me the cute ROBsessed Avatar last night. I passed out before I could reply. I've been reading FF all damn week. I think my eyeballs are bleeding. =/

VeilsofLight said...

@Thirtysomething - SO true, they can TRY to make this man dorky, but NOTHING can disguise that jaw.

@Suz re: ART ATTACK. :) Perfect.
A little too close to reality for us 'older' gals, but clever. ;)

Seven long hours until the Boston Premier tonight!!!! Gonna have us a little Sangria party to take the edge off the torture.

They should seriously be serving nitroglycerin with the popcorn. The only more heart-attack inducing prospect would be showing 'The Summer House' before HTB as a teaser on the same night. Or before New Moon or LA?


Movie execs? Are you listening people? We know what we want and have a lot of money to spend. GET ON IT.

Divinesally said...

I'm having issues bb, and WW, I have two tickets for tomorrow night. I promised my mom I would take her, but now the dh is pissed off. He's like, "why aren't we going?" I didn't have the heart to tell him that the same dude that was in Twilight is in this film as well as the one on the 8th of May. He's definitely ok with not going to LA. Not a fan of guy on guy action. But he's mad at me that he'll be missing out on the Brit humor tomorrow. I'm trying to convince my mom to let him go instead and I'll take her to LA, but she's like "hell NO!" LOL

I'm like damn it! dilemma dilemma!!They're questioning my sanity...they wonder why I want to watch 2 men partake in homosexual activities. HELLLOOOOO, it's called ACTING! And Rob in anything is guaranteed to be stellar. But of course I can't tell them that. so I just use the best excuse possible, which is that Dali has always been my favorite surrealist.

tinababy1 said...

Happy Art Day girls

RPnKSaddict said...

Why is he always so adorable? Oh yeah because he's Robert F-ing Pattinson.
I'm so excited I preordered "How to Be",last night.
Going to watch trailer a few times.

tinababy1 said...

Div - Rob in guy on guy = Hell Yeah!!

hee hee

tinababy1 said...

Region 1 DVD probably will be released after damned IFC 3 month thingy.

crazy said...

Hi Pupida! i'm great, albeit very envious of your getting a huge dose of Rob magic tomorrow!

Watchout! Tooo much FF makes for horny blogging!

crazy said...

Veils! Summer House teaser? You can't see the screen on the theatre floor!

Divinesally said...

Tina~ You know it! I wonder if he's a top or a bottom. He mentioned doggie-style, but who's doing whom? hmmmm

crazy said...

Pupida!! LMAO@ at your dilemma. sorry ;/

i love how they are wondering why you want to see man on man! LOL!

Can you tell the dH HTB has man on man too?

crazy said...

Hey Tina!
Pupida~ top, bottom, sideways, upside down, who cares!!!!

tinababy1 said...

Hi C - Are you having a better day? I was worried about you yesterday?

Div - I think Rob is giving, not receiving.

I might be wrong...

Who cares, right?

Divinesally said...

bb Cakes, who are you telling??!!!why do you think I've barely been around? FF gets me tingly inside. **turns a light shade of pink** teehee *winks @ Crazy*

I'm reading WA, up to ch. 42. And trying to read the latest updates from The Dom, The Office and Apples and Oranges. Life/reality keep distracting me.

tinababy1 said...

Div - I'm doing so much more laundry since Robsessing and FF.

Constant panty changes ;)

Melissa said...

I caught this movie at the Music Box Theater last night in Chicago and it was really good! He isn't smokin like Edward but it's still him and he plays the character great. It was actually pretty hilarious and it just makes you fall a little more in love with him. He does play depressed and lonly really well I kept finding myself saying I'll take care of you or I'll hug you. He is a doll! When is it gonna be out on American DVD?

Kate said...

Ooh great pics Goz Glad you're finally getting recognition for all your hard work!

crazy said...

Tina~ i'm great today. all problems resolved and the DH brought me flowers. good boy!

and I think it's the other way around, but it's all good. ;)

Pupida~....just....hee hee. ;)

Divinesally said...

On the floor, on the dining room table, in the tub, in the pool, atop the pool table, in front of the fire place, on the stairs, in the garden(lol), on the roof, on the kitchen counter, on the piano(lol), against the wall, on top, on bottom, on my knees....***snaps out of it***

What did I start??! OK, no more Rob giving or receiving anything! My loins can't take it.

crazy said...

T~ i had to buy more. what happened to them???

tinababy1 said...

Whoa Div - FF overload...

DH must be very happy with you.

crazy said...

Pupida~ woah! way to much FF for your own good! LOL!!

tinababy1 said...

C - Spontaneous Combustion.. you can Google it

tinababy1 said...

C - can't tell what's on the tat.

crazy said...

that's it! trade the HTB tix for a little extra sum sum with the DH! all will be well.

Divinesally said...

Well, Tina my main activities yesterday were laundry and the dh.

WinWin said...

VOL, you are trying to kill us. Summer House as a teaser is too much. There must be so much Robhotness that they kept the film to 12 minutes. If it was a full length, Rob as hot lover movie, they would need to scrape us off the floor.

DS, can you on demand for dh? tell him htb is a girls nite out for mother's day. that's what I pulled on my dh, LA is my mother's day goodie.

tinababy1 said...

D - At the same time on the machine ala Tie Guy??

crazy said...

oh JEEZ! everybody keeps asking me that. want thee pic sent?

btw it's basically crazy+Rob, all love and all. I wish!!

LOL@ spont combust

VeilsofLight said...

Crazy :) That is a good point. And I want to save any lying down I do for when I actually meet Rob in person. :p

In fact, with the collective glass-shattering squeals of the convening estrogen in the theatre, every dog within a mile radius will be covering their ears when he says "I Love You Jane."

@ Divinesally: Just simply tell your DH that it's not 'guy on guy' action, but rather 'guy on f'ing sex god' action, and that should clear things right up. See how easy that was? ;)

Straight men are so silly sometimes.

tinababy1 said...

Win - "drools".... full feature Summer House?????

Divinesally said...

lol sorry guys. I'll refrain. C~ I think if I tell him that there's gay intercourse in HTB as well, the situation will turn 13 shades of awkward.

crazy said...

Thee? apparently I'm getting all Shakespeare on your asses.

crazy said...

OMG ALL you gals are cracking me up over here!! LMAO!!!

stop! i have to leave soon!

tinababy1 said...

c - email me pic.

V - Guy on f**cking sex God action.

That should get the dh a little nervous and feeling "inadequate"

crazy said...

T~ sure thang.

Good point re: the DHs. hmmmm.

too bad.

Lynnes said...

Nothing like RobArt to make my day brighter...sigh
Pouty RobArt is my new fave~that pic makes me just wanna reach out and give him a big hug.

Thanx Goz~you've really spoiled us this week.

OT~I just pre-ordered the 3 DVD package. Does anyone know what 26.99 pounds is equivalent to in dollars?

tinababy1 said...

How does 51 year old DH compete with Sex God?

Divinesally said...

WW, T, C, and VoL, thanks for the suggestions BBs, you guys are so damn helpful. Gold stars for all of you! **distributes a round of fist bumps**

I think he can wait for the DVD, f**k that! I'm not gonna stress myself out. And plus, WW strategy is genius! It's my mom's mother's day outing. The only dude allowed is Mr. Pattz.

tinababy1 said...

Lynnes - Only know Can. dollars 1.8 = 1 pound

tinababy1 said...

Div - wish I had your problems. HTB not even on the theatre radar here and LA limited release May 22nd.

I'm going to explode waiting.

Divinesally said...

Lynnes~39.435089 U.S. dollars

Lynnes said...

Sorry, should've been more specific. US dollars, but aren't Canadian and US dollars close? Thanx Tina!

crazy said...

gotta head out ladies! thanks for the laughs. you too Rob!

have fun!

WinWin said...

Tina, the entire male species cannot compare to Rob sex god!

Lynnes, I was thinking about the conversion too and how I was to explain mysterious oversea purchase to dh when he sees the cc bill. lol

tinababy1 said...

Lynnes - sometimes

Lynnes said...

Thanks Divine~I'm super slow with the whole blogging thing. Can't even figure out how to get a Rob avatar

VeilsofLight said...

Win...You're right, too much RobHotness at once. They must have kept it short to save us from ourselves.

His friggin hair in that is TOO much to handle. Makes you want to reach through the screen and just grab onto it. And then some.

That man is simply SEX REINCARNATE.

I don't think I could even come up with a CLOSE second. Not even close.

and Tina...LOL :)

WinWin said...

thanks, ds. what a bargain.

tinababy1 said...

Bye Crazy.

Divinesally said...

Oh Tina, that is truly the wackness, I feel for you bb =( I guess in a way I'm lucky to live in NYC.

tinababy1 said...

V - I also draw a blank whenI try to think of anyone who has EVER come close to this guy.

Lynnes said...

Win~I guess saying "The Pattinson made me do it" is not a good enough reason? If my hubby wants to continue to get some he better let me buy all things Rob that I want!

Divinesally said...

Bye BB CAkes!!! Laterz! {kisses}

WW no doubt, it is.

L~LOL I like your avatar. why do you want to change it? do you need instructions? I can help, if you want, lol.

tinababy1 said...

DH says he can get rid of Region codes so I'll have to order soon.

STill waiting for HTB CD

Maryann said...

For those looking for a great currency converter, I find this one VERY reliable!

Just type in the amount, then choose if you want the currency exchange rate as "interbank rate" (what you see on currency rates in papers I think) or cash rate or credit card rate. Then choose what currency you want to exchange from and which currency you want to exchange it into. Dead easy to use.

Divinesally said...

"Sex reincarnated" ROTFL

tinababy1 said...

I can't see Lynnes avatar

Lynnes said...

Divine~ YES! Technologically UNsavvy! Need pouty RobArt as avatar if possible.

Divinesally said...

Oops, crap, I confused you with Lynne, Tina.

WinWin said...

I have to step away. Presentations to put together. Will chat later.


VeilsofLight said...

Bye all,

Thanks for the afternoon laughs, and I'll be sure to let you know if I run into Mr. Pattinson at his 'surprise' premiere appearance tonight.

A girl can dream, can't she?


tinababy1 said...

L - Choose google (blogger) option and create account. Then edit profile and insert photo.

Divinesally said...

Smooches to WW and VOL! *waves goodbye* later?

Lynnes~ Do you have a Google blogger acct?

tinababy1 said...

Tina has wonderful finger porn avatar.....droooool

Lynnes said...

Tina~ok, will try now. I'm an IDIOT! Thanks!

Divinesally said...

L~what Tina said.

T~ I friggin love your avatar! Can I give it a hug?

tinababy1 said...

I wish the theatres here would announce something about LA.

They say May 22, but not which theatres are going to be playing it. They won't know until the week before.

I am serious control freak. Don't like not knowing.

tinababy1 said...

Hug and a sqeeze and a lick for good luck!

Lynnes said...

Tina~ARGH! I did it and then I guess I need to reformat the flippen pics. Oh well, I tried. At now I don't have to keep typing my flippen name. I've graduated to a blue font color. lol

Anonymous said...

The light in photo #1 is really lovely. RobArt is very adorkable. :-)

tinababy1 said...

Lynnes - yay, one step at a time

tinababy1 said...

I copy and paste some of the pics into a file and then pull them out of there

Lynnes said...

Tina~easy for you to say. You have hand porn for your lovely avatar. Super jealous. I will figure this out.

Anon/L.A. said...


I'm telling you that first pic gets me every time.
(scrolls down to face close ups)


I think I had something to say... but... those lips...

uh... see ya


(thanks Gozde)

tinababy1 said...

Hi Good Anon

Anonymous said...

Nothing yet on the DVD being available to the US or Canada yet??
I'm dieing to see it!!
Thanks for the heads up!

Anon/L.A. said...

Hi Tina.

I can't talk right now. I'm a bowl of jelly. Why do I feel drunk? Why am I all tingly?

Oh yeah. this blog. will kill me.



Anonymous said...

i like his coat. it makes me want to find out, while he's still in it, if it's as warm as it looks.

tinababy1 said...

Oooohh, warm RobArt smell.

Anonymous said...

mmm, i always picture him to smell like cloves. i don't know why. i just like that scent. and old spice, but that's...probably not the best combo. one at a time.

meg said...

His face is beautiful, just beautiful. Nothing more to say:)

tinababy1 said...

I always imagine he smells alot sexier than that...

Anonymous said...


meg said...

Girls don't we love the conversation Tina and Crazy are having. So entertaining, thanks you two!

tinababy1 said...

Is my Crazy back???

Has she replaced all the panties??

justoffsuffolkroad said...

Great pics, thanks

Anonymous said...

haha i just realized that, maybe, you were talking to me?

Divinesally said...

OMG DH just found Rob's pic on my phone! LOL It's the GQ pic, where he's laying with his hands covering his fun-zone. He thinks it's some dude I met! ROTFL Can you say, INSECURE. Jeez. I mean I don't blame him. But damn, can't a chick have a friggin pic of Rob on her effing phone??!

Shit, I guess I'm out the ROBcloset now.

elainnie said...

Hi, everyone!

Div, so glad u are out of the closet!! The only thing I hide is my PE and my naughty thoughts!!

Tried to stay away today and I can't. This blog has a Robnetic pull!

Lovin' all ur avatars!

meg said...

Divinesally - I hear ya, after my dh found out about Rob, he has been all pouty. I've had to downplay how much I'm Robsessed. The other day I actually said I think I'm getting over my celeb crush.

WTF....... LOL........OMG....... is all I have to say about that.

Really I should feel sorry and bad for my behavior (I do a bit), just wish i could Robsess in peace, and not have to hide it:(

elainnie said...

Meg & Div~
My DH told my BFF that he couldn't compete w/ Rob. That is sad!!(he was tipsy)

Divinesally said...

Meg and Elainnie~ LMAO! I feel like I'm hiding a crack/cocaine addiction from him...and he just found my stash. ***turns pale-faced with a blank stare to DH*** "It's not mine babe, I swear, I'm holding it for a friend!"

meg said...

Hahahaha sorry Divine, your not alone:)

Lynnes said...

Divine~you are def not alone. I get caught all the time. Not easy to hide from someone who knows everything about the computer and I know nothing. Oh well, at least he knows I can't really "cheat" on him (my dreams may me anther story). lol

Divinesally said...

I'm glad I'm in good company. I told him that Rob is an actor, totally unattainable for me. NO reason to be insecure about a dude I'll probably never meet or come close to...unfrigginfortunately =/

He said, looking all sad and pathetic, "I knew you always liked English dudes." ROTFL and i said (holding back tears of laughter) "God, shut up! I love YOU, dumbass!"

Divinesally said...

Lynnes~I feel you. My dh is a computer tech so if he ever checks my history, bookmarks, my Rob-pic folder or installs a key log without me knowing, I'll be done, doomed, and assed-out. *prays she can be half out and half in the ROBcloset*

LOL @ Elainnie for the "Robnetic pull" theory.

Alison said...

the scruff pictures -- just have my babies rob please.

Anonymous said...

Close ups 1,6, & 7 are to die for!

Thank God my DH is the unsavvy one computerwise. If he even knew how to check history or where the folder of Robpics was....It doesn't bear thinking about.

Anonymous said...

I meant 1, 2, 7, & 8. Forgot the one at the top.

We owe a great debt to Goz and Dani for this blog.

Suz said...

RobArt, I adore you.

I am not a nobody,

I'm a Suzbody.

Lynnes said...

Suz~"Suzbody"-DOH! *bellylaughing*

Anonymous said...

"How to Be" CD arrived yesterday. It's fantastic! The movie is going to be lovely.


Chicago girl now in LA said...

Divine~What is a Key Log? My DH is a scientist who lately has been obsessed with teaching himself the fine details of computers and I'm a bit worried, too (the shopping AND Rob)!

Congrats to all who saw "How To Be." I loved it.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I just upgraded my cable package so that I can see How To Be again... It's a really enjoyable movie.

Kelly said...

Hello my beauties! How are we this evening?

Lynnes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynnes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wow, am I the only one who LOVE his lips and mouth? No matter what - How to Be, Twilight, Little Ashes, interviews, still pictures. Yum..

Anonymous said...

Ok, am I the only one who LOVES his lips and mouth - no matter in what movie, picture or whatever. Doesn't matter how different his look, his,hot.

Anonymous said...

Wow, am I the only one who LOVE his lips and mouth? No matter what - How to Be, Twilight, Little Ashes, interviews, still pictures. Yum..

Tess said...

I never get tired of looking at him. Each and every time ~ he just makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

hideous eyelashes! hair!
everything of him stinks esp when he don't shower!



Lizzie said...

So still no idea when "How To Be" will see a US DVD release? GOZDE-help us girls out!!!

honey bee said...

Hi, Liz. Oliver said the How to Be DVD will be released some time in the fall. I went to the screening last night at IFC in nyc. Loved every moment of the movie. Bravo, Mr. Pattinson! Bravo! Sigh

honey bee said...

Pffftttt! Anon 4:48, ruining Edward's image? Ha! Pathetic! You don't have to look.

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