Those Pants were TIGHT Batman!

Latest ET promo:

Thanks Rob! He KNEW those pants were tight :) I can stop feeling like a TOTAL perv now :P

This has nothing to do with his pants. I added it for good measure :)


Robin said...

Notice how he always has his hand in his pocket...

Ellie said...

Oh. My. God.

That banner...

*drool and thud

Ellie said...

And the pants?

Commando. :)

Hannah said...

Well Hellooooo RobCrotch ;)

Ppffft.. TOO tight?! His pants can never be TOO tight!

Thanks Gozde! :)

Anonymous said...

haha he said in that red carpet interview if he bent down, his pants would

i don't care how tight they are. ever.

and the banner is lovely

hi ellie :)

plattylovespatty said...

is anyone else as OBSESSED as me? i have done no work today just search the net for pattinson pics/info WHY?! how can i meet him and make him love me?!?

Melanie said...

Love the banner!!! The tighter the pants the better!

plattylovespatty said...

ps, thanks Gozde :-)

Kate said...

Oh WOW that banner is FAB!!!
And em...ya.....he knew those pants were too tight and putting your hands in your pockets makes them tighter LOL

MojoPin said...

And yet those were the best pants ever haha
I noticed that he was often adjusting them that night :D

Rhonda said...

Goz, you are seriously messin with my workday mojo here. He looks AMAZING in those pants. Snug!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the banner. The lead picture with his pouty, puckered lips. To die for. <3

Suz said...

Oh gooood god..


(c'mere whistle lips)


Rob + Tight Black Pants = {panting}
nuff said

Anonymous said...

this is one of his best looks... head to toe black mmm mmm mmm the man looks good in a suit

Suz said...

TS bet he looks better...

Sara said...

Is it wrong for me to want them to go even tighter?

I have a special place in my heart for his legs, you see. <3

Lynns said...

Seriously, want me some of those puckered lips...

Goz, when are you gonna have those pics w/o lainho name on it? I'm technologically UNsavvy and use this site as a source for all wallpaper. *waits patiently*

Lynns said...

@Suz, you win the Best Avatar award. *round of applause*

irem said...

Gözde, seni sevdiğimi söylemiş miydim daha önce. :-)

Günüme neşe katıyorsun, teşekkür ederim bunun için.


Melissa said...

Um, yeah...I effing love those pants on him! YUM!

OMG! The new banner is WIN! Love it!!

Alison said...

I've posted here before and done a lot of lurking, so I'm finally using a name other than anon. *deep breath* I'm Alison, and I'm Robsessed. *exhale*

The tight pants are hot, but what really gets me is his expression in that last picture. Imagine trying to be Rob's girlfriend. Any disagreement and he could pull out that jedi mind trick sexy face. "You will forget your argument and remove your clothes now." Yes, yes I will, Robbie.

Carla/Germany said...

pants can never be too tight, rob!
and if you're afraid to bent down: nooo problem at all, hun!
i'd walk right behind you and put my hands on the split (of course out of complete unselfish reasons!!! i just want to help *triesAnInnocentLook*.... *failedAtTheInnocentLook*)

Gozde said...

Haha, sagol Irem :))

Mechevpao said...

Uuuhh clip of tight pants comment with pics of tight pants, all included so we dont´t have to run to archives to check how tight they really were.. you are spoiling us gozde... hehehe

That sexy look in the last pic is to dye for, this man has the most amazing intense stares ever!!

Tenneil said...

Okay Okay..... the new banner and the tight black pants pictures...I need help....

Robs tight pant+commando= pure win


tinababy1 said...

Alison - Amen to that.

Anonymous said...

hi alison... we all are honey, it's okay.

t: commando...what? i'm gonna die.

meg said...

The banner, the pic to the left. Lips puckered, day waisted:(

Thank you Gozde.

DirtyD said...

I would like to send a special thank you to whomever tailored those pants. Thank your for making them tight in all the right places! I thoroughly enjoyed the veiw ;)

Goz- the new banner...ung...h-o-t!!

meg said...

He has to be commando. If it was whitey tighties there would be a bulge (sorry so graphic). Boxers would bunch up in those commando definitely. YAH!!!!

Babs said...

W.O.W. He looks awesome wearing a suit and a little older too (and that makes me feel a little less guilty LOL).
The last pic, sexyest glare ever.

VeilsofLight said...

@Alison, Welcome to the Group! (Or as we like to be called, 'RobGoddesses.'

It takes guts to admit an addiction and we are here for you every step of the way.

And no sponsors allowed here, we prefer to feed our addiction and consider it healthy.


Anonymous said...

hey guys,check out those pics

TwiHartRK said...

Love the banner, tight pants pics YUM! Commando Ellie? Maybe the pants were too tight for skivvies!

Morning ladies!

Welcome Alison - that's myyyyyy naaamme toooo! Yeah, what Veils said. So true.

Shannon said...

This post put a smile on my face! It will stay there all day! :) Thanks Goz!

Anonymous said...

more GQ outtakes

Hansom Ransom said...

I'm thinking commando as well. Nice :)

Suz said...

Moooo effin GQ outakes!

I am dead, again.

Anonymous said...

wow. if he went commando... he needs to auction those pants off (for charity robviously)... good god would they make some dough

Shani said...

A sexy man with tight pants...what more could a girl ask for...:P

And you know there were actual people who thought his pants were to tight...the insanity...what cruel words...LOL

Anonymous said...

I always thought that suit was too small.

Sophie said...

Yes! @Robin 11:00 I was like, damn take your hand out lol

The new moon premier, he should just go commando :) his BIG entrance haha :P

RPnKSaddict said...

There is a youtube video floating around of Crotch shots of Rob and man sakes alive there's on with those pants where you get the idea he was really "excited" if you know what I mean.
I was kind of embarrassed for him. Even though I know that the Robseesers of the world enjoyed the sight.
I have to admitt I like the tight pants.
Wish my DH would ware them more often.

RPnKSaddict said...

There is a youtube video floating around of Crotch shots of Rob and man sakes alive there's on with those pants where you get the idea he was really "excited" if you know what I mean.
I was kind of embarrassed for him. Even though I know that the Robseesers of the world enjoyed the sight.
I have to admitt I like the tight pants.
Wish my DH would ware them more often.

Sherri S. said...

Okay... so can I divorce my husband and marry him please!?

elainnie said...

plp~ i am very obsessed! i actually think about him all day! how sick is that? i am married! my dh told my best friend that he couldn't compete w/ edward! lol

i'll be on tonight to robsess!
i am going to find a way to meet him!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, how did he get in those pants??

Imagine taking them off... I could help! I could do that with my teeth... Most gladly! Heaven.

kespax said...

Can't wait for this ET interview - it had better be a nice long one.

How cute that he's thinking about his uncomfortable trousers - whilst standing there looking like a sex god and enduring screaming and wailing and swooning fans.

Justin said...

thirtysomething wrote:
"haha he said in that red carpet interview if he bent down, his pants would"

Do you have a link to the interview where he said that? lol
Rob's pants were so tight; imagine if he was wearing a belt. That would have completely cut off his circulation.

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