Entertainment Tonight 04/24/2009

Low quality shaky video but the boy looks GOOD!


Anonymous said...

Thank U, Godze, for posting this videos! And Robert... so charming here!

Emmes said...

Ok, allow me a minute to get all fangirl here...Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh my God!!!!!

Anonymous said...

so cute...all Rob wants is to be "scary". He's so excited about the prospect that it might turn out to be a bit frightening (compared to Twilight). For his own personal satisfaction, I hope that it is.

Lynnes said...

Someone get the oxygen tank for Emmes!

Hello lady.

Anonymous said...

heeee is a cutie.
i'm going to go watch that now. it's on at 7:30 here. one of two times i've watched ET in years.
my heart goes pitter-pat.

Emmes said...

inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale...Thanks Lynny!

Lacey said...

Sounds like Rob is hoping his performance gets talked about more than him being a sex symbol. It just doesn't matter--he's adorable in work and in play.

Lynnes said...

Emmes~No prob. We can share it as I am having a fangirl moment as well.

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Aah thanks Goz I can go to bed happy now !
Rob seems all excited about "New Moon". Well I guess he did say that it was his favourite book so maybe that's why!

Anonymous said...

so where was this famous denial from Rob?

Anonymous said...

i bet he loves kristen just cant say it

RPnKSaddict said...

Dotto Emmes.OMR! OMR!
I want to see video again. Can't wait. I wonder if there going to give him fangs in the dream sequence. He had them in the book when Bella figured out Jaydog was a werewolf. Creeptastic for Rob. He really wanted to go darker for this movie.

Shani said...

I'm watching it now and so Chris Weitz says they will CGI his RP voice when Edward is gone.It will be scary and a bit disturbing.

I'm glad that Mary Hart said straight out that Rob and Kris are platonic "JUST FRIENDS"...

Take that gossip site person who shall not be named...*sticking out tongue and a middle finger*

SIDE NOTE: Chris Weitz is kinda hot...I didn't know all that was going on....

Emmes said...

Is it weird that I´m researching how to make a countdown clock to Taylor´s 18th bday? (Who said that? Oh! dang it , It was me!)

Lynnes said...

Shani~Mary didn't say that in the earlier interview. Guess she just wanted ppl to tune in for it.

Christy said...

Mary Hart needs to quit with that bizarre dress.

Anonymous said...

yeah cause Mary Hart says they're close friends it must be true...I wouldn't take anyone who works in showbiz's words as gospel. js

Anonymous said...

um dont believe what that lady on entertainment says, rob can be lying to everyone. he wants to have things kept to himself. he is either having sex with nikki or he likes kristen.

...wowie! said...

I'd love to see a scary Rob/Edward. Hell yea!

Oh...and why haven't I heard him just say no they're not together. Or am I having selective hearing?

Anonymous said...

they still havent told us wether he is single or not

Anonymous said...

^doubt he'd say he's in a relationship even if he was(if he wanted to keep it a secret). I don't quite buy this he cannot lie crap,he's a human being,we all lie.

Diane said...

Haven't even watched the videos yet - got discomRobulated by the tux banner. Yep, there is a god.

KL said...

If someone asked you the same question over and over and over again, and you kept giving the same answer every time wouldn't you kind of come to the conclusion that no one is listening to you anyway so just say whatever you want or nothing at all...that's what I do when I get annoyed. So bottom line. It's no one's business but his. Like Gozde said before if it's not me I don't care.

Jewels64 said...

Bwahahahahahaha Shani...I was thinking the same thing about Chris Weitz!!!

Rob... what can I say darling? You are going to have me on a major rollercoaster for the next couple of years.

Can you get any hotter? Yes, apparently you can....

Lynnes said...

Well said KL.

Srsly, let it go ppl.

xoRobxo said...

Shani~ Agreed Chris Weitz is kind of hot.....his cast has is gonna on for sure

Ahh .. ET and thier "secrets" from the set.... Uhmm secret #2: Jacobs riding a motorcycle...please

But seeing Rob... hearing Rob speak made my day

And the movie looks like its going to rock

KL said...

I was really, really bored at work today and read all the comments on TC's blog (yeah, that's how incredibly boring my day was today). Let me tell you, I sure do appreciate this site. I don't think I will ever allow myself to get that bored again at work.

Opal said...

I love the tone of Rob's voice *sigh*...

Oh and Chris Weitz.. I'm appreciating the mannnnnn..!

Vickie said...

Theres probably a great Rob interviw in there,unfortunatly they have hacked it all to pieces. ET is so irritating. Wish they would just put Robs' whole inteview on the website. Love seeing Rob though. Rob didn't come right out and say absolutely no song in New Moon, so maybe theres still hope.

Opal said...

I love the tone of Rob's voice *sigh*...

Oh and Chris Weitz.. I'm appreciating the mannnnnn..!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Well, this is interesting: (other than the fact that poor Rob has to remind all of the gossipers/dreamers/schemers: he and Kristen are JUST FRIENDS!)...Rob says he hasn't written any SONGS. Yet, I believe Sam Bradley recently said they have written a bunch! My opinion is that Sam has probably written a bunch...not Rob. I take Rob at his word.

WinWin said...

Goz, thank you for posting. I missed the show tonight. He is just too beautiful. It's been a very good Rob day. New movie news and yummy eye candy. Dark Edward, he is just so complex. When will he stop having this hold on me.

Anonymous said...

XO I totally agree with you about the secrets... please,
#1 is NO secret, haven't we been talking abou this for like ever?

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Oh, and by the way: Mary Hart was born on Nov. 8, 1950 which makes her 58 1/2. I hope I look half as good when I reach that age.

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait to see a darker Rob.He's so hot, it makes my mouth water just thinking about it.... MMMMMMMM

May said...

Rob could recite a phone book and I would just swoon. All I need is for him to laugh/smile and I`m in a puddle. Oh November, where art thou? XD

KL said...

Chris Weitz does look pretty good there. The only other pictures I had ever seen of him made him look odd. Hmmm. A whole lot closer to my age, too.

WinWin said...

I agree about eh hacked up interview. At least Access hollywood gave us a good 5 minutes of Rob.

He's voice is very sexy here and Kristen looks much prettier in New Moon as well.

Sorry, still not feeling Taylor. Always will be Sharkboy to me.

Wonder if we bombard them with enough emails if they will post the whole interview. Didn't VF finally post the hour long photoshoot outtake.

WinWin said...

Oh my, I had so many typos. Can't think straight.

WinWin said...

May, I was thinking the same thing. He could read me an instruction manual and I would be all hot and bothered, sexy voice and accent.

Anonymous said...

bellaandedward.net have a higher quality version of this on youtube

annycullen said...

ohhhh jeez! he's so beautiful it takes my breath away! thanks for posting the videos! i missed it today and i was freaking out at my friends!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Ahhhh...just friends. Now we can move on. Yeah they edited some of what he actually said out, but so many sites are carrying the rest of what he said. As I said on another posting...he should just say that he won't discuss his romantic life or his management should let interviewers know not to ask him about it. Lots of celebrities do this. He still needs to learn that he doesn't have to answer every question that comes his way. Speculation is going to happen regardless, so he should just avoid talking about this side of his life altogether.

Can't wait for some scary in New Moon. Plus, with the new director for Eclipse, we could see some serious good action between the wolves,the vamps and the newborns in Eclipse. Looking forward to all of it!!! :)

Yvonne said...

So exciting...can't stand the wait. It will be amazing to see Edward scarier and darker...Maybe that dream sequence is when she cliff dives, doesn't Bella say he was really angry at her when she was under the water? Now I have to go back and look....

Anonymous said...

OMG what the hell? Is it me or is Chris Weitz good looking? haha

Anonymous said...

{rant begins}
So true, Vickie. They interview the hottest guy in the world and you can hardly even catch what he's saying because he's on screen for what? 3.67 seconds?

Fail! He's the most intelligent star they will interview in a long time, let the boy speak!

{rant over}
{drooling begins}

Rose said...

As much as I love to listen to Rob... it's hard to do with Mary Hart screeching over everything...
And right, AJ...how many damn seconds do we really get to see Rob? Sheesh. ET sucks.

Unknown said...

That's all???
seriously, this channel has a lot of money, so hire a damn person that knows how to edit a video. I don't want to hear the 2 blondes talking, i wanna hear Rob!!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Danni - Tease, tease, tease...that's all they're good for.

Mechevpao said...

I think so anoms are Ted C posting at this blog hahaha
I can´t hear anything, but Rob looks fantastic.
All I got is "darker Edward" which is great news

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Mechevpao - I agree. They want everyone to buy into their b*llshit. :(

Unknown said...

Is pathetic all this buzz for 5 sec of Rob, ok 5 sec is better than nothing, and with those arms...damn good 5 seconds!
i really wanna hear him more!!!
I'm off ladies
See you all tomorrow!!!

elaine said...

Is anyone still here?

KK~agree~more of Chris Weitz!

Emmes~do u need Rob mouth to mouth?

He is unreal! Can't concentrate!

Bia said...

Hi Goz and Girls!!
Here´s the link of the same video but with perfect quality and you can hear him a lot better!!!

Lori said...

Sorry but ET really bugged me. I didn't like how they kept cutting off when Rob would talk and they answered his questions for him. I don't really care about the gossip anymore, but I want to hear what he has to say, not Mary.

Anonymous said...

Why did Mary answer the question about them being friends with an absolute they are "platonic friends", yet on the Fox interview with her she said she wsn't sure and they were very coy about it. Sounds to me like what we heard tonight was scripted from Summit. I don't care if they are or aren't, but I don't want to feel like Summit is controling everything. I am so worried the upcoming interviews won't be as good as last Twilights.

Ellie said...

Hi, ladies!

Rob looked hot on ET.
(Well, when is he NOT???)

I agree, though, I just wished there could have been more of him, instead of all those friggin' snippets...

Ellie said...

Oh, and Chris Weitz is one good-looking man!

Sabrizzle said...

Good evening!

Anonymous said...


Ellie said...


Hiya, love!

How's your classes? Aren't you almost done with the semester???

Ellie said...

Anon, it's the BEST there is!!!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Ellie!

I'm kinda stressing right now because I only have 3 more weeks of class before finals so I've got a lot of stuff coming up in the next few weeks. I just want to fast-forward about a month!

How are you love?

Ellie said...

I'm just starting my Spring Break.
but not dioing anything in particular next week, just doing the seasonal changes with clothes and reading fanfic and emails. and hanging out in the sun, if it sticks around long enough...

Sabrizzle said...

Wow, you have a late spring break!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Hello my lovely dirty talking, snark loving RK's.

Sabrizzle said...

Hi DB!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Okay..Why the hell did the NS cut rob into pieces? That's kinda going Seven on us isn't it? It's sorta making me Hork.

Sorry NS...My mouth doesn't process sensorship. No Brain Filter.

Ellie said...

Yeah, it is late. It usually would have been this past week.
we never seem to have it the same as my daughter's. Kind of good in a way, because I can just chill and have some time to myself, but not so good for going away together as a family.

When you're done with classes and exams, will you be staying at school for the summer session or going back home?

Oh, and just so we stay Robsessed in these comments between us here, I just love the HTB soundtrack! Rob sounds so sweet and hot as Art, especially when he's giving himself a pep talk before his gig...

Ellie said...


TheDogsBollocks said...

I really need to order the soundtrack. I'm a bit late.

Jewels64 said...

Yo Babies! JNasty heard the call! Whazzup?!!!!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Yes my dear Ellie.....

Sabrizzle said...

I need to order the soundtrack too, but I have no money. I need a job!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Jules!

TheDogsBollocks said...

Hey JNasty. You really need to be JTasty. LOL. Don't wanna give off the wrong idea.

TheDogsBollocks said...

I am right there with you Sabrizzzz....

Hey..LMK if you find time in your busy schedule to go to HTB. Even if it's last minute. If there are tickets avail. I'll take you. I asked for tickets for a gift and I don't have anybody to take. LOL.

Ellie said...

DB, it's nice. They put in bits of dialogue throughout the CD, right before songs.

I love the Roches' Hammond Song. I've loved that song for years and I'm so happy they put it on the soundtrack.

Oh, and this week I ordered LA, HTB, and THA throught the blog., along with the multiregion DVD player. My dh doesn't get it...

but my daughter said now she can order the British version of the first HP movie: HP and the Philosopher's Stone.

Jewels64 said...

DB...Read Chapter 8 for some lemony goodness...you might change your mind about JTasty....

Jewels64 said...

Hey Sabrina!!!!

I'm sorry! I forgot my manners!!!


Ellie Bean
Dogs Bullocks....

Who else is coming to play?.....

Ellie said...

Wow, DB, you have tickets?!?! So cool. Have you two met up yet?
You said you live so close!

Hi, Jules!

Ellie said...

Mel's going out and Dana's done for the day.

TheDogsBollocks said...

I don't have tickets yet. I asked and was promised them if I wanted them and they could be bought. They just added an area near us. Sabrizz lives less than 5 minutes from me, but we havn't met. I just stalk her.

Sabrizzle said...

That sounds like fun DB! Sorry I'm slow in responding, I'm talking to my mom on the phone.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hello ladies! I ordered the HTB soundtrack just a few days ago. I hope it gets here soon.

Ellie said...

Hi, BI! You're going to like it! Nice music.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hi Ellie! I saw the movie and enjoyed it. I'm glad to hear the CD doesn't disappoint.

Jewels64 said...

Hey BI! How are you gal? Where the hell is everybody....?

Sabrizzle said...

Apparently everyone else is out and about tonight :(

Ellie said...

BI, I can't wait to see it! And LA, for that matter.
On the soundtrack, at the end of Art's "pep talk", there's a crowd cheering in the background. But on the next track, he's singing and tat the end there's only a few people clapping. Was the cheering crowd a figment of his imagination???

Ellie said...

I'm here!

Jules, Where else would I go?





TheDogsBollocks said...

wearing only his tight ass holy jeans
and suspenders
crawling towards me from accross the room

I'm falling asleep here guys. Entertain me.

Sabrizzle said...


Ellie said...

Oops, I got that wrong.Let me try again:

Jules, Where else am I gonna go?

Sabrizzle said...

I've felt super unmotivated all week, I don't know why but it's getting on my nerves.

Jewels64 said...

DB...I think we all need a good training session...

Ellie said...

DB, is that stripper music I hear in the background???

TheDogsBollocks said...

Stripper music? I have my dollars and I tried throwing them but they keep bouncing off my monitor. Sucks.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hi Jewels!I doing good. Just getting my evening does of Rob. And yeah it is quite on here tonight.

Ellie, I hope you get to see the movie soon. The end with the pep talk is great. And as far as the crowd cheering, well just gonna have to see it ;) It's another great scene.

Sabrizzle said...


Ellie said...

Dollars! I was just going to offer some Skittles! Or Hot Pockets...

Jewels64 said...

I don't know why that song just appealed to me... I think I just want to see Rob tearing his clothes off....

I'm quite convinced that nobody else feels that way....BWAHHAHAHAHAAHA!!

TheDogsBollocks said...

The dollar bills all have my phone number and email on it. They also say...If not interested please pass to Kellan.

Ellie said...

Oh, Jules, you have NO idea....

Oh, shit, I forgot who I was talking to.
Of course you do! LOL

Ellie said...

Jules, when I heard the Stripper song, I wanted to yel, "Take it off! Take it ALL off!" (like the Noxema shavew cream commercial...)

Oh, and say it in a Swedish accent.

Jewels64 said...




TheDogsBollocks said...

Ahhh Jules is super puffy heart you.

Jewels64 said...

Okay, so I keep going back and watching the ET vids...and daaaayaaauuummm!

Rob's shoulders and arms are gorgeous!!! I mean, I liked slim, skinny kinda emo Rob...but shit...he's driving me insane now...

Not tooo overly built...just deliciously strong....

Kimberlesk said...

Jules, just got your reply from FF -- I fucking love you!!

Ellie said...

Gotta go see again, then...brb!

Sabrizzle said...

Agreed Jules, I love guys who are slim yet muscular. Delicious!

Hi Kim!

Kimberlesk said...

Hey Sabriz!!

Jules, haven't watched the Winchesters yet, did you??

Jewels64 said...

Kim! Hello DAHLING....

Jewels64 said...

No Winchesters yet...don't spoil it for me...

The boys crashed early tonight and I promised them I'd watch it with them....

Jewels64 said...

Besides Kim...I had to keep you ass entertained with lemons....

I still have to write some more...

Taking a break for a day I think. Two Chappies in two days was insane!!! But I love my E & B!!!

Ellie said...

Hey, Kim! So, you'll be setting up a big musical number for next easter??? LOL

Kimberlesk said...

Fucking Hell Yeah Ellie -- I've got a whole year to work on it ... should be good!

Jules, I haven't watched the Winchessters yet either ...

I'm loving Dukeward!! You rock bitch!

Anonymous said...

hi kim, ellie, jules, sabrizz, db :)

how are you girls tonight?

Sabrizzle said...

I feel braindead TS. How are you?

Anonymous said...

awww sab... getting ready for finals? i'm a little brain dead too...but i have no legitimate excuse

Sabrizzle said...

No, I don't have finals for about another month. I have a lot of stuff to do in the next 3 weeks of class, but I haven't felt very motivated all week. I think part of it might be pms and lack of sleep caused by thinking about my moto boy.

Anonymous said...

uh oh moto boy is keeping you up at night? and you're cheating on rob? hehe

total lack of motivation on my part as well this week. i went out for drinks two nights...hmm could have something to do with it.

Sabrizzle said...

Haha, yeah TS. I keep thinking about his gorgeous muscular chest and back, it's driving me crazy.

Ellie said...

Hi, TS! How are you???

I haven't "talked" to you in a while!

Anonymous said...

sab: sounds niiiice. gotta be built to throw those bikes around like they do...it's nice he has a pretty face to go along with it

hi ELLIE :))) where have you been hiding? or working?

Sabrizzle said...

True that, TS! Moto boys are hot, but Ryan takes the cake. Damn I need help!

Ellie said...

TS, just working.
Not able to access the fave sites at work anymore, though... :(

Anonymous said...

my dh watches travis pastrano??? he has a show on mtv...have you seen it?

he's kind of a dorky cutie

Sabrizzle said...

That stinks, Ellie!

Anonymous said...

ellie: that is just wrong...did you get busted robsessing? i secretly hope that they'll shut me down too so i will be more productive...it's too tempting! wow. i sound like i have zero willpower :(

Sabrizzle said...

Oh yeah, Travis Pastrana. I was a big fan of his when he used to race, but he kept getting hurt and gave up racing. He's pretty cool. I haven't watched The Nitro Circus, my cable is all messed up in my dorm and I barely get any channels. I think the episodes are on mtv's website but I never think to watch them.

Anonymous said...

well...cable i can live without...internet not so much.

Sabrizzle said...

I hate not having cable, I love the food Network, Bravo, Comedy Central, CMT, and TLC. Plus I need SPEED to see most of the races.

Kimberlesk said...

Luv to all, I'm fucking out ...

Ellie said...

Let's just say there were spies around... and leave it at that.


Sabrizzle said...

I can't survive without the internet, it was down all last weekend in the dorms here and I was pissed.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Kim! Muahhhh!

Ellie said...

Olive juice, Kim!

Oh, and hey, Do Re Mi...

Jewels64 said...

Sorry girls...I get distracted easily by boys who sparkle...

Jewels64 said...

Night Kim! I lurve ya to peices!!!

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Jules!

Anonymous said...

night kim :)

sab: an entire weekend without internet? lucky i could always use my phone i guess...

ellie: spies do suck. i'm sorry

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I don't have the internet on my phone because I usually don't need it. I went to the library but I couldn't really do much there. And it made me miss watching the live timing and scoring for supercross because the library closed before it started on Saturday. I was seriously twitching because I didn't know what was going on with the races.

Anonymous said...

and i'm guessing you can't get motocross on the radio, eh? hmmm sucks to have an addiction doesn't it? i know a little about that ;)

Anonymous said...

jules: everytime i see your avatar....makes my wanna wax my dh's chest... of course it wouldn't yield the same results with a beer belly i'm guessing?

Sabrizzle said...

No, they do a live broadcast online, but that didn't do me any good. Plus you have to pay for that and I don't really have any money right now. I would have brought my laptop to the cafeteria because the internet was working there, but I have a cable lock on my laptop and the lock is stuck so I can't take my computer anywhere.

Jewels64 said...

TS...yeah I likey the Kellan avatar...but time to change it again...

I'm looking for something a little bit more obscure...but relevant...

Anonymous said...

what'cha gonna do when school is out? will you have to cut the cable?

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I think if I just get a hacksaw I could cut the lock. My parents are nuts and think I should cut the cable so I can use it again but I don't get how that will work if the lock won't come out. I don't want a cable permanently attached to my computer.

Anonymous said...

jules: it also makes me wanna break out it song..."touch my body..."

Anonymous said...

lol sabrizz... having to jailbreak your laptop...

Sabrizzle said...

Haha TS, that song does seem perfect for that pic!

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, it's really annoying though TS. My parents and I have been arguing over it and I'm really annoyed at them because I just want to cut the supid thing off. I paid for the lock, and I could always get a different one later but for some reason they feel I must save it even though the stupid thing doesn't work.

Ellie said...

sorry, girls, I fell asleep in front of the computer...time for some real sleep.

Good night and I'll talk to you again soon! xoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

so they would rather you cut the cable... and leave it attached to your computer, rather than cutting the lock that you can replace? okay.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Madame Ellie! Muahhhhh!

Jewels64 said...

Damn Y'all! I'm tired as hell. My eyes just can't take anymore Rob hotness...

I still find myself crying each time I look at my desktop background.

That link that Goz sent us for that pic is just killing me...



Anonymous said...

awww goodnight ellie :)

get some rest!

really i should do the same...gotta get up at 6am for road trip saturday #5 in a row...

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah TS, usually they are rational about stuff but they are just being dumb about this and it's pissing me off. My mom wants to leave the cable and have my dad crimp another loop on the end so I can lock that. I'm sorry but I don't want my laptop to have a tail.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Jules! Muahhhh!

Anonymous said...

night jules :)

i won't pretend i know what link you're talking about...but if it makes you cry, i hope it's a good one.

Anonymous said...

lol a tail! isn't that the point of a laptop...to be "cordless"?

Sabrizzle said...

The pic was gone by the time I clicked on that link, grrrr.

Jewels64 said...

Sabrina...I'll send you the pic....

Sabrizzle said...

Exactly TS! My laptop barely fits into the compartment for it in my backpack and with the lock and cable on it I won't be able to put it in there. I'm going to try to convince my mom to go to Home Depot and get a saw when she flies down here in a month. My roommate had the same lock and it got stuck in her laptop before she came to school.

Sabrizzle said...

Gracias Jules!

Anonymous said...

oooh must be a double secret probation pic. bummer.

oh well...i'm off to bed. night sabrizz! i hope you get your mojo back this weekend... maybe some r&r will help

Jewels64 said...

Sabrina! Done deal baby girl...

I sent you the pic!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight TS! I think I'm going to go watch The Dutchess and then go to bed.

Jewels64 said...

TS...my email address is listed on my blog...send me yours and I'll send you the pic...

Sabrizzle said...

Hot Damn! Thanks Jules!

Jewels64 said...

Warned ya it was hot...so damn beautiful...

Sabrizzle said...

You can even see his veins! Craziness! I kinda want to attack his brows with my tweezers though, they are turning into a caterpillar.

Maryann said...

I did NOT realize that Chris Weitz looked THAT good? Rob, well what can I say that hasn't already been said, *thud* may just do the trick there lol

And so much for revealing secrets..seriously ET folks, you haven't read the Twilight saga have you?

Like the info about a darker Edward though. Rob seems excited lol. That's good :-)

Anonymous said...

I am watching the complete interview with Robert Patinson, Taylor and Kristen on Entertainment Tonight. They are showing the whole interview from Thursday and Friday's show

Anonymous said...

hello i love you.im no speaking inglis im spanish

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