Good Pic of Youngin Rob

Holy moly! He is a cute lil turd!


Anonymous said...

Awww!! What a cutie!! I bet many people wanted to pinch his cheeks. soo cute!

GallifreyReject said...

aww too precious.. but turd? lmao goz..gotta admit, the hair was smokin! lol

LorcaSong said...

Wow, look at those eyes! Even then they were deep and mesmerizing. This is an old soul.

Again, thanks Dani.

keely said...

Thanks, Dani! Such a cute picture!!! All that baby-blue and the suspender...LOL
Oh my, the voice in my head becomes louder now: " Yeah, feel dirty about it...feel dirty. Feel like it's wrong. " ;-)

TwiHartRK said...

They still wanna pinch his cheeks! He's a cutey patootie! Thanks Dani.

lena said...


Divinesally said...

He was such a cute little boy. Who would have known that he'd grow up to be a such a handsome, talented and charming man.

Is lil Rob posing? Oh the suspenders and blond hair are just precious. Even as a child he was photogenic.

Anonymous said...

Those cheeks! Those eyes! Ah, the pre-sex hair! He's so blond! AAhhh!! So cute! That's a golden boy!

Those cheeks are just screaming to be pinched. Even as a child, he still has those eyes, that gaze that just make you wanna stare at 'em while they slowly pierce through you.

*Squeeing from Rob cuteness*

... said...

He was blonde?! Oh so cute. He's not just coloring his hair these days, I hope. =D

Anna said...

Damn, this is not going to help silence my motherly/protective instincts!

katykeene said...

Cute picture but Danni "TURD"???? not exactly a word usually used as an endearment.

Maryann said...

I just wanna go aweee, he's such a cutie lil kid lol

Serap said...

check out the blonde-ness...good lord.

kespax said...

Aww sweet angel boy.

I wonder how his Mum is handling her little darling being lusted after and stalked by the female population of the world - must be kind of worrying and freaky for his family.

Martina said...

it`s normal that our hair gets darker as we age.
little rob causes me hyperglycemia. <3

Anonymous said...

yeah, his mom would be proud of her little darling who has grown to be decent/lusted after/adore/ oh so fine man. Mama Patzz done good job.

Avery said...

apparently those baby pics where leaked without the consent of Rob and/or his family.(some family member probs did that without consulting them) dunno if it's true,but I wouldn't be surprised if it were. That's really an invasion of privacy.

Georgie said...

Lends truth to the saying: "he must have been a beautiful baby".

katykeene said...

Agree with you Kespax. I do wonder that myself.
Avery I think that so much of Rob's life has become fodder for the media and I agree with you it is an invasion of his privacy.
How to stop it though? when we all search out info on him on a daily basis(well pretty regularly anyway).
Until the day comes when Rob is no longer an interest to all the fans out there..(and that's not going to happen)EEVVVVER
Guess it is going to continue.

Akane said...

B-but... SO blonde! O_O

crazy said...

awwww how cute! and see how he is looking out from under his lashes like he does now...

Mochachino said...

ahhh the eyes!

Kathie said...

What a adorable baby boy he was.

Melissa said...

AWW!!! Even back then he wore suspenders!! LOL

What a cutie! :P

Tenneil said...

I will take Youngin Rob anyday over Zygote Rob....

hey did anyone realize his clothes match his trike??

Tess said...

Rob walks in, *lays* on couch: "Well you see my love for plaid started at a very early age"

meg said...

He was practicing his dazzle stare even as a tyke.

I just want to spank his bottom............ hehehe


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!!!

Anonymous said...

those eyes even as a toddler... i have a feeling he has his mum wrapped around his little finger. what a beautiful little boy that has grown into a stunning man.

tinababy1 said...

He looks alot like my dh did when he was a little boy.

What happened??

crazy said...

LOL @ Tina

good morning everyone~ :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! Love the blonde hair! Such a cutie!!! Mum and Dad Pattinson did a great job! The hair has been all over the place since the beginning! I agree he is an old soul!

Anonymous said...

Those eyes! The hands look familiar!

Shani said...

He was just to precious and cute with his little fat cheeks. Those big eyes looking so innocent...Awwwww. Ooohhh honey and that head full of blond hair...
The changes he went through to become this fine man we know today will not compare to the future RP. He will just become finer as the years roll by.*sigh,melt,and then thud*

On another note: I would curse out and strangle that family member(s) who has now for the second time given his private baby pics out to a rag like L&S...Ughhh.

Tinadora said...

Awww... Those chubby cheeks! :D This one started breaking hearts in kindergarten.

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