New GQ Outtakes



Robin said...

i jjust omg

that last one


Anonymous said...

arrrgg my fav photoshooting!
so hot hot hot

Melanie said...

The photo shoot that keeps on giving.

Anonymous said...

I am dying

Suz said...

I am in heaven, quite dead.

VeilsofLight said...

um... his hands in that third pic.

Dear god. HELo.

Damn that man can rock a tie. Rob, just lose the pants next time, please. Thanks.

Holy CRAP.

This may be my new screensaver. *salivating/panting*

meg said...

What what's going on, where am I.......... the last one is right. seriously what am i going to do now...

chiara said...

OMG!!i love the last one!!!so hot

Vaneta Rogers said...

Dear lord did they have to show the man's fingers teasing the belt buckle like that? It's just all kinds of wrong. And all kinds of right.

Anonymous said...

Wow, just Wow!

Suz said...

this is torture and bliss all at once.


DirtyD said...

HELL YA!!! I'm drooling....again. My afternoon is shot! GQ--the mag that keeps on giving! By far this was the best Rob shoot ever!!

meg said...

Wow the white shirt is so tight!!! I would take him even with the gross bug on him.

Nicole in LA said...

PLEASE kill me now.

Anonymous said...

his thumbs in his waistband... ummm yeah

his eyes look so amazing in these chest hurts looking at him, but somehow i cannot stop

and the tie... in the words of rob's friend bobby long "i'm dead and i'm done..."

May said...

OMG. Why, oh why are outtakes always even better than the publushed thing...*le sigh*

Melissa said...

You know, just when I thought I was recovering from go and post this, Goz. Srsly.... imagonnadiedead.

*thud #3?? SERIOUSLY? GAH! How can you be this beautiful...this amazing...this HAWT?? LOVE IT!

Christy said...

Hello, God? It's me, Christy.

Thank you.


Unknown said...

Oh hot damn!

Angie said...

That last one....*shiver*

Anonymous said...

i think i just found my new background.. on my cell my computer.. oh wow... to be thumbs...

Mechevpao said...

Faints.. hit the head..
Where am I?... Heaven??!!
He looks great!!
And the third pic, where he is holding his belt, his hands posing there, is just killing me.
Thanks for this

meg said...

My hand would fit right between the two thumbs perfectly.


...wowie! said...

I have died and gone to heaven. That last pic...I am breathless. DAYUM!!!!

Melissa said...


*this is me trying to talk while I am CLEARLY out of breath from almost having an effing heart attack*

May said...


Crap. Rob`s gorgeousness is making me lose my spelling abilities. *thud*

Melanie said...

I keep trying to look away and actually get some work done, but then I keep coming back and drooling. I can't get over those hands and uh where they are. Oh I need help!

Tenneil said...

Another set of outttakes...OMG

he is and will always be my life...

I can not have a clear thought right now... I am mush...

kristen said...

This really is one of the best photoshoots I've ever seen. He looks absolutely gorgeous in every single shot. And his EYES - they're so beautiful... almost haunting yet thoughtful and direct. And don't even get me started on the thumbs/hands!


Anonymous said...

McV has teh dumb. No words. Can't hurdlee tipe cos no braayn funkshun. the last one with the thumbs in the pants...the tie...



Tenneil said... meaning to "tieguy"???

Moychy said...

I'm dying here people...

Lynns said...

oh my, oh my...

He just always needs to wear everything tight- pants, shirts or he can just go butt nekkid. That would be fine as well. *diesfromfantasizing*

Ellie said...


And yeah, Tie Guy has that effect on me, too.


Anon/L.A. said...

Holy hot burrito this has been one hot n' bothered week for me here... and it's only Tuesday!!!

Gold star for Gozde, she is on a roll!!!


Emmes said...

I'm in 2 days EVER!!!!!

(escaped from the repressive claws of work to check in and BAM!!! all this Robby goodness....)

I THINK I NEED A BIB, do they make those in grown-ass woman size?!!!)

Melissa said...

OMG, #3 is totally Tie Guy! WIN!

kristen said...

McV - just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your stories! I just finished Frenemies and I totally geeked out about the fact that B&E ended up at Berkeley. I went to school there, so I have quite a soft spot for it. I was pretty much irrationally excited that they decided to go there!! Anyway, love your work!

Lizzy said...

*groans feebly from down there on the floor where I fell*

Suz said...

I have a pleasure headache...

WTF is going on.. with my heart!

Rob, Baby, I love you. there I said it. are you happy?

Anonymous said...

*heavy sigh* tie guy was mentioned. seriously. never gonna survive this day now... work = piling up... me = don't give a shit

Sara said...

Why do you do this to me Rob?
My brain cannot comprehend how one man can be so utterly perfect in every way.

Geekette said...

I don't even know what to say anymore, it seems every picture of him gets better and better. My poor hubby...

Suz said...

TS, whatever got done today before HQ and GQ.. was it for the day

stick a fork in me

I am done

Emmes said...


Anonymous said...

To have this face should be illegal!

soo hot

Maryann said...

Something tells me that every friggin pic in this photo shoot is smokin' hot! How on earth did they manage to pick the ones they used? By doing the "eenie miney moe" thing? (probably spelled that wrong but ya get the picture! LOL).

Suz said...

Emmes I want to smile and cry all at once..

Sweet baby corn!

Anonymous said...

Who has 'em without the watermarks?

Sara said...

Oh and btw, just to make all your hearts explode a little bit more:
(oh god, that one's just for the lolz.)

Anonymous said...

suz: i feel your pain... including the headache... heart beating, breathing uneven, eyes mesmerized

Emmes said...

Suz...I simply don't know, how can a picture cause so many physically reactions in me?

Blushing, smiling, feeling tingly....I feel high!
There it is...I get high off of Rob!!!

TwiHartRK said...

OMFG - HIS EYES!!! The thumbs!! Breathtaking!

Suz said...

Yea Emmes.

Rob is the new Bong!

TS my freakin head explodes moments ago.

Twi! welcome to Tuesday's madness.


ellainie said...

If he were the pied piper I would follow him into the sea! The most beautiful man I have ever seen!

Emmes said...

oh! and the chills....yup definetely getting high off of Rob!

lovepatti said...



Suz said...

I would follow him through the fiery gates of hell

burn.... baby.... burn

Kristen said...

agrees with Melanie's statement 100%...

that last pic is words...


TwiHartRK said...

*picking myself up from the floor*
There are NO words for those pictures. Words no longer do him justice.
I have officially lost my mind.

Lizzy said...

Its not my head that exploded. Its my ovaries who burst to pieces *falls back to the floor*

Emmes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suz said...

Lizzy, LOL

You went there...



Tenneil said...

I am so on the "lost my mind" bus...

Hey Alie....TS...Emmes...Ellie...
SUZ.... you okay??

Anonymous said...

suz: i'm in hell with ya sister... must repent this sunday @ church for these unclean thoughts

hi alie :) nice to see i'm not the only fan of his EYES

Emmes said...

I AM following sole purpose in life now is ROB!

Suz said...

Ten ~ I am happily deceased

Heaven is nice...

millions of Rob's enough for everyone!

Suz said...

I need to call those medic peeps who deliver oxygen.. oh and those I've fallen and I can't get up peeps, too

Emmes said...

TEN...was having the WORST DAY EVER....came(yes ...came) to Robsessed and have forgotten that today is even a it?
Yes it is it is jizz in your pants day.

Suz said...

Emmes, I had a similar conversation today...



Anonymous said...

hi t :) wow. just wow.

Anonymous said...

suz: do you think they should make one of those medic alert bracelets for our condition?

...wowie! said...

Emmes...I just had my lab practical in anatomy thinking the worst. Was all down and came here too. I can't even see straight. Can't control the drool. OMG!!!!

Stephanie said...

Oh my lord in heaven. He's just so effing beautiful. Those eyes. GAH. I'm a puddle on the floor.

Tenneil said...

How can this be...wait itsnt that a song???
he makes me hurt just looking at him... perfection... wait I see an angel......rob is that you???

Suz said...



: )

Kate said...

Oh Holy Divine Mother Of God. GOZ are you trying to kill us !!!! LOL

Kelli said...

holy crap!!!!

well the rest of my day is shot to hell now.

the 3rd picture should just be illegal.

Suz said...

he is an angel




The very end of me.

Anonymous said...



Emmes said...

Robbi is like a magical eraser (robaser) white-out (rob-out) he makes everything perfect again dosen't he?

(BTW...I still have goosebumps)

Anonymous said...

that last one is the best one!!!!!!!! good lord.. im officially death!!!!!!!!!!

Sophie said...

Dear lord that last one is hot!! Rob is such a tease!

keely said...

This man is just pure perfection!!!! Great Photos! Does anyone see the fly/insect on the last pic, or am I dazzled to delirium now ;-)

Kate said...

Keely I was just gonna ask the same thing I just spoted it and thought I was seing things. I was just gonna ask why is there a fly on his shirt ! LOL
Great minds....

Divinesally said...

Can't...breath....Tie guy....too hot....***crawls on the floor looking for the damn asthma pump***

elainnie said...

yes, there is an insect!

Ame5 said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! So totally unfair! There are just no coherent words for those pics..... U freakin beautiful man.
That is my favortie photo shoot also! :)

beanie said...

This is NSFW. I'm a bit flushed.

Anonymous said...

Holy. Sh!t.
I'm a regular lurker here but THESE have brought me out of hiding. Feck me sideways but I think those are the most beautiful pictures of this man that I have EVER seen. Ever! Why have outtakes?! Why not just make the article span the entire magazine if needs be??!
I need me a Robalike. Seriously. I'm soo pleased I didn't see these whilst at work. I don't know what might have happened.

Absolute win! Thank you thank you thank you!!

Tenneil said...

I think we need a moment of silence for all the souls that have passed today...*bows head*

margot said...

definetely Tie Guy
I want this Man and I want Him NOW

margot said...

Divinesally ... sorry for using your asthma pump, couldn't make to my own one, here you are :)))

Anonymous said...

ohhh myyy...
He so good at staring.
After looking at those pictures I feel like a puddle of runny hormones. This site is not good for me.

lostinphilly said...

OMFG!!! N E E D A I R... Oh no, now there's FIRE... I have truly died and gone to heaven!!! Oh what I can do with that tie!!!!!!!!This is just not fair!!!!!!!!!

eternaltwilight said...

oh my panties! wait, where'd they go? what'd ya do to them rob? did they disintegrate from those lusty eyes of yours? these images are gorgeous!

thud. i've fallen and i don't want to get up!

hrm, now if i can get rid of the tags so i can make a flawless banner.

keely said...

Kate,there is an saying: "Two souls, one thought " :-)
I was like: " Wow, he´s so beautiful, that face, the hair, the fly...what, the fly?" But even that insect looks great on him ;-)What can I say, when it comes to Rob I even take him with flies all over...hello, my name is Keely and I´m an addicted ;-)

Laura said...

Oh my God, sweet Jesus Lord YES.

Fuck, I almost just screamed that out loud at work.

Can you tell I'm liking these pics?

Tenneil said...

Hey Keely...welcome...
good to see you again...been awhile...

Now how come I feel the need to have a cigarette...

lostinphilly said...

Do you think they can clone him and send one to ALL of us??? My asthma inhaler is now empty!!

Divinesally said...

thanks Margot! ...ummmm, it's empty o_O Rob...devil...angel...peen...floor...bone-time...**fantasizes about making sweet sweet love to tie guy**

Emily said...

I've been sitting here staring at these pictures trying to think of something to say but really, what can I add? He's perfection. His hair, the scruff, his eyes, his lips....everything. And I REALLY have no words for what his thumbs fingering the belt buckle do to me...

keely said...

Tenneil, thanks for welcoming me, hun, hope everything is fine? I was a bit in stress, sine I´m back home now.
And girl, you can´t tell me you don´t know why you want a cigarette after those pics ;-)

Suz said...

Laura, you said jesus and fuck in the same post..



(c'mon in, the devil awaits his mistresses)

Mar said...

I cannot believe that this man should be real ... it is too much...

Sherri S. said...

Ohhh.... sooo yummy!

He is sooo damn sexy, my goodness!

Tenneil said...

Keely how was the trip...worth it??

Suz ~Mortal beloved.... I dont think that this is considered something normal??? {{hug}}

Sullyann said...

love tha last onee!!

margot said...

I'm licking my lips again and again ... almost no skin on them ... someone help...

Leann said...

I have been enjoying this site for awhile, but the past two days have brought me out of lurkerdom to say THANK YOU to Goz, God, the GQ photog, Rob's parents for having one spectacular evening in the fall of 1985, and even the nasty paps for shooting such ridiculously beautiful pics of Rob Sunday afternoon. Seriously, who looks like that just strolling to the coffee shop??? Has he no regard for my fragile blood pressure? Argh....anyway, I love reading everyone's comments here. I can tell I am amongst like minds and hormones. :)

margot said...

any new idea what do I read next od FF ?

Anonymous said...

I am never going to be able to look at a man again and want to have sex unless he looks like this guy.
I have died from unrequited lust. Somebody throw some daisies over my ashes please.

margot said...

Anon ... I would (throw the daisies) unless I hadn't died first for the same reason ... feel like Sahara :(

keely said...

The eye colour on that pictures is amazing! Could look at them all day...caution, panties are melting ;-)
Tenneil, I came back from London and get lost LOL Actually it was not funny, we had an unexpected death in our family, I had a test to pass in uni and I so miss London. Really looking forward to go back, although I would love to visit NY next :-)I admit, I´m a dreamer :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I enjoyed the comments from the other posters or the pictures more... who am I kidding.... the posters' comments are great but the photos ummm I think I need a ME moment.

Suz said...

Ten ~ You are my life now..but

This is the new "normal"


woot woot

Christmas in April

Tenneil said...

Keely~ sorry to hear that... {{hug}}

Rob color of eyes are dreamy!!

panties melting...long gone...

Tenneil said...

SUZ~ are you burning that for I write... right???

Do I dazzle you???

Suz said...

Dear Mr. Pattinson,

I have to join the many grateful for your very existence..

While personally, dude, I don't get wife does..

And I will have to thank you for the best afternoon, ever.

Yours Faithfully.

Mr. Suz

Anonymous said...

that third picture makes me think of dirty things. he does that a lot in the gq photos...puts his hands near his penis. i feel so wrong and yet so right, all at the same time.

keely said...

ROFL, I can´t stop laughing, suz!!!!!
Thanks T! Seriously, someone gotta write that guy and tell him he´s exterminating underwear ;-)

keely said...

Anan you know what Rob once said: Feel dirty about it, feel dirty, feel like it's wrong!" ;-)

Anonymous said...

even my smiley is dirty, with the mindset i'm in now.

Suzy said...

Suz- I hear you I got the HTB CD yesterday and today a email saying they shipped my dossier magazine. Now I get outtakes Merry Christmas...

Divinesally said...

keely and Suz ROTFL!

Mr. Suz!! hahahahahahah

Keely, my panties melted right off when I heard him say that.

~KY~ said...

why cant i stop coming back to look???

Emmes said...

Keely...I love that!! I´ve actually been looking for it since last night!


Thank YOU, were do I send the check?


keely said...

Hi Emmes and Divinesally :-)
Emmes, did you find it? I think, that was this radiointerview...heard it recently again...

Anonymous said...

OMG the last one!!! So effing HOT! Rob, you have no idea what you to do me and my poor heart!

Suz said...

second line second song
HTB Soundtrack

"And the world is a symphony of sarcastic lust...."


Divinesally said...

Keely, Ryan Seacrest interview?

keely said...

ROFL, suz!
I remembered it, wasn´t it the Z100 interviwe:
Girls, I need to get some sleep. It was nice talking to all of always ;-) Have fun everyone!

Emmes said...

Hey Girls...!! Lovely day right?

Keely wasn´t it a woman dj interviewing him? Lookinf for it...I need audio for this visuals!!!

Emmes said...

Is that it???

tinababy1 said...

My Oh My, Tie Guy.

Suz said...

TINA! that can't be it...

have you been rendered speechless?

Ash7586 said...

Hello picture #3.

Emmes said...

come on on TINA , let it out, we´re behind you!!!!

tinababy1 said...


Suz said...

Get the Rob-Defibrillator for TINA


tinababy1 said...

I was broken

for a long time

But it's over now...

He is going to undo the belt, right??? That's the next set of outtakes?

Please, if there is a God, please.....

Anonymous said...

yeah any full body shots i forgot what i was going to say. but i love his hands. i lovvvvve his hands. they do such devilish things. rawr.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, sweet release. I was having such a bad day. Then I came here and saw this.

This IS a merciful God. :-)

Shani said...

See, I knew they were holding out on us...Beautiful Bastard in living color flesh and blood...

The pretty is killing me...he should have kept his hair at that length. He looked so damn good that day. Man if he could look like that all the time there would be no stopping him. People would appreciate the pretty much more. But that's not who he is...I guess at least it will never be dull looking at his 101 faces and looks...LOL

Emmes said... set, undo belt, lmao

elainnie said...

dsidtl~ loved that video and song!
Robtastic! He is sooooo fine!

Shani said...

Suz- I just saw your comment and me too...cry,scream,and giggle...

tinababy1 said...

Em - We can only hope sweetie.

Suz said...

ok, HTB Soundtrack.. LOVIN' IT!

Lots of Rob speaking.. nice!

And the use of the Roche's Hammond Song makes me happy..

The voices of Suzzy, Terre and Maggie Roche may be almost as beautiful as our Rob.

And !LOVE! is on the soundtrack! I didn't know that.

Visual and Audio overload.

Life is good.

Anonymous said...

k is so lucky.

Anonymous said...

i knowwww! toovamptastic knew what she was doing. and he is absolutely gorgeous, anyway, but the way the screen pans.... i can't stop looking at him.

Unknown said...

Please God, pleeease... Let me be that little blue bug crawling over his shirt, please Lord, pleeeeease!

OMG...He looks so good. *fainting*

Hannah said...

Oh sweet baby Jesus!!
Thumbs in the waistbelt... GAH!
How does all this HOTness fit in the one beautiful body?!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't he look like he could be the next James Bond in these pics? He looks so bada_s. Kinda reminds me of a young Sean Connery.

Anonymous said...

question --> does anyone know where i can buy GQ April in Toronto? I've been looking everywhere and no one seems to have it....shoppers drug mart was my first choice but they didn't have the mag either...

Brooke said...

He is so HOT!!! I am trying to read the comments, but I keep scrolling back to the picture. #3 is the BEST!!! . . . Holy Crow!!!


***I LOVE HIM!!!***

Brooke said...

Dammit Rob!!!
Why do you have to be so freaking hot?!?

Anonymous said...

Rob is so fucking HOT!!!!

Every time I see him I start having these thoughts then

I realize that Im in heaven and shouldnt be having

these thoughts, but whenever I look at him my

thoughts always go down the gutter

Anonymous said...

my heart just stopped.i am dead.. and i m in heaven...he is so hot
<3 <3

Anonymous said...

hotttttttttttt please kill me

Rhonda said...

What is there to say to these? The man is literally ON FIRE. Flames are shooting from his every pore.

Anonymous said...

Wow, not bad, I'm such a sucker for a guy with blue eyes, too bad he has to wear those pesky contacts in Twilight. His hair's gettin a little freaky though lol I like movie Edward length a little better, but still rockin the hotness Rob way to go haha.

Unknown said...

Does Rob have blue eyes?
I though they were green.

Anonymous said...

my heart seriously like stopped when i saw these pictures..
ohh rob your the definition of seductively sexy ;)
no questions asked.

Unknown said...

Is it just me or does he get hotter every time i see him?!

Sophia said...

Oh Dear Sweet Jesus! :O That Last One just about killed me! *is dead*

Phrowr babyyy. Mmmmm.

Anonymous said...

i would really like to have him . . . sigh!

Tess said...

These are beautiful. He's just beautiful. You can really get lost looking at these.

Just when you think you've gotten past the GQ photo's ~ they release more outtakes.

hemiola said...

Hi all, I'm new to posting but have been a closet-admirer of Rob and absolutely LOVE this website. This photo shoot is definitely my favorite. Every time I see see the cover picture, I think James Bond :)

Gosh, why does this guy have to be so captivating! If he were only just easy on the eyes and, say, a complete goober in real life. That would make things a lot easir. Or even have a goofy-looking smile and a silly haircut like those of other actor(s) I will choose not to name here.

If only there was something, anything, for me to grab onto, like, 'he's mean to his fans', or 'his father smells of elderberries'. That way I would be able to classify him as 'douche', and get on with my evenings. But I can't. Oh well.

DianEliz said...


It`s so


we love u


erin said...

Yesyesyes! FUCK ME I can't write anymore or I will exceed proper crassness

Honey said...

My so called "friends" (haha, j/k) sent me picture mail of these outtakes during the workday.

Dammit, I almost made it 1 whole freaking week w/o opening up my laptop.

Anyway, again, he and this site are doing their best to ruin me and my resolve. (But the pics are so worth it.)

Display Name said...

holy knicker drenching batman!

i actually have to change after that! That man's eyes should be illegal! Nothing that good can't be legal or non fattening!


Unknown said...

OMG, this is just freaking hilarious!! I can not help but laugh.

Hanzilla said...

Oh, dear.




Pretty much sums it up.

Lindsey said...

OMG.. I just drooled on my keyboard....

Brittani said...

ummmmmmmm Can I say YUMMMMMMMMMMM

and oh Can I have these blown up and put on ceilling please? thanks

... leaves to take a cold shower : )

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessi said...

I've fucking died and went to heaven
He is the bloody sexiest man alive... The third picture.. makes me feel dirty.. and I like it!

Nienor said...

Good lord. The thumbs hooked inside the waistband of his slacks. OMG.

Titanik said...

I got untagged pictures

Babs said...

OMG. I'm effin' dead. When you think you've seen all the gq pics, even better ones come out. They're trying to kill us slowly lol
The third pic totally blew me out, I'm speechless and panting :)

Anonymous said...

Let us all thank God for his amazing creation. Let's bow our heads in a moment of silence. Anyone out there don't think God deserves two thumbs up and a gold medal...see me.

Anonymous said...

why do i have to be so tortured? i mean why cant i just know him! at least be in the same town as him!

someone freaking call the ambulance cause i dont even remember. jeez. HAWTIEEE!! *sigh*

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