Happy Tuesday

larger version is HERE
Thanks to Emmes for the scan :)


HC said...

Amen to that!!!

My name is Laura. said...

Mmehhhh...happy trail...

Tenneil said...

well now itsnt that just the best thing to wake up and see....Hmmmm

Thanks Goz...all smiles thanks

SummerGirl said...

Yes please!!!

Anna said...

wow Gozde... playing hard ball this morning ;)

Anonymous said...


Suz said...

Can I get a


Happy Trails = Happy Suz

tinababy1 said...

Hell Yeah!!!

Loves a Sparkly Young Man

Happy Happy Trail

elaine said...

Hoppety down the happy trail! Anytime, Gozde! Hell, yeah!

msshauna said...

Holy Moly Fuck Shit!!!!! Beautiful image to wake up to!!! Thank you,thank you, thank you!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Goz - I needed this morning pick-me-up! Hope your headache is better from yesterday. I had a killer one last night but the Robkats (and lack of anons) sent it right off. :)

Suz said...

dontchya just want... stroke and pet the trail of love?

spunkyshoefucker said...

Suz...I would love to do wayyyyy more than that!!! Yummy!

Martina said...

Ok, I want to give birth to Robert Thomas Pattinson Jr. :D

Hannah said...


Gemgirl65 said...

Thank you, I needed that.

Can now proceed with the rest of the day with a smile on my face. At least for a minute or two.

tfblog admin said...

oooh, yummy :)


Suz said...

Spunky.... I like to start slooooow

dechick2009 said...
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Suz said...

Hey Royal Woman..

No offense, but this is a NO LAINEY ZONE.


Hannah said...

Ugh Please dont give Lainey hits.. Such trash.

spunkyshoefucker said...

I like slow too Suz...just dont' know if that would be possible with Rob. I have a lot of steam built up for that man...hahaha.

Bravo on the Lainey comment. She is a skeeze.

Ash7586 said...

Happy Trail Tuesday!!!

Suz said...

ok Spunk.. get the first one out of the way... fast and furious...

then take it down a notch... after about oh..what 120 or so.. you should be able to slow it down...


spunkyshoefucker said...

Yeah Suz....let those beautiful hands run....I better stop..LOL

tracyvanhorne said...

Happy Tuesday indeed....

Love your blog Goz! :)

Nancy J said...

I'll take one of those!

sparkleluvr said...

thank you once more Goz.. beautiful man, beautiful pic..Happy Tuesday now for sure..

Georgie said...

What a lovely image to end my Tuesday night and hopefully Robsess in my dreams...

Tess said...

Look at all that lovely fur!

GG- I love your labels. (Rob makes me Happy) Rob makes me a lot of things.. er, um, yeah!

dechick2009 said...

great chest roar!!! lol

Oana said...

Happy indeed :D The belly hair in full splendor and unmarred by CGI:)))
Where'd ya pull that one from Gozde???

Diane said...

Happy trails are here again!

lovindashow said...


It may be a happy Tuesday (gorgeous here in DC!) but it sure as hell ain't gonna be a productive one.

But thanks anyways, Goz!! You're the queen!

Mechevpao said...

Happy Tuesday.. indeed!!
This is the way to wake up, first thing to see in the morning before taking my coffee.

Unknown said...

lovely! great pic of our wonderful Rob :)))))
love your blog! :D

Samantha said...

Wow got my blood boiling thanks I needed a pick me up before I cleaned house.

ME want one mommy! LOL!

Unknown said...

Happy tuesday indeed!!!!

Unknown said...

That's a great way to start the morning! Who needs coffee when there's Rob?

Melanie said...

Bless you for putting up this picture! I have such a horrible sinus headache and it is pouring down rain, but then I clicked on this site and saw this picture. My day is looking much brighter now.

Hannah said...

Awh Melanie :(
Hope you feel better and that the weather brightens up for you ;)

Rachell said...

What a delicious way to start the day....

candylady0602 said...

What a way to start my day! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

Gozde said...

Royalwoman: are you Lainey? Please stop posting the link to every post. If you scroll down on the first pag we have the airport pictures up. That's the only thing from Lainey that we are interested in.

To the rest: Happy Trail Tuesday y'all :)) I figured we all needed a "wake me up" this morning :))


Vettegoddess said...

mmmm, the trail is my favorite. Thank you.

Melanie said...

Thanks Hannah!! :)

Pinky said...

Well hell...there goes my last shred of sanity.

Christy said...


Loisada said...

Oh sweet Jesus... lead me to the promised land!

Tenneil said...

Goz~ the voice of reason... thank you....
BTW I love your wake me ups!!


anna F said...

I can already sort of picture a scene from NM. And we should see much more right???

Well, Rob seemed quite fit on ET, so I'm sure we have something to look forward to.

I hope that he'll never become one of those overworked LA boys though, his slender figure is awsome!

WinWin said...

Gozde, Thank you so much for the morning surprise. I feel so stupid, I finally got what "happy trails" means. You guys are educational as well.

Haven't had time to really read the comments, swamped at work and at home, but always here in spirit.

Hi to every here.

Check in later.

Anonymous said...

yummo rob is one hairy mo fo isn't he? so manly & delicious.

happy tuesday to all!

meg said...

Follow the haappy trail, follow the haappy trail, follow follow follow follow follow the haappy trail down to SEXY BEAST town.

Tenneil said...

Hey Ts.... rob morning to you...agree..but if I may

one SEXY, hairy mo fo!! ::DD

Melissa said...

Hells YEAH! Happy Trail Tuesdays are WIN!

Anonymous said...

t: good point... but the SEXY is just a given, right?

...along with hot, desirable, beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, attractive, striking, good-looking, lovely...

oh, and don't forget talented, smart and funny! ;)

Kathie said...

God I love coming to this site! What a wonderful vision to see when you are in the middle of stressing out at work.

Thanks Godze! You have helped save what little of my sanity remains :)

Now excuse me while I go back and stare at the picture.

Tenneil said...

I heart you!!!

oh about niiiice, charming, angelic, marvelous, divine, exquisite, radiante, pulchritudinous, alluring...

oh and enteraining, witty, priceless, brilliant, artistic, and skilled... to name a few...


crazy said...

Oh yeah. THAT'S what I'm talkin 'bout!!!

Good morning everyone!!
a VERY good morning.

Anonymous said...

Lord help me...can I get an AMEN! Beautiful!

Tenneil said...

Hey C~ gurl... life is good...:D

Laura said...


Have I told you lately that I love you?

First--untagged LAX pics
Then--Rob's happy trail


Tenneil said...

hey Laura!! happy trail day to you!!:P

crazy said...

Hey T~ yep. as long as there's a Rob, life is good. (sighs)

A delectable happy trail makes for happy women worldwide.

Anna said...
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Anna said...

The aptly-named happy trail... yummy yummy yum, how I want to lick my way down the trail!
(Sorry... It's already cocktail hour here, if you can't tell.)

Gozde - thanks for telling off this "RoyalWoman" person. She's been posting Lainey links on other blogs, too, which is very suspicious. Methinks she's either Lainey or NR!

Anonymous said...

t: pulchritudinous? wtf is that exactly? lol

i heart you too, babe

hi crazy :)

crazy said...

hey TS! i was wondering that myself. too many letters for my brain on too few hours of sleep. Gotta look it up.

Daneh said...

i just creamed myself.

crazy said...

"having great physical beauty"


crazy said...

whoa Daneh! telling it like it is!

izzy said...

Ladies this does it!.....I went to sleep with that song "too far gone(Never think)" in my head.....thinking about Rob and what he must be doing at 1:00nish a.m. .....and had needles to say very sweet dreams....and now I wake up to this VISION....how am I supposed to get anything done today.....

Tenneil said...


Having qualities that delight the eye.

Hmmmm yeah!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the look-up hook-up c

Anonymous said...

okay t... step away from the thesaurus. that's cheating!

i do agree however that he has many qualities that delight the eyes...including his eyes

Tenneil said...

TS~ I am hurt...*sniff sniff*

Anonymous said...

awww i'm sorry... is that a word in your common vocabulary? lol

"look kids, isn't this flower pulchritudinous?"

you know i'm teasing you...i'm just jealous i didn't come up with it ;)

crazy said...


so there Tenn!

margot said...

pulchra in Latin = beautiful

It's 18:09 here, I'm home from work sipping my tea ... happy (with the trail) ...

Morning/Afternoon/Evening all the Robobsessed ladies I'm going to spend next few hours with ...

crazy said...

Hi Margot~ i'm in and out.
(oh brother)

Tenneil said...

TS~ Just said that yesterday...DS wanted to pick me a flower... hes so cute...or pulchritudinous...

C~ wow I cant not compete...LOL

tinababy1 said...

Stroke, stroke, purrrrrrrr.....

Kate said...

Happy Trail Tuesday to you all!

tinababy1 said...

Are you guys avoiding me because I rushed the foreplay last night?

Anonymous said...

margot: enjoy your tea... i have another 6 hours of work as it's only 11.21 here

t: i stand corrected

Suz said...

Tina! Rushing foreplay is a mortal sin...

unless you are beautiful bastard.. and we are in the ladies' loo...

Suz said...

ohh and Tina..

can you






right... here? (sigh)

tinababy1 said...

Hands against the wall....

Suz said...



tinababy1 said...

Need to hide the hand porn, to early.

How's this?

Suz said...


is that suppose to be easier??

can you






Right... here (sigh)

tinababy1 said...

Only if you can send that pucker right....here, ahhhh

Suz said...

sorry luv... I think you are one totally righteous babe..


that pucker is permanently... detained.

(sorry, that's how I roll)


tinababy1 said...

Still luv ya.

Loved the comment about "hitting Claudia"

Suz said...

lol, again.. that's how I roll.

Claudia = Suz's Lesbian Lover!

tinababy1 said...

Imagine what a pretty girl he would make

hee hee

tinababy1 said...

GTG - Mom visiting



Suz said...

what would we do with all that hair..

scruff, chest, legs, brows... trail.

Suz said...

later kitten.. xx

RPnKSaddict said...

Goz, Thank you Thank you Thank you!! I have been looking for an HQ quality of the Happy Trails Pic. This one has damn good resolution.
I sqeed when I saw it.
Hope feeling better today.
Happy Tuesday to you, and all the wonderful Robcats and Robsessors!

Christy said...

Daneh: I'm not clear on how this picture makes you feel - rofl

margot said...

oh no no no, it isn't too early for anything ... regarding different time zones :)))

Shani said...

OH.MY.GOD. Robsessed look at his Happy Trail it's so like a black hole sucking us all in...tehehe

Yes RP I will obey no more punishment...unless...*WINK*

RPnKSaddict said...

LOL. I have to say, Rob, there is a lot more to the," happy trail", than,"early Pubes".All the chest hair went south.
I'm a freakin perve, I have to keep coming back to look at this beautiful pic.
He defnatly fits the description of Robward as a greek god!

crazy said...

RPaddict~ We're ALL perves! Just look at us! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Ellie said...

Goz, have I tod you that I love Happy Trail Tuesday?

Well, actually ANY day with Rob would be Nirvana...

Thanks for the beautiful pic, bb!

And for the untagged airport photos...Pure WIN!

~KY~ said...

dammit! there went my last pair of power panties you beautiful bastard...

shani...as sad as it is, I read the whole freaking thing already and shit! lol

hi girls!

crazy said...

testing, testing my new avatar

tinababy1 said...

C- closer... i can't see the chest hair

tinababy1 said...


~KY~ said...

love the new avatar crazy...

like theres any part of this man i dont love...

Emmes said...

Happy Trails

You've drawn another map
to help you navigate.
Woods full of adventure
silently await.

Get your lantern,
grab your pack,
fetch your lunch,
no turning back.

Tread softly,
blend in well;
examine not only trees,
but where little creatures dwell.

Perhaps you've time
to look for frogs,
after lunch
upon a log.

Use your map
to find your way
playing all
throughout the day.

Suz said...

I don't like Rob being reduced to "body shots" (unless I am reading Two Steppin')

He is the complete package.

Wahhhhh!! please stop chopping up his beautiful body. It hurts.

tinababy1 said...

Hi Emmes

~KY~ said...

hi emmes!


~KY~ said...

and hi tina!

that hand porn avatar you had goin on earlier was awesome!

tinababy1 said...

kristen - I know it's probably my fave. But I was missing "The face"

hazeleyes said...

omg..ive died and gone to heaven

Loisada said...

So Suz: What is Two Steppin? Got suggestions for good fan fic, haven't read any yet.

~KY~ said...


u havent read fanfic yet???
im a newbie to it, but omg its addicting, be warned!!! im stucked on 5 diff ones now!

Tenneil said...



Jules story is awesome...you will love it... Dukeward is HAWT!!

Loisada said...

Thanks T and aka K. HAWT is good! Will take a peek.

~KY~ said...

check out -wide awake- on angstgoddess003.livejournal.com also

that was my first one. its amazing. had me hooked on FF. AG is an awesome writer...

~KY~ said...


one more...for seriously hott


omg!!! this one is my new fave in the hott department...i picture GQ Edward as Mr Cullen...have a peek! *melts*

Divinesally said...

Kristen! Those are definitely 2 of my favorites. Have you read Apples and Oranges and The Submissive/The Dominant?

Babs said...

Happy tuesday indeed! how I'd love to follow that trail ;)

margot said...

You forgot Frenemies and Apples and Oranges

theTweek said...

You just made my day with that pic. Thanks for feeding my addiction on a daily basis! Not that I'm sure that's a good thing, lol.

Divinesally said...

I still haven't read Frenemies. But that's my next FF to get on.

Margot, what's the deal with it? Is it lemony fresh?

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Love this shot...isn't it interesting how Rob can look so different...if you scroll upward to the LA pics, he looks so much leaner.

margot said...

I like Frenemies concept because:
1. old story that is always good - love-hate bond, fighting over everything, witty dialogues, jealousy and finally tones of lemons, bang ! they don't hate each other but love e.o. - old but always works
2. really well written and long (I prefer long stories)

to sum up, worth reading

crazy said...

Suz- it's meant for building a RobArt/FrankenRob/Robicasso.

You chopped off his head LOL

crazy said...

fyi, this one is meant for RobArt also.

~KY~ said...

DS- read frenemies quick...i just read that she's takin it down in a few days...so now I'm gonna have to go read it too

margot said...

continuing (?) on FF:
I found interesting also The EX Factor, The Red Line, Saturday School, My Secret Sin, Opposites Attract, and ...
McVampy wrote Housemating Season, angstgoddess (Wide Awake) started On Gemini and Gypsies - regarding the authors they should be worth reading buy, personally, I haven't managed yet

Sophia Z.86 said...

Oh, my G.(spot)!! The happy trail again!! Thank you. So good I already worked a lot today... now I can just look at all the new pics... and lick (the ol´computer)... and dream...

'Rob, lover, you do never, never, NEVER wax it out, ok? For us?'

Rhonda said...

Wow. Happy Trails Indeed!

Loisada said...

Thanks again for the FF tips and Bravo to Jules. Keep at it girl!

At the other end of the spectrum I see why RP said some of the FF was pretty hard core, that's one hawt Office.

And Crazy... oh no you didn't girl, flipping that picture like that! The photog who took that shot knew exactly where s/he was going, and must have got RP in one of his dirty/wrong moods... Niiiiiiiiice!

Shani said...

Kristen- Some other good FF's are The Bella Swan Diaries,I Love LA, Snowed In, Stuck in the Middle(www.twilighted.net)

Innocent,Vigililant,and Ordinary; Good Bella Bad Bella; Place Your Bets;Scotch,Gin,and the New Girl; Resisting Edward; Seducing Edward;Private Tutor;Heartache (www.fanfiction.com)

crazy said...

Thanks Loisada~ i have to give credit (bows) to Divine for pulling (ahem) that together for me.

Damn right that photog knew EXACTLY what he/she was doing, TO US!!! uhhhhhhhhhhhh.

lostinphilly said...

Beautiful Bastard...mmmmmmmmmm....thanks Goz for a great Tuesday Treat!!
Happy trail day to you,
happy trail day to you,
happy trail day all you Robkats,
Happy Trail Day to you........

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