Entertainment Tonight Press Release

Well Entertainment Tonight is almost 24 hours away, the segments will be running all through the weekend and we'll have the videos up as soon as we can :).

This is the latest press release from ET. It's an interesting read. You go from "cool!" to "aww!" to "that's sad". Me not happy...

Here it is:

Robert Pattinson says it feels “surprisingly natural” to be back in character as “Edward Cullen.” “I’m not stressed at all on this job, so it’s kind of a nice feeling. Since the film was a success so you get a little more free reign and people are more trusting.”

He goes on to assure fans that they will get plenty of Edward Cullen in the film, even though his character in the book is largely absent from the story. “It’s as close as possible to the book,” he says. “(In the film) it’s an illusion when he appears. I think if you do it with voiceover as they do in the book, it would end up being quite cheesy. But it’s very subtle, my presence. It’s actually quite scary because Bella is kind of going a little bit nuts. I was worried about having too much presence because you really need that relationship with Jacob to drive to the third and fourth books. You really need that triangle.”

On how life has changed for the cast since the success of Twilight, Rob says, “Now it’s funny, you can’t even get through to people on the phone. They won’t even let you ring people up. I can’t even ring down to reception and say let them (visitors) up. I have to literally go down and carry them.”

Rob admits that his sudden fame has had an effect on his friendships and personal relationships, “I’m always really worried about ruining their lives. Especially with people that aren’t famous. It’s such a massive change. I’m kind of a paranoid wreck. I’ve eaten a lot of room service.”

Kristen Stewart
, “Bella Swan,” tells ET that Rob will have a chance to play a more frightening Edward in this film, “The dream sequences are really eerie. Edward gets a chance to be a little bit more scary and not so perfect.”

When asked if she is an Edward girl or a Jacob girl, Kristen exclaims, “I’m seriously not even allowed to answer that question!”

When asked if Rob had a sister, who would he rather have her date, Edward Cullen or Jacob Black, he laughs and jokes, “Edward’s wealthier!"

source via NewMoonMovie.org


Mel said...

Gözde I think you didn't see this part:When asked if Rob had a sister, who would he rather have her date, Edward Cullen or Jacob Black, he laughs and jokes, “Edward’s wealthier!”
It was at the end.

~KY~ said...

I CAN NOT wait!!! *squeeeee*

wow I have been on here wayyy too much today. I better snap outta rob land for awhile and take care of things!

Gozde said...

I was JUST adding that :)) Tesekkurler!

Mel said...


Melissa said...

Come on, KStew, we all know you're TEAM EDWARD all the way! Right...???

Melanie said...

Poor Rob--I hate to see him feel like a paranoid wreck. I'll gladly take him home with me and take care of him.
(By the way, I noticed a Mel, and Melissa and now me-Melanie has posted in a row. Are we the three Mels?)

Melissa said...

All "Mel's" are WIN! Love it! :-)

Mel said...


Loisada said...

You're right Goz, its stinks if he has to stress over ruining his friends' lives. Maybe cause he's in Robward mode thinking of Bella? (wishful thinking)

More likely finding fame a bitter pill these days. Who wouldn't lose their marbles.. or want to just chuck them all away at times!

Emily said...

I got so excited when Kristen said that the dream sequences are really eerie and Edward's character is scarier and not so perfect in this movie. Perfect Edward is hot but scary and tortured (and not to mention shirtless) Edward....there are no words for how sexy Rob is going to be.

Tenneil said...

Be Safe.... Robert...:)

Suz said...

That hurts.

I will be happy when he can take a break and head to the city that smells so good to him... and in the care of loved ones and good friends. And Patty kisses!

Rob xxx {hugs}

Suz <----thinks people without sense or boundaries.. SUCK!

Maryann said...

I am also sad to see Rob being so worried about "ruining other ppl's lives". Anyone out there who just assumes just cos you are in showbiz you LIKE all this attention right? You want to be famous right? Well no I do not think the FAMOUS part is what they strive for, some do yes but ppl like Rob just want to do something they enjoy doing, being creative. The famous part of it is actually a "downside" to them I would think. It's a double edged sword really. On the plus side they make good money, they get exciting jobs probably too. But then on the flipside they get all the crap, everything they do is scrutinized, they gotta watch what they say, who they are with and where they go.

So no I do not think EVERYONE in showbiz got into it due to wanting to be famous. There is no guarantee for that. Nor do I believe that anyone going into showbiz should realize that this might happen someday. Nobody is prepared for this kinda thing and ppl deal with this in their own ways.

I guess we should all be happy that Rob seems to have kept his head pretty focused and not dived into some drug and alcohol abuse (nope I am not talking about his partying, I think he's no different here from the average guy going out lol. I for one is happy he seems to deal with this even though he is probably feeling the stress. Atleast he is doing stuff he love, and he KNOWS who his real friends are. So hopefully whenever this craziness dwindles down (and by the looks of things it won't happen until after the DVD release of Breaking Dawn whenever that is lol) he still has his integrity and sanity intact.

And finally again, thanks Gozde for sharing this press release :-). I'll anxiously wait for the updates over the weekend whenever you got the videos up hehe.

Mechevpao said...

Does this mean that he has some kind of more freedom to play Edward as he wants it, because I love to see darker Edward, it is his chance to play him a tortured soul, because in New Moon Edward is a broken hearted as Bella, is just that because the book is from Bella´s point of view we don´t get to know what he went through, even though we know he is very depress to the point of suicidal and then he is full of guilt.. aagg I want to watch Rob play all that.

Honey said...

Whoa this really hit the nail on the head re: how horrible it'd be to lose personal freedoms and choice, even in the mundane of life.

This thought is certainly making me want a beer or five.

(Who am I kidding, I agreed to go to a freakin Mary Kay party tonight for the Tastefully Simple cheese ball and the alcohol :)).

Afternoon everyone!

Emily said...

I totally agree, Mechevpao. I think Rob probably does have a little more freedom. They seem to listen to his ideas and he's always said he was excited to play this darker version of Edward. We all know Rob can do intense like nobody else. Can't wait to see it!

Suz said...

@Honey... that was hilarious!

I hope the cheese balls will be served in a longaberger basket and not tupperware (it's so 1982)

is there even enough alcohol in the world to make that endurable?

Bring your checkbook!


Rachel said...

Okay. So I feel a little bit of justification for going all English-bulldog the other night at the HTB screening in Nashville. Maybe it wasn't even bulldog. Maybe it was more of a yippy, harpy Schitzu. Anyway. My immediate reaction was "Awwww." Chin up, mate!

Honey said...

Um yeah, my friend also sells Tupperware.

I know I know. But she's the friend I've had the longest so I must go (Beer or no beer. No cheeseball, friendships off. J/K.).

Speaking of go, I must get back to work. Gotta earn my bag full of dimes I suppose. :)

Bootstrap Intern said...

I hope we get to see a lot Dark Edward in NM.

I really hope he gets a break from all of this madness soon.

Hi Honey! (that never gets old) have a cheese ball for me!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

What is meant by "Me not happy..."?? GOZ, did you write this? If so, what were you referring to?

Tenneil said...

H~ girl.. you funny today!!! I will be your free guest so you can get the secret prize...LOL

Bootstrap Intern said...

Suz; I just read your comment re: longaberger basket. LOL... I have one. I curse at it every time I see it because I was suckered into spending $40 (or somewhere around that) on a stupid basket.

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm really happy that Rob may have some artistic freedom. He did say he had some ideas for this movie since this is his favorite book.
Once again we'll get to see how brilliant and talanted he is.
I can't wait for the movies.

Thank You Rob for the sacrifice you have to make to do what you love to do.
Take a bow! (appluase)

Thanks Goz for all the timely updates your awesome!

Maryann said...

LOL Rob got a great sense of humor, wanting his sister to date Edward cos he's wealthier! roflmao.

Tenneil said...

Hey Bi!! your here too.... *winks*

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hello T. Yep, I am here today too. I haven't got play with you girls for a while. Two days in a row for me :)

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Just read all of the comments and here's my take on what Rob said: he can't be taken 100% literally. Remember when Stephenie apologized to him for "ruining HIS life"?--I think that's where this came from... In fact, the "Rob Effect" has been quite positive for Bobby Long, Sam Bradley and Marcus Foster because so many more people are listening to their music... The "Rob Effect" has been fabulous for everyone involved in "How to Be" and "Little Ashes." Originally, Rob said he thought "Little Ashes" wouldn't even make it to being released.

Sure, all of the above-mentioned are now signing autographs and having their photos taken with Rob fans...doesn't sound too bad to me!

I think when you are a performer, the whole idea is that you want people to come and see you perform.

In the past, Rob said he was by himself a lot, so having room service must be a bit nicer than only Hot Pockets and Cinnamon Toast Crunchers!

Bottom line is, I think Rob is doing just fine. And so are his talented friends.

I'm so looking forward to "New Moon" and excited to see a bit of sad, tortured, Dark Robward.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Chicago Girl; well said.

elainnie said...

Hello everyone! I haven't got to play all day! All work and no Rob makes me not happy!

Maryann~I think u made some good points. I truly don't think Rob was looking to be famous. He proves that in roles he has taken. This fame just kind of fell in his lap unexpectedly.
I think it will only get worse if that is possible! don't u?
His abscence in NM will only make us want him more! He is so fabulous!

Anonymous said...

lol suz @ longaberger basket...the only things missing are pampered chef, creative memories and simply silver...

lmao @ rob: edward's wealthier...i cannot wait to see this movie!

Suz said...

Hey Chi-Town Girl

I dig the shit outta you!

nuff said.


Emmes said...

Is it November already?

Anonymous said...

chi: i read your comments well after the fact of the bobby show... thanks for sharing. i hope you blew him that kiss during mockingbird ;)

and thanks for a different perspective on this whole thing... you're one cool cat

Kate said...

Aah I'm sad that the fame is affecting his friendships. Freinds are so important, I've found that out a lot recently ;-)

Emmes said...

Chicago!!! *stands up and cheers*

The Rob Effect is way strobger than the Axe Effect...lol

Shani said...

Chicago- I with you because in that Variety interview he was worried back then about ruining girls. So it's like he has always been paranoid about that. But I do understand where he's coming from. Because now the price of fame is way bigger than before. He doesn't want to get some girl or a non talented friend caught up in all this mess. Like he said he can't even talk to a girl and people think that's his girlfriend.So yeah it's a little saddening...

REAL TALK: Hell...right now how our economy is I think that there would be a number of people who wouldn't mind trading places...just saying...

Vickie said...

Think about this scenario- a girl(maybe just s friend, maybe more) who is not famous is seen with him several times. Then that girl starts being followed by paparrazzi. Her name starts showing up in gossip blogs, her looks start being critiqued. She's called a slut by "fans". I think this is the type of situation Rob's worried about. Rob can't pose for a pic without it being analyzed. Can you imagine the scrutiny his friends or potential girlfriends could be subjected too.

Gozde said...

Ding ding ding! Exactly Vickie! Well said :)

Kate said...

Yeap Vicki you can see where he's coming from. She'd want to be a very strong person to beable to put up with that.

Emmes said...

Ugh dude, Vickie has a point too...I´m torn, I want to believe he´s fine...

Suz said...

He IS going to be fine.

Let's keep the faith...

In a few years he will have more money than god and can do whatever his heart desires.

I am still voting/hoping for that production company, promoting indie music and film!

Suz <----has resume ready!

Lizalou said...

Yeah, I agree completely with Vickie. And respectfully disagree with the other opinions.
His friends like Bradley, Long, Foster, they all wanted fame and success. I think that Rob is referring in this interview to the other people in his life who are normal, non fame-seeking types - which i'm sure comprises the bulk of his friends.
He's also not in a position anymore to really strike up new friendships or romantic relationships with normal people lest he place them directly under the microscope with him.

Anonymous said...

haha a bit off topic but I just thought I'd share it cause it's funny. Mary Hart from ET twitted it today:

'Makeup Room Talk: even ET cougars are going gaga over Robert Pattinson - we're all going to vampire school.'

Anonymous said...

Poor Rob... I hope he doesn't end up bat-shit crazy like Joaquin Phoenix!

Loisada said...

Good points Chicago Girl. I forget RP likes to talk in extremes and does tongue-in-cheek better than anyone.

Still it must be a bit of a hammer blow to realize, like Vickie says, that you either have to fly solo, keep all romance on the lowdown, or date a fellow celebrity. It kinda cramps a guy's style! Guess he's gonna have lots of time for solo airguitaring... Or better yet, for making music with his mates. ;-)

Lizalou said...

Eh, my roommate who is sorta Rob-immune (how??!?! that's another topic for debate later) said she'd be his friend. US magazine can take unflattering photos of her ass and she'll happily flip them off.
See Rob, not everyone cares about image! haha.
Okay, ladies, off to the bar for drinkies before seeing How to Be!
Enjoy your evening!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Hey Suz, I dig ya', too. I was at the library recently and Stephen Stills was on the cover of a magazine. Stephen did a lot of drugs. I see what you mean about Chris being hot--he probably learned what not to do from dad.

Bootstrap: thanks!

Emmes: Thanks, are you in CR?

Dear Thirty: I DID see your response (it was a lot of work yesterday catching up with all of the comments), thanks! And yes, I told DH that was your song and the second Bobby started playing it, I (without thinking...it was so natural) blew him a kiss for you!

I'm so sorry that you'll miss the concert. I was saddened to read that. At least there is youtube...

Hey Shani! How's it going?

Vickie~Sure, Rob's girlfriend will have to deal with the price of fame, the paps and gossipers...

But, she'll also 1) have Rob 2) have Rob 3) have Rob 4) have Rob 5) have Rob 6) have Rob 7) have Rob

And besides that, the perks of Rob's fame and financial generosity. When I used to interview actors as a TV-Film critic, people were extra nice to that person...

I've always thought Rob will go with an older woman who will be savvy to handling the lack of privacy...

Loisada~Interesting points...Didn't Rob date strong women such as Nina Schubert and Katie Leung, who were both used to being photographed...

Gozde said...

Good points Chicago, Rob does exaggerate :) Oh and I'm sorry, I wasn't there when people said you were second hand stalking because you went to Bobby Long's concert with your husband no less. People are weird. I'm disabling the anonymous comments with a very heavy heart :(

Chicago girl now in LA said...

{{{Thanks, Gozde}}}}~~

Did I tell you recently, how much I love you??!! Really! Congrats on all of the recent recognition for Robsessed!

Oh, that was one silly anon. about the Bobby Long concert. Not a big deal to me--besides it sparked a good discussion!

Do you really want to disable?

Lacey said...

It'll be a few years before all the twilight mania dies down. Can Rob just live with having friends for that long. Poor guy, he really can't live his life like before the movie. I wonder if he'll just disappear for awhile once it's all done.

Gozde said...

Chicago: I just realized you are an anon too :)) It's very easy to register and it will make people take that extra step to be an ass. If they are determined they can create an account :)

katykeene said...

Chicago Girl.... I so agree about Robs friends they are all benefiting from his success. I am sure he just meant he feels "protective" towards them all.
Goz..You know you will still get the idiots. Maybe if we just ignore the anons, who are trying to get a reaction, they will go away and play somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I really can't wait for this interview!
I won't watch the clip 'cause it will only leave me hanging, wanting him more and more until I can't do anything else anymore.

Does anyone know how much longer will he be in Vancouver? I heard he's going to London pretty soon.
Chris Weitz seemed to really nip this thing in the bud. The three day shoot with the humans--- a lot of the scenes in NM had to do with the humans. I really wonder...
I guess I'll just have to trust.

Alice in wonderland said...

You could "ruin" my pants, oh, I mean, my life anytime, Robbie. And then we could ask for that room-service. Like some champagne?

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