Rob Out and About 04/26/2009

Several sources said Rob was in Los Angeles last night but these pictures are from Vancouver :)

Sorry for the crappy cropping. One of the girls in the pictures asked me to remove it so I did :)

Thanks to Nikki for the tip :))


Anonymous said...

poor boy looks exhausted

crazy said...

A new T-shirt??!!!

Tipsy Rob or Unenthusiastic Rob? IDK.

Anonymous said...

why aren't we commenting on Rob wearing a NECKLACE

omg.. did he go down to the santa monica pier this weekend and get his name engraved on a piece of rice?

anna F said...

exhausted Rob I'd say! You just want to escort him to bed.
(that was meant innocently!)

May said...

I think Rob is just bone tired. I wish he would get like a whole weekend of sleep...*sigh*

anna F said...

Oh, delicious jaw line in the 1st picture!

True, there is some type of lace around his neck...
maybe a gift from a fan (with "I love you" engraved on it LOL).

Gozde said...

LMAO! Didn't even notice the necklace. I never notice what he is wearing when the jaw is out in the open like that :P

izzy said...

He looks either really tired? or drunk?....maybe both....either way,poor thing.....still looking gorgeous though!LUV HIM!I wonder how much excessive attention he can endure???...feel for him

is that a necklace I see?

tinababy1 said...

Is wearing Claddagh ring I gave him for our anniversary on necklace.

(Ahhhh, wishful thinking)

Lisa said...

haha! "bone tired"? More like tired from bonin'...oops. :) I let my imagination get away from me. I agree that it's hard to focus with that sexy jaw of his!

Stacy said...

He does look tired, but still ... UNF, lol. Yeah, it's hard to tell if he's tired or tipsy, lol. So these are in VC ... wonder if they're at a restaurant or close to the set.

I like that he was able to go to LA this weekend, if that's the case. Nice to get away from the movie craziness in VC, I'm sure.

RC said...

I'd say Rob was tipsy... and jet legged. Very nice. Not uninterested at all. Wished me a happy birthday :)

Anonymous said...

He was in LA during the weekend. There are pics of him at the airport.

RC said...

He was in Van Friday, L.A. Saturday and most of Sunday. Back in Van Sunday night. Lainey will have the story soon... hopefully she gets it right.

Hannah said...

Out and About without the beanie?! wow..

Hopefully he will loose the shirt (and pants) before going out and about next..

Anonymous said...

aaaahhh the necklace...what is that? it looks like leather...? hmmm...oh that's right, it's my house key. he said he wanted to keep it close to his heart.

i love his pink cheeks :)

hi girls...happy monday!

Stacy said...

RC, were they your pics? And please tell me the story is a normal story and not something filled with more Rob and Nikki gossip ... unless it's truth. I don't care if it's just gossip, lol!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I KNEW I felt a sense of calm this weekend...he was here in LA...great news.

Hey Thirty!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Ummmm...funny that the owners requested the pics removed considering they must've posted them on the internet...OY!

Stacy said...

Lainey has the pics of the airport, but I can't get them saved. Help, Godze?

Anonymous said...

'if found return to.....'

RC said...

Yes. My story was a normal story.
I don't have an in with Lainey so I don't know...I just saw in her Taylor/Selena blog that she was going to post something about Rob's weekend. I am uninterested in rumours/nikki/whatever.

Gozde said...

I am putting Lainey's pictures up in a minute. Patience :))

Mechevpao said...

Ups, pics are gone! They are not giving them, uh?
I also just noticed too much comment if he looked tired or drunk.. haha just what he loves when pics are on the net, his face getting so analyzed (me rolling eyes while being sarcastic =P) please don´t kill me hehe.
I wonder if he is done shooting waiting to go to Italy or he has more scenes to work for, maybe some dream sequence or maybe shooting in Bella´s house, read somewhere it was just finished constructing to start filming.

Stacy said...

Thanks! Her site pisses me off, and I'm too stupid to figure out how to save!

RC- glad he was nice and wish you a happy bday!

RC said...

RE: Chicago girl now in LA said... - Flickr is different from a blog.
I'm not the owner... only 1 pic was requested to be taken down.

Melanie said...

How can someone that is obviously exhausted look so good? That jaw!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

is the picture of the girls he is taken a picture with

Anonymous said...

All Lainey had was pictures of Rob at the airport and then she put the old pictures of Nikki walking her dog, trying to make it sound like Rob and her were together this weekend. I can't stand that Lainey. Was Rob in LA for Little Ashes or something? Lainey said he had drinks with Ashley and Rachelle.

Anonymous said...

hey chicago :)

thanks goz...i refuse to check her site for rob stuff

rc: pretty cool you got a happy birthday from him

Melissa said...

Someone looks SLEEPY! :P

Stacy said...

I think Lainey said he drinks with them when he came back to Vancouver, didn't she?

Maybe he was in LA to escape the VC craziness...who knows?

Lucy said...

Or maybe he left VanCity for the weekend because someone's BOYFRIEND was coming for the weekend? See Lainey for pics of Kristen and Michael all lovey-dovey over the weekend.

Anonymous said...

He's in LA cos micheal was seeing kristen over the weekend...It really broke my heart. Taylor was with salena and the rest of the cast were not there. He was heart broken and he looked sad

Gozde said...

Lainey pictures are up :)

Stacy said...

I hope you guys are kidding, cause that's ridiculous. And I'm sure he looked heartbroken, lol.

I think it's awesome to see Michael and Kristin together, and it's pretty crappy of fans to want her with Rob when Michael clearly makes her happy.

Anonymous said...

The girl in the bottom picture has been practically stalking the cast. She's been in other pictures with them several times before. Creeepy!!

Stacy said...

Thanks Goz!

Angie said...

He looks beautiful anyways :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't think he is heartbroken over K and M. I don't like to read his mood from a quick snapshot though. LOL

Gozde said...

Oh anon! STFU! (not all of the anons, only the idiots :))

Kate said...

Stop with the Kristen/Rob crap it's getting old!!!
If I'm getting fed up of it I can only imagine how they're feeling. Even Lainey said it's not true!

Kate said...

Oh RC glad you got to meet him and that he wished you a happy birthday ;-)

Stacy said...

ANON at 12:45 ... not sure if you're the same anon that posted 12:41, because they said he looked heartbroken and sad ... and yeah, I don't think you can tell someone's peace of mind from a pic, unless it's obvious they don't want it taken!

Lori said...

Wish we could see what is hanging on that necklace.

When I watched the ET thing I couldn't stop looking at his sexy collar bones, seriously.

Lori said...

12:45 Anon was me, sorry, I posted quickly. :)

~KY~ said...

how does this man get more beautiful in every picture...

Stacy said...

That's cool Lori - I figured it wasn't the same anon, since 12:45 actually made sense, lol!

~~Swept Away~~ said...

he looks adorable! Rosy cheeks, plumb lips, red eyes... call me crazy but I love "Buzzed Rob". He does look tired though, hope he can get some rest.

Heather S said...

I could only WISH that I looked that hot tired and exhausted.

elaine said...

RC~ is he as beautiful as I think he is in real life? Swoon~~~~~~

elaine said...

Lori, I noticed the same thing~sexy collar bones~ how many times have u watched the ET segment? lol

vdengg said...

Gotta love the "Red Hot" behind him in the first one...there should be a warning like that on every one of his pix!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Noticed the necklace to, along with the jaw and collar bone. Wishing I could lean in and get a closer look maybe take a nibble.

Hey do you think he's look at me wierd if I asked if I could bite him instead of the other way around?
Sorry got carried away. He just does that to me.

Emmes said...

jaw, necklace, sleepy, drunk,WhATEVER!!!

I say...SHWING!!!!!

BTW...just planned spur of the moment long weekend (in costa rica) trip to miami...hoping to get tickets for Little Ashes on the Gay Lesbian film fest...cross your fingers for me!!!!!

Lynnes said...

Oh hot DAYUM! The man is gorgeous!!!!! My heart skipped several beats when I saw these. Though he looks tired, drunk whatever, there's no way he can ever look bad to me. God DAYUM! Now, what was I doing...

Oh Hiya Emmes/Elaine!

Lynnes said...

Emmes~How's that list going???? FYI-you're on #6.

Deshojando Margaritas said...

Rob at LAX

Deshojando Margaritas said...

Rob at LAX

Shani said...

To me here he looks like his 22 year old self in these pics. He looked so yummy and deliciously fresh...Hmmm...Okay I think I'm still hungry by my comment I just made, oh well.LMAO I have to get back to doing my paperwork for these doctors that never ends. Bye Robsessors will be back later.:((

Emmes said...

Lynnes <3
As official rob birthday party planner (and OCD sufferer) I have put together a state of the rob-reunion address for you:

-Heineken has agreed to sponsor the birthday event.
-Vintge BMW limo is rented out in VanCan.
-Hot Pockets/Kobe Cow costumes are sewn and waiting for you girls to get to the fittings in VanCan.
-Comments from Robsessed are printed and have been highlighted for ROB.
-Melissa Rosenberg is writing Script based on FF.
-FF Manual is being shipped to your mailboxes as we speak.

With just a few more days till the long awaited event, I hope this info is satisfactory to you!

See you in Vancouver , we should rendezvous on May 12 perhaps? (LMOA)

Tenneil said...

Dearest Rob... JJ called he wants his necklace back....

If I see you wearing white pants I WILL find you...

just sayin

margot said...

my Robsession went as far as watching him sleepy/drank/whatever vulnerable I feel I could sit by (by!) his bed and just watch out if he sleeps peacefully ... aaghhrrr.. no sex drive ??

Lynnes said...

Emmes~how could you forget the framed Robcasso?????

Emmes said...

Robcasso is being framed in Florence , Italy. Will be delivered personally to Rob in Montepulciano.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say...Who would torture Rob by making him have a picture with them and have an end result like this? Of course he is beautiful even when he looks half dead but can't they have a heart? What a good sport he is, to even pose.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure that Rob has a life and don't have the time to be heartbroken!!!
I'm still wondering about the necklace...

Martina said...

Emmes, great avatar! :D
I think you forgot the cake! All I can think about is Rob and whipped cream XD

Divinesally said...

Emmessmmesssmemmes~you're a bloody genius and stellar faux ROBevent planner/coordinator/organizer. LMAO What would we do without you?!

Now if you only had magical powers and could make me be that necklace hanging under his shirt...

Anonymous said...

I <3 Mondays. There are always yummy photos of Rob from the weekend.

annycullen said...

is it just me or is rob getting hotter? (;

Anonymous said...

It looks like the same necklace he wore to the Harry Potter LA premier in 2007.

Unknown said...

@ezkala 7!
I guess is the same necklace:

Isn't it also the same thing he wore on his right wrist when he was with Nina?

sas said...

Looks beautiful, and extrememly tired. Go rest!

ellyis said...

It must be tiring for rob to be runing around apartently between a woman that he might love and he´s aparent fuckbuddy, but all in all he´s a great guy that need some rest and lots of love

Smitten_Vixen said...

He had this necklace in the GQ mag... with that delicious collar bone... yummy.

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