A Promise is A Promise :))

Is this my first NON-Rob related post? Probably but I made a promise and I'm a woman of my word dammit! Don't ask me who A_Sturride is 'cause I'm not entirely sure :) Never make promises at 1AM in the morning while drinking :P


«Oldest   ‹Older   1401 – 1600 of 2010   Newer›   Newest»
crazy said...

MOUTH after nose

Emmes said...

I got ass candy up for grabs...(LOL)

Yvonne said...

lynnes...."knees and toes, knees and toes"....LMAO, wow, too much time spent with preschoolers!

Mochachino said...

we NEED a jaw, esp after today

tinababy1 said...


Anonymous said...

If someone wants some arm action, I've got some of that good stuff for you.

Lynnes said...

WOOT! Go Emmes, go Emmes, get your groove on...

crazy said...

L~ i know div has a jaw, but it has lips too. who cares??
(said like fred armisen....blah, blah)

crazy said...

L~ i know div has a jaw, but it has lips too. who cares??
(said like fred armisen....blah, blah)

Yvonne said...

em, holy shit! that is perfection, damn

Emmes said...

I guess I can do jaw and ass....(yeah robbie you heard right)

Lynnes said...

me again

tinababy1 said...

I'm not making anymore fucking lists here people

crazy said...

Oh i have to say i like Emmes robass better! oops!!!

Nice culi Robbie! ;)

Shani said...

I'm here now I forgot where to go.

Anonymous said...

How about:


I added some arm action.

tinababy1 said...

emmes Rob ass rocks my socks

Lynnes said...

R we starting? Coz right off the bat I gotta be sex hair and beautiul eye.

Divinesally said...

I got a jaw and a chest and an arm...I prefer the jaw, but I changed cause someone else stole it...lol...I know i know sharing means caring...whatever...mom in law is talking my head off...dh is distracting me...sorry

I'm all yours now...jaw? I'm changing to jaw...NOW

Mochachino said...

beautiful em

jaw on ass...ooh the combinations

tinababy1 said...


Yvonne said...

tina, lol someone say go and everybody need to know when it's their turn, or call out who goes after you :)

crazy said...

Tina is trying to get us to rush through our foreplay!!!!


Lynnes said...

Shani~go after my eye.

Diane said...

OK, if nobody needs a nose or pit, I'm out of here. have fun!

Emmes said...


Lynnes said...

now shani

Anonymous said...

I think we're all very confused.

Go Rob.

Lynnes said...

ok staring over fo realzz

Lynnes said...

me then me again wait for it...

crazy said...

No nose from Diane???

Shani said...


Lynnes said...

now go shani

elaine said...

I need to be drunk to play this!

Little Momma said...

ok ok what do you need me to be...

Mochachino said...

wait Diane before you go...I can take the pit (see email above)

Lynnes said...

whoops, my bad, I guess the eye goes after the ear. wait fo rthe hair it's coming...

crazy said...

give Momma a part

crazy said...

give Momma a part

crazy said...

Tina - just iim a hand job til we're finished

Shani said...


Anonymous said...

I have an arm for Momma

Lynnes said...

go shani, then me again

tinababy1 said...

ooo crazy 2x mouth, me like

crazy said...

2x mouth? translate

Divinesally said...

Emmes~ok I'm good and ready to go, who am I after? what ROBpart?

Lynnes said...

everyone STOP!! I'm gonna wait first...

Emmes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Little Momma said...

i have ac hest pic...anyone already have that?

Lynnes said...

DIvine you're after Crazy's lips

Emmes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Little Momma said...

ok you have it covered...

Lynnes said...

me then nose

Shani said...

EM- I'm the ear after the hair

Lynnes said...

oh crap, lemme get the hair back.

LM~go after dIvine's jaw porn

Yvonne said...

does everyone know what part they are?

Lynnes said...

who had the chest?

crazy said...

who has the happy trail??

Divinesally said...

who's got the chest? I can't be two parts,that's ludicrous!

elaine said...


crazy said...

i know we're missing something...Momma?

Yvonne said...

DS, I was two parts last time, you can do it!!! I have faith inyou! :)

Anonymous said...

Wang here.

Divinesally said...

well ok then elaine. nice feet Yvonne.

when is GO time?

Emmes said...

ass candy

crazy said...

E~ oh good. phew!

i haven't seen the chest ?

Yvonne said...

ds, thnx darlin'

tinababy1 said...

go, I have to get laid soon

Mochachino said...

someone had a nice nippley pec the other day, forgot who

Divinesally said...

then ya'll gotta wait, it's gonna take me a minute to change avatars and find the thread and then go to this page. I think we should go to another fresh thread...

crazy said...

so do i, but i have my priorities straight!!!!

Mochachino said...

lol Tina

Yvonne said...

I have a chest, I'll be 2 parts if u really need me to be

Lynnes said...

Emmes or Diane (i think)=nose

got it? I will wait a few...

Anonymous said...

HM DS can you open more than one window or tab at a time?

Yvonne said...

erin, I have that , and a bare chest one as well

Emmes said...

If we dont have a nose I can be nose and ass

Divinesally said...

I do damn it!!! It's ROB chest...a still from HA.

LMAO Tina.

tinababy1 said...

C - ROTFL I've gotta get him in shape for you!!!

Little Momma said...

ok chest with nip - me!

Shani said...


crazy said...

guys - we habve MOMMA here with NO part. why have 2????

elaine said...

Forgot happy trail!

tinababy1 said...

I'm not going to make it guys

Divinesally said...

yeah ballsy, ok...

Yvonne said...

lynnes....perfect list, now as long as everyone knows what they have and DONT speak out of turn ,we should be ok

Emmes said...

Emmes or Diane (i think)=nose


tinababy1 said...

Tina = out

Anonymous said...

the ass isn't on the list either LOL

crazy said...

Tina~~~ LMAO!!!!!!! ahahahah
Does he know?

Emmes said...

momma I have a bare chest

Anonymous said...

oh there you go hehe

Lynnes said...

Momma don't forget you are the chest and nip action.

Emmes, yes you got the schnoze.

Let's hurry before Tina's gets some...

tinababy1 said...

Told him earlier, siad sure thing. Never been to Joisey.

crazy said...

crap. Tina c**kblocked us.

Divinesally said...


Lynnes said...

Tina~can you type and fuck? lolz

Yvonne said...

niiiice :))))

tinababy1 said...

If we do it standing and from behind

Shani said...


Lynnes said...

Divine, sorry, your jaw so you dont hafta do the dbl duty. Momma's got nip and chest.

Mochachino said...

HAHAH lynnes, I'm dying here

I don't know if my man would go for that

crazy said...

hey! i don't tawk like dat!

Stall the dh, send him to my FB or sumptin.

tinababy1 said...

see you tomorrow

Yvonne said...

tina, there u go, you've got your priorities straight.

Lynnes said...

ok ready?

Emmes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
crazy said...

LMAOROTFL ahahahhahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yvonne said...

bye T xo xo

Mochachino said...

BAHAHAHA have fun Tina

Lynnes said...

ok, no more hand porn. That's ok.


Yvonne said...

I'm ready, if you go lynne and no one else talks, we can go....

Lynnes said...

sorry, bye Tina and nighty night!

Shani said...


Lynnes said...

go shani

Divinesally said...

oh ok great. I don't want to double team tonight.

Lynnes said...

me now Emmes

Divinesally said...

smooches Tina, enjoy the c**k!!! =)

Lynnes said...

fuck me

go shani

Emmes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Divinesally said...

ok ok sorry sorry can we plz start over??? love you guys ;)

Lynnes said...


go shani

Shani said...


Lynnes said...

go emmes

Emmes said...

mouth next

crazy said...

pupida - jaw

Divinesally said...

Go Momma!

Little Momma said...


Little Momma said...


Anonymous said...

ass next, we forgot to list the happy trail

Emmes said...

knee next

Mochachino said...

legs up!

feet next

Yvonne said...


Lynnes said...


crazy said...

where was Elaienieie with the happybtrail???

Emmes said...

dude we´re getting soo good at this...yeah

crazy said...

do over

Divinesally said...

woot woot! You bitches are total FUCKING WIN!!! my bad for messing up the flow..

Yvonne said...

That went pretty smooth :)

Little Momma said...


Lynnes said...

i didn't wanna fuck up the momentum? does anyone wanna do it again for the happy trail?? DON'T THROW STUFF AT ME!!!

Emmes said...

the face looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Is elaine still here?

elaine said...

Hate you! I've been hoppin' down the happy trail finding those Cocolate bunnies that he's hiding everywhere!!! lol

crazy said...

this is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Yvonne said...

do over? aare u outta your mind? wait, don't answer that!

Emmes said...

is Elainne here or is she gettin some too? haha

Little Momma said...

no please not again!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

She should come before the crotch.

crazy said...

Do over. i have lots of free time . i don't have to f--- the dh.

elaine said...

Lynnes~I luv u!

Sorry, misspelled chocolate(got excited)

Yvonne said...

I dont mind...if you all want to try again, when lynne says go, nobody move!

Lynnes said...

Momma~you don't gotta do the hand porn? please?

Shani said...

Yes again for a new world record....

Anonymous said...

I want an Oreo.

Emmes said...

uhh elainy, the happy trail is SO vital to DA ROB

Mochachino said...

we've got a HUGE TALENT

Divinesally said...

lol definitely missed the happy trail.

elaine~hippitty hoppitty

crazy said...

Oreo = random LOL!!

Yvonne said...

oh yeah, we've got talent alright. I'll tell you what , we know Rob's parts, that's for sure!

Yvonne said...

I could pick that hand out of a lineup.

Divinesally said...

so what are we doin?

Lynnes said...

Elaine~you come after Momma's chest

crazy said...

we all passed Robparts 101

elaine said...

We could do cookies!

Emmes said...

ok, ready to smell the fuckscent

Lynnes said...

everyone ready.

I'm gonna post again just in case. so wait for it shani.

Yvonne said...

I need a bowl of ice cream, I'll catch up, I'm feet, so I'm last anyway :)))

Yvonne said...

The oreo comment made me hungry

Lynnes said...

ok go shani

Divinesally said...

I'm so happy as the ROBjaw. It's my favorite part next to the WANG and HANDS.

crazy said...

pupida - SHIT UP

Lynnes said...


Go shani

crazy said...

shut, whatever ;)

Anonymous said...


Lynnes said...

whaut up balsy

Divinesally said...

wtf lmao, this is high-larious

Anonymous said...

What did we cut out and leave in, because is there not a hand anymore? I came after the hand.

Little Momma said...

listen i will do neck chest and hand

Lynnes said...

yeah, we cut out the hand. you're after elaine's happy trail.

Little Momma said...

trust me

crazy said...

bathroom emergency!!! LMAO@!!!

Divinesally said...

Lynnes what's the new line up bb? sorry for any inconvenience.

Divinesally said...

Damn MOmma is a multi tasking Robsessing delight, tonight!

Lynnes said...

sweet momma~that's one after the other.
so after Divine's jaw is neck chest and hand. Then Elaine's happy trail, balsy, etc.

Everyone comprende?

Lynnes said...

I'm gonna post again shani so wait up.

Divinesally said...

bb Cakes is in the crapper, we'll wait...

Shani said...


crazy said...

see? i take credir for making sure she was here. (i have the laptop in the bathroom. tmi?)

Anonymous said...

No pit anymore?

Divinesally said...

ok so Momma is Thrice after moi? got tit!

Lynnes said...

yeah, we'll wait when we get to her we know what's taking long.

ok shani, go

Emmes said...

comprendo...and, oh ! I left my wallet in el Segundo

crazy said...

where is the effin toilet paper/??

Lynnes said...


no pit, cant find Diane

ok shani ready?

Divinesally said...

tmi most def bb

Lynnes said...

ok ready???????

shani I'm gonna post again first.

Shani said...

I'm gonna beat y'all

Lynnes said...

go emmes

Emmes said...


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