New "Old" Fan Pictures


Yvonne said...

I love drunk Spunk in the first pic.

Pic 2 -----> eeeww. I dunno, something yucky about that.

Stacy said...

LMAO. Drunk Spunk!

Yah ... Rob looks good in the second, but my first thought was ... "creepy girl."

WinWin said...

he does look good in second picture, but the girl looks out of place.

TwiHartRK said...

OMG - I wanna BE that girl. She's practically planting a kiss on his cheek! GAH!!!

Ana73 said...

he looks gorgeous in the second picture but take the girl out. how "old" are the pictures?

spunkyshoefucker said...

That girl in that 2nd picture makes me wanna cut a

crazylife said...

Could that second photo be altered?

TwiHartRK said...

Whoa Spunky!! Step away from the sharp objects. LOL @ cutabitch.

smalltowngirl - well, it could be and I'm thinking of photoshopping my face into it and framing it on my nightstand. Think my dh would mind?

spunkyshoefucker said...

LMMFAO TWIHEART! Shit..that photo is going on my Now that's old school. said...
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TwiHartRK said...

Spunky - That's brave going with the keychain. I don't think he would pass for my new boy toy around the office...I've been successful at keeping my Rob screen saver on the DL. It could get awkward if someone were see me licking my screen.

Anonymous said...

No need to cut a bitch; he looks bored and oblivious to the girl! I'm thinking it could be photoshopped, too.

crazylife said...

Twiheart. I guess I want to be that girl as well.

I just think as a guy who says he's paranoid he sure let's people get close to him.

Sorry Rob, just saying....

TwiHartRK said...
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TwiHartRK said...

STG - I know, what you mean. He seems genuinely baffled by the magnitude of the attention he's getting. I've never seen or heard of him being anything but good natured about it. I hope that the pushy fans, crazy stalkers and paparazzi don't get to him. Don't ever change Rob!

I'm impressed these people didn't let the opportunity pass them by. And I hope he feels the love.

Unknown said...

Okay, enough is enough.
Robert should hole up somewhere creating music; these fans just takes advantage of him all the time.
He should be left alone, leave him alone when he is eating, when he is walking, when he is enjoying a show! All these women taking picture with Robert and rubbing themselves against him is just toooooooo much. Just have a photo of him for Pete's sake. Don't take advantage of his kindness!!!

Smitten_Vixen said...

Wow, I blacked out for a little while... MUST OF BEEN THE BLINDING JEALOUS RAGE!

I'm better now, But if I look at that last picture again, I can't promise anything.

Smitten_Vixen said...

P.S I agree that ravenous fans should keep the rubbing to a minimum... but in this case I doubt the girl would of gotten that close unless he wanted her there... He's not an idiot ...remember the crazer that tried to molest his face on tmz... he dodged that girl!

And when he doesn't want to take a picture... he doesn't...

Tiffany said...

if he looked unhappy about this situation... I would say the girl was a crazy bitch but he doesn't look too troubled by her being that close so I say good on ya girl!

Unknown said...

my opinion, 2nd pic, he acts cool. lol. hahah.

Krupa T said...

Who is that girl?? Cant deny that he looks his usual gorgeous self in the picture though!

Krupa T said...

The pic is not photoshopped though.. I can tell cuz you can see how her hair falls on his jacket.. He was probably too busy looking at the camera to realise how she was posing!

Divinesally said...

That jaw porn is killing me, dead.

i am awesome-o said...
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margot said...

for god's sake, this man isn't a toy boy and public property ! Why don't people feel the natural distance - it should be easily seen in the second person's body language ! And the second picture says "NO!"
And it is said that the British naturally keep distance...
If he was a girl, an actress so worshiped, there would be immediately another reaction form people around if anybody tried to touch her, kiss her, stalk in this way as they do with Rob - it's definitely to close and against the will, kindda rape (=touching against the will, isnt it ?)

i am awesome-o said...

Omgoodness! I absolutly love the 2nd pic...minus the girl. Hahaha! He looks just WOW! = )

Maryann said...

I think he looks drunk and uninterested in both pics. Still look good though!

Nicky said...

I am going to brave the disagreement from what I am about to say, but I don't think he is irritated/bored with that girl in the second photo, his body language tells me something different....and to me, it almost looks like he is taking photo himself...alittle bit but maybe not quite.

Anonymous said...

He looks like he had a bit too much to drink, and this is a second photo of 2. In the first photo she is next to him but not in his face. In the split second it took to take the second pic, she obvioulsy took advantage of his anebriated and got herself all this attention. A person's celebrity doesn't give fans the right to invade their personal space. There was buzz recently he got harassed by some drunk fans on a plane. Grrr!

Here is the link to the other pic.

dechick2009 said...

wow who is that girl

Maryann said...

This link says she is a friend of Rob and Marcus, there's two pics of her with Rob and the other one she is not as close. lol.

spunkyshoefucker said...

It appears that the girl is taking the photo herself. I went and looked at the other pictures and he def. looks annoyed in the second one. But....the picture still makes me wanna

Unknown said...

geez...he must get soooo sick of posing for fan picks !

sanna said...

uuuh... the girl in the second pic is not even cute....

Maryann said...

It is the same girl in both pics and I think she is cute. Now I am not defending her in any way nor do I know her lol. She just looks like a normal girl to me. Nothing more and nothing less really.

Sleepy Hollow Craft Company said...

reminds me of that gif u posted a few days back where he is posing on the street with some girls and the one girl rubs her hand over his chest lol- i fucking loved that look on his face. Makes me think of that song from 30 rock this week..." ladies love me, girls adore me, even the ones that never saw me..." sorry- random early morning thoughts from Ohio :)

Anonymous said...

That 2nd photo is not Photoshopped. Lighting is consistent, etc. (I'm knowledgeable about PS).

Silly pose, but then again, she's a fan so she's taking her best opportunity.

I don't get jealous of things like this. Why would anyone? It's sort of a useless emotion to have if you really think about it- she has her few minutes with him and then it's done. No big whoop.

Unknown said...

Well, all those rubbings Robert with parts of their bodies - hand, boobs, head, cheeks, whatever is not acceptable!
Pretty soon, anyone who comes near him thinks it is acceptable, and just go help themselves. Case in point, one fan-pic posted here sometime ago of big tall girl had Robert in a lock position - leaving him looking awkward; she didn't think of Robert's position - she just did it selfishly so that she show picture and parade herself with Robert locked.
It's too much! yeah sure, we can say more power to her that she is able to come near Robert and take a chance in kissing him. But, we should give him space.
He might subliminally process those and he can go crazy internally!!

Yvonne said...

Noel, exactly my thoughts!
To me, it just looks like that girl is selfishly taking advantage of him. It made me cringe. All of these strangers (like tall-girl-who-had-him-in-a-head-lock) who have the nerve to just grab him...GAH! Really pisses me off. He's probably too sweet to say he doesn't loook like an asshole to his fans. But girls like that, give ALL fans a bad rep. OK, I feel better now.

MandyW said...

We all wish we could be that close to him, but if it were me, I probably would be over in a corner somewhere hyperventalating at even being in the same room as him and completely miss my chance. Besides that he is just a normal person and his feelings should be taken into consideration.

Shani said...

Y'all take it easy. The girl is pretty and he didn't look annoyed. Prehaps that's why he let her be that close to him. He's not blind.
We have seen now a number of girls who have posed for pics with him. So her being that close with puckerd lips is nothing new.

There's photos like this since HP days. Girls will be girls when they see a hot guy and take a photo with him. A lot of people do the same thing with their friends. Hell, TMZ just showed some old guy taking a photo with Taylor Swift. He had his face directly beside hers. So male or female poseing with their favourite star will take advantage because they want get another chance like that ever again. No it's not right, but hey that's how some people are. Personal boundaries be damned....

Emmes said...

wahhhhh????....that girl was all up in his biznazzz!!!

Rob on the other hand, was giving US some savory bedroom eyes :)))

Anonymous said...

What is that girl DOING?

She's like, "You smell like Christmas cookies."


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Who knows? She may know him. The problem is that sometimes fans feel like they "know" the celebrity because they've seen all the movies, watched the interviews and videos...Someone on here once said that it is such a one-sided relationship. The fan feels like he/she knows Rob, and Rob doesn't know who the hell any of them are. He is SO considerate about all of it. Plus, in the time it takes to take a pic, people can lean in and do stuff at the last second. I personally couldn't handle all these people coming up to me wanting a piece of me. Yikes!

Sophia Z.86 said...

In that second pic, she was almost kissing him... and she was beautiful! Grrrrrr... back off, woman!

Unknown said...

i agree with all of the "she should back off" comments but still, a tiny part of me is dying to be that close to those perfect lips.

Mariya said...

I think the girl looks pretty...i think he looks like he enjoys it...Back off girl!!!! :o( i think i'm jelous...

Kathy#1 said...

Love the pics but the one with the girl is "interesting". I guess anyone would want to be that close to him, but he looks like he is just wishing she'd go away. He isn't even giving her the time of day which makes it really pitiful for her I think.

Nena said...

I do quite a bit of photoshop and while there are some great photoshop work out there, the lighting in the picture seems to be real.
I would be very surprised if it was a manipulation.


Smitten_Vixen said...

Girls get CRAZY JEALOUS when people, well girls... get pictures with him... it's honestly What's this photoshopped business??? Guys this is not p/s, we need to stop the hating on girls who are lucky enuff to get a pic!!! IF IT WAS U U WOULD BE BLISSED OUT!!!

All I know is if I ever get a pic, I am not putting on the net... GIRLS scare me.

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