Win the jacket off Robert Pattinson's Back! is having a contest...enter and win this craptastic jacket.
He does look awful cute in it however, and hey its better than tattooing his name on your wrist. Much less creepy.

It's no secret how much we — and you! — love Robert Pattinson. Just in time for his birthday tomorrow, we're kicking off this amazing one-of-a-kind giveaway of the jacket he wore in How to Be! Yes, he touched it. It's a staple in the movie and most importantly Robert Pattinson wore this jacket filming the movie and we are giving it to one of you! Amazing, yes? All you have to do is take the fun quiz below — it does not matter how you score on the quiz, but you must be logged in to enter. Click here for the official rules. Be sure to check out the soundtrack available now on iTunes featuring three songs performed by Rob! How to Be is also now playing on IFC Festival Direct, which can be found within your cable provider’s movies-on-demand platform. How to Be will have a UK cinema release from 10 May and will then be available on DVD and download in the UK from 18 May. Visit for complete details — but first thing's first, time to get playing. We're so excited for this giveaway!
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Here are the questions to the quiz:

Question 1 of 3In what movie does Robert Pattinson wear this jacket?
Harry Potter
How to Be
Little Ashes

Question 2 of 3Where would you wear Robert Pattinson's jacket?
To bed
Nowhere, it would stay in a case
I'd give it away

Question 3 of 3Is this the movie Robert Pattinson plays vampire Edward Cullen?
No, silly.
He's always Edward to me.
Who is Robert Pattinson?


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Dumb-ass questions as always. Here's a suggestion for a question:

Define singularity in the context of black hole theory.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Knowing the ultra-smart ladies on this blog, someone here would definitely win that coat! :)

Jewels64 said...


Can I just win Rob Pattinson instead?



TwiHartRK said...

Happy Birthday Rob!!

DirtyD said...

Happy Birthday Rob!!!

babbles said...

Happy Birthday Rob!

Kat said...

Happy Birthday Rob....

Lynn said...

Happy 23rd Birthday, Rob!

Rose said...

Happy Birthday, Rob...

I so love you right now.
(thanks for giving me a present for you birthday!)

I hope you are smiling all day tomorrow... and may there be no cameras in your face to spoil the day.


Jewels64 said...

And the RobKats come rolling out...



Robert Thomas Pattinson, born May 13,1986....

Oh Rob! (In my best Mary Tyler Moore voice...for those of you who don't get that...I'm sorry...)

You sir...

Can I get a fucking collective "WOW" from the peanut gallery?

Hello gorgeous...remember us from Robsessed? We love you. We praise your talent. We should probably be arrested for some of the things we think about you.

Happy Birthday Darling! May you have major success in anything you choose to do!

I am a true, loyal fan...and a nuts girl as well!


A truly dedicated RobKat from the start....

Kimberlesk said...

Happy B-day Rob -- hope you get what you want .... thanks for an very entertaining year! Keep up the great work!

Tenneil said...

happy Birthday... Mr Robert Pattinson... well wishes to you....

Merit said...

happy birthday my love!!!

i'd love to have the jacket

but i really have the worst lucky evr =(

so i preffer no to participate haha

vuyah said...

Happy Birthday Rob! Are you ready for your 23 spankings? (wink)

Anonymous said...

happy 23rd rob!

hope you have a fantastic birthday!

much love xoxo

Lynnes said...

Happy, happy berfday Rob!

I wish you a pap free day!


MandyW said...

I have bever entered a contest like this but I made an exeption here because to have something like this would just make my day... oh who am I kidding... it would make my life.


Who loves you?
We all do!

phosphorus said...

Why do we have to work today? This should be an international holiday.

Happy Birthday, Rob!

Hopefully the paparazzi and fans leave him alone today so he can celebrate his birthday. No-one should spoil it by pestering him, he deserves a break.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...


All the best for your 23rd year of life. May the coming year bring you excellent scripts, time for yourself and loved ones, open-mic nights, less freaky gossip and paps, and a general mellowing of your existence. You are well-loved and protected here on Robsessed by a bevy of beautiful, intelligent, unique women.

vuyah said...

KK, ditto to that; well said. must get some champagne and make a toast on this special day.

Lynn said...

Jewels---I puffy heart your Rob Petrie reference....I had the biggest crush on Dick Van Dyke with that show.

Again, happy birthday to Rob and this also comes from a truly dedicated Robkat from the start...

Ellie said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Rob!

Love, me and my RobKats

Suz said...

OK... I actually registered on "PopSugar" (Ive officially lost my freakin mind...)


I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed this coat.

A/L.A. I love ya, but.. it's ON!


Joanna said...

in this part of the world it IS Rob's birthday !!

Hannah said...

This jacket is the shit, the dogs bollocks and the cats pajamas all in one.
I would wear it with hobo pride if I won it. Fact.

Nicky said...

"Hobo pride" - HA!!!! LOVE IT! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Suz, it's on, but I've been all Law of Attraction/ Principessa, Principessa, Principessa with this jackie. It's coming my way. Trust.

Anonymous said...

<<< come to me jacket >>>>

Suz said...

Sorry A/L.A.

Art wants Suz to have it...

and so it shall be...

so it shall be

Suz said...

P.S. I read that dang book from Oprah...

Visualize Heinous Jacket...

Visualize Heinous Jacket...

It's sooo mine girlfriend.

(I will let you visit it!)

Anonymous said...

Oh Suz, Suz, Suz (shaking head)

See, the jacket even wants to be with me, because it knows I love it for not only what it is, but how it looks as well. I would never call my jackie "heinous". I seriously will rock it. 'Cause it's mine. It's mine, mine!! (muwahahahahaa)


<< ohm cometomelittlebrownjackie >>>

Jo Bryan said...

been so poorly this jacket would keep me all snuggly

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