On the 16th I made a post about How To Be Director Oliver Irving's Interview with Radar Online and the title was "Drunk Filming of How To Be and One Stupid Girl". In the interview Oliver said:
"Irving fondly recalls how the actress Alisah Amah was less than enthusiastic about her hunky co-star. “At the time they actually didn’t get on very well. I don’t know, Rob must have done something, I don’t know, funny, but I remember she was not happy,” he said. “I think that came through in the film actually, we had wanted to it be warmer but she was very unhappy, she really got wound up by him. It must be very funny for her now.”
Well, apparently Alisa Arnah (Radar Online screwed up and called her Alisah Amah so its "ooops!" all around!) left a message on our affiliate Robert Pattinson Australia's page saying:
Hi guys, Alisa Arnah here. Someone told me about this article and I just wanted to set the record straight… it is absolutely not true that I didn’t like Rob! He was a lot of fun and made me laugh. Not my cup of tea romantically speaking I admit, but a great guy. Not sure where the misunderstanding came from - but now you have the truth. Thanks, Alisa.
*Gozde clears throat, tries to not feel like a jackass :)*
Dear Alisa,
In the land of ROBsessed it is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to NOT like Rob. We all bow down in front of his gorgeousness and are SURE he has no imperfections, no annoying personality traits and no kind of B.O. We are pretty sure when he toots it smells like roses and when he walks angels sing at his feet.(okay getting carried away here, I am not sure if he toots. It's too human! :)
I apologize for calling you stupid as I now know that you probably aren't. (I had to add the probably for the not your cup of tea comment, I'm sure you understand :))
By the way how come no one famous leaves us a message? Peh!
as soon as i am famous i'm gonna leave you a message! promise!
Knowing Rob from all the interviews, he was probably trying to "get into the character" so he probably bugged the heck out of her by trying to be romantic and such . . . but she probably thinks it was for real.
I owe her an apology too...I said maybe she didn't have any sense of humor and just cos this stupid article misquoted or didn't do their research I made an OOPSIE too Gozde. So here is my apology, she HAS a sense of humor if she thinks he's a great guy and funny too. So he's not her type romantically. That's fine. Hey I don't like my friend's crushes sometimes either lol.
So APOLOGIES to Alisa Arnah, you probably do have a great sense of humor too :-).
OMG Thanks for leaving that comment! He is too perfect to be farting LOL!!! I needed that laugh, made my day. It is too human.
I know goz...like rob...he should leave you a message telling you how much he adores you running this awesome blog devoted to him! *swoon* that would be so AWESOME!
oh and he should mention how much he loves that we 'robsess' as well! *hint hint* rob!
*fans self just thinking of the possibility*
Rob can be soooo goofyy (and he's such a boy at times, but an adorable boy) at times and looking at her picture, she seemed like the serious type. So at the time, Rob maybe not be such a "romantic" prospect for her. But by saying "romantic type" in her apologies, it makes me wonder if indeed our Rob was really "trying to get into character" and start proposing to her and do all those goofy stuff.
I can imagine Rob at that time, showing up for work, unkept, wearing the same clothes. For her that is probably a turned off.
But our Robert has grown up considerably and has learned a lot from his loving fans.
I am sure Robert is not ungrateful. He probably go to this blog often, and give himself a good smile and get tingly all over.
But, it is not a good idea for him to do that because once he comes on and comment, all sort of people will start leaving messages for him through this blog, and that would create a great mess!
A+ on the reply Gozde!!!
We need some Sam Bradley over here, like LTR!
But on a different note, I am forever and always in love with you Goz. You are too hilarious ;pp
Who needs Sam when I have you guys? :)) (I am very jealous :PP) And Carla, I'm sure you'll sing a different tune once you are famous, boohooo :PP
Goz; Well said! And for the record, I agree with you re: "when he farts it smells like roses and when he walks angels sing at his feet." ;)
How can THIS----------> ROB
not be someone's "cup of tea"??? Is she blind (he looks gorgeous), deaf (his voice is amazing), cannot smell (he must smell like roses... not so sure if he farts... he is such a Greek-God)??? What is the problem with that woman?
Alisa, can you get in here and tell me your secret of how to be immune to that man's gorgeousness?? You know, I have work to do and a small dose of sanity would be helpful...
"By the way how come no one famous leaves us a message? Peh!"
Goz.. I write practically EVERY DAY!
I know Suz, stupid me :)
Gozde-your rock girrrrrlllll! Great post, and great story. she's still a dope for not being attracted to him, but whatev. I think we all need a dose of what she's taking-perhaps-rob is sooooo addicting! It's redamndiculous. (HA) :) Love ya, Goz-you're awesome, and the site is the bomb, baby!
Oh, and one more thing-I'm sure everything about him smells like roses-mmmmmm.....I can smell it now-the Robliciousness....ha. :) Everything about him draws you in, his face, his voice, even his smell........yum. ;)
LOL, thanks for the love :) *off to read the 1200 emails in my inbox* sigh...
i am thoroughly convinced rob himself smells like roses. the ray lamontagne song "roses & cigarettes"... that is exactly how i imagine rob smells...think about it
and if you haven't heard this song, do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOw98NA6X04
Good call, TS. Perfect Rob song.
Not my cup of tea?... not my cup of teeeeea??? *rolling eyes*
I don´t know if this woman is stupid or not (actually I really don´t care), but definetly she is blind.
FROM ET....................
Robert Pattinson reveals among during the interview that he is cautious about being around other people now–“I’m always really worried about ruining their lives. Especially with people that aren’t famous. It’s such a massive change. I’m kind of a paranoid wreck. I’ve eaten a lot of room service.”
(AWW Robbie....embrace it baby, u so cute!!!)
Nope, they are tabloid trash :)
Is Transworldnews a reliable source?
Good to know!
Goz, I puffy heart you so. You are amazing and I love your wonderful sarcasm. MUAH! XOXO
I puffy heart you too :))
Don't even go there Danni... Be a good vampire and control your animal instincts!
Dennis Coleman have some teasers talking about Rob in his twitter!
I can't wait to see this ET show!
I'm not going there, i swear!!!
Bom garota !!
Are you from Brazil?Or Portugal?
How come no one leaves you messages?
Because like Twi-Moms, it's a bit creepy here.
And my daily dose of downer comes from anon at 4:13. Thanks for the daily dose.
No. Danni.. Basque country. Just rolling around in your mother tongue instead of working!
Goz: I know you're not a censorship fan. Me either. But have you ever considered only letting registered bloggers post? They can use any screenname they want and don't have to give real ID. It would just be a way to tell all the "Anons" out there apart... and eventually weed out the downers!
Creepy here???
You probably misunderstood the concept of "creep"
Alisa is gorgeous! It probably worked out for the best that she wasn't romantically attracted to Rob. It would be hard to have to reign it in all the time because you're supposed to act like you don't want anything to do with him.
Must have been his haircut...
And by the way: your apology is a classy move!
@ Danni, LOL.
Loisada, I am not going to censor unless absolutely necessary. I want passerbys to be able to post if they want to :)
I just got an email from Regent Releasing regarding "Little Ashes" with the following note embedded. I hope you got it too, but just in case, here it is:
"Regent Releasing and Here Media would ike to acknowledge the amazing fan movement that is sharing information about this wonderful film with each other, contacting theaters and spreading the word around the world."
Congratulations! It's having a wonderful impact.
TS! Ray Lamontagne owns parts of me...
his new record... sublime.. HELL all his records are...
Great song choice for RobSmell.
Suz(hearts)RL fans!
Just in case you wanna know!
Is "boa garota" e nĂŁo "bom garota"
I'm happy that you tried to talk to me in portuguese!!!!
Yeah anon @4:32, I saw that too. They should since ALL of the new additions came from the list we compiled. I also saw other sites posting it and saying "your calls helped!" like they had a hand in it. I emailed Regents and got no replies. It would be nice to get a real acknowledgment but that's okay. We do it for the people! *fist in the air!* :)) As long as people get to see the movie because of the movement I'm happy :))
Goz; because of the calls, LA is playing in my home town. And I thank you for that - and everyone who called.
Yay @ Bootstrap! That's what I'm talkin' about! :))))
TS and Suz; your Ray comments have inspired me to listen to him now (I too like Ray. A lot).
suz: if it doesn't work out between me and rob... ray is my back up plan ;)
no seriously though...i love me some ray
how awesome would it be to hear rob cover one of ray's songs? i'm pretty sure i could die happy
I know maybe were just to high profile??? Because LTR back in January got a message from Sam Bradley.Hell, I begged and many of us here have begged also for RP to talk to us.I mean as many hits as you get. There has got to be somebody out there lurking that knows this boy and has seen us time and again talking to RP like fools. Whatever...we are still the reigning champs...:))))
Now about that girl there's an old saying,"he's just not her cup of tea"...
I'm just jealous of her because she got the chance to spend time with him, and it's very hard for me to understand her casualness about the experience.No offense ment.
I would've died and gone to heaven.
But alas, we can't all have the sense to worship the ground Rob walk's on.
We do have resident fame.Goz and her counterpart Dani!!
With out them the land of "Robsessed-Addicted to Robert Pattinson" would not exsist. Thank you to the, powers that be, for these two wonderful peolple.
Oopsie...I didn't read the comments before hand everybody already said what I said many times over. What can I say great minds think alike...:)))
What do u girls think about Adam Lambert's If I Can't Have U for New Moon? It was very eerie and hearfelt.
Just curious!
Gozde I firstly must apologise for getting your name wrong yesterday. Freudian slip calling you GODze???
Loisada.. I don't think you will ever be free of trolls on a site that is this popular. These people go on sites and leave "combustible comments"just to get a reaction.
Alisa..do you wish you had paid more attention now? LOL.
Emmes.. does he really say he is a paranoid wreck. I am half afraid to watch this ET interview. I feel so bad for him that his life has become so claustrophobic.
Rob if the shoot in Vancouver is over I hope you are somewhere right now away from the maddening crowds relaxing and enjoying yourself.
LOL, not a problem :)) It's a common mistake :)) Muah!
We also had the RobPants Chick/Lady post once, she is *kind of* famous, in a way....What is with the Twi-m0m negativity lately? Some of us are Very Cool....we just have kids.
Goz, what's the deal w/ Twilight moms? Please define one.
I didn't say nothing about Twimoms :))
They are an internet group. I've never been to their forum etc and I can't judge what I don't know.
Nothing against Twimoms from me :))
Oh, I didn't realize it was an official group. I thought it was just moms who liked Twilight. My error!
Seemed like there were a couple remarks recently, I didn't understand.
This post was amazing GG!
Not her cup of tea?? is she made of flesh and blood?
Thanks Goz! I just seriously wanted to know. Now I see that it is a sight, not actually a person. lol
R u mad at me? just asking
I luv this site! {hugs}
lol, no I'm not mad at you :)) It takes a lot to get me mad :PP
Thanks, I feel better! I would never do anything to make u mad!
Back to look at Vman outtakes!
U know ur like a drug to me!
Look on the bright side, with Alisa out of the running, that just leaves every other female on the planet besotted with Rob; the odds are getting better! Wonder if she considers air "not her cup of tea" when it comes to breathing? Just sayin'.
Man, she is really gorgeous. I did not find her very attractive in the film with that harsh haircut and her bitch-ass attitude. Still think she is slightly impaired to not be dazzled by Rob and a ll his sexy.
She must be frigid!
Thank God, she that she is frigid! She is out of the run...
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