Better Than Morning Coffee: Pattinson Picture from Japan

Mr. and Mrs. Pattinson, thank you so much for creating this:

Picture source

Thanks to [info]yoyo_j and [info]pattinsonlife


Rhonda said...

Holy Hot Lips! He is simply divine in that one! Thank you Mamma & Pappa Pattz indeed!

Suz said...


more like a six pack of red bull!

Anna said...

AND he's caffeine- and sugar-free!!!

No need to consume with moderation... he he...

lostinphilly said...

Sizzling and hot as always! Yes, thank you mama and papa pattz, I second that! Yum!!!!!

Tess said...

The man is completely fattening ladies.. let's not kid ourselves ;)

Thank Mr. and Mrs. P indeed.

toujours said...


Anonymous said...

he is just too beautiful...

niahid said...

Another awesome pic.. Thanx Gozde

Nicole said...

Thank you! I can now go back to sleep and have sweet dreams ;)

Babs said...

That look in his eyes... so freaking sexy!! Okay, sometimes I try to convince myself that this Robsession is insane, but then I look at his pics and, well, why should I even bother try? I'm so dang crazy about him :)

CSI_Kat said...

Wow that is one sexy picture! That was a nice way to start my morning! *thud*

Kate said...

Great pic. Love it in B&W !

Lizalou said...

Looks like a hot vampire in this pic. Yup. Sorta sleepy-faced, too.
I'll take it.

Anonymous said...

hi, this is margot here - my computer couldn't stand either Rob or me obsessing over Rob and is being repaired, anyway now I'm trying DH's computer....
1) we should thank (worship ?) Mrs and Mr Pattinson not only for divine genes but equally for bringing up Rob, making him into such a nice person ! beautiful looks wouldn't be enough for me :)))
2) told ya ... clone him ! ( in some 20 years time we would have the man from the photo .... damn, damn, DAMN, it won't work either)
3) only 3 days without you girls and I'm missing this site :((

Ellie said...

Damn, those eyelashes go on forever!
And I love the wicked little glint in Rob's eyes.

crazy said...

Does he look at women that way??!! He's got to! Has any girl lived to tell?!! My stomach feels weird again. Hot Damn! uhhhhhhhh.

Missed you Margot!

Anonymous said...

margot says : cra-zy :)))
Rob is one sexy devil (((((((Tina Fey , you were right)

Ashley said...

Coffee-check Laptop-check

Amazing Rob picture to spend my day drooling over- CHECK :)

Yes thank you Mr. and Mrs. for providing another distraction today

Morning everyone!

Yvonne said...

Coffee and Rob...
No better way to start the day :)
Thanks Goz, you are too good to us! And mum and dad Pattinson, thank you as well, you done good!

Anonymous said...

Crazy, you are funny!

Good morning, girls! Yes, better than morning coffee... IS MORNING SEX WITH HIM ON TOP OF ME! That is my idea of a good begin of a perfect day.

Hum... how am I supposed to concentrate on work now? Did you guys see the pic on the thread above too? The devil/angel?

Anonymous said...

Hi ladies, Meg here.
If he ever looked at me the way everyone describes it. I don't know what I would do. I might tell him, "Rob love do you have any idea what you do to our hearts when you look into our eyes." I'm serious, I think someone should tell him. Sooner or later everyone he encounters will be ROBSESSED and the world will end because no one will be able to function like a normal person anymore. We will all be walking around dazed and confused never again able to talk or make sense ever again.

Melanie said...


Guiltrip said...

What is it about Japan and Rob? Thanks for this--a wonderful way to start my morning!


PS I concur with the very important thank you to Mr. & Mrs. P for raising their son to be so nice, humble and genuine.

Marj said...

love this one so hot

crazy said...

re what Meg says...
Sooner or later everyone he encounters will be ROBSESSED and the world will end because no one will be able to function like a normal person anymore. We will all be walking around dazed and confused never again able to talk or make sense ever again.

April 14, 2009 9:09 AM

well put Meg!

see y'all later!

MeLLa said...

heLL yeah .. ouw BOY .. *SPEECHLESS* *.*

marina mia said...

damm. time stood still a moment. i forgot to breathe and remembered all over again why this timeless guy just blows my mind.

Anonymous said...

Definately thanks to his folks...for raising him to be the person he is!! He is just all that and great looking too!! Having both great personality and looks in one man is a rarity!!

How does anyone take so many really terrific photos?!! I can't seem to find one good one of myself!!

Divinesally said...

Ha, everyone's following suit and thanking his parents! hahahaha. We should seriously sign a petition and send it to his mom. Thank you for your son. lol. I hope they are proud of him. I know I am, and I don't even know the dude.

I swear he has WAY too much power over us. It's kinda sick, but in the most wonderful way.

Katja said...

Very NICE pic! =)

Shani said...

The best part of waking up is Folgers(Rob) in your cup(bed)...Mmmhmm...:P

Emmes said...


Nanah said...

Hello Girls. Have a nice day.

And he asks: Do I dazzle you??

OF COURSE you DAZZLE US, baby always, forever.....

Crazy, you're right.

A friend of mine lived under a rock and didn't know anything about Rob, twilight and the books. But now.. after i told her about the story, she's completely dazzle and fall in love with our man. Another girl Robsessed in the world.


Crazy Lady said...

Ooooo....very nice. Maybe it's the black & white photo, but he reminds me of James Dean here....maybe it's the sideburns, too. Sigh, to be 22, again....nah, not again but sigh either way. LOL

Crazy Lady said...

Oh, my manners. Thanks Godze for this lovely morning pick me up! *sigh* Takes my breath away. *sigh*

Vonnie said...

Mmmmm yes... this certainly woke me up this morning... thank you Mr & Mrs Pattinson, and thank you Gozde for bringing us the news!

Anonymous said...

Devil, I say, sexy Devil Himself ... His Majesty Rob the Devil ... I wannna go to hell .... (it's margot again, can't stop even on my DH's computer)

luckygyrl said...

Oh holy mother of all hell!!!! That is just a heavenly piece of work! Does it get any better that?

Oh, good morning all!!! Its been so long, but work and all has been too damn busy. Hope everyones having a fanfuckingtastic day!

Melissa said...

Yes, yes...a HUGE thank you to Mama & Papa P. Without you, none of this would be possible. LOL

Oh, and that pic is HOT! Love the B & W!!!

Stacy said...

MY GOD. No words! What a great thing to see when I turn on my computer!

RPnKSaddict said...

My Mother who is 72 was looking over my shoulder as I was oggleing Rob's beautiful picture,says," oh my he is a good looking man!" lmao.

Martina said...

mmmmmmmmmmm :P
problem is if I look at this picture before going to bed. I know my heart will start racing, pounding in my chest and I won`t get any sleep. :(

Alinutza Cris said...

Is he legal?
Thanks Gozde for a great pic after 8 working hours. Be right back. I need some fresh air before I start licking the screen [again]. :))

Anonymous said...

afternoon ladies!

i knew my quick visit to my favorite place would bring me happiness....and in the form of sex eyes and black & white, no less...doesn't get any better than this

those eyes, those eyes....and those eyelashes

Anonymous said...

Talk about revving up your engine! OMG, I'm pathetic!

leasa said...

I have been just RobObsessed for 2 months. He is so polite and such a gentleman.
Point in case: Photos with Camilla Belle @Hlywood Film Fest. No matter how much Camilla turned her body towards Rob, he just stood there and acted a good boy, not putting his hands on her cuz he does not want to give her something to be talked about.
Also, when they were out to lunch photos, he kept his distance all the time, his body language so full of respect and caution as they chat & laugh. There was one point where she almost run him onto a fence and he walked sideways so not to bump into her. He is such a gentleman. And even when they sitting down together in a party, he kept his distance--and I know (from interviews-called her a Saint) to preserve Camilla's reputation being the GF of Joe Jonas. Other men would have acted otherwise. He is such a gentle, sweet guy . . . the ideal boyfriend, really. I was watching a Tokyo video and he was biting his nails, and like a good boy, he dropped it as soon as Kristen Stewart told him so. Who would not want a boyfriend like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alinutza Cris said...

Every time I see this pic reminds me of this song [sigh]

Anonymous said...

HOT DAMN!!!! He's gorgeous!!!!

Lacey said...

Devilish grin...hmmmmmm. I like it.

Rhonda said...

lol. I just saved this, and realized it was named "Robert Pattinson should be illegal". AMEN!!! Locke me up and throw away the key!

Unknown said...

sweet mother of... phew. damn!!!!!!!!!!! if i ever met him and looked at me liked that i would have no choice but to attack him at that very moment and make him my sex slave for life.

Unknown said...

so i was just staring at this picture and i'm starting to wonder... does he really think he's unattractive? i mean come on!!!!! you can't be that damn sexy and truly believe that you're not attractive at all

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