Breaking Dawn Gets The Green Light?

*The above .gif has nothing to do with this post. It's just HOT!

According to (Who? Seriously, raise your hand if you ever heard of them before) and reported by MTV we will get to see the fade to black on Esme Island. You know I should have broken this story and claimed the right for "I TOLD YOU SO"! I mean of course they are going to make Breaking Dawn. People are flying from all over the world to Italy and Vancouver to catch a glimpse of the set and the stars. The first movie made hundreds of millions and New Moon will definitely make as much if not more.

So in the words of someone very wise : DUH! :)

I loved this part of the "breaking news":

Summit Entertainment spokesman Paul Pflug declined to confirm or deny the report, saying only, "Summit has no comment on that rumor at this time."

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Shooting on "Eclipse" will come to an end just as Pattinson and Stewart get ready to hit the promotion circuit for "New Moon." Once their duties around the world on the red carpet for the first sequel are complete, they will have only Christmas holidays and a few months off before heading back to Vancouver for "Breaking Dawn."

Thanks to Emmes and bchbunni2 for the tip :)

Fan Made Trailer:


Carla said...

i'm almost sure we won't see rob for yeeeeeaaaaaars as soon as this whole twilight-thing is done.
it seems he's working non-stop since a year now. and is not finished working for the next year (or even more)
this boy needs a vacation!

erin said...


Jewels64 said...

Hey Goz! I'm laughing my ass off right now. I just clicked onto the article and sent you an email.


You saw it 30 minutes before I did!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!

Divinesally said...

LOL Gozde, duh! Woohoo BD!!!!

That teaser is creeptastic. But frigging awesome!

2 years of this madness is crazy though. Exciting, but crazy. Hope they can handle it.

Maryann said...

OOOps I was too late with this one in the Rob and Kristin thread lol.

I hope this is true, atleast a rumor I WANT to be true :-D.

annycullen said...

i love love love the teaser trailerr. i cant waitttt! oh rob, so gorgeous. he seriously needs to come to new jersey.

Maryann said...

LMAO at the tags, and yes Gozde that gif IS HOT!!

Kate said...

Gosh they'll be wrecked after all that. I must have been one of the only people who was not too bothered either way if BD was made into a movie or not. I mean I'm glad to see it's got the green light it's nice to see the saga complete (they'd be mad not to do it) but I'm more anxious to see NM and Eclipse. BD was my least fave book out of them all!

RPnKSaddict said...

I would think that filming Breaking Dawn is a given. I just wish Summitt would stop screwing aroung and say so already With that said....
The next two years are going to be full of Robliciousness.
I do want to see him in other movies of ,but let him have a break to recooperate ,fill our movie screens with the God known as Rob.

RPnKSaddict said...

I got so excited I can't even spell, that 's because of the sexy giff. Thanks Goz. Your awesome!

TwiHartRK said...

RPAddict - spelling can be friggin difficult around all this "Robliciousness" -LOL!

Hi Jules and Kate - BD wasn't my fave either but I wouldn't be disappointed to see it get made.

Christy said...

Even though I had heard both Rob and Kristen say something about it, I wasn't 100% sure they would end up doing a whole BD movie. So I am Woo freaking hooing around here!!!! Please Jesus, heavenly God above, please show Rob in the water, naked. Please??

May said...

Well, I, for one, am loving the ride so far and definitely enjoying each and every Rob!glimpse we get. Who knows what the future will bring, but at this moment, I`m a very happy camper. :)

Kate said...

Hey Mel {waves}
Oh no don't get me wrong I'm glad it's gonna be made but I think in all fairness they need to do it properly and by that I mean they need to give it a higher cert and none of this ade to black rubbish but I "know" that ain't gonna happen!

Divinesally said...

the only two things I didn't like about BD was not enough of Renee and the imprinting was hard to digest.

Kate said...


Suz said...

Oh My.. all these pics and THOUGHTS of Isle Esme...

oh hell

I am not even going to bother getting up off the fuckin' floor!


Nicky said...

While not my favourite book, I will still be curious enough to see how they will adapt it....I mean, will it be restricted or will they just take out a bunch of stuff...whatever they do, please add a good fight scene at the end, because the book was anti-climatic at best...everyone gets together and then....NOTHING.

Melanie said...

I cannot even imagine what the birth scene will be like. But I'm afraid that the entire honeymoon will be faded to black on screen with the words use your imagination on the screen. :)

Tenneil said...

Seriously.... I dont think I can handle the island of Esme...

glad I have time to prepare for this...


kimberlesk said...

I heard Rob Zombie's directing the birth scene....HAHA!!

Anonymous said...

I can´t wait to see Robward naked in that water, under the moonlight...

By the way, Esme Island is pretty close to Rio de Janeiro ~ I bet I could swim from Rio to that tiny Island...

Better go swim-training now!!!

Lizalou said...

I have no idea how they're going to adapt this godawful book into a movie suitable for teenyboppers, but if it means Rob sans clothes, I'm all for it.
Bring on the feathers and broken headboards!

Anonymous said...

That GIF is one of my favs, when he does that "come on over" thing with his head & raises his eyebrows, my stomach drops. When it's followed by lip biting & then thumb biting, it's all I can do to stop myself from trying to leap into my computer screen.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I think BD could be really good if they give it a R rating. And I'm not just saying that because I want to see nekked Robward, which I do, but I am saying it because the content needs to be shown for what it is and not watered down.

Divinesally said...

ROTFLMAO, Kimberlesk. That would be quite interesting...and bloody.

phosphorus said...

Please, Rob, don't do it.

Anonymous said...


rocks back and forth sucking thumb

Team Trilogy.

Anonymous said...

t: deep breaths babe... it will likely be a couple of years before it comes out

i agree bi... it should not be diluted just to satisfy the tweens

MrsFierceShoes said...

IF they make it, they'd damn well better give me some hawt juicy stuff fade to anything...I want hawt delish-ness. Rate it R, I'm old enuf...ha!

Tenneil said...

TS~ you said "comes out" hee hee...

I agree with the R rating....I think for it too really capture the book...we'll see... wont we??

Suz said...

Ten ~ Mortal Beloved..

Love Love Love new avatar!


Breathing slowing coming back...

Divinesally said...

Anon, Team Trilogy? lol i don't think so boo. The way it was written is the way it should be up on the big screen. This saga will not be done with out a wedding, honeymoon, transformation and cottage IMHO.

Dang it.

tinababy1 said...

flaonlvd napv pwe aej ae[ka[ k

Tina now catatonic - can no longer function!!!


Suz said...

Tina, sweet cheeks

you still alive?

Suz <--- is barely breathing, she can't find the air...

Anonymous said...

ok. Did anyone notice that was splices from about 14 different already existing movies? Do you really think that summit would put something out there that steals footage from A Walk to Remember, Lord of the Rings, the first Twilight, and I'm pretty sure one of the Blade movies?

BTW - I totally want them to make BD - I just don't think this is a real trailer.

Gozde said...

Anon @ 6:56 are you for real? It's a fan made trailer!!!

It's been a long day.

TwiHartRK said...

Anon it's a fan made trailer.

tinababy1 said...

Suz ??? Send. help. now.

Can't. deal. any. more.

Need. Intervention. NOW!!!

Death by Rob overdose today.

Anonymous said...

Feathers. Feathers. Feathers.


Suz said...

Me too Tina.. mee toooo!

I died 10 times today.

Good thing we are all in this together..

{{ GROUP HUG }}}

Anonymous said...

Girls, this is getting crazy in here lately.
Gozde: "Anon. are you for real?". Ha, ha, ha.

Anon., listen: did you notice that the kiss in the water in from "The Beach" with Leo DiCaprio? It is a famous scene, come on...

And I am not a Leo´s fan...

Loisada said...

That "come hither" GIF is enough to get anybody hyperventilating, I think BD Isle Esme shots would have to come with a health warning at the entrance to theaters: no pace makers, please turn your moaning buttons off before the movie starts, no lunging at screen and waterproof panties required.

Rominiwi said...

I'm not sure about BD...
But if that means Robward saying yes i do, Robward naked in the moonlight, Robward holding tenderly a baby (though he said once on a interview that he didn't like children...)
more robward anyway... i raise my hand 4 it.

Melissa said...

lemme just say that there better not be any effing FADE TO BLACK on Isle Esme.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, despite all the honeymoon thing, BD is not my favorite book of the saga. But, when Bella is turned into a vampire, some parts were funny.

I really hope to see Robward naked in this one, without the fade away stuff, but I think they will want to keep it PG-13 to get all the teens money and, also, to please the mormons a little... maybe...

Anonymous said...


I think when Rob said that "he didn´t like children" he was thinking of his teenager fans ~ girls from 10 to 15 ~ and he meant that he would never go out with one of them ~ he meant that he is not a pedophile. This is how I understood it.

Angie said...

Come on the twi-hards will beold enough to see some skin by then won't they? I mean I have seen some Pg-13 thats gotten alittle heated im sure they can work something out that we ALL get what we want!!!

I know I need me some ec/bella sex so we better get a good 30 seconds of hard-core making out and some causal dry humping. Im just saying... lets not forget ec has his shirt off ALOT in bd.... and lets not forget that there is more than ONE sex scene please!!! I am particularly looking forward to the one in the cottage... on the floor...naked. WHAT? I didn't say anything u weren't thinking!

Anonymous said...


Maybe they could make two movies, one PG-13 with the fade thing and kisses only; and another hard stuff for US ALL. They would get a huge amount of money, I tell you. I would go to watch it 100 times.

Anonymous said...

Angie, I forgot about that one in the cottage! That is also hot! The one in which they cannot even get to the bed... they make it right there on the floor, ripping everything...?

(((Now, where did I put my BD book? I need it now!!)))

Anonymous said...

Two different movies, one for the boring teens and another hard-core for the mature girls? Me like the idea!!! Godze should start a petition for that in the site!

Anonymous said...

Mo says-
If I have to watch that God forsaken birthing scene and listen to them call Rosemary's baby Renesmee (wtf?)... I better have some nekked Rob!!!!! Fade to black my ass.

Anonymous said...

Mo says-
And they better cut when Edward askes Jacob to give Bella "puppies". I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Georgie said...

Oh I love catching up on all your comments - in a diff timezone here so am off-centre while everyone's chatting - and yes I totally concur with even a MA rating for a BD movie for us to drool over some hot Rob scenes. Thanks all for my morning "Robfix"; now back to work...

Kristen said...

omgosh that gif is soooo freaking HOTTT!!!

Sue Wilkey said...

can't.........comment...........GIF too hot...............(thud)

crazy said...

GOZ! OMG that gif is Hot as Hell!
Italy right? Seems the Italians bring out the best in Rob. gggrrrrrr!

elainnie said...

What's up, Crazy? Boy, has this place been wild. "I leave for 2 minutes and the wolves descend." Have u been reading some of the other threads. Gettin' too deep for me. I just want to come here, relax and Robsess.

crazy said...

Hi Ellaiyneieie~ I just got here and saw how many posts Goz put up since this afternoon! How will i catch up? I just read some of the comments - "oh boy" is all i can say, and i'm too pooped to get into this tonight. Back to checking out Goz' hard work...have a great night and see ya tomorrow baby!

elaynnie said...

Night, dear! I'm lookin' at Rob one more time and then out of here! See you tomorrow afternoon. Goz, is great!

Anonymous said...

That was awesome! Thanks! I love this one too..."sequel" to come...May 1st...

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