Celebrity Mundane: Rob Buys Coffee, Waits for a Ride?

Lainey reports: RP also worked out this weekend, perhaps getting ready and pumped for his water scenes.

My sources tell me exclusively he, Kristen, and Taylor are all back at work today shooting in the water. She goes under, sees his face, then gets yanked out.



Anonymous said...

Oh fuck.

Kelli said...

he is so hot. and is it just me or did anyone else notice he got a new phone??? i don't know why i notice things like that.

Anonymous said...

"you don't walk alone"
how cute is that haha

Rocio said...

oh so not mundane :). These sorts of pix are my favorite b/c they show him going out and about, being himself doing simple things, and yet in the midst of it all, he's still FLIPPIN' gorgeous and mysterious! oh, my heart be still!

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for him. The poor guy can't even get a coffee and a sandwich without it becoming news. Its sad. he must feel like a caged animal. But darn is he cute!

Emmes said...

Thaaaank YOUUU!!!

(THANK U Goz too....hated the 3 minutes it took you to post them here...not clicking at laineyho ANY MORE!!)

Kate said...

I love pics of him doing everyday things. Gosh Kelli your observant;-) I'd never notice things like that LOL

Fine said...

Oh... he never has a break. I think he´s trying to look busy. With the phone at his ear...

Maryann said...

I have seen Rob used that Iphone before, yes it's an Iphone hehe. He had it in that notorious bar picture that this bitch at this blog bitched about Rob not wanting his picture taken lol.

I have wanted an Iphone for so long but had to wait due to my carrier not having it on their contracts, now they do but I will wait until July sometimes cos then the software for it to send and receive MMS (as in pics and short clips etc) is avaliable on it.

Thanks for these pics Gozde!! He kinda looks like he's waiting for a ride "come on pick me up already, this damn paparazzi here is snapping away!!" lol

dechick2009 said...

i wonder who he is talking to??

Laura said...

Awww, he's just like me! I always get a bottled water with my coffee!! Oh, we're so meant to be. HAHAHA

tinababy1 said...

Love pic #2. Pucker up sweet baby.

Anonymous said...

I hope his stalkers don't use the URL from that church to stalk him by. Paparazzi should blur out stuff like that...


Lacey said...

Goz, thanks for posting the pics here - much better than at L.....
Rob is the perfect type --- he looks so good in his scuffys and so good in a tux.

Emmes said...

LOL, look at the "signs" behind him!

"You don't walk alone" ROB!

"A night of praise" (Let us praise the lord at the dchurch of ROB)

MacyBlair said...


These are some of the hottest pictures I have ever seen of HHH, and he is just going out for freaking coffee!

Also, I'm so proud of Rob for getting rid of that ancient flip phone from the Access Hollywood interview and upgrading to the iPhone!

Anonymous said...

he looks...kind of sad in these photos...I guess I better give him a hug, maybe a kiss and a.....mmmmm.....I'll keep THAT thought to myself!!!

elainnie said...

Gozde, thanks for more fab pics! You are trying to kill me!
My team mate just looked at these and said he is no better looking than anyone other guy. I told her she needed glasses.

He is heaven sent and drop-dead gorgeous, bar none! He makes me swoon every time!

Lizalou said...

Okay, guiltless voyeurism now that they're posted here :)

Anonymous said...

i love the church sign that says "you don't walk alone"...

weather must have been nice for him to be dressed so lightly. hope he enjoyed the walk despite the paps.

Divinesally said...

Sweet mother of Edward, Gozde is seriously trying to give me heart failure. I swear, it's the hottest kind of murder. She spoils us so. There are two live people I've never met, who I love and admire: Rob and Goz.

Seriously, the blue flannel button down and Ray Bans are killing me...dead.

Kelli, I noticed too. lol.

Melanie said...

Yes, the sign cracked me up also. I wonder if he noticed it? He looks really good, but I almost feel dirty looking at the pictures since he was obviously stalked--but note I said almost--I've spent 20 minutes looking at them already. But then I'm just hopeless.

Melissa said...

Fuck me. SERIOUSLY, wtf. How can he be this beautiful??? I just don't effing get it. I'm not complaining but SHIT...all he's doing is checking his phone and OMFG is he HOT. Pic #2???? HOLY SHIT! His lips are just BEGGING To be kissed. LOVE IT!

Thanks for posting, Goz!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

oh god, oh my god, oh my god, oh myyyyyyyyyy Robert, Rob, Robbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Rob . . . please don't go out like this. You are going to kill me.
Go back hide your hair and hide in hoodies.
No wonder he hides in hoodies and beanies, he gonna kill US ALLLLL!

Melissa said...

Oh and I forgot to add the fact that I am officially DONE FOR THE DAY! I won't get anything done at work thanks to these pics........


Mechevpao said...

WOW, great pics!!!
He looks fantastic even when he just goes to get some coffee.
Speculating: could he be filming the scene where Bella hear Edward before drowning, getting saved by Jacob??.. If Robert is filming that scene because we will get to see Edward when Bella imagines him, the we will se wet Robert.. OMG!!
Thanks Gozde for posting the pics here so we don´t have to link into that blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God. He is so freaking gorgeous!

TwiHartRK said...

I agree Anon @ 1:53, that "You Don't Walk Alone" ironic much? It is kinda cute - but kinda creeptastic with the stalkarazzi following him around. Seems like these photogs seem to give him some space at least. He's looks yummy. And like he needs to eat a few more hot pockets...

tinababy1 said...

Anon @ 2:10

Tell us how you really feel girl
wink wink

WinWin said...

Goz, you're killing me. I have to stay away today. I have so much work to do. Uggh. He is just to hot and yummy. He has such beautiful skin, too. I love those button fly jeans. How can anyone leave him waiting at a corner. I love his parents for creating such a god!!!

DS, Hi (blowing kisses your way)

RPnKSaddict said...

LOL Kelli, noticed the phone too.
They could just pay him millions to stand around and look that SMOKIN HOT!
Good God I can't stop looking at these pics and he's not even trying to look good.
My keybored is going to short circut with all the drooling I'm doing.

Lizalou said...

You know this is what he looks like when he rolls outta bed in the morning. He just grabs the jeans and flannel laying on the floor from the night before and runs out for his coffee. And he manages to look like this?!
Oh, and I didn't notice the sign behind him that says 'you walk alone'. My eyes were riveted to him.

Divinesally said...

Hey WW! How you been girl!?! Had a nice weekend? **waves and blows a kiss to WW**

Sara said...

I'm thinking Rob's looking better nowthan he ever has.
There's just something about him that makes it almost painful to look at him. He really is too perfect.

I hate that I enjoy looking at the paparazzi pictures because I loathe the way they work, but damn he is making it impossible for me to feel guilty.

And can I say stoked for the underwater scenes??

TS said...

Ok - I'm coming out of lurkerdom to post this because I don't think my boss wants to sit down and discuss Robert Pattinson's hands with me.

DUDE - that Iphone looks miniscule in his hands. I have one, and it is not that small. He must have massive hands.

I'm thinking dirty dirty thoughts about that mans hands (and what he can do with them) right now.

Just. Plain. Dirty.

Anonymous said...

So gorgeous. Love to see these kind of pics where he's just being himself. But I do feel sorry that he can't go out without the stalkarazzi after him.

Melanie said...

I just noticed that the sign also says Night of Praise at 7. Do you think they mean Rob? :)

Anonymous said...

Blue box, red label sticking out of coat pocket?

Display Name said...

I have just spent the last 10mins right clicking on every single photo! hahaha 'save as', yes that will do nicely... set as desktop background... don't mind if I do! :D I'm going now do dream some dreams of me with Rob when these were taken... la la la la la la la



WinWin said...

DS, Goz is killing me today. I'm dying from heart failure from all these photos of him. Can't wait til 5/8. Another girlfriend might join us. She's hot for him too, but I little afriad of the bromance. I told her it could be a pig for all I care and he would still get me going. So excited. Scored another Robsessor. Have you bought tix for Saturday?

WinWin said...

TS, I was concentrating too much on the crotch shots and the buttonfly jeans. Have to go look at his hands now.

DS, weekend good, missed Rob and you guys tons. Didn't get much sleep, hotel room with DH and 3 kids snoring like a symphony orchestra - Priceless!!!

Anonymous said...

ts: (clearly not me btw) i totally noticed the same thing about the iphone looking tiny in his hands...gahh so fucking unfair that he is that hot! let the dirrrrty hand thoughts commence

Suzy said...

I love the first pic the push to open button is in the perfect spot. God this man is SOOOO FUCKING HOTTTT!!! need shower now thank goodness for detatchable shower head. Did I say that out loud oopsy :)

honey bee said...



Legs for miles?

A FREAKIN' butt shot, too?

I AM sooo DONE for today. It's just TOO MUCH.

Anonymous said...

he loooks like hes about to spit..haahahaha

Sandra said...

OMG these pics of Rob are gorgeous...well except for the stupid water marks....anyone know how to get rid of that shit?

Kelli said...

i didn't even notice what the sign said...obviously my attention was strickly on rob. the iphone does look awfully small in his hands...yummy

Anonymous said...

Nice jacket. I bet TomStu wishes Rob is in London so he can borrow that jacket!!!

May said...

OMG, the irony...Rob standing in front of a church. *g*

Uh, anyone think ppl would look at us funny if one of us fell to our knees in front of him and thank the Lord and Heavens above for putting him among us, mere mortals? XD

Babs said...

Well at least Rob and I have two things in common: we both like iphones and starbucks LOL
Any ordinary mortal would look shabby wearing that outfit, Rut rob looks absolutely amazing. Well, obviously he's not ordinary mortal :)

Anonymous said...

Awww, he learned the phone trick, lol.

lostinphilly57 said...

All this and a butt shot too. N.O. W.O.R.D.S.... Water, coffee, jeans, flannel and ROB!!!!What a wonderful way to start your morning...God, he's HOTTTTTT!!!!!

Martina said...

I love his blue and black check shirt.

Ellie said...

Thanks, Goz, for posting these!

Rob's looking mighty fine in these pics...

oh, no, here I go again....*thud

Anonymous said...

Ditto all of you. Too beautiful for words. I hate this. I am so addicted.
Anywho- the jacket lookes like the lining from his black leather jacket from last night...

Divinesally said...

LOL WW, a symphony orchestra, hahahahaha...email me girl...

Sam said...

were these photo's taken today?

Suz said...

I am fucking dead.. do you hear me?

A Mo Fo Corpse is typing this message.


He is the devil/angel
and we are all



His beauty is really painful to behold.

oh shit!

Sam said...

keep it together Suz... keep it together... hhahahahah it is so hard to wrap your mind around the phenomenon that he has become...i sometimes think it's sinful to be as crazy about him as we all are!!! It's a need i can't explain? haaa

Suz said...

thank you Lesmara...

I needed you then.


Anonymous said...

He is beautiful. It's actually painful to look at this pics. LOL.
I love 'em tall and lanky!
That's always been my type physically.

Anonymous said...

oops I typed too fast - I meant "these"

annycullen said...

so cute, and why is he walking alone? ahaha if i was there... lol and the lady in the background in one of the pics, why is she just standing there? i would come up to him haha. he makes every girl's heart melttt<3 especially minee.

elainnie said...

Les, Suz, & Sara, Anon~I'm glad not to be the only one that feels this way! Heart pain! It is scaring me! I am a mom and a wife who sits here reading this blog! Do I have my priorities in the right place? (say I do, please)

I wonder how many Iphones will be sold after these pics. Those fingers and phone sex. I mean phone. Bye, bye my blackberry! lol

On another note~That first picture is the most fabulous back shot I have ever seen. He is so self composed and evokes coolness! He is stunning!

Anonymous said...

ok people have probably already commented about this but it made me laugh a lot...when i saw the pictures of him just standing on the sidewalk the first thing i thought was wow that's seems so unsafe. he of all people shouldn't just be out in the open waiting all alone like that. and then one of the next pictures has the huge "you don't walk alone" i found that amusing...

Nicky said...

That big picture with him in the middle looking lost with that advert/billboard in the back...too funny, I dunno why but that tickled my funny bone....LOL.

Sam said...

i think i spoke to some of you last night- but i saw how To be last night and sam bradley was there!!!!

elainnie said...

Les, tell us all about it!

Anonymous said...


SO BEAUTIFUL! Damn hot man!!

Wait a minute: who was he speaking to in the cel-phone? Grrrrrrrr...

He surely keeps himself hydrated.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam said...

well - i am in Nashville- and this wednesday night Sam and bobby are playing at 3rd and Lindsley...which i am going to go see :)) anyway my friend Lisa and i were in line at the theatre and she doesn't get what we get in Rob.. but i drag her with me and she laughs at all of the crazies... so we are in line and there really was CTL (crazy twilight lady) and she was behind us so i was looking at her and sam is like right there walking and i i was like OMG! and before i could even finish thinking 'is that...' i heard him talking and yup! Girl he got in line with everyone else- he was like 6 peeps away from me. I told Lisa and i looked around and noone freaked, but peeps were staring.. a couple did go up to him and i couldn't hear what he was saying, but the look on his face was so humble and you really see his "Thank you so much' genuine look on his face.

The movie was GREAT! Although i don't really like grungy looking guys- Rob was fairly grungy looking- he was ADORABLE!!! he plays Art- and damn all he wanted was to be loved... and even though it has somewhat of a happy ending, i thought it was a sad movie... Poor guy just wanted to hear his parents say they loved him. Lost kid...

Oh and CTL did get an autograph from sam- he filed in like everyone else too- he was with an older man and an older black lady....noone else- i was hoping Bobby was gonna be with him- now HE is a hottie! Sam is skinnier and better looking in person- cause i really don't think he is all that in the looks (sorry- god i hope he doesn't see this...)...

then the director and the two dudes who played rob's best friends were ther answering q's about the movie...

Sam said...

you wanna know the stuff they said?? I would think the answer is yes.. but its alot to type so i wanna be sure! hhaha

elainnie said...

Les~thanks for the recap. I don't want to see Art sad.
I also have several Lisa like friends who just doesn't get it!

Details about Rob are great for me.
I can't speak for these others.

Anonymous said...

All the comments are hilarious. So random.

That is quite alot of pictures of him. The church thing in the back is funny.

Does anyone have a guess at how much longer Rob will be in Vancouver for?

CullenGal09 said...

Hey Lesa-I was there too! I met Sam, and got his sutograph. I talked to him-3 times! He was soooo nice. I hated we live 2 hours away and can't see him Wed. night.

Sam said...

well there wasn'tmuch to say abot rob- only that they were really drunk in the bar scene.. which i think most have read that anyway... his two buddies i the film were there and so was the director...
Director said they did not know Rob beforehand and they thought his audition tapes were great... when they met Rob sugggested they (cast) all go to this great burger place and the director said he was a vegetarian and Rob was all apologetic... but they went anyway and within 20 minutes everyone acted like old buddies- everyone got along well. however noon mentioned the chick who played Art's GF- i read the director said she was mad at rob or just didn't like him- i am not sure which- but it showed on screen.. noone even mentioned that, which i thought was interesting
The blue camero in the film: Originally it was a mustang, but the stunt driver they hired hit a man hole cover (i think an open one) and copletely fucked the tire up and there wasn't another one to put on.. so someone on the crew said they had an old car they could use... but he '...lived miles away out in in the midlands...' whereever that is hhaa... So he sows up with this blue camero and it was perfect cause director wanted an american car.. and this one had all these elvis things in the windows and on the dash- so they left it and used it in the film...
The dude who plays Art's father was the director's own father....
The self help guru that Rob hires to 'fix' him died right before the film was done in post production, so it was dedicated to him...
And this one i am not 100% on, but the friend of Art's that won't leave his apartment- i believe that really was his apartment... they even did alot of the editing there- that part i know is right anyway... hhha

I think that is all... i wanted to whip my camera out but noone else was and i was embarrassed- isn't that stupid? However there were professional photog's taking pix so hopefully we can find them online soon!

CullenGal09 said...

Lesa-the movie was great, wasn't it? Sad, but very funny in parts. Art/Rob was adorable! i just wanted to squeeze him and hug him. I told my husband who was with me we neeeded to adopt him-since his parents didn't seem to want him-dunba's. -ha. I could handle that. Mmmmmmm.....

Sam said...

Cullengal... how cool- did you get a picture??

CullenGal09 said...

LEsa-did you meet Oliver, Mike, Johnny?!? I did. Got olivers autograph, and a hug! He was soooo nice. Mike gave me an auto too, and was real nice. He was kind of surrounded too, so didn't get to talk long, or get a pic.

Sam said...

i said the same thing- you just wanted to hold him- all he wanted was for his parents to tell him he was loved... my fave scene is where he blurts out, "I have an erection!" and totally blows the whole mood of the night with the girls and his buddy!
where were you sitting? I was in the front row kinda in the center of the second half of the theatre- where the half wall was... if you know where i'm talking about

CullenGal09 said...

No pics, unfortuantely. Didn't have time, they were all pretty surrounded, you know? Very nice though. I couldn't believe Sam was there! He was fabulous. He was very cute in person. And that accent-OMFG!

Sam said...

no- i left as soon as it was over- only cause my friend with me isn't all that into it- and even though she went with me i knew she could care less about staying... and i also was afraid it would be a clusterfuck of fans and shit.... hey did you hear them say that the apartment they filmed that in- was really that actors apartment?
Did you get pics?? I would love some!

CullenGal09 said...

I was in the seconf section, first row, right behind the barricade/partition thing. Sam passed right by us with his black amazon-ha. He gave an autograph that time, and talked for a sec. Yeah-know where you were! Cool! Sam sat in very back-so did Oliver and the bunch. "Erection" scene was awesome! Totally wasn't expecting that. I about died sitting next to my hubby-bahaha....bad thoughts...

Sam said...

oops you answered while i asked the question again... hha

Sam said...

where did you guys sit? I was wondering where sam was- all i know is he was behind me, but not sure just where. I wanted to rubber neck... but i didn't wanna seem all rubber-necky hhahaha

Sam said...

omg what color shit did you have on??? Where you next to a girl in a baseball hat and then her friend next to her wa in a red shirt?

Sam said...

we sat in the same row!

CullenGal09 said...

Cluterf*** is right! Not as bad as I thought though. My poor hubby was very patient and understanding-ha. The girl next to me had me rolling-when he said that, she goes, "Well, honey, I can take care of that" LOL!!!

CullenGal09 said...

YES!!!!OMG-that was me in the fuschia shirt next to my hubby-he was sitting on aisle seat.

Sam said...

the two girls next to you eating skittles that my friend gave them??????? and one was even fanning me cause it was hot and we were being silly????

Sam said...

so you were behind that woman who was in a single seat in front of the wall who aksed a couple of q's?

CullenGal09 said...

No-on the end right behind partition. First row. My hubby was on the end, and I was rifht beside him, the last two seats on that row on the left side.

Sam said...

left- facing it or left if you were facing the screen?

CullenGal09 said...

Talked to Sam after show, and he said he might play Memphis this summer-maybe. He said he wants to. I begged him PLEASE!!! That would be fabulous. He said if he does he might get Rob to come with him. Ok-almost quit breathing-I definitely said we'd be there! My in-laws live in Memphis, so that would work out perfectly.

CullenGal09 said...

Left facing screen.

Sam said...

that partition had some seats in front of it .. like one single seat, then two or three spaces empty, then two seats together... then empty spaces and then another seat... i think that section is for wheelchair peeps... and then there was that first row right behind the partition- which is where you and i were

CullenGal09 said...

We're in mephis once or twice a month-how great would that be?!? I so hope Sam can work Memphis in anyway. Would love to see him play live, Rob coming too would just be a big cherry on top-so to speak-haha.

Sam said...

yup- you were next to the two chicks who were next to us...i saw you talk to Sam as he was rounding the partition going to his seat- right?

CullenGal09 said...

Right! That's it. That woman who kept asking questions was right in front of us.

Sam said...

man she was rude! did you hear her say, "well i was hoping for each of them to speak but i guess they can't" or some shit??

CullenGal09 said...

YES!!! That was me. You got it. Damn. Wish I'd known-could've chatted.

Sam said...

now where did you guys drive from? Oh and did you find any how to be postcards thingys?

CullenGal09 said...

i know. some wenches don't know how to act. They didn't have to keep answering her at all. I was hoping one of them would tell her to "Piss off". That would've been funny.

CullenGal09 said...

We live half way between Memphis and Nashville. A little podunk town called Lexington, TN. It's close to Parsons, another hole in the wall, and Adamsville and Selmer. All little towns. We live about 30 minutes from Jackson.

CullenGal09 said...

Does that ring any bells at all? If not, don't worry. Most people haven't heard of Lexington. Not missing much-ha.

Sam said...

i am not sure i have heard of any of those towns- maybe Parson's and i know of jackson- but not the others. Me and two of my gf's are going to the show wed night... and i think they second show sam does is only him and not bobby! I would be PISSED if i had that second show! bobby is HOT!

CullenGal09 said...

This is a very cool concidence. We'll know next time. We have to stay in touch. Maybe we can meet up at another event, if we both happen to be going.

CullenGal09 said...

I am so jealous. I REALLY hope Sam comes to Memphis this summer or fall sometime. He's great. He said his CD is about finished. Can't wait for it.

Sam said...

sam is coming back in august to 3rd and lindlsey- keep an eye out for when they go on sale- unless they already are- all the tickets for anything dealing with rob go FAST!

CullenGal09 said...

You'll have to get some pics and post them, or let me know all the Deets. What he sang, had on, etc. Sam looked so hot in that black jacket last night.

CullenGal09 said...

Really? In Nashville?!? August 3rd? I'll check it out. Sold out-yeah-anything to do with Rob is right! He's amazing, isn't he?!? It's rediculous.

Sam said...

sam doesn't do it for me! he's definitely better looking in person- but all those moles... hahah I feel horrible for saying that- i'm gonna have to delete this! Now Bobby... THAT is hot.. and of course - rob is like number one and noone can hold a candle to him hhahaha i will totally be getting pictures and shit! Do you have a facebook? I will post them on there and you can steal them from me! hha

CullenGal09 said...

That's on Sam's MySpace page, right? Can I get tix there?

Sam said...

you can click on it and if you can it will just redirect you to 3rd and lindlsy website- i'd go straight to 3rd and lindsley.'s site..

Sam said...

yes it is on sam's myspace

CullenGal09 said...

No-but I have my e-mail address-I feel safe giving it to you-if that's ok with you. Let me know. If not, we can figure something else out. And oh, yes-Rob is ohsodelicious and wonderful.

Sam said...

wait it is august 16th and 17th and i know bobby is coming...not sure it is sam too... unless plans changed since i put it in my phone!

CullenGal09 said...

Are you getting "How to Be" on dvd? I want to, but there's the plaer problem. Damn region 1 & 2 crap!

Sam said...

i only listed Bobby on those dates... so i am thinking maybe sam isn;t gonna be with him.. yeah i'm cool with an email!

CullenGal09 said...

I want "The Haunted Airman" also, but the same thing applies, sadly. If I could figure it out, I'd so order them. I plan to look into that this week.

Sam said...

i'll get how to be- but i'll wait till it is available here cause i am afraid of getting an UK version and it not playing... what is up with that anyway? Wonder why they aren't universal?

Sam said...

maybe we should just get british DVD player hhahahahah

CullenGal09 said...

I'll probably have to get a new player just for that. That's what everyone's been saying, anyway.

CullenGal09 said...

I know! A dvd player with an accent-haha. Wish we could get one that just plays all Rob's movies! wouldn't that be great?

CullenGal09 said...

Well, I gotta go. Supper and a hungry husband await-reality check! Will you be on tomorrow? I check the site a couple of times a day.

CullenGal09 said...

If you are-let me know. Or I'll look and see. My name is Beth, by the way. Beth Marie, like "Bella" Marie!

Sam said...


answer is here on the region 1 and 2 ....

Sam said...

ok beth!

CullenGal09 said...

OK-take care, LM, and we'll chat again!

CullenGal09 said...

Thanks-and I will catch up with you again soon. Bye!!!

Rhonda said...

The skinny jeans. L.O.V.E. THEM!!!!

Diane said...

@CullenG - FYI I was at HTB Thursday night and Oliver said the US DVD will come out shortly after the UK one. Everyone was taking pix at the California festival. (There were actors in the audience as well, who were posing with fans.)
Re: today's photos. What can I say? Love that his oral fixation is on display as usual - two drinks and a sandwich. In between, he'll have either a cig or his thumb in his mouth. Not that it really matters what he's doing in a photo - he's always breath-taking.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Rob, for making a beautiful city even more beautiful!

Anon in Vancouver

Anonymous said...

elainnie said...
My team mate just looked at these and said he is no better looking than anyone other guy. I told her she needed glasses.

I actually agree with your friend. Rob is cute but not cuter than other guys in Holywood. However, he is the first celebrity that I had a crush. I thought I was immune to this type of madness. Now I am hooked on his charisma, his charm and sense of humor. Oh yeah, and his eyes are dreamy :)


kespax said...

Your nuts he's hotter than anything I have ever seen, at least since I was crushing on rockstars at 13, he's legend/rockstar material.
Most moviestar/actors are short and kind of odd looking, too heavy/meaty jock like, or plastic. I like the finer artist types. Johnny Depp is the only one that is even close in the pretty - and he's too short.
RP is just a complete divine package, so elegant and long and lean & lovely, aww that jaw, those sex eyes/hair, angel hands/lips. And then the charisma & the fun; the voice, the music.

niahid said...

" You Don't Walk Alone "
Haha.. yeah there's hundres paps and hordes of girls on your tail, Rob. Not to mention Millions of horny robsessors online like us :))

Anonymous said...

I love a man who can look hot without trying. Robert Pattinson is such manly manluscious hot goodness.


Anonymous said...

It's not fair.
how can he keep being so beautiful despite the fact he smokes?!

How can his skin be so perfect even though he smokes? How can kristen even?

THey're so pale and beautiful! Maybe they really are vampires!
*crickets chirping*

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I just love these pics, so very wonderful, normal...

Lesamara and Cullengal~So glad you both had a great time at "How to Be." Thanks for the details...

Anonymous said...

Seriously? I can't even imagine how it feels to be him...or any famous person for that fact. What'd they take those pics 5 frames a second? He can't even go get some coffee without, literally, his every step being on camera, I kinda feel bad for him. I mean yeah it's Rob and he's hot and usually says something pretty damn hilarious but he's just a guy! When it comes to these celebrities who seem very shy (and kinda paranoid) like he does most of the time, I wish people who go all ape shit on them with the screaming and what not would realize there's a fine line between endearing and fucking crazy! You know what I mean?

ssherrill115 said...

I can't believe he's actually out on the street and no one bothering him. Could you imagine being one of those people coming out of the building and seeing HIM walk down the street. It would be hard not to follow.

waytoobossy said...

Yea I totally noticed that he got a new phone a few weeks ago when that picture of him surfaced of him drinking beer in a bar text messaging!! :) he looks so sexy. and a lot fitter. he mustve been actually working out for new moon. awww my love!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree - so sad that his every move is followed...but I can't help it! I'd watch him clip his toenails he's so f***ing SEXY!!!

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