Dossier Outtake and HQs

There is only so much my poor heart can take...


Thanks to our lovely Kim for the link...

And the HQs

Thanks to Ana for the link to HQ pics :))


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Ashley said...

Oh my damn, Oh my damn!!! That is just...yum!

Hansom Ransom said...

Gozde, you are LOVE. Wow, I just lost all train of thought with that one. If Nikki is bumpin' that, the envy is just at an all new level ;)

meg said...

Oh f**k, I've just lost all control.
DAMN THE MAN. It's not fair!!!

Sorry beautiful Rob, I don't mean it:)

Kristina said...

oh you have got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!! Where did he hide those arms??? This is why I love him. He's got it, but he won't flaunt it all the time...:)

Anonymous said...

good god, i can look at him all day.

kristen said...


No words. Just... NO WORDS.

Lynn said...

Gozde---I agree with you 100%....Rob is forcing me in a corner with a sudden need for nitroglycerin!

Emily said...

Just when I think it is not possible for Rob to look any sexier, BAM! There it is. Look at those arms! Those pants...HELL YEAH!

Hi Lyla! You're right. There are no words.

meg said...

I NEED a high def. pic real bad. I'll do anything for it.
Thanks Goz

Nicky said...


Suz said...

this is just fucking ridiculous


Melanie said... think it finally happened--my heart almost stopped. Words are beyond me.

bimbambom said...

I can't breathe.

I can't think.

I can't type.

lovindashow said...


Completely unproductive Wednesday. :P

meg said...

Look where his thumb is.......... YIKES

Melanie said...

To be that thumb.

Divinesally said...

holy mother of Edward, Batman! those arms, that hair, those legs, tight jeans...need.paper bag. now. *hyperventilates*

Goz, you are the shiz!

Maryann said...

I ugh oh should her me whispering. Oh My God in Norwegian here.

Hansom Ransom said...

"So, Rob, about that 12 million dollar paycheck...I think we can make that happen, remember our deal?"

Gozde said...

I'm going to right now...

Melissa said...

Kim, have I told you how much I effing puffy heart you today? Srsly, woman, you just made my day!!! THANK YOU!!!

Sooo...uh, yeah....I cannot even think straight at this point....he is so AMAZING. Sweet baby Jesus...those jeans...YUM. Me likey.

Oh, and for the love of HQ!!!!



Tenneil said...

Gozde~ brillant... thank you!

This man is.... shall I say it...perfection... IMO

Suz~ I never thought about how I would die...

Daneh said...

oh FUCK a doodle-doo!


His body is so toned, but lean at the same time

AHHHH i just want to lift that tank top up a little higher......

Melissa said...

Goz-I'm gonna need an entire pack of cigs...LIKE STAT.

Thank you for posting!


Suz said...

Goz, light me up one, too... Damn it is hot in this hear jawn!

Lynn said...

Danaeh---I was thinking the same thing....GODDAMN, is he cut?

meg said...

Yeah Goz, have one for me.

tinababy1 said...

OH F**K F**K F**K,


I swear I am about DIE OVER HERE!!!

How long can this go on??


I swear I have buzz going.

Robsessing makes you high....excellent

Suz said...

Ten ~ It's not hard to guess!

beanie said...

I'm feeling faint...and flushed.

Anonymous said...

gooood god dirrrty rob.

Divinesally said...

MMMMMmmmmmmmgood. Wow, he should endorse Hanes wife beaters, cause god DAYUM! look at the muscle in his left arm. He has just the right amount of tone. Sweet baby Jeezus, can he get any tastier?

CSI_Kat said...

Ok - I am speechless and staring at my screen wanting to lick it.

tinababy1 said...

I am going to pass out

THE THUMB... sweet mother of God the THUMB!!!!!!

He is my own personal brand of herion!

meg said...

My hubby will be home in a little. What am I going to do? HELP

Suz said...

I think this is what is known as a


Oh dear!

Tenneil said...

Suz~ call them like you see them Bella...

TS ~ love dirrrrty Rob!!

Suz said...

Meg, what we all do...

jump his bones and pretend!

kristen said...

Hi Emily!! It's good to "see" you here - it's been awhile! And you're so right... I don't understand how it's even possible that he gets hotter and hotter. How does he DO that?

This photo has officially turned my brain to mush.

meg said...

Oh God, That's sooooo wrong.

Lynn said...

Meg---when Goz gives you Rob make lemonade...attack the hubby! LOL

Suz said...

Ten ~ Everybody's staring.

Divinesally said...

Tina, LMAO.

Oh snap, the room is spinning, the room is spinning!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

This is a much better frenzy than the one going on over at Ted C.'s. This is actually worth a frenzy!!!

Melanie said...

I'm just worthless--I am sitting here at my desk at work and I've been staring at pictures on this site for at least an hour while everyone else here works. I think that there is steam rising from my computer screen--and then this picture-oh my!!!

Suz said...

Believe me Meg.. he won't mind at all

My Husband is Rob's #1 Fan


Ha HA L.. make Lemonade! Classic!

Divinesally said...

That's gotta be a home run, right?

Tenneil said...

Hey Lynn.... lemonaid...*smiles*LOL

Suz~ wait that guys not... now he is...

tinababy1 said...

I do believe that he has been sent here from Hell to torment us.

I, personally will be smiling all the way down.

Won't hubby be happy tonight?? Lucky bastard.
Ha ha ha

Pasteleria Mu said...

I'm wondering if its LEGAL to look like this..OMG!!!
Thanks som MUCH Kim and Gozde,I've got a new screensaver now,if it was my wallpaper I would go ahead and do what CSI Kat is thinking...mmm Rob even in the screen... so TASTY!!

Suz said...

Ten ~ is there something wrong with me?

Unknown said...

Double Yum

With Knobs on


Kelli said...

isn't this the same photo shoot as rolling stone? the wife beater shots are the same that i know for sure

tinababy1 said...

Meg - Go for it. I'm thinking of making a mask for mine out of the GQ cover

Divinesally said...

Suz really?

My DH said, and I quote, (looks at Twilight DVD cover) "why does the dude look like a chick and the chick look like a dude?" Oh man classic. I just nodded and smiled.

Doesn't look like a chick in this pic, fuck-ass!

Suz said...

Tina. I agree.. is really is that SEXY DEVIL Tina Fey mentioned..

Tempting us
causing us to become non productive

The Devil's Work..

Elevator, going


Tenneil said...

Suz~ your mood swings are giving me a headache..

Sam said...

OMGAWD! him standing with hand in pocket...tank... i fell over!

meg said...

I don't think my imagination has done him any justice. Girls I would be afraid I might scream the wrong name.

Divinesally said...

Rob is edible Art.

Suz said...

DS he is only a fan because of the "bennies"....


Emily said...

I don't know how he does it, Lyla. All I know is it's definitely not just the Rob goggles this time.

Sex personified. That's what he is.

Geekette said...

LOVE the first photo... to bad its not one of the HQ

The man is just so yummilicious!

honey bee said...

SHIT. Why did I have to log in here??? My last "productive" 40 minutes have gone out the window. Whoosh

I am now convinced he is trying to KILL US ALL! My heart can't take it anymore. :XXX

Suz said...

Ten ~ Did he hurt you?

doomed love said...

Thank you!!
I bow to you. You ROCK!!
Thank you thank you!!

Ms. Bonderson said...

OMG - I'm done...I'm just DONE! I just don't understand how every picture can be better than the last. This is officially torture! Not that I'm complaining - this is the best kind of torture. ;)

Pretty, pretty please - we *need* a HQ version of that first picture. I'm not too proud to beg. :)

Thank you Gozde - you are the BEST! {{HUGS}}

Divinesally said...

*winks @ Suz* oh yeah.

tinababy1 said...

Meg, just tell him you are role playing, You will call him Rob and he can call you whatever the hell he wants!

Good trade. right?

Anonymous said...

That first picture ... oh, for the love of God, that is just not right! I am so afraid of what will happen when we get that picture in HQ!!!!

Suz said...

Looks at us begging our dealer (Goz) for more HQ "junk"

Goz.. we are you ROBKrack Whores.

doomed love said...

My heart I can not take this anymore.
I am literally screaming.
love the B&W pic look at those arms.

honey bee said...

Anna says, "Pretty, pretty please - we *need* a HQ version of that first picture. I'm not too proud to beg. :)"

OH YES! AGRREED! I need it as my desktop pic, so I can start licking the screen...PRONTO.

Oops. :x

tinababy1 said...

pswlrw - didn't I tell you that this place was worse than crack???
The worst part (or maybe the best) is that the pictures KEEP GETTING BETTER SOMEHOW!!!

You are officially a goner now.

Tenneil said...

Suz ~ thats for you and I my new avatar...

you made this too easy...

Anonymous said...

okay... i'm calling my tech people and begging them to block this site while i'm @ work...

t: dirrrrty rob is fucking brilliant, isn't he?

Divinesally said...

That son of a mother knows exactly what he's doing. he plays stupid, like oh "it's ridiculous" blah blah blah I don't know why they all like me, blah blah blah.

Good going Rob, you are the devil reincarnated. Have us under your jaw and hair influence. Now the arms! What next, huh? what?! I need ROBhab.

meg said...

Tina, unfortunately he knows about Rob and is a little jelly belly. Poor guy:( I don't want this obsession, it's just that I have no power over my ROBSESSTION.

BUT it's worth a try:)

Suz said...

Ten ~ I know you cheat!

(you don't play fair my Mortal Beloved)

Suz<---wants to give kitten licks to that peach fuzz on his lobes..

oh my

Anonymous said...

Tina - the Robcrack - it is SO good. Ha - that sounds SO bad :)) Gozde - you are my new personal hero.

tinababy1 said...

OOOOO Suz - she's got the mole up there for you. Stay calm

Anonymous said...'s now ten thirty overhere in Europe and I have an exam tomorrow. I should study my books, not this delicious guy! Arrghh!

Suz said...

Mole Porn.. Ohhhhhhhhhhh


tinababy1 said...

They should give courses in Robology. We could be professors in that!!

Tenneil said...

Suz got that right....mole porn!!

Divinesally said...

where the heck is Crazy and Little Momma??? They need to be here for this.

tinababy1 said...

I don't think this is safe for Crazy. I seriously don't think she could handle this today.

Divinesally said...

Tina good one. If only we can get a specimen somehow, we can clone the bastard!

Suz said...

Tina ?? Stay calm

That would infer that i was calm..!

Calm and reason left hours ago!

Yvonne said...

do is....

Like a little girl. yikes.

Suz said...

Ten ~ You freakin REALLY are MY LIFE now.

(I love how we share our toys!)

I seriously heart you soooo hard!

Angie said...

Good God that made my heart stop.

Loisada said...

Oh my f'ing Lord.... what a cheeky devil he is to put that vibe off.

Took one look at that first photo and literally had to get up from desk and go outside and smoke a post-Roblust cigarette!

Melanie said...

I still have an hour and a half at work, but I can only drool and stare and drool some more and stare and hyperventilate, then faint, then get back up and stare some more.

CSI_kat said...

It is so nice to know there are others that feel exactly the way I do.....I am still at work - still staring - still getting NOTHING done. Now it is almost time to go home and I can stare there as well.

meg said...

Whimpering, Is that what it's come down to.


crazy said...

GOZDE. That's it. Please. No more. WHO among us is in control of themselves right now?! I'm gonna run screaming into the street!! He is cut? OH COME ON! The devil is in control ladies. It's the devil.

I will refrain from describing what I am truly thinking and feeling right now. Can some of us all get together somewhere so we can scream?? Or cry. I just don't know. I'm rambling.......

Suz said...

I gotta ask..just askin'

Are we officially a


Yvonne said...


"blah blah'blah.."
You are SO right, he knows exactly what's going on. This whole innocent act , yeah right!

Hi is the Devil, goog God! "Robhab"!!! Sign me up, oh no, wait! DON'T!

Little Momma said...

oh Divine I am here....

I just gotta keep my mouth shut on this one...that first one...

Trying to contain myself...

Unknown said...


tinababy1 said...

My timing needs to be perfect, get kid off to the pool before dh shows up and then jump his bones.

Wonder if he will mind my leaving the computer on??

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I LOVE THE wife beater outtake! Seriously yummy!!!!! Who chooses the photos to run anyway?

Little Momma said...

heya crazy.... ;)

Nancy and Ruby said...

Oh Sweet Jesus! I'm drooling.

crazy said...

Girls, PLEASE don't encourage me. I'm begging you. uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Tenneil said...

cant decide

Yvonne said...

Crazy, girl!!! HI!!!

Suz said...

we could all live on the Rob-pound decorated to our liking. -- Everything in HQ, natch, serving hot pockets and micro-waved carrots and attending evening vigils!

Little Momma said...

slow deep breaths crazy girl...

tinababy1 said...

I told you guys that Crazy would lose it.

Suz I think we are a cult. I am feeling very cultish.

Christina said...

Holy Mother...of all that is holy. Srsly, my heart skipped a beat when I saw that first picture.

His hotness knows no bounds. Dirrrty Rob makes me absolutely crazy.

I'm afraid of what might happen to me if that picture is posted in HQ.

Many, many thanks, Gozde.

doomed love said...

please HQ on the first pic.

this site is harmful to my heart.
If i do get the first pic in HQ I will have a heart attack.
I will die happy and horny..HA

tinababy1 said...

Maybe we can be one of those cults where the leader (Roberto) has many wives and we can just fight it out for who gets to spend the night with him.

I am signing up for boxing classes NOW

doomed love said...

IF nikki is dating Rob...You go girl!
Lick every inch of that man.

Yvonne said...

A Robcult...that's what we are, one big happy Robcult.

Suz said...

now now Tina, after today. we tight, right???

Sharing is caring..

Roberto.. ha!

Tenneil said...

Crazy~ is that you??? hey girl...

thanks Suz!! i heart you!!

Anonymous said...

chi: hi! wife beat ciggy is the exact name of that pic when i saved it on my computer... i agree why didn't this make the cut?

Yvonne said...

hi Little...good to see u :)

Divinesally said...

Crazy, Momma I'm keeping my composure. I need to ROBvent. stat! *one tear, on the side*

Yvonne, you feel it too right?! He's fucking with us! I just know it. He's probably ROTFL right now at all of this hilarity. He must feel like we are his minions.

tinababy1 said...

Suz you kill me HQ decor on the Robpound, Hot pckets,

We will also have to find those microwavable cheeseburgers

Must be somewhere near an art theatre

Unknown said...


Tenneil said...

Hey Y didnt see you there..*waves*

Kat said...

If that's what a diet of cigarettes, beer, hot pockets, snapple and cinnamon toast crunch does to you, I'm changing my diet!

Holy Rob... that there is divine.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ Ill bring the snapple!! lol

crazy said...

Girls~ new game. Called RobLibs. Fill in the blank, but IN YOUR HEAD ONLY!

"There's only so much my poor __________________ can take"!

meg said...

That's it I'm mad at Rob. What was he thinking taking these pic. Does he not give a damn about our feeble hearts.

Yvonne said...

You are typing exactly what I'm thinking! LOL we r on the same page...hi KILLS me. Yes, I think he's laughing his ass off!

Tenneil said...

LOL Crazy! missed you!! *hugs*

Divinesally said...

Oh shit, we ARE a friggin cult! *comes to the realization*

Tina, Crazy, Momma, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you chicks crack me the eff up.

Suz said...

I'll bring the Last Tango in Paris vid...

(hold the butter!)

tinababy1 said...

Don't forget the Vanilla Diet Coke and I'll bring Kobe meatball spaghetti.

Suz- I'll share with anyone who knows all the words to "This years Love"
wink wink

Anonymous said...

ten: nice avatar... i had to change mine... i couldn't focus on anything but him

and dl: i love your shiteous nikes avatar too

May said...

OMFG. That first pic...


Little Momma said...

Hey Yvonne... and Ladies!!!

tinababy1 said...

Meg, welcome back couldn't stay away huh?

Divinesally said...

Crazy, Vajayjay.

Yvonne, great minds think alike. I'm telling ya.

Suz said...

hey little momma, Welcome Back
(we missed you)

WinWin said...

OMG. Look at what I missed in 1 hour. I guess there is no productivity in the workforce today. We are all here drooling and licking our screens.

Godze, again. I love you for giving me my daily Robfix.

This new outtake is my fav. His body looks so different from the photo we saw from LA (the tucked one). I guess working out for Twilight really paid off. I can't wait to see New Moon.

The man is seriously sex on legs. It totally does hurt to look at him. In a good way of course.

crazy said...

I'm suppposed to COOK now?! I can't even stand up!!! Jesus God. Need a HQ to have blown up for the shrine i will now build. Eff the dh!!!!

Suz said...

Tina, its a good thing I am be in love with 10 people at the same time..


Tenneil said...

how this....sigh...

Little Momma said...

thanks suz...I just needed some time to recoupe and regain some control....then I see that first pic...All that work for nuthin...

Suz said...

crazy. order in.

I haven't done a dang thing all day but drool

Melanie said...

Ok, I left to work for 10 minutes so that I could actually say I "worked" today. Now, back to drooling.

tinababy1 said...

Winwin - you seriously didn't just say TUCKED did you?

My brain has just EXPLODED!!

Divinesally said...

Suz, In which hand would you like me to hold it?

Suz said...

Little Momma, there is no cure.


Emily said...

Kat LOL! I'd like to think he lounges around that den of sin wearing those exact clothes, patiently waiting for the microwave to beep.
PLEASE tell me they let him keep the clothes.

Yvonne said...

Hi ten, thirty :)

Yup, sex on legs...that about sums it up.

lostinphilly said...

Oh my f**king God!! One word, ROBGASM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Hello Thirty, KK, Crazy~

KK, I read all of your posts (re: Ashton/Demi, girls cutting down other girls, the letter to Rob, Ted replies). I truly believe age-ism is on the way out for couples the same way racism was a generation ago. I know I'm a pioneer in the age thing. I hope the next new thing is girls starting to respect each other rather than compete in nasty ways!

I wish people would stop it with all of the Nikki/Kristen all is giving me a headache. And I bet Claire is having a migraine now...

Unknown said...


Suz said...

my drool? DS?

right hand, please.

Divinesally said...

I'm playing bartender tonight. Global cocktails all around!

Tenneil said...

CG whose Claire may I ask???

tinababy1 said...

It's all good Suz

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Suz said...

speaking of drool.. yesterday I went to get my teeth cleaned.. my hygienist is from the Ukraine.. she told me I had a "juicy" mouth!

WTF??!? I think she meant I have lots of Drool.. Thanks Rob!

Yvonne said...

well said, anon!
A big round of applause to Rob's mum and dad!

honey bee said...

*throws Danni a bib* LOL

Agreed on the sexonlegs! :p

Robert SEXONLEGS Pattinson.

Yeah, that sounds about right. ;}

Divinesally said...

and the butter on the left, right? Your welcome.

Tenneil said...

Suz lmfao

crazy said...

All of you gals are hilarious, but I can't even laugh. What's wrong with me? i think I'm in shock. I can't do anything.

Suz - Goz is our "dealer" LOL (well I can't really)

All i can feel right now is my _________.

Suz said...

LOL DS! the butter! lmfao

Divinesally said...

Crazy, again, Vajayjay

Melanie said...

I can hear myself breathing at my desk. Oh Lord help me.

Yvonne said...

yup, it's shock crazy....that friggen picture did it to me too.

Just speachless. It's so unfair.

crazy said...

Tina and Divine - i appreciate your concern, BUT IT"S NOT FUCKING HELPING!!!

Suz said...

OMG Ten. my mortal beloved

are you seriously trying to slay me??

Nice Pic!

(fans herself)

Divinesally said...

someone needs to make a video with the song "perfect drug" by NIN. that's what comes to mind when I look at this pic.

honey bee said...

"Goz is our "dealer" LOL (well I can't really)"

LMAO, crazy. I seriously feel this way too! I check Robsessed several times a day to get my "fix". :p

Suz said...

lol DS... we call it VaJingo at our house..

Little Momma said...

Okay when I first saw the pic...the first thing I noticed was that he looks like he is deep in thought...

I wonder what he is thinking. I mean look at his right hand with the cig...its like he is asking himself a question or something.

Or is it just me...?

Yvonne said...

first place I come in the morning....gotta get that Robfix

WinWin said...

BTW, Thanks Kim.

I after looking at them again. I am completely useless. I can't wait to see what he looks like in New Moon after more working out. The arms are divine. So much Rob goodness everywhere today.

Divinesally said...

Love you girl! Smooches! teehee

wanna hot pocket and a heine, bb? it'll be ok. But i'm not promising anything.

Yvonne said...

I noticed that too Little..the hand I mean. Weird, winder what he's thinking.

Anonymous said...

fill in the blank

I ___________ in my pants!

Loisada said...

Yep... sex on legs, who can gush all he wants about being clueless about his appeal but knew damn well what he was doing when he went commando to the Oscars! Lovely naughty boy!!

Yvonne said...

I mean "wonder" :)

Kpucine said...

Officially dead. Of joy of course ;D

Anonymous said...

It has got to be illegal to look that good!!!!! It has to be a crime!!They don't grow men like that where I live, maybe I should move to England!!

crazy said...

Lil Momma!!! WTF are we supposed to do now? My poor DH does not have the capacity to handle what I am about to put him through. No one would! Need Nitroglycerin and aspirin for the poor guy.

Divinesally said...

Poop...oh no wait, I mean JIZZ!

Suz said...

DS you are sooooooo bad!

You are robworthy!

Tenneil said...

Suz~ too many to choose from...


crazy said...

Yvonne! how does he get Hotter?! The planets have changed their orbit to rotate around Rob!! I can feel it!

Little Momma said...

Crazy...this is why I am on fb more than here...

This place is dangerous...a good dangerous...but you should see how rigid I am right now... sitting very still....trying not to creat any friction....

Suz said...

Ten my mortal beloved

since we are sharing moles, I hope we are sharing poles..!


Tenneil said...

suz~ LOL words

WinWin said...

It also appears that MTV is loving Rob today. There are several articles from their movie blog about him. One is about his accent in Little Ashes and this one is comparing him to Leo.

Godze, not sure how to email you, maybe you have it up already.

Yvonne said...

crazy, every picture is better than the last...I don't get it. I just don't get it. But I am eternally grateful to the universe for his lovely existence.

Suz said...

no words




crazy said...

tenneil! - i think I'm gonna cry. I'm too overwhelmed. My kid eyebrows are raised at me. I need to be alone!!!!!!uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
How the hell do you quote effin Twilight at a time like this??? ;)

tinababy1 said...

Suz - you're juicy mouth come from a disease called Robitis.

Crazy - what you are feeling is from the same sickness. Good luck to the DH

Yvonne said...


Suz said...

Ten are you quote cheating on me???

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