Dum dum dum! Here are the results of the age poll. 32% of the readers are teenagers, 10% are under 15. I think I can deal with that :)) I encouraged them to read yesterday so I feel better. More than 50% is between 21-40 so take THAT "teen idol" claimers! And a special shout out to the 71-Ever young category, you guys are totally awesome for reading.
Ageless appeal of one Robert Thomas Pattinson:
0-15 | 620 (10%) |
16-20 | 1277 (22%) |
21-30 | 1998 (34%) |
31-40 | 1210 (21%) |
41-50 | 434 (7%) |
51-60 | 119 (2%) |
61-70 | 24 (0%) |
71-Ever Young | 58 (1%) |
Votes so far: 5740
And here is a video from Cilla :)
Take THAT 'teen idol' claimers! :) And Rob, you listen and watch! Maybe you were a little mistaken about your screeming audience.
Well, teens go to those screaming sessions, so they are the tip of the iceberg... But the silent mass of "over 20 years old" women is also supporting Rob LOL!
Though I sort of feel that we read less and less the teen-idol statement, so maybe they saw that Rob gets support outside his teenage fanbase.
The 70+ totally rock!
I've been secretly hoping my grandmother reads this blog. She's always had an eye for fine-looking men :)
Another good thing to survey would be educational qualifications of the 21+ Robsessors. I think our gorgeous one might be surprised that we're a bunch of smart sassy women of substance....albeit easily melted to a drooling mess at the sight of those eyes, those lips, that jaw, that hair, those fingers, those...those...
Beautiful, beautiful boy! I can't wait to see how the years settle on him. Here's hoping you age like a fine full-bodied wine...
i think the 41-50 age group gals didn't all record themselves here. i come across so many on the blog. are we embarrassed ladies?
georgie, that would be interesting :)
Lovely slideshow, thanks. His smile is irresistable. Made me smile immediately when I watched it.
Well, crazy, I voted, I am not ashamed to say.
Crazy~ Good mornin' sunshine! I voted in that category a few times, maybe 3. lol
and they say Rob is a teen idol?
Gozde~u are fabulous! U make me smile every morning!
I agree w/ all u ladies! Well said!
Gotta' go! Hope to chat tonight lovlies! u feel like my sistas!
Crazy, I was truthful, and I am proud to be in the 7%, just barely. Oh just a few months from being in the 21% and looking perfectly normal. Not sure why the 41-50 makes me feel more creepy?
I am between 41 - 50 (42 to be exact and goin on 43 in July) so I voted. Not ashamed to say that. There are ALOT in my age group bracket out there and yep also older. So much for a teen idol and Twilight being a teen phenomenon! Any age loves a great story and any ages appreciate good looks and most of all TALENT.
Hey Stephenie Meyers is the source of alot of this (esp for the Twilight fans lol) and she says on the dvd "oh Edward" so wouldn't that make her the "queen cougar"? Hehe. Just kidding!
Why, Rhonda? It's not necessarily the 41-50s that are talking about what they want to do to/with him all the time.
Thanks a lot Gozde *hugs* for this clip. The need to ravishing Robert is more after seeing this clip...I do hope I will meet him in London someday
phosphorus: May because I AM one of those who is talking about what they want to do to/with him all the time? LOL. Maybe not all the time, but at least 30% of the time. There is sleep and work.
Rhonda - 41 - 50. also talking about what I'd LIKE to do to him
woot woot
Is there another Tina in here? That last one wasn't me
Thanks for the video. I woke up in a foul mood ( see weird interview thread) but this stunningly breathtaking man has made it all better.
I'm in the 41-50 and I voted. I was a bit surprised that there seemed to be so few of us. I got the impression that there were more. Maybe some are embarassed to record it. I thought I should be - after all I'm old enough to be his mother. But strangely I'm not. The way he is - so loveable, it just seems inevitable one should be besotted.
I also voted...I'll be 64 in May this year, same birth month as Rob.
Keeping in the shadows...my DH is extremely jealous even in his 60's.
"Shadow Girl"
I always feel like a girl but think like a woman.
Tina... morning darlin'
why foul mood?
I love this poll.. Women of all ages are bewitched by this beautiful man.
Suz - How was Art?
Tina... I go to NYC tonight!
I will be in Art 'eaven
Leaving Philly round 6ish. Want to walk round Washington Square.. see the artists, the
"boheims'.. its going to be nearly 90 degrees today, so it will be mad crazy..
I fuckin LOVE the Village.
Hoping Kelly is coming... anyone hear? Want to have a drinkipoo with her....
Art + Suz = Beautiful Music
P.S. saw Forbert last night @WCL.
Ah, and Gözde: Thank you for choosing this particular picture to post with the results. Very funny.
@ Rhonda: Got the feeling, now you turned 41 you are another Mrs. Cope? As if being 40 made it different. ;-)
Suz - Wow. Your 2 loves on the same week-end. how are you so lucky??
71 plus? Gramma, are you in here? Maybe YOU were that other Sophia that made me want to change my screen-name... hum...
Hi, yayá!
heyyy! morning or whatever (17:05 pm here)
I also voted saying the reviling truth :)))
there shouldbe yet another cathegory "Everyday Even Younger" and we might see ! Regarding the Nuclear-Bomb-Power Rob has got and his ability "of changing intelligent and sophisticated women here into melting drooling ... something" - I'm convinced somewhere there is a nice lady (or 5 or 50) with access to the net older than our oldest cathegory ...
ok, let's make RobTest - why don't we show carefully chosen photos to our beloved oldest female members of families and measure blood pressure, adjusting eye's pupil ...
on second thoughts ... we'd better not - too dangerous
Tina - today you're killing me softly with your that HAND (avatar), have to make one for myself
I know Tina,right..?
I might explode at around 2:00am Sunday, 26 April
WOW, "Shadow girl", OY!! You are mostly welcome!!! I wanna be like you in the years to come... 23 here.
Yeah Sophia, time flew so quickly that I never lost the girl in me. I feel the same as I was in my early twenties.
"Shadow Girl"
It's a damned shame that women have to feel ashamed for appreciating and liking a younger man. Do you think any of the 40, 50, 60 yr old men are apologetic for ogling 18 yr olds? Nope!
Women power, damnit!
I have 8 years on Rob and I don't give a shat! :)
Congrats, "Shadow girl" (I loved your name choice). I definitely wanna be like you!
Thanks! A have a great weekend!
Have to get my beauty sleep now ...
bye ladies. DH is calling. It's night time in my part of the world.
"Shadow Girl"
just a bunch of random thoughts after catching up :))
1. Shadow Girl you're not the only one here, I'm sure and - you're my hope for a nice future :)))) hugs and mmmwaaahhh (a jealous DH, huh ? nice one :)))
2. can't put my ideas in words (yet) but it seems to me that blog has something to do with Woman Right/Place/Identity Whatever Issue ... when I have it cristall clear I'll explain ... am I too serious ? I'd better go and get myself a beer ...
I used to feel embarrassed but not anymore lol I figured atleast he is legal, he is not my son cos I do not HAVE any kids and hey it is very unlikely he'd hook up with me anyways so he is no different than any of my other celeb crushes although they are older hehe.
Also well he kinda comes across as more mature than his age actually. He just doesn't sound like a 22 almost 23 year old guy. At times he does but a lot of time he actually sounds mature way beyond his age. That is very intriguing :-).
I. Am. Normal.
lol, love that pic of Rob. Thanks for the vid, too.
I'm 29, and I don't care that I drool all over Rob. It's all just fantasy and fun. Plus, Rob is such an old soul, it's hard to remember how young he is. If he wasn't famous, I wouldn't think he was 22, and I'd probably hit on him in a bar. Ha!
Video makes my heart skip a beat!!!
I'm 37 and dont' think I've ever had a star crush like this before.
My mother who is 72 was looking over my shoulder as I was drooling over a Rob post and said," wow he is a good looking man!"
Proud to be a member of the
Robcats of the world,and enjoying every minute of it.
Apparently I missed this poll, or I would have upped the 41-50 category with my vote! I am hanging on to 43 for a few more weeks, and part of me feels like a perv for drooling over a man half my age. The other part of me just hears Rob's voice saying, "That makes it better! Feel like it's dirty, feel like it's WRONG." And then I stop worrying about it. ;)
I think the reason so many older women appreciate Rob is because he has such a perfect blend of so many different and desirable qualities: boyish awkwardness, silliness and self-consciousness; an offbeat, self-deprecating sense of humor; a kind-hearted, open and generous nature; a serious and ambitious approach to his career; a latent, smoldering sensuality; and an innate intelligence that I personally find irresistable. Any man who can use "portentous" and "vitriolic" correctly in everyday speech makes this English geek salivate (and possibly ovulate) profusely.
"Robcats"---I like that, RPAddict! I can't stand the term "cougar," but "Robcat" I may be able to live with.
Leann~"Any man who can use "portentous" and "vitriolic" correctly in everyday speech makes this English geek salivate (and possibly ovulate) profusely." AGREE! I find his use of the English vocabulary a huge turn on. It's not a fancy word, but I love the way he says "literally."
Lynnes--ITA! It's the accent. I'm not sure I can explain to you lovely Brits just what a well-spoken English gent does to us plebeian Americans. Everything sounds twice as smart, interesting and funny with a British accent, at least to us. If you took a Monty Python skit and did it with an American accent, it wouldn't be half as funny. Which gets me wondering, what accents work on you English girls?
BTW, I'm amazed at how flawless Rob's American accent is. Most casual Twilight fans are shocked to hear Rob speak in an interview for the first time, because they had no idea he was English. He's a rare case in which his fake American accent is just as appealing as his real one (Hugh Laurie also springs to mind.)
hmmm, if I'm gonna start yapping on Robsessed so much, I'd better get a Google account already! lol
I've got the same hunch Crazy that many of us 41-50s are still lurking in the closet. Why is it women are only supposed to be lusty during the child-bearing years? Our sex drive is our life force, after all, and we're not gonna just step aside and let the younger girls have all the fun!
Leann hit RP's appeal on the head. So ladies of all ages, stand up and proudly admit this beautiful articulate man gets your mojo working!!
I am the in 41-50 group as well. I voted, proud to. I agree with what others have said Rob seems to be an old soul, wise beyond his years. Understatement of the year here but Hollywood got a hot property in him. I hope they treat him well.
@ Leann: You made my day, well, night, quoting that. Thanks for bringing that one back to my memory. :-)
Heh! That quote is too good not to resurrect whenever I need a good justification for my Robsession.
I can't believe I forgot one of the most potent of Rob's qualities...he's a MUSICIAN! In the past I hardly ever "crushed" on actors; I always fell in lust, er love, with musicians. Forget vampires; any guy who can play guitar and sing for me will slay me dead in 10 seconds. Watching Rob play the piano is beyond orgasmic. There needs to be another word for it that hasn't been invented yet!
leann - piano rob kills me, he's heartbreakingly beautiful at that piano. Somebody please produce and hour of Rob at the piano.
There is just too much to love about the darling, so many layers of gorgeous, somebody should write a script for him - forget about vampire powers, Rob's got his own magic, the man who could mesmerise women.
Love this poll, nice spread of all ages, nice community of women of all ages and a faithfull flock of followers who will watch him do anything forever.
There was a poll on where we all come from wasn't there? I would love to know more about that.
I'm in the 40-50 bracket and I'm a lawyer, but don't hold that against me, I work in a free legal service for the poor.
I always hated that twilight was marked as a teen movie, book and Robert as a teen idol!
I don't know in your countries but here if you say teen movie or whatever you're expecting to see shallow 14 year olds and everybody starts to underestimate everything, thinking the actor cannot act and books and movies are just lame...
And I'm so glad of this results!!!
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