The Little Ashes Movement - Day 2

See updated post for Day 3


Tess said...

GG! are you doing this internationally :)

PS: The new banner..."whew"

crazy said...

Great thing going on here Goz! I'm thinking of calling my theatre every day, disguising my voice each time. Today - Paris Hilton: "Can you show Little Ashes, 'cause it's HOT" ;)

Ellie said...

Goz~~New banner: *THUD

crazy said...

hey Ellie! Thanks for the shout out yesterday honey!!!

Gozde said...

Sure Tess, international! Give me the number for Singapore :))

And the new banner is another Thao creation :))

Crazy, LMAO @ the Paris Hilton comment :P

Suz said...

This makes my heart sing with joy!

I love this campaign and the magnificent support for the Arts!

Goz, you are just splendid.

And to everyone else doing their part.. BRAVO!

Philly just had their Film Festival last week.. no L.A. but the buzzzz about it was definitely there!



Unknown said...

So what am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to call and say what?


crazy said...

Hi Suz!
Yeah! We are the little website that could!

(not really little though)

crazy said...

Jodie_ call and ask if Little Ashes will be playing there. If they say it will not, tell them to please get it otherwise you and your 1000 BFFs will take your business somewhere else ;)

Suz said...

Morning Crazy..

Yes, that is is how it's done -- One phone call at at time.

While we'll at it, can we start calling our congressmen/women about the "cloning" issue?

Anonymous said...

I'll have MY Rob in my favorite theater !
Thanks for the info Godz. You're soo sweeeet to me :)

crazy said...

Suz - and maybe start calling Rob's parents and ask them to make another one. The question is will I be able to handle that again in my 60's?

VeilsofLight said...

Mornin' ladies,

Grass roots, I love it! Thank god for indy theatres, can't wait to see how far this goes...

The new banner is beautiful, but - sorry to go all mom on your beautiful ass - but Rob, please stop smoking/cut down on the fast food. We'd like you have you around for a very, very, long time.

All of you. Every last scrumptious little inch.

Have a beautiful day everyone!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Goz! U r the best!
Just called both #'s in Houston, couldn't get thru - so I emailed both places. Thanks for the info...BeBe

PS - HTB...maybe that will be on Comcast on Demand in my area too, please lord!!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing in St. Petersburg Florida where we have a gorgeous private collection of Dali art.....just doesn't make sense!! I'm pissed!!

Anonymous said...

I wish they would play Little Ashes in NH. I have called 3 theaters and they have all informed me that they have no intentions of playing the movie. They believe it will not generate enough revenue to offset the cost of showing the movie when there are movies coming in that are worth the screen space...ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

bearie said...

I just heard back from The Flicks in Boise Idaho - "Little Ashes will be here for gay Pride week, June 17."

I don't care the reason - I'm just thrilled it will be showing in Boise!!!

Lynn said...

I am off to call The Paloma right now!

Anonymous said...

Woops!!! The # I gave you for the Knoxville, TN location is for Fandango. Here is the local Regal corporate # 865-922-1123
I just got off the phone with them and they aren't as of yet getting the movie but might later in the summer as there have been a lot of requests for it. Keep them coming girls!!!!

Nik said...

In Sacramento, CA, I'm hoping the Tower will look into it.

Tower Theater
2508 Land Park Drive
Sacramento, CA 95818

Anyone else out there in Sac?

~Cas~ said...

The # for the two SLC UT contacts is incorrect. They have both been disconnected. Broadways # is 801-746-0258...Not sure what the correct # is for Tower Theatre. They are both members of the same film society and the website is They are booked until the end of July, however he told me that they will be watching sales and ratings of other releasings and may add it to their August showings! Im so excited! Me and my friend are headed to Vegas this weekend to see HTB so it would be nice to not have to drive 6 plus hours to see LA

JBell said...

Hey G - The same theater that I will be seeing the screening of How To Be next Friday night in Orlando/Deland, Florida may also be showing Little Ashes. I got this email back from them last night -

"We have requested information already on a possible screening but do not have any particulars. We may know something by April 17."

Athens Theatre
DeLand, FL 32724

~Cas~ said...

Sorry...I made a typo. I guess I was just to excited to finally say something! The # for Broadway in SLC is 801-746-0288

Anonymous said...

It is SO EXCITING to see the red appearing on locations that have added Little Ashes!!! We are influencing these cinemas. I've decided to phone every one on the list ~ my little contribution to promoting indie films and Rob :) I think it's a great cause!

Caitlin said...

Cineplex (a chain of theatres in Canada) has Little Ashes listed on their website, so I used their feedback form (they didn't have an email listed) to ask them if and which theatres it will be playing in. I'm currently waiting for a reply, but I'll let you guys know when I get something back.

MagicSprinkles said...

Here is an Art Theater in Tempe, AZ that needs some assaulting...

Harkins Valley Art Theater

505 South Mill Avenue
Tempe, 85281

Phone: (480)446-7272

Amanda said...

YAY! I am so glad to hear that it will be in Boise!! I knew the Flicks would come through!

Melisa said...

Honolulu Academy of Arts
The Doris Duke Theatre

Maribel said...

ive alreay called and emailed them.
hopefully this is the last push they need!

Film Streams/Ruth Sokolof Theater
Omaha, NE

Anonymous said...

I live in Fort Collins, CO and I believe the only place that would play Little Ashes is called the "Lyric Cinema Cafe". I've tried to call, but there is no answer, just a machine :(
Please help me get Little Ashes played at this theatre!! Thanks!!

Lyric Cinema Cafe
300 E. Mountain Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80524

(970) 493-0893


Anonymous said...

I am trying to get it in my area too, I don't want to pay for the gas money to get to Colorado Springs! Please help!

The Lyric Cinema Cafe
300 E Mountain Avenue
Fort Collins, 80524

Caitlin said...

So, I got a reply from Cineplex:

Thank you for contacting Cineplex Entertainment.
The movie, Little Ashes, is scheduled to be released in our theatres on May 22, 2009. At this time it appears that it will only open in our Toronto locations.
Please note that Cineplex Entertainment is an exhibitor of films and does not decide where and when a film will open. This decision is made by each film's distributor and is based on where they feel it will best perform.
Guest Services
Cineplex Entertainment LP

So yay for people in Toronto. I, unfortunately, don't live in Toronto. With that said, I have a theatre for assault in Vancouver.

Fifth Avenue Cinemas
2110 Burrard St.
Vancouver, BC, V6K 3H5
24 Hour Info line: 604.734.SHOW (7469)
Office: 604.734.0300
Fax: 604.734.7489

This theatre apparently shows a mix of indie movies and regular movies. It was the only thing I could find doing multiple google searches. If anyone knows of a better place in the Vancouver area, I'd love to know about it.

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