From totalfilm.com by Shonette Laffy who gave the movie 3 STARS. (Gozde: I'm a bit confused it says the review is by Shonette then it's signed by Jane Crowther in the end.)
Were it not for a certain heartthrob du jour appearing in this sultry biopic of Salvador Dalí’s student days, Little Ashes might have passed quietly under the radar.
But since wrapping on this, leading man Robert Pattinson has become global teen catnip thanks to Twilight, so the crafty release date delay should ensure a built-in audience of quivering schoolgirls looking for their ‘R-Pattz’ fix. (Gozde: Argh! The movie is Rated R so no quivering schoolgirls in the audience.)
They’ll be in for a shock. There’s no dreamy neck-nibbling to be had here – just good honest arthouse gay sex, masturbation and nudity.
Taking memories from Dalí’s contradicting autobiographies and set against the rise of Fascism, Philippa Goslett’s screenplay weaves an intriguing tale of lust, ambition and liberalism as Dalí (Pattinson) metamorphasises from shy dandy arriving at art school in ’20s Madrid to his bonkers bug-eyed persona – via an infatuation with fellow student, writer Federico Lorca (Javier Beltrán).
Pattinson proves his range exceeds looking sexy with fangs as he throws himself into the role with credible Spanish accent, pube-flashing and maniacal paint-splattering.
Though he’s confessed to being uneasy acting his gay love scenes, he’s convincing in (relatively tame) mano-a-mano clinches; and by the time he’s poncing about Paris in the trademark Dalí moustache he’s deliciously repellent and narcissistic – a nation of teenagers will weep.
What’s more, Pattinson is easily matched by newcomer Beltrán whose quiet, nuanced performance provides the smouldering heart of the pair’s bromance. But as with most artist bios, the unique genius of Dalí is a tricky beast to translate to screen, leaving director Paul Morrison (Wondrous Oblivion) to essentially paint a gorgeous mood piece with stunning images of the artist’s hometown, beautifully shot interpretations of Lorca’s poetry and smoky evocations of Europe’s pre-war avant-garde scene. Muy bonita!
Jane Crowther
Leaving questions dangling, this isn’t the definitive take on Dalí art-lovers may crave. Still, shot on a shoestring, it’s nevertheless a lush, involving period drama that proves there are other strings to Pattinson’s bow.

"just good honest arthouse gay sex, masturbation and nudity."
Is there bad honest arthouse gay sex, etc....?
LMAO Suz :))
LOL Suz.
Now why do they keep saying Rob had fangs in Twilight...the vamps there did NOT have fangs, do some reasearch reviewers before writing lol
and I know I spelled research wrong..damn why aren't there any edit button here? LOL
Suz, I thought the same thing, I love that quote, makes me even more psyched to see it!
Maryann, well said! What's with the fangs? Um, hello? Seen the movie, read the book? Do your research so you don't look like a dumbass.
I have been extremely Robsessed lately. At my lowest I even brought up going to London for our 10 year anniversary in 3 years. Just a little sight seeing and pub hopping. Rob will be back in London by then, won't he? I'm a terrible person, or is it that nobody has any self control when it comes to Rob?
Another person saying how wonderful Robert Pattinson is, I can't take it anymore. Will someone say he's a stupid jerk, and has bad breath please, so I can function again. It's not to much to ask for is it?
You Londoners have all the men, not fair!!! *pouts* then *stomps her feet*
I really do wish I was british:) Really I do.
Meg - He's a stupid jerk, and has bad breath.
NOT!!!!! Sorry...can't help you here. I can't even help myself!:)
me too, meg....it's a little sad isn't it?
I love Rob, but it's all-consuming :(
I'm not sure how I feel about her review because I'm pretty sure I don't agree with it on some asects.
For one thing, she makes Dali sound utterly ridiculous and that this film is only worth seeing for the chance to see Robert do something different.
Of course Dali does spiral down into sure insanity, but it's poetic and it's beautiful and it's damn believable.
I truly believe that if I was not a fan of Robert's I would still have seen this film and I would have loved it as much as I did then and it would have surely made me a fan of his.
In the UK this film is rated 15(which I was incredibly grateful for as i'm only 15 myself) which may be where she got the whole 'schoolgirl' thing from. I just hope it creates a wider audience of people who learn about these incredible artists.
Idk, maybe I still have that first time impression and my mind skipped past the down sides of this film, because I would have surely given it more then 3 stars.
Haha sorry for the long comment, I just feel like I can talk about this movie forever. It was surely something.
Sara - Thanks for your comment!! ;)
That is a poor excuse for a film critique. Better to write nothing than to gloss over the entire film with nondescript comments. Bring back Hannah's review any day!
Yay, I loooove that Rob keeps getting good reviews for LA! It will make him so proud, bless his heart :)
Meg - sorry, we're all on the same boat here. I tried to focus on his teeth for a bit (they're kind of weird), but it backfired because I realised his weird teeth are awesome and I ended up falling in love with his smile all over again. Sigh.
Sara, I did not get that from this review at all. It was a positive review.
Neither did I, Robsessed, neither did I... But I haven't seen the movie (yet), so I guess I can't really know if the review does it justice?..
Either way, it sure read like a good review of Rob's performance :)
I don't know about Dali-art lovers but Dali's foundation loved the screenplay and that's why they allowed the movie to be made. I remember it was written somewhere about that and that the foundation just doesn't allow everyone to make a movie about Dali. They want to preserve his image and not have to many questions about Dali and Lorca relationship.
RP no doubt has other stings to be pulled...and I hate all these stupid interviewers who don't know by now that not all of his fans are teens. Hell, do some research...
lol Shani... I wanna pull Rob's strings :)))
Haha, maybe I'm just overly protective.
But I'm still happy with the review I just thought she didn't do it justice.
sara, you sound very articulate for 15 :)
I think that the review was ok, Dali def. WAS "ridiculous" but not in a bad way...just eccentric. I don't think she meant anyhting negative by it. I am so glad it shows Rob in a positive light and brings attention to his talent as an actor. I also think it will create a wider audience..
KK - Lainey and Ted have just announced the lawn chair (see yesterday's posts)has left Rob because he has bad breath and is a stupid poopy head. (You didn't really think either one of them would get a quote right, did you?)
I am literally counting down the days until I can see LA. And I'm happy to see such positive reviews about the film and Rob.
Shani; I love your avatar. Even his ear looks good.
Here's another interesting review referenced by Rotten Tomatoes website for your consideration:
Thanks, anon. That was a good review.
Anon @ 2:26, that's a good review but it is interesting in the way that the writer "reviewed" everyone's performance, the director, the music and the only thing he says of the lead is "Robert Pattinson (Twilight) plays Dali."
It's like he makes a point of skipping over the fact that Dali is played by Rob.
Just saw an entry on IMDB about Playboy and W magazine reviewing Little Ashes... the snippets were favourable --
Dear ROBsessed,
Certainly that is true and a catastophic omission on the part of the reviewer. From my perspective, it is the brilliant performance by RP that has drawn attention to the film in the first place. And it is his interpretation of Dali that will surely bring it accolades.
I enjoy reading multiple reviews and thought maybe someone might appreciate this one for its attention to other aspects of the film. I didn't mean to imply that the review you posted was wanting in any way. I am glad you continue to post reviews. They are all enlightening.
Anon @ 2:26
Sara - nice comment - you are a proof to what I stated a week ago, while discussing age of this site's bloggers + media decribing teenage fans - I wrote that I KNOW that there are many kinds of teenagers (as of the people of ANY age)and it's so shallow to put all teenage girls into one model, it's as in the above interview - people speak about things they don't know , even don't care to get to know (fangs aaaghrrr)
meg ... actually I'm also trapped in this obsession and trying hard to regain independance (however sweet is the state I'm in ...) but as far as I can say without knowing Rob in person - in my eyes he is flawless and it's strange, can't find anything .... and I have to point out that I think he looks best without any grooming, speaking his own words, caught unprepaired ... so? this is hopless, case defeated
Thanks anon @2:26 :)
Well, I can't find the Playboy or W review in entirety on the web. The official site lists these quotes:
-Stephen Rebello, Playboy
-Gabe Doppelt, W Magazine
Then if you scroll down, Robsessed gets a mention and thanks for the Yes we can movement! Cool. Kudos to Godze and those working to widen the distribution.
Brazilian girls where are you ? I'm listening to Brazilian music right now and wanted to tell ya "Como é você ?"
LB- You missed our "mind blowing" talk last night.LOL
BI- I thought you were here last night. We did Robart and we will try to do it again soon.
Shani; I was here briefly last night, but I was a tired girl and needed some z's. I don't even think I said good bye or good night... how rude of me!
I don't get the different names on this review. I know that Jane writes regularly for Total Film cos I see her name a lot. I think Shonette does the web pages. Either way, this is a positive review and it's aimed at people who don't like Twlight and might be prejudiced against seeing this. It's telling them it's worth seeing and that Rob is talented.
I just can't wait to watch this movie! I hope Rob gets a chance to do some promotion for it. At least shows up at the premiere..I know Rob would want too, but its now in the hands of his agency. He worked so hard on this movie.
Shani - yeah, I seem to miss all the good talks, because of the time difference (it's already 10:30pm here!)...
Oh well, it's ok, I can (and I do) make up smutty innuendos on my own :p
Balanced reviews (by reviewers that are clearly NOT Rob or Twi-fans)will bring Rob credibility as an actor. I was quite pleased to read this review. Because of the Rob phenomenon, nearly ALL reviewers will at least mention it -- his looks, his "teen" following. Many of his older fans are 'in the closet' a bit, and so are less visible to a journalist who, uh, wouldn't visit this site. I say: Yay, first real review, and yay, go Rob. -Janelo
Poor Goz! Have you got it worked out yet?
Thanks for the yummy review...I've stepped my efforts up to get it to Houston or Austin....
When I read this review on totalfilm.com, a fan's reply/review posted below suggested that if this film gets enough of a push, Rob could be nominated for a "Best Supporting Actor" Oscar next year. That's a long shot, obviously, but I loved hearing that this person found him to be THAT good in this film. Anyone who's bothered to watch "The Haunted Airman" would never doubt that Rob's light-years beyond the latest teen Flavor of the Month.
@Leann ... I caress the same hope as to Rob's future (roles, awards, reviews etc) because I feel that there is talent beyond the looks but bearing in mind how obsessed I am I'm afraid I can be dazzled :)) and not capable of any "cold" judgement not taking his side ... so I still don't know anything :((((
and ... I watched "The Haunted Airman" which I think proved Rob's acting abilities
it came to my mind that his beauty might be that curse - you know - the more beautiful actor/actress is the more difficult is to be taken seriously, very often beautiful people are assumed not intelligent or talented,especially in Hollywood
OME!!! Gozde and the rest of Robsessed. i just got my pre-ordered copy of the How To Be soundtrack, and guess what? I got one of the 250 signed posters.
I'm so excited. This stuff never happens to me. I'll send a you a pic as soon as I can. I have to work the next two nights so I'm not sure how long it will take. :)
P.S. Thanks for posting the link to the pre-order.
congratulations :))))
Got a response from the "Lighthouse" cinema in Dublin
This is what they said
We have no plans at the moment to screen LITTLE ASHES, 'though we have had a few e-mails about it, which is quite unusual. Is there a particular reason why you are interested?
Best regards
Neil Connolly
Light House Cinema
Margot, I know what you're saying, but usually even the "pretty" actors with a modicum of talent eventually ended up being taken seriously for one role or another...thinking of Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise here, both of whom have had shining moments in their careers. Personally I think Rob has more raw talent than either of those actors, and I would compare him more to Johnny Depp, who chose quirky roles and deliberately stretched himself to get beyond the teen idol label, with great success. The talent always shines through as long as an actor stays grounded and focused...things that Rob has managed to do quite well so far.
And even though we here all find Rob devastingly attractive, incomprehensively enough there are those who are unfazed by his looks. One of my friends who finally saw Twilight out of curiosity concluded, "I thought the acting was bad, and I found the lead guy unattractive, a little creepy maybe." (We are no longer friends. LOL) Actually I think Rob would love the fact that she found Edward creepy. Sounds like New Moon will be bringing us even more creeptastic Edward...I'm game for whatever Rob wants to throw at me! As long as he is growing as an actor, I'm on board. I just see so much potential in him.
And I will stop rambling here, sorry!
Congratulations Ash!!
I'm still waitin for mine to come. I thought it would have come last week but nothing ! Hopefully soon!
for goodnight : hands, lips, bed and bathtube *dazzled*
I suppose I'm the only one here on the Saturday night ? Let it be, let it be, music is playing (Ive Mendes Night, night) and I'm Robsessing on YouTube - feel free to join:
There is something about Rob ... but what it is ?
Wow Ash you lucky Girl!
Send us the pic ASAP!!!!
Ash- You lucky bitch...LOL:P
Kate- You email them back and tell them it's because of Robert FUCKING Pattinson. Hell, is there any other reason??? Dumb Hoes....
Hi everybody! i just read all of your comments. So many terrific insights.
I agree, its fairly obvious that Javier steals the screen from Rob and is generally better in the film, but thats not such a bad thing. We can't expect Rob to be perfect all the time. He's only 22, he's still perfecting his talent.
And also, the character of Dali isn't supposed to be loved. We are meant to be freaked out by Dali and I think Rob succeeded in that from what I have seen.
We are SUPPOSED to feel more attached to Lorca in the film and feel sorry for him coz Dali turned into an asshole lol.
I agree, I found Rob's Edward performance very odd but I'm totally on board for his future projects. I'm a big fan of Rob's passion for acting and I think he will soon find a balance and give the prefect performance.
But currently, (Twilight, Little Ashes and HTB) I think Rob has a bad habbit of over-acting and being too dramatic.
I love him so much but my advice to him for a long successful career would be to tone the acting down and be more natural, like in GOF.
Rob has a rare gift of becoming his character, like Heath Ledger and Johnny Depp but Rob needs to learn how to tone it down a little.
I don't say this to insult him or hurt his fans, because obviously I love him regardless hehe
Its just friendly advice, ooz I see soooo much potential in him.
Congrats, Ash!! I got mine, but no signature! That is okay by me!
Hey, everyone!
Margot~ur not the only one. My DH and son are hanging out! Lucky me!
I'll be here to Robsess!
LA~ masturbation-check
pube flashing-check
sex w/ Rob-check
How did it only get a 3? I give it a 10 w/o seeing it!
hee hee Elaieneieiieiei! you're not tired???
Hi girls :) how's everyone doing?
Licky Girl!!!! how hilarious was last night? Our Robcasso came out awesome!!!
Crazy~ fill me in. Robcasso?
I'm not tired! How are u?
Not a bad review.
I had to read it twice, though.
I could swear, sometimes, that I'm a dyslexic/ADD/OCD sufferer.
Or maybe that just happens when I read about anything Rob-related...
Bol~Imagine meeting him! I'm afraid I might die! At least die happy!
AHAHA what a way to go!
hey crazy, I'm thread-stalking you... lol
I'm terribly shy. So. Someone would have to, literally, drag me up to him. And then I would probably run away upon drawing his attention, and go cry somewhere in a dark corner.
Bol~ No way! U can go w/ us and we will drag u up to him! That is one time I'll get the nerve. I would never let that opportunity pass.
Oh, to have fellow Robsessors on your side...
Actually, that would be incredibly embarassing.
Could you imagine, dragging someone up to Robert Pattinson. So not only would I be a total dork...now I don't know how to walk...
And there my good friends would be, grasping my arms, my feet dragging against the pavement or asphalt...like a sacrifice to Rob.
Okay, on second though. Do it. Do it. Drag me. Just make sure that he catches me when you release me.
Funny! Wouldn't that be a blast?
Come over to the first thread!
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