From E! Online's Mark Malkin:
If Channing Tatum hasn’t read the Twilight books, he may want to start.
At least one very important person in the movie adaptations of Stephenie Meyer’s vampire love story thinks Tatum would be perfect to play bad-boy vampire Riley in Eclipse, the third in the four-book series.
“There’s a very big battle at the end with Riley, and I think Channing would do that so well,” Twilight and New Moon screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg, who is currently writing the Eclipse script, told us this weekend at the Los Angeles Times Book Festival benefit for the Writers Guild Foundation.
“And there are some complexities to that character," she adds. "He really is tragic. He’s a puppet for Victoria [bad-girl vampire played by Rachelle Lefevre]. So he has to break your heart a little bit at the end when he realizes that she doesn’t want him. Channing could do that beautifully.”
Rosenberg also confirmed some good news for Robert Pattinson fans...
Even though Edward Cullen may not be in the New Moon novel as much as he is in the others, she promised we’ll be seeing plenty of the Brit actor in the flick, which is currently shooting in Vancouver with director Chris Weitz.
“In the book, he’s actually an enormous presence in [Bella’s] mind,” Rosenberg said. “He’s so present in her mind throughout the entire center of the book, so we really played off that, and it kept him alive in a slightly different way, but fans will feel it’s true to the book. You can’t have a Twilight without Rob Pattinson.”
And Rosenberg says you also can’t have a Twilight movie with anything more adult than a PG-13 rating. She has yet to be hired to write the script for the fourth, Breaking Dawn, but she thinks it’s safe to assume the book’s more graphic violent scenes will be tailored to keep it accessible for Twilight’s teen moviegoing audience.
“Our fans are in the PG age range, and I don’t feel a big necessity to see violence, and to see gore,” Rosenberg said. “I don’t need to see that. This whole series is more about their relationship. It’s not about the gore. I mean, there are some scary and special elements to it, but the series is really about relationships and coming of age and owning one’s power.”
Channing Tatum....? Hmmm, not sure about that. Isn't Riley supposed to be quite young?
And I know I won't be the only one to FREAK about a PG-13 BD...WTF? Forget about the gore....what about the honeymoon? I'm really pissed...maybe if enough people throw a fit, we can them to change their minds before BD is written. I DON'T need graphic violence or gore, but that honymoon scene...and if the book isn't PG-13, then neither should the movie be. Wow, I could go on and on. Told ya I'm pissed . Huh.
I love that picture of him *sighs*
and Riley is supposed to look very young.. hmm but Channing is not too bad to look at :)
Screw a PG-13 rating, screw an R rating. What about NC-17????
I agree on the BD PG-13 rating..sorry but why is the media so hell bent on claiming that Twilight is MOSTLY for teens? I know I do not need to see all the gore etc. but to make it fit with the PG-13 ratings? I guess it is money speaking here..cos I recall reading or rather watching some documentary a while ago that studios wanted desperately to avoid the R-ratings as it means a large amount of movie goers cannot see the movie which means loss of revenues. Yep it is all about the money folks...
Still sorry but to keep it STRICTLY to the PG-13 ratings...I don't see how they can do this and stay true to the book! IF that is what she thinks...get someone ELSE to write this screenplay....sigh.
Also why not get any suggestion for Seth who if I am not mistken did fight Riley in Eclipse then? Or are they gonna ignore the most adorable ones of the wolves completely??!! How dare they?!
yeah,Seth and Riley are both to be like "boys" right? I think Seth is 15 in the book...
I might be in minority here, but I don`t really need to see E&B sexing it up. Plus, the higher ratng would influence the box office, which I don`t think Summit wants very much. *shrugs*
As long as I see them in the water nekkid with some sensual PDA (kissing, touching and such), together under the moonlight and then E carries B inside the house, I could live with a fadeout to keep it PG-13.
Of course, talking about biting pillows the morning after would be a must. That`s just me, cuz my imagination works overtime on its own, thank you very much. *lol*
Channing Tatum?? LAME! Gah! He sucks bit time. IMO
Yeah well I don't see how in the heez BD can be PG 13??? REALLY?? Nope. Hmm...don't think the part when Edward chews open Bella's uterus fits in the PG 13 category...just sayin'...
Loved the "we want robward shirtless" label xD
The pic was stunning...
If BD is rated PG-13 is going to suck.
“...This whole series is more about their relationship. It’s not about the gore. I mean, there are some scary and special elements to it, but the series is really about relationships and coming of age and owning one’s power.”
hmmmm... I know it's about the relationships, but, imho, I think the birth scene is pretty powerful and should remained intact (Is there any other "gore" that I'm forgetting about it?). As far the sex scenes go, I can live with a PG rating (please don't throw stones at me)even though, personally, I would like them to be NC17 :)
--Bootstrap Itern
PG-13 my arse!!
Lynnes Im with you on this one ;)
Yvonne - Loving the hairy face avatar.
I have never wanted a humans stubble so much in my life.
BD is a lot more gory than it is "sexed" from what I remember. Sexwise, they could tastefully portray what is written without going over PG13 I hope; I mean, SM hinted at things more than she described them. They will have to tame the violence a lot more than the sex.
After a quick check:
WTF, pretty woman was rated R in the US, and here I was thinking it was quite tame. what's the age group exactly for R rate?
They will not cut off big chunk of the audience, so I clearly see them doing everything to stay PG13.
Anna - I completely agree. As far as the sex goes, BD was totally PG-13, and I think they could stick true to that and be ok with that rating.
And I don't want to see the birth scene changed either ... it was raw, and powerful, and even if the target audience was teens/kids (instead of just in the minds of the media) there are other movies geared toward them that have more gore then that.
Personally, I don't think BD will get an R rating because SM said she doesn't watch R rated movies. I don't think she'll allow it to be that graphic ... but if it sticks to the book, the only way I can see it needing R is for the gore (if that) and I hope she wouldn't have a problem with that.
thinking about eclipse and riley and victoria being torn apart by seth and edward then set on fire....thats fairly graphic. Though I know some of it could be handled in the background as it was in twilight, but still.
I would dearly love a higher rating. its not going to happen though :-( but if they don't have a shirtless Rob I will hunt down and kill whoever is responsible.Me and the rest of the irish girls..,..
Channing ....
I must have googled the guy and I must say that I'm not convinced/impressed with a guy whose first 10 photos are in briefs/boxers
Also, BD is going to come after 3 other films which are money makers for sure, so screw PG-13 for BD ! They owe us (we will have spent all that money on books and 3 parts of Twilight) some gore and sex BECAUSE they are in BD as the final touch ! Just keep to the book ! We deserve this ! And Twilight is NO teenage-only phenomenon - high time to spot this (and OUR money, too). People who will be 13-17 during the BD premiere can read the book and very soon, in 2-4 years will turn old enough to see the movie, as the book is
I love the thought of Channing Tatum as Riley. I think he would be good for the role. I am really anxious to see Seth. He is one of my favorite characters. I hope they don't mess him up. But Channing Tatum is gorgeous and I really like him for Riley. He could definitely pull of the fight scene, the only problem is that he is a little more built than Rob.
Gozde, I love how you tag/label the posts in case some obsessed people like us type in a search for: "We want Robward shirtless". I love it!
Maybe they can make an uncut version for us mature audiences. Don't they do that some times, example Bruce Willis, Color of Night. Crossing fingers. ;P
Seriously, Rob had better be shirtless in Volterra ... I mean, come on, that's a major scene, and Edward is shirtless until they leave the tower. That's a MAJOR detail that just cannot be changed! ;)
And the same goes for Eclipse and BD!
Seriously, tho, do they really think that Twilight did all those huge numbers just because of tweens and teens? I think the cast knows better, but the media seems to be clueless. I guess that's par for the course, tho.
I think the "Breaking Dawn" rating has more to do with Stephenie's Mormon credo and I doubt she signed any contracts allowing more than PG-13.
I'm sure Rob will be shirtless in Volterra. As far as sexy scenes, Rob will have a long and fruitful career post-"Twilight Saga," so I'm positive we'll have a lot to look forward to...
Channing Tatum, bad bad bad idea!
He's 30, Riley is supposed to be in his teens, and Channing is much to manly looking. I think someone in the range of Dylan and Cole Sprouse, they are a little more older looking now, but would be really good for Riley. They are young and sweet looking, could be distressed. I'm not sure about their acting abilities, however.
And if the gore is in the book it should be translated right to the big screen; it can be rated whatever it needs to be, the fans all have guardians to go with.
It has to have a higher than pg 13 rating. Isn't that what they give half the disney movies?
This is a real story with real actors, not Hannah freaking Montana!!!
Spoiler alert in case anyone hasn't read Breaking Dawn yet!!!??? (If not, get on with it already).........................................................
The thing is that Breaking Dawn (the book) isn't exactly graphic, there's no description of them actually doin' the do, it's just kind of ........ and then cut to the morning after. Breaking Dawn has a lot of graphic violence in it, but movies do tend to be happier to show violent scenes than sexual ones. I can't remember which famous actor said this but there's a quote about violence in films: "You can slice a breast off on screen but you can't kiss it".
The Harry Potter films have got steadily darker and more scary just like the books, with plenty of violence and the odd swearword in the later films, but I suppose Ron Weasley telling Harry to "Piss off" is not quite the same as seeing Edward birthing his spawn directly from Bella's womb with his teeth...
Ugh. Boring. We want to see gore. We want to see sex. It's HONEYMOON sex for God's sake. It's allowed. STUPID KIDDIES. It's all their fault >:o
haha. best part is i bet neither they or their moms would mind. People are going to see all the movies no matter what...these hollywood peeps need to start realizing that.
Channing Tatum: This may have nothing to do with it... maybe the guy has some great project that is popular right now... But he has climbed onto step 9 on the starmeter on imbd today. But it could hardly be related since this news hit only today and Rosenberg is only the screenwriter and has little to do with casting, right?
With twilight related news, you never know LOL.
I did not picture someone this buff for Riley (nor any vampire apart from Emett and another one from the volturi I guess).
I guess that tells us how much Edward/Bella action we'll be seeing. damn. what kind of honeymoon will they have? kissing scenes that last all of 15 seconds?
"Remember Me": bring it on!!!!!!!!
i think i could deal with seeing the sex scenes as pg-13 considering that as someone states they arent as graphic as we wish .. they kind of just lead into it .. anyway with breaking dawn there are alot of things that need ot be a certain way
.. for instance the birth .. sorry that little reneseeme had to be ripped out of her stomach but thats gotta stay true to the book as well as the esme's island scene with the ocean .. not syaing we need to see nudity but it has to be as real as the book .. we need to feel the passion! and we need to see them be rough with each other then i'd accept a fade out .. fade in and its the morning with the bitten pillows ect. and last but not least, not that this has to do with the pg-13 but im just praying one thing that has to be absolutely perfect with BD is the ending scene where he;s reading her mind thanks to bella's new power. that just has to end the series perfectly. i, as well as probably many, have pictures this scene is their mind, and if it were to just be played off as nonchalantly i would be so mad!
the way i saw it was bella and edward alone in the room together .. she walks up to him and puts her hands on the sides of his face and we will see the images from the past three movies as her showing him everything in her mind .. he distracts her with a kiss .. she does it again .. and it just ends beautifully like that.
oh err sorry got sidetracked haha but yes i would prefer a R verison but knowing the age of twilight fans range from those young as well i feel like were gonna lose out on this one =/ maybe a R dvd? if were lucky haha
I'm going to be simple today and say, NO SHIT SHERLOCK...LOL
Yea, right! Please tell us something we don't know!!!
Stuff the gore...i want the rooomance...The Notebook was a PG13 movie, and that got really hot.And young teens of the movie, won't be young teens when Breaking Dawn comes out...
By the time I stared at that fantastic picture of Rob, I forgot what the article said.
DAMN IT! PG 13 again!
And what about Rob shirtless in Volterra, hum? HUM?
SERAP! I agree with you, they won´t be teens anymore when BD comes out. But Steph.M. will still be a mormon...
rob shirtless alone is rated XXX. can't they make the movies R and just have the twimoms bring them in to the theatre?
more bang for the buck. i'm a genius!
Yes, I definitely agree with the end of BD, it MUST be exactly the way it is in the book; if they don't....oh boy!
It is the sweetest, most perfect ending, it cannot be ruined!
I don't like this editing of 'inappropriate' scenes, if the kids are reading it, why can't the watch it?
I love this picture.
The way his eyes look, the whole expression. He's so pensive. I wanna know what he's thinking. One could only guess.
But whatevs its a sexy pic!
That's an example of how to look sexy when you're thinking deeply. I dub it the "sexy deep thinker" look.
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