More Rob Goodness from VanCity

Wasted Rob is the best Rob :))
I LOVE her expression here. You can hear the "SQUEEEEE!" through the picture :)
She made him a mix-tape, awwww :))
Sage denied rumors, says everyone is friends. It's one big happy family. I believe her. Take your speculations to Ted C.'s board. They are not welcome on this blog.

Source1, source 2, source 3

Thanks to Nikki for the links :, KittyGlam from Pattinson Life and Twilight-Gossip for the pics


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Mel said...

Senin bile sabrını taşırdıklarına inanamıyorum Gözde:) Ama kesinlikle katılıyorum.

Gozde said...

Haha, peygamber olsa catlar bunlara :)) Hakkaten dun aksam cildirdim artik. Ayni sey nasil 1000 kere konusulur, beyin yok ya!

Sorry for the Turkish :) I was just saying yes, I am fed up with the same talk over and over and over. It is taking away from the fun and up beat spirit of ROBsessed. We are here to "appreciate"(lust over, drool, faint) Rob not dissect his every friggin' move/picture.

niahid said...

Well said Gozde!
all this robstalkers stuff gave me a headache. Can't wait to see ET interview.

MojoPin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MojoPin said...

Yeah well said Gozde!
I was literally sick after reading some comments from yesterday.
It has just gone too far. People don't understand how simple comments help spreading rumors around.

About the pictures, they all look great,I'm glad they were out, sorry they were mobbed, Rob looked hot, Kristen is adorable with those glasses, love Nikki's boots...the end.xD

Gozde said...

Nikki looks beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

And yet this site tracks his every frickin move. ? "Obsessively"

Gozde said...

Yes we do Anon. We are Robsessed. You can leave if you don't like how we work.

Rhonda said...

I do love Kristen's glasses. And I am NOT speculating about relationships here, but I find it hilarious that Nikki is staring at Rob's hands in at least two of those pics. Just friends or not, the poor girl is not immune to the allure of the Pattinson digits. LOL!

Gozde said...

Oh noone can be immune to those fingers :))

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Ahhh...Rob's hands are absolutely wonderful.

Morning ladies. Up sick all bloody night. Going to work anyway...Gah. I have a feelin' I'll be heading out at lunch. Love to see more pics of the gang. I'm so happy they have all bonded like family because what they are going through with their fame is both fun and some kind of hell. They can understand and support each other.

Kimberlesk said...

Yes Goz, Nikki's gorgeous, but does anyone else really go clubbing with such a HUGE bag??

Anonymous said...

Obsessively tracking a person is the definition of stalking. This site feeds the stalker-movement. It's not above Ted C or any other site that invades Rob's privacy.

Maryann said...

AMEN Gozde for your comment on this post!

LOL I love Nikki's look on one of these pics...she looks kinda mischevious hehe, no I am not speculating, I just love the look on her face here lol. Like she'd be up to a prank or something hehe.

And I'd love to see what Rob is like drunk..hehe. He does seem like "a happy drunk" and that's all good with me, my friends and I are like that when we get "drunk" too..all giggles and acting silly lol

niahid said...

@Anon ; Are you Rob? ;p
You're not comfy being adored on a healthy blog?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

First, are we going to ignore the bullsh*t today everyone, right? You know what I'm talkin' about...startin' up early already. STOP.

Maryann - I remember when I was Rob's age and drank with my three best friends (all guys)...we would get so angsty about everything! I'm a much better drunk now...I just want to giggle and dance :)

Gozde said...

How about all the positive we do anon? Do you see those? We promote Rob's work, encourage people to bring Little Ashes to their theaters, support all his movies, his friends. We report all his reviews.

We do like to see candids of him. We don't tell people where the set is, where he will be etc.

I'm sorry you think we are feeding the stalker movement.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Plus...everyone on this site puts up with each other when we can't form a proper sentence like me: "First, are we going to ignore the bullsh*t today everyone, right?" Too damn early for me folks. What does that even mean????

Anonymous said...

why are nikki and rob so close together

Anonymous said...

Nikki always try to get pics near Rob, with Rob...sorru but I can't stand her! She is probably the one calling the paps

Anonymous said...

who´s this guy next to Kristen?
was that after the concert and the limo?
And why does this girl give him this mixtape?

Anonymous said...

morning kk! sorry to hear your sick.

i don't really understand why the flash drive is creepy... but that's just me. i also assumed it was just music.

and drunk rob looks like he would be so laid back and funny *sigh*

anna F said...

Is all this hostility torwards the blog caused by the "don't speculate about Rob's private life based on pictures"? I'm glad I missed that discussion.
I think there was no issue with friendly banter and stuff, it's more people taking gossip seriously and speculating while thinking they are right that's disturbing. What I know for sure is that nobody knows the entire truth (apart from the concerned persons)!

I can understand how one could feel that gathering all type of info about Rob in a blog/website could feed the stalking phenomena, but I don't agree. It motivates paps if people are interested in their pictures... But this blog isn't exatcly responsible for the Rob-obsession, it's an outlet... this blog doesn't convert people to Rob worshipers, people are interested in ROB and gather on this blog for this reason...
The ladies taking care of this blog don't take themselves seriously, it's for fun... And I hope it stays that way.

Gozde and Dani, don't let some nasty comments get to you!

crazy said...

That's what I said the other day, KK, right? Maybe try to ignore the gossip and speculation?

HOWEVER, Goz does ALOT of work here to give us pics and video to admire his talent and drool over. She has stated cleary she wants none of this talk and we need to respect HER wishes. I don't think it's unreasonable to request the ones who like to speculate just do that on another blog. No biggie, right? Feel free to come here to see the wonder that is Rob! Oh yeah baby! We'd miss you if you didn't join us in that.

I'm sorry to repeat myself (I tend to do that, hee hee), sorry. Can we look at what she posts here and discuss how talented and ridiculously sexy he is, and not get into his love life, existent or not? I'm sure we can.

I hate to see all her hard work result in all this arguing and debate. I hate to see her upset. It's not fair to HER.
Can we do this for GOZDE?

beanie said...

Ewww! What if the flash drive had nude pictures of her or something! Can you imagine how traumatic that would be for him?

katykeene said...

Okay I've got this theory that the Anon making negative comments is really Ted C. His site is not getting so many hits because we would rather gather here and read/listen to positive posts about Rob... LOL
Godze and Danni don't bother defending your is all good.

crazy said...

KK~ you make me laugh, even when you're sick. :)

Lizalou said...

Just my two cents - everyone needs to stop stressing!
If no response is made to the Anon posts speculating about who is with who, then it ends up being one comment and dies.

I actually have to do work today. Blech!

elsa said...

Isn't that Mike Angarano?
maybe not, too short & not cute enough.

phosphorus said...

Off topic: How do you spell your name - Gozde or Gözde? I want to get it right. And what does it mean?

crazy said...

Good point Lizalou.

Stacy said...

I thought that looked like Mike too ... I would love it if it were, lol, after all the ANON's said he hadn't been seen and made such a big deal out of it.

And Nikki looks really pretty there. I see her looking at Rob hands, lol. I will say, whatever the truth is, Rob and Nikki look good together.

anna F said...

yeah, back on topic!

nice pictures! He might be slightly drunk indeed in the upper ones, but not totally wasted yet.
And good idea to give him a mix-tape, she might even have added her phone number in it LOL!

Actually, it must feel weird to have total strangers give you present... but I guess you get used to it.

Gozde said...

Thanks for the love ladies. I heart you all very much :) KK, I'm sorry you are sick :( Crazy, you are too cute :)

Phosphorus: it's Gözde and it means "the favorite" :))

The boy in the pictures is Kristen's brother not Oregano.

honey bee said...

I agree with you ladies, and I certainly don't agree with Anonymous 7:38.

Robsessed is an "obsession", but it's a healthy one! I see this blog as a collective of interviews and news. I don't see the harm in admiring Robert's work...or hands...or his oh so lovely jaw. It's a waste not to admire God's beautiful creation. ;} Plus, this blog is promoting Robert's work; take the fabulous Little Ashes Movement into consideration. Look at the results!

If Gozde doesn't want speculation comments polluting her blog, then so be it. It is HER blog and we all have to respect that. Let's just be thankful this blog is here for us to all enjoy; I know I am!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

God...all the love for this site today!!! It's awesome! Friendly banter is good, Anna. We like to have fun and share ideas here! Regurgitating crap is not fun.

Crazy and Anna - Both awesome comments this morning. This site brings people together. We all work, have friends and family, outside interests, goals, dreams, and lives. No one lives or dies by this site. We come here to share a common interest, laugh (a lot), tease each other, giggle over pics and just enjoy some downtime. It is an outlet. When I have a moment and don't want to answer 400 emails, correct papers, read more research or deal with other not-so-fun things, I come here to get some positive energy to go back to the rest of it.

Anonymous said...

when were these pics taken?

Maryann said...

KK sorry to hear you are sick, feel better soon!

When I was 22 er..I was still pretty much a "novice" when it came to being drunk, first time I was drunk I was 20 LOL. Before then I didn't like to "lose control" but come age 20 I just didn't give a damn lol, well to a certain degree anyways, and I never had hangovers untill I turned 25. Now I gotta be careful, I HATE hangovers lol

phosphorus said...

@ Gözde: Nomen est omen - it's true for your blog, too. :-)

Wilmari said...

I agree with Sage, they are all a big happy family, all good friends. It's funny how no one comments on the fact that Jackson and Kristen also share clothes, or that there are tons more pics of Rob and Nikki together from that night that there are of Rob and Kris. Yet there's 2 pics of him and Kris getting out of a cab and it's OMG! They are so in love, they are so getting married. Plain and simple, people are gonna see/believe whatever they want to see or believe and there's nothing we could do about that :)

meg said...

God, I'm starting to feel sorry for them. It's got to be beyond annoying to be followed and to hear snap snap snap all the time. I WOULD go crazy!!! I almost don't want to see anymore pics, almost.

I AM jealous that Nikki gets to touch him whenever she wants:) See the hand on his shoulder? It's in a friendly way, nothings going on, just wish I could touch him too:(

Anonymous said...

kk: you said it!

crazy, anna, liz & m you too girls! love it :)

gozde: you do a fantastic job of satisfying our every rob need. seriously. thank you.

what a great way to start out the day! lots of love girls...must get some work done today

Suz said...

Gözde how very apropos "the favorite"

you are indeed that.. to us all!

(removing lips from azz)


Gozde said...

Thank you ALL. I don't want to name names :)) And Suz, too close for comfort :PP

Love y'all!

Yvonne said...

Great pictures, wow, he looks beautiful, and Nikki looks stunning. Amazing how he can take so many photos with fans and still be so gracious...
Goz, thank you for putting an end to the crap...I couldn't hang out here yesterday with all the bullshit going on. It was exhausting just reading it, I finally left. I love Rob too, but give it a rest people.

Hansom Ransom said...

I also just wanted to say this blog is my favorite. it's always a breath of fresh air for me :)

Lizalou said...

Suz - I love that avatar. I'm sure my thoughts are echoed by everyone here - celeb has nothing to do with this man. If he was walking down the street with Starbucks in hand, looking like that, my head would have turned. I'd probably be gushing all day long to anyone who would listen about "the drop-dead gorgeous guy I saw today."
Okay - work work work!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I think we're all in agreement over the direction we want to go in today!!!:)

Thanks for all the well wishes. I feel like crap and thought I could handle the morning at I'm not so sure. I'm going to try to teach two classes and then reassess. Everyone, have a wonderful morning (or whatever time you are currently in!). Keep the love goin', the hatin' at bay and the robsessing electric!!

crazy said...

I hear you, Yvonne aka Licky Girl(inside joke, sorry!)

I stayed away for the most part because it had become so tiresome.

WinWin said...

Good morning ladies. Goz and Danni you two are angels in our heaven. Thank you for always keeping us updated on our wonderboy and feeding us all these delicious posts and vids. You should not feel the need to justify your work here. We worship you guys.

Suz, I spent the night with Daniel Gale. hehe. Rosy cheeks, goofy glasses, tight ass jeans and all. Did I tell you I heart you!!!

Lori said...

I love this site, but I do think it feeds the Ted C. site. I saw these pics early this morning and I was hoping they weren't posted here. I love seeing Rob, but I hate seeing him with N or K because it always gets taken to the extreme. I doubt he is with either of these girls but only time will tell. He obviously isn't going to confirm anything.

Yvonne said...

morning gutter girl :)

ww...I love love love Daniel, he may be my favorite Rob so far...It's the geek thing...

Gozde said...

So Lori, which pictures should we post? Not the ones with Nikki and Kristen. Maybe the ones with Sage but not Ashley if she is too close? How do I decide? Can I post pictures with him/Nikki/Kristen if they are with other people?

How is posting pictures of him with his friends feed the Ted C./Laineyho rumors? They are just pictures! I was in a cab with my friend's husband the other day! Oh the horror! I'm a whore.

Do you see where I'm going? I am just posting his pictures. Wherever he is, whatever he is doing. I won't stop posting pictures of him with his friends because 2 gossip sites claim there is something going on.

meg said...

Morning, I missed all the speculation talk yesterday. Kinda glad I did, it sounded like it got pretty heated. I was disturbed by all the stalking stories I came upon though, and stated some facts yesterday. I wasn't trying to judge anyone, I was just frustrated about HOW some were trying to get a pic and autograph. I felt it was making us look bad, but whatever, totally not going to think about it anymore. Your your own person, and that's all.


meg said...


crazy said...

I finally got to watch the last part of The Dark Kingdom without the family around so i can drool freely. He doesn't have much dialogue, but MAN ALIVE IS HE HOT!!!

So, getting back on track again...Wow! Lots of scrumptuous jaw porn, scruff, sultry eyes and delicious lips!


I'll have the TV paused on is face all day. Until the dh comes home.

Yvonne said...

I haven't seen momma in a while either :( crazy might know where she's been....I think they have a "thing" :)))

Yvonne said...

there u are crazy....seen LM around?

crazy said...

Mi Meg! I miss her too! She has been really busy with the little ones I think. I hope to see her again soon though. :) ht

crazy said...

She's around. We do have a "thing" (winks).

Let's do a Robador dance or something to get her back here!

Yvonne said...

"I can't dance...."

Lori said...

Oh I understand Goz, totally. You should post any and everything you find, but it can still bug me when I see ones of him and N or K that I know people will go to the extremes with. I don't want Rob to look like a manwhore, which is what a lot of people say about him. It bugs me to no end. No one here talks like that, which is why I love this site and feel we are all here for his best interest. I am so silly to worry about this guy, I just really want good things for him. Everyone tries to throw him in a catagory or put a name on him, but that isn't him.

I know he will prove these haters wrong, in time, it just bugs me to no end.

Keep doing what you are doing, I will just cringe quietly when I see the innocent pictures of him and his friends, knowing people are saying crap that really doesn't matter. LOL

crazy said...

Well I'll just have to make you....

Yvonne said...

but I'd be willing to give it a try to get momma back here with us :)

Yvonne said...

oh yeah....and "I'm not scared of you..."

crazy said...

Lori~ he doesn't look like a manwhore. We Robsessors know that with or without pics, right? No worries, bb! :)

Yvonne said...

no, he looks PERFECT! No matter what he's doing, or where he is...bring on the pics!

crazy said...

(grins) you shouldn't have said that...

Are we the Suz and Tenneil show, part deux?

crazy said...

About to do the dance, so can't type at the moment. Hold on...........

Yvonne said...

LMAO, maybe we should stop... :))))
Plus I don't think there are any lines after that. But I will climb a tree with you if you want!

Gozde said...

I don't think he looks like a man whore at all. He didn't do anything to deserve that. Have we seen him drunk and making out with lots of people? All he does is walk around, go to pubs and share cabs with other girls. I am a bigger whore than he is if that's what people are basing it on:))

tinababy1 said...

OMG He is absolutely stunning!!! sigh....

Morning all. Did we survive the night?

Yvonne said...

True Goz, he's never cought doing anything at all! It's a little disappointing actually...

Patticake said...

I think all we are doing here is appreciating a handsome man who is also a good actor. There isn't anything wrong with that. I don't stalk Rob. I don't want to. I feel sorry for him and the rest of the cast getting followed and photographed every two seconds. It wouldn't suprise me if they too smaller movies and smaller parts once Twilight is over in order to gain some normality back to their lives. I don't care who Rob dates either. I don't think I have a chance to snag him either. But I can think about it from time to time...just as I did with Ewan McGregor. We are all human and we are only appreciating a good looking man and his talent.

tinababy1 said...

Yvonne - I was just re-reading
Eclipse, I wonder if they will be filming down your way when E&B visit Renee??

You will have all of us camped on your doorstep. hee hee

meg said...

Rob is absolutely NOT a man whore. I would guess he hasn't had much action. (Not that I care) but I bet he's THAT kind of guy. AAAWWWWWWW Really he is just so innocent and sweet!!! Such a gem:) I loveatat you Robbie.

tinababy1 said...

Patty - And don't you love that Ewan married a "normal" person and has lived his life?
Somehow the Brits manage to do that, get away from the Hollywood thing. Hopefully that happens to Rob too.

crazy said...

Y~ I'll climb a tree with you if Rob is at the top>

Did the dance, although not as well as Robador. We'll see what happens!

Hi Tina! Yep, Yvonne has already said we are all welcome ;)

Hansom Ransom said...

Tina, I have been wondering the same thing about the Jacksonville scene, as that is not far from me either. maybe.

Yvonne said...

Tina...can you imagine!! I would FREAK if they came to Fla. and you would ALL be welcome to visit... :)

tinababy1 said...

In this economy cities will be competing to get the Twi-Stalker tourism.

They will start putting together packages. ha ha

Hansom Ransom said...

If Yvonne's place gets filled up, anyone can come stay with me! :)

crazy said...

can we come anyway? are you near a beach? ;)

crazy said...

Okie dokie Hansom! Just have plenty of Robsess paraphernalia...

tinababy1 said...


It's all misery and rain here today.

Patticake said...

I hope Rob gets to have some normality once this is all over with. He probably didn't sign on to have his life taken away.

I also think men and women can be friends. Rob is working Kristin and Nikki. I go to lunch with the people I work with...some are guys. It doesn't mean we are whoring around. Can't the man just have fun with his friends without people thinking there is always something going on? If you seriously get upset over who the man is dating or in pictures with (and I mean seriously upset and not just a tiny bit jealous) then you should step back and consider cutting back on your Robert viewing in order to get yourself in check. Drool over him, don't disect his every move.

Hansom Ransom said...

Sure! When I live in Orlando (for school), I am about 45 minutes from Cocoa. When I am at home on break, I live ten minutes from Boynton Beach.

tinababy1 said...

P - right you are babe.

Hansom Ransom said...

The paraphernalia is taken care of...believe me, lol

Yvonne said...

I don't know where you're all at, but you're making me's very warm and sunny here...Edward would be all sparkly and glorious :)

crazy said...

sounds good. start ordering your Rob dvds ;)

tinababy1 said...

Oh, I've been to Cocoa Beach. Had a laugh at "I Dream of Jeanie Lane"

Yvonne said...

Hi hansom...I'm on the west're on the east?

Hansom Ransom said...

And Disney, Universal, Wet 'n Wild, Sea World, and Discovery Cove are all in my backyard

tinababy1 said...

I could actually live in Cinderella's castle. Was there a couple of years ago for DD, but I loved it.

crazy said...

don't be sad. we'll all be headed down the happy trail to Fla di da ;) ;)

Yvonne said...

oh, you're in Orlando!

I am coming up there tomorrow! Going to see Fall Out Boy at UCF!

tinababy1 said...

C -Happy Trail??????





crazy said...

huh? what are you talking about? ;)

Hansom Ransom said...

Seriously Yvonne?! I live on the UCF campus :) I work tomorrow night, but what time are you coming?

Yvonne said...

Tina...right? it's the little girl in all of us, I love Disney.

Crazy...just follow the happy fla di da :))

tinababy1 said...

You SAID happy trail!!!!!

crazy said...

I LOVE Disney. They should make a ride that has something to do with Rob.

Yvonne said...

I'm hoping to be up there around noon tomorrow, concert is at 6:30... my sister in law goes to UCF, she lives off campus though...

tinababy1 said...

Y - Thought I would hate it, to commercial blah, blah, blah.

But, can't hate Disneyworld.

crazy said...

no i didn't. (looks around nervously)

Yvonne said...

OMFEC! You did NOT just say that!!!!

crazy said...

what's going on? i'm confused.

tinababy1 said...

CRAZY - Ride the Rob. I'm getting some viusla, but I don't think it's very Disney.

Maybe more Pornyland

Yvonne said... that is all I will be able to think about all day, great, thanks a lot, srsly :/

crazy said...

you guys are bad!!!!

tinababy1 said...

Fuck, VISUAL, can't write.

Yvonne said...

Kinda like wet-n-wild?

crazy said...

Disney porn? Jeez.

Yvonne said...

WE'RE bad? hahaha

Anonymous said...

Nikki don't lean on rob....go away with your big bag...

crazy said...

ok, we're gonna get hollered at!

Hollared (sp?)

tinababy1 said...

Can you imagine the lineups??

Would definitely wear out the fastpass

Hansom Ransom said...

Stupid work. I would love to meet you!

Yvonne said...

anon...r u kidding?

crazy said...

peeing in my pants!!!! ROTFL!! ahahahhahahaha.

tinababy1 said...

Yessss. First pantiy change of the day.

Yesterday I actually ran out and had to do an extra load of wash, ha ha ha

Yvonne said...

hansom... :-(

crazy said...

Rob - meet us i Disney. Please?

(getitng back on truck here... ;)

tinababy1 said...

WTF is with my typing skills today??

Must calm down.

Hansom Ransom said...

will you be on campus before 6:30?

Yvonne said...

fastpass!!!! That's hilarious!

crazy said...


truck rhymes with puck.

Yvonne said...

do we have to pay extra for that?

tinababy1 said...

Puck = fuck...

fuxated much??

crazy said...

we'll pay in hell.

crazy said...

who's fuxated????? me.

tinababy1 said...

Won't even need panties for Rob Ride and Fastpass

Yvonne said... and dd are gonna try and get there early, check into the hotel...not sure where the arena is, so I have to figure out where I'm going. Our hotel is close by though...what time do u have to work?

Hansom Ransom said...

Not until 5:30

crazy said...

No really...they could have a ride where we all get travel through his movies and take the place of anyone he has kissed.. what do call that again, when you...i don't effin know!

crazy said...


Yvonne said...

hansom, well, I have no idea where I'm going up there...or I could meet you someplace...would love to meet another Robsessor :)

Anonymous said...

i keep looking at the flash drive pic...

his eyelashes just go on for miles *sigh* i love rob's eyes & eyelashes...beautiful, simply beautiful

Hansom Ransom said...

Yvonne, what is your email?

Little Momma said...

Are all still there?

I just got home

tinababy1 said...

I don't know if either of you girls has the Edward poster, my dd has 2 in her room.

The eyes follow you whereever you go. It's like the Mona Lisa, only beautiful.

crazy said...

Hi TS! yes he is. (looking again. now my shirt is all wet from drool)

tinababy1 said...


Yvonne said...

hansom, I put it on my profile if you want to get it :)

crazy said...

Momma's in the house everybodeee!

T~ we have 2 also. the dd and her friends kiss him when they come over here. I kiss him when they leave.

Yvonne said...

LM!!!! Welcome home!

Yvonne said...

"I kiss him when they leave...." LMFAO

crazy said...

Momma~ we all went to Disney with Rob, so to speak. Now we're kissing posters, ok?

tinababy1 said...

DD has one of them right over her bed.

Has sweet Rob dreams every night.

Little Momma said...

Hey everyone!!!
Just dropped DS at school...

Little Momma said...

Ok crazy and your DD thinks you are disgusting??? She kisses him too right?

I am so confused...

Yvonne said...

hansom, let me know when you've got it, so I can take it down :)

Little Momma said...

Did Meg leave...I saw she was looking for me

crazy said...

It's an HP Laserjet 1100, ok hun?

tinababy1 said...

C - Huh???

crazy said...

HUh? i was talking to the DH on email, and i got confused sorry!

OMG!!! what did i do with my last comment???? Crap!

Little Momma said...

LOL Crazy!!! You are so funny today!

Yvonne said...

where's hansom...?

tinababy1 said...


You slay me!!!!

crazy said...

Momma~ our kissing techniques are "different" ;)

Little Momma said...


OOOOOPPPPPPSSSSSSS sorry...hit the keyboard....;)

tinababy1 said...

Hopefully you weren't still talking about Ride-a-Rob

crazy said...

SHIT!!! how do i take back an effin email!!! help!!

crazy said...

I think meg left cause you weren't here :(

Little Momma said...

You arent supposed to tell everyone!!! SHHHHHHHH!

OOOHHHHH you mean yours and the DD's...OIC.....

Yvonne said...

I gotta go, so much to do and as usual, I am here :)

Hansom, I'll be here later tonight, find me if I don't hear from you!

crazy, momma, tina, have a great day! mwaahh!

Little Momma said...

Aww bye Yvonne...i always get here too late and miss the fun

tinababy1 said...

Better go buy a new thong and make a really nice dinner for him tonight

crazy said...



tinababy1 said...

Have a good one Yvonne, enjoy the sunshine.

crazy said...

Bye Licky Girl! later!

i think my laptop will be confiscated.

Little Momma said...

lol crazy....tryin to be sly!

Hansom Ransom said...

Yvonne, email has been sent

Little Momma said...

Did you really DH the comment?

tinababy1 said...

C- Has he answered you back or do you think his head has exploded on the other end?

Mechevpao said...

Hey Gozde, I love this site, don´t ever change it, please!
Lets have fun looking pics, reading news.
This are great pics.
It seems like it would be fun to hang out with that group.

crazy said...

i think he's on his way home cause he expects to find me in bed with Rob or seomthing...

(hee hee everyone, ok?)

crazy said...

Momma~i'm so sly, aren't I?

tinababy1 said...

What's your address???

Oh, he's not really there, right???

tinababy1 said...

Rob is so appealing, maybe DH would like to "Join In"??

crazy said...

well since i'll need to reassure the dh, i'll send Rob to your place. Address?

jk folks!

Little Momma said...

Sorry DD has me writing the alphabet for her and singing....

Anonymous said...

crazy...lmfao at you emailing the comment to your dh. you ok?

and i had to steal the eyelashes pic... so sweet

crazy said...

T~ wow that's all schmexy and all!

just kidding every body! silliness abounds with this group!

tinababy1 said...

OK. I have shizz to do today, so I'm off for now.

See you ladies later.


Little Momma said...

Aww crazy stop being so self concious on here!!! We miss you...and stop apologizing...remember....

crazy said...

TS~ oh I'm sure he's a good sport. Ya think???

Little Momma said...

bye i shoulda never came on here...everyone is leaving now...

crazy said...

Momma~ definitely not apologizing. Just clarifying.

crazy said...

bye Tina! you lunatic you!

crazy said...

Momma - you gotta get here earlier, bb! I've been here all morning and now i have to do something, anything at all, here. ugh..

Bad timing baby!! Darn!

crazy said...

phew! the dh just said "love you" so I'm good!

Little Momma said...

i know i didnt have a choice...tues and thurs ds has school at 9:30 and I am the its up and out the door!!! :)

crazy said...

damn, so you have a life? ;)

Little Momma said...

yeah i do...but only on tues and thur!!!

Little Momma said...

Welp...gotta go now....:)
If anyone is still here...bye....

Anonymous said...

c: awww good news on the homefront...

hi lm.

crazy said...

Ts~ going out for now. bummer. See ya later? wait,
get my FB?

May said...

I, for one, choose to stay out of these endless discussions. After all, we each have our own opinions on things and the truth is, neither of us will change our minds, cuz we`re all adults and can make our own minds, which is fine by me. Flaming is wrong, whoever is doing the flaming. Plus, all this is really like flagging the already dead horse. :)

Anyway, let`s just enjoy our joint Robsession and drool away. Tipsy Rob is always, after all, the cutest thing ever, IMHO. ;D

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