Oh Zac You Are Such a Loser

Here is Zac Efron talking about Rob at an Australian radio show and he says he couldn't have done Twilight 'cause he would have started laughing at one point. Wow! This is coming from a guy that did how many High School Musicals?

Honey, you couldn't do Twilight because Edward actually LOOKS like a MAN.

Thanks to our affiliate Spunk Ransom for the audio.


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May said...

Oh Zaquisha, you so FAIL. *rolls her eyes*

Anonymous said...

Lame-o Zac!

Can we go back to speculating about Robsten? I'm having withdrawal symptoms.

MissMonika said...

LOL. Why is this fool even talking? He did HSM, for crying out loud. Booooo on him.

Anonymous said...

Um, yes because dancing around in basketball shorts singing some fuckwitted song in a Disney movie is leagues better and 'serious'? Give me a break.

Lacey said...

How can any interviewer even suggest Zac. Goz, you're right Rob looks like a man.

Anonymous said...

what's that supposed to mean Zac?
(he's a fargin acehole) ;)

Anonymous said...

This is coming from a dancing fairy. HA!

Tenneil said...

Goz... I love your comments about Zac...Rob does look like a MAN... even zac's little man voice...he soo couldnt of pulled off Edward..along with many other things... OH zac jealous much??

Anonymous said...

oh, luv u Rob!

Melissa said...

what a shitious excuse coming from a guy that sang "getcha head in the game" Rob is the man he will never be... seriously "i would have laughed"? you did Disney films man get over your self... btw the pics of Rob today were delicious!

Ashley said...

Has anybody seen "Bet on it" from HSM 2? The song where he dances on the golf course. Enough said.

The sad part is any mention of Rob becomes news and these "disney stars" know it. First Miley then him.

Anon said...

I don't think it is any coincidence that he dropped out of Footloose. He wants to be taken seriously now because he is feeling the heat of Robert Pattinson.
Zac looks like a high schooler and Robert looks like a MAN. Robert can act, and Zac couldn't have pulled off Twilight even if he tried. Twilight would have been considered High School Musical Part 4. *barf*

Diane said...

But he doesn't laugh during HSM because it's such profound, serious art? He's awfully young to be pathologically delusional.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, gang. I'm not a Zac fan. I can honestly say I've never seen a single thing he has done, but it honestly sounds like to me that he's being self-deprecating. Saying Rob is on a higher level than him. Especially after that basketball comment.

Melissa said...

Ha he figures he's a bad ass cause he says "asshole" omg

The thing I love about Rob is he doesn't try to be like all the other over-processed teen idols.. he is himself... not to mention he is dead sexy ;)

Daneh said...

I think he means he would have laughed because he is oh so shit at playing anything other than some disney fuckwit-ponce. he would have laughed because he wanted to break out into a song and dance on the table!

at least he knows that Rob is a better actor than him. And your right Goz! Zac would have been more appropriate for Jessica Stanley.

Anonymoose. said...

I agree Daneh.

Anonymous said...

But if Zac played Jessica we'd have to see pix of Rob licking his face. Eww.

Rominiwi said...

What's his problem!
i mean it... seriously.

Have you seen what Perez put on his web recently? He's against Rob 'cause he's taken all the attention from his (should i say her?) beloved zaquisha...

I simply don't care about Zac.
So Gozde, just keep our eyes on Rob.

Alma said...

Bhahahaha, that is just so funny! Zac came off like a douchebag there. And he is right - there really is noe competition, Robert just rules.
Love your comments Goz.

Daneh said...

ugh Anon your right. Maybe he could be better for Rosalie? he's got the personality spot on at least.

Laura said...

He would laugh doing Twilight? Is he kidding??! Has he SEEN his performance in HSM??

May said...

Got me thinking...Well, maybe he wouldn`t be able to do Twilight because there`s no singing. I mean, how much acting really is there in HSM movies? ;)

And oh yeah, Rob def looks like a man. A scorching hot man, indeed. :p

Anonymous said...

It's strange to compare Rob and Zac Efron. One is Hot and one is Not. Luv u Rob!

rpattzlover. said...

honestly you are sooo riight .
like atleast he didnt star in gay
little kid movies about fags .
and a least he isnt GAY
wow i used to love zac but recently
he has started acting so cocky .
boo to you zac thats all i have to say

Angry Asian said...

i am not an efron fan and i heart me some Rob but i don't think he was speaking poorly of rob or the movie... i took it to mean more like he wouldn't have been able to pull off such a serious role and do it justice because HE's the goof and he would laugh.
i may be off base tho... but it is another perspective.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

The song, "JEALOUSY" is playing in my head right now.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he would be interested in being in Twilight if it ever becomes a musical. I don't believe I've ever heard him speak until now. Probably because I couldn't care less about anything he does. :o)

Anonymous said...

What is Perez's problem???? Has anyone seen his recent post? He was just drawing little hearts on his photos and now he is not considered "zexy" anymore? What the hell?

Suz said...



There. I feel better.

Bells said...

Well Zac, your a fag. That's all I can say... you're all just the same, you, miley, that girl from "the city" and plus, you don't clean your ear wax (Rob stinks? what where?) so, all I can say is: I feel sorry for you.

And yes you could never be Edward 'cause you're a girl covered in a kind of boy body so, no, you could never be edward^^

hsm is soooo much better than twilight oh my god, xD this just makes me laugh xD

Tenneil said...

Suz~ where else would I go??

WinWin said...

Godze, love all the updates. I've been having Rob withdrawal all day. Your pictures are allblocked at work.

Zac is such a douche. Not only did he do HSM, 3 of them mind you, he also did Hairspray. Talk about laughing. I hope Little Ashes gets rave reviews from critics and fans so he could get a glimpse of some real talent. Boy, between this and Miley's comments, someone at Disney is surely pissed off at our Rob. Maybe this is backlash for the "I f---ed Joe Jonas" comment in GQ.

He is so desparate to grow up. I thought "Footloose" was a perfect movie for him. LOL

Suz said...

Ten ~ Well you really shouldn't have said that.

Amanda said...

Remember that rumor about the movie called "Ohio" that was supposed to have Rob, Zac, and Justin Timberlake and Rob was going to be the lead? Maybe there was truth to that and he's just jealous! Or maybe he's mad because he came up to about Rob's nipple when talking to him at the Oscars. lol.

Anonymous said...

lol. I just checked Mario's site. I love how he wrote "not hot" on the picture. Surely he hasn't seen himself lately. Also, very observant. To pick out dirt underneath someones nails lol he is trying to find something wrong with him. Because the thought of not being able to have him is unnearable.

Anonymous said...

lmao unbearable rather.

kespax said...

Ewww this little Ken doll boy creeps me out, he so looks like a wax figure they just wind up.
Why does he keep bugging us in Australia? He never seems to go home - piss off will you.
Maybe he wants to be the next Wiggle, that's his audience here teeny kiddies 4-8 year olds are all over him. No teens, and of course no women really even know who he is, just that little whiney guy from disney.
He must be shitting himself his audience is growing up - on moving on.
So he does a non singing "grown up" movie - LOL, a remake, of a remake, of a remake with a has been, is that 17 thing all he's been offered, I'de be worried if I was him - and cut that horrid lego man haircut fringe.

Mechevpao said...

I can´t tell if he is dishing Rob or admitting he would be bad for the role, all I know is that he is trying too hard to be taken seriously as an actor and change his good boy image,; Zac if you try too hard you’ll end up looking more fake, be as honest as possible and don’t give a damn of what ever image is imposed on you., just like Rob!! …couf couf then improve your acting skills couf couf

And I have to agree on the comment made, as my co worker sayd the other day we were talking about Rob, both drooling for him, getting distracted from work, no teen talk since we are both grown up women, her even more than me, and she perfectly remarked: “from all the teen heart-throb, (Rob) at last someone that looks like a man and has great acting skill, not like Zac Ephron who’s face looks more like a girl”… haahahaaa she made me crack up, … and she is a big Johnny Depp fan . This interview reminded me the talk we had a few days ago, what a coincidence.

May said...

@anon Perez obviously has some kind of sick love-hate relationship going on when it comes to Rob. Maybe Rob ignored his advances? :p

Tenneil said...

Suz~ i cant dance??

Emmy said...

High School Musical actually has a plot though. Twilight is shit compared to HSM.

Rob even looked like he was about to break down and laugh at some parts of the movie. "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb"? "What a sick, masochistic lion"? You could tell he though what he was saying was rubbish.

Suz said...

Ten ~ Are you afraid?

Daneh said...

Emmy, you couldn't be more wrong saying HSM is better than Twilight.

Hsm is quite possibly the worst movie in existance. period. it is a disgrace to Disney and Walt Disney himself would be turning in his grave because of what garbage has been created in his name.

chocolatitO*... said...

aw man... I used to like Zac tOo... but hOw dares he talk that way..? AW GEEZ... he cOuld have NEVER been able tO play Edward, PLEASE!.. xD hahaha... He would have laughed, yeah.. along with the casting crew, cuz they would have started laughing first.. xD heh... Zac's not bad, he's very good looking... but Rob's just EXQUISIT and PERFECT... And he's NOT. And obviousl he's just jealous cuz Rob's loved by everyone now and he's been a little [just a little xD heh] left OUT... ;P
Rob ROCKS my wOoorld!! waaah!! :P He's so fiiine! yum!!

Anonymous said...

lmao, loser. He hasn't seen his own video for Bet on It, High School Musical 2.

Anonymous said...


Emmy said...

@ Daneh
I couldn't be more right saying HSM is better than Twilight. Because... well... it is. The first one is very cheesy, I'll give you that. And Bet On It is one of the scariest/funniest scenes of a movie I have ever seen in my life.
But Twilight is just a lulzfest. Things that were unintentionally funny were hilarious, things that were supposed to be funny were boring.
HSM might not be the best movie in the world. But it is better than Twilight. And its was a way better movie for a small budget of 4m compared to Twilights 37m.

Suz said...


Looks like I have to go back to Liver.com to express my hatred for the putrid organ meat.


Daneh said...

Twilight is not the best movie either, in fact if it wasn't for Rob then the movie would be a complete failure. the only reason I think Twilight is better than HSM is because...well....Rob is in it. He makes the movie worthwhile with his performance. HSM has bad acting, bad singing that was altered, bad script, bad everything.At least Twilight had a good storyline and the perfect lead man.

Kelly said...

Zak And Rob are in two completely different leagues..it sounded like Zak knew that... at least Ihope he does. He's a good kid.. I think that's a worse stigma to carry than being a vampire

Sam said...

HAHAHAH AMEN!!! Rob does look like a man!!! that was great!!!! hahaha

Amanda said...


If you like to watch people dancing on golf courses and basketball courts singing annoying songs I guess that's your prerogative. It doesn't make you right.. It's your opinion. I personally think your opinion is a little strange, but hey, that's just me.

Kelly said...

hmmm it's the battle of the pretty boys.. wait.. it can't be Rob is a man.. I really don't think he was putting Rob down.. and there are audiances for both movies... can't we all just get along

Tenneil said...

Suz~ i cant hurt him...

Suz said...

Hi Kelly! xx

Ten ~ Yeah! Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us.

Yvonne said...

well, he did say Rob was a great guy, and he did say that he could never have pulled off Twilight. I didn't really hear him say anything negative about Rob. But, yeah, NO, I'm not a big Efron fan...ick.

Suz said...

wow.. I just saw the trailer for Zacquisha's latest EpicSnooze

17 again

Ring Ring Oscar Calling... (psyche!)

Shani said...

That is "BITCHASSNESS" to quote, Puffy. I hope somebody tells Rob what that little shit said. I remember people saying that Zac looked jealous in that pic from the Oscars. He just showed his true colors...

Zac doesn't have the emotional depth to pull off Edward. He would have been discarded like all the other pretty boys that they auditioned. He would have never been able to go to Catherine's house, to lay in her bed, to play with Kristen's head, the way that Rob did...

Dream on Zaquisha...your fairytail does not have a happy ending...

Anonymous said...

ASSHOLE w/ a lot of Earwax!!!

Suz said...

what the....?

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhh come onnnn are u kidding mee? zac eaat shit and died mother fucker! u are so GAY and oviusly so jelaous of robert that u are saying so ridiculous things... PLEASE ZAC MAKE YOURSELF A BIG FAVOR AND SHUT UP UR FUCKING AND GAY MOUTH :)

meg said...

On the pic of Rob and Zac, I don't like the way Zac is looking at Rob. You can tell he is Jealous of Rob:)

I have nothing against Zac. I would probably like him if I were 12.

I think Zac is having trouble with the fact that Unintentionally Rob is making him look bad. I mean High School Musical? YUCK

Anonymous said...

taller men are always much more handsome..

Kelly said...

Language kids language....

Hey Suz How's it going sweetie?? Can I play wiht you and Ten?

VeilsofLight said...

There once was a heartthrob named Zac
Although, heard he was good in the sack
Could hardly compare
To the god with the hair
Because vampire baby’s ‘got back.’


Anonymous said...

All of you should calm down. From what I can hear, he doesn't diss Robert Pattinson at all. He first of all says that Robert is a really good guy. Second, he pretty much puts himself down by saying that he doesn't even consider himself in competition for the role because he probably wouldn't be able to pull the role off. He is just a kid, and a pretty nice kid at that. I don't think Rob fans should be insulting him or anyone else. I say that everyone of you should behave like Rob, which is to be gracious and mature. I'm pretty sure Rob and Zac are on pretty good terms with each other, and poke friendly jabs at each other's reputations, because both have faced intense media scrutiny, and both are considered heart throbs.

Kelly said...

Veils..... very good.. lol

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

bittermuch are we zacquisha?
his ego can't accept the fact that ROB is way more famous than him.
atleast Rob didn't have to dance & dribble the ball while asking what time it is?
he actually sang his heart out portraying a character he actually respect.
ur losing ur fan by the minute zacquisha. better watch out!

Tenneil said...

Suz~ yeah okay butt crack santa!!

Kelly said...

Anon.... tone down the judgement a little please... people have a right to be passionate about their faves... no one is doing any harm here...I doubt Zak is reading Rob blogs and if he is.. well than..hmmm.. Zak honey.. no harm no foul... we are robsessors here

VeilsofLight said...


meg said...

nicely said ANON.

Suz said...

Ten ~ Well, nobody's going to believe you.

~My Mortal Beloved~

Yvonne said...

I heart your poem :)
"God with the hair...." so true.

Anonymous said...


I am not judging. I just don't think the poor kid deserves the insults that are being hurled at him. Second, if you think that I am judging, I guess I have the right too, since everyone else is doing the same in every single post, non? Anyhow, I don't see the harm in trying NOT to insult someone, particularly when I don't think he said anything inflammatory. But, please, feel free to bash whoever you want to bash.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ I dont like it he looks at you lke your something to eat..

~My Mortal Beloved

SĂ­lvia said...

Eheh! Love your comment!!! The man part on the role is essential zac "nefron"...

Suz said...

Ten ~ Look, You gotta give me some answers.

Emmy said...

@Anonymous "All of you should calm down...."


I love Zac, Rob, HSM, and Twilight. And in a way, Zac is saying Rob is a better actor than him because he did that role and didn't crack up. No need to get all defensive when Rob doesn't need defending-- and no need to make fans of Robert Pattinson look insane. Really.

VeilsofLight said...


Tenneil said...

Suz~ your not going to let this go...are you??

Kelly said...

First Anon.. I'm pretty sure I'm not the one bashing anyone, second I'm not hiding hiding behind the "Anonymous" title.. If you have something to say that is insulting to others in the room.. don't hide while you do it.. that's all I'm saying... people can have an opinion... Anons keep coming in here bashing people here and it's getting a little tiring.. you are entitled to your opinion.. I just don't think you have to attack others in the room to do it.. support the boy don't bash the bloggers

Suz said...

Ten ~ I should go back there and rip those guys' heads off.

Daneh said...

Most of us aren't defending Rob, we all just hated his guts anyway so it was only normal for us to share our insults while we were on topic.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ your asking me about the weather??

Daneh said...

*we all just hated Zac's guts anyway

Kelly said...

I don't hate anybody's guts.. I just prefere Rob... that's all

Suz said...

Ten ~ Get a whiff of that.

Suz said...

Rob's guts = yummy

Anonymous said...

First Miley doesn't like Robert, now Zac comes up with this...how great!!!Now I finally have a good rason to dislike them both even more!:X

Daneh said...

I apologize Kelly *re-phrases again*

**Some of us just hated Zac's guts anyway

Kelly said...

Suz~ LOL... Rob's anything yummy!!

Kelly said...

Daneh.. no worries.. I was just clarifying for Anon.. : )

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha I sooo love you Goz. You rock!!!

Suz said...

I know right, Kelly.

It's been a smorgasboard of Robgoodness the past few days..

These pics tonight.. soo nice!

Kelly said...

Total.. I've been in heaven

Anonymous said...


I don't get why people get all worked up with the anonymous title. Why is it considered hiding? I mean, yeah, you posted your name, but I can't come and find you or send emails to you. So really, you're hidden from me. In essence, you're anonymous to me too.
I never accused you, in particular, of bashing. I'm also expressing my opinion, and it pretty much is just stating to be a bit more diplomatic and nice. I haven't called any blogger here a deragotory term. So, please, don't say that I'm judging or insulting the bloggers here. I'm sure everyone here is very sweet and nice.
I have been a fan of Robert Pattinson since his early days,so I'm all for supporting him. I don't usually leave comments, but I do when I feel the need to. Today, I felt that poor Zac deserved a break, so I tried to calm everyone down.
Anyhow, have a good night or day.


P.S. Here you go. There's my name.

Mechevpao said...

Anon 9:45.. I agree with what you said, you´ve mentioned some really good points there, great to read an opinion like yours.

Personally I don´t like Zac anyway, not my cup of tea, I guess I mixed my feelings toward him =P
I don´t konw the about the rest.

Kelly said...

OK "SAM" if you want to email me check my profile.. my email is there.. I'm not hiding.. Have yourself a good night

Unknown said...

who's the fuck Zac when we all have a Rpattz around? lolz
I know Zac is pretty handsome but who cares when Rob can act,can sing and can be a perfect guy in this world

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the permission, Kelly. But I still don't know you. Email is just another way of hiding. The whole internet really is. :)

Mechevpao said...

Uh Uh
We are hitting up pretty fast... one thing is to have fun about it or get sarcastic about it but this seems like pure rage.
I’m starting to feel sorry for the guy
Sorry.. now is guilty me, I can´t hardly say anything wrong about anyone and then regret =P

Mandy said...

I don't think he was putting himself down as an actor, I felt like he was making a dig at Twilight. That's just my interpretation. He already bugged me, so maybe I'm unfairly judging.

Kelly said...

I'm just saying.. I'm not about to publish my location.. the internet is crazy.. but I don't hide.. email.. facebook.. I can be found..

My point was simply that Anon's have been coming in here and insulting people.. and although I may not agree with others opinions... I won't tell them not to be passionate.. I think passion in life is important..No one really got out of line.. that's all.. no harm no foul..

friends? I'll share my latte with you : )

Tenneil said...

Suz~ that Dr Cullen he's like a match maker...

Stacy said...

Romi at 8:08
Is that what Perez's sudden issue is? For months he was all up Rob's jock, and now he's saying he's nasty, etc. I never thought it could be because of "Zaquisha!"

Suz said...

Ten ~ There's no way - he's so skinny, it doesn't make sense

Tenneil said...

Suz~ i love scary stories

Suz said...

Ten ~ You mind if I check?

Anonymous said...

As you said, the internet is crazy. You're right, passion is important. It's just a mission in my life to try to make peace.

You sound like a very decent lady, so I have no problems in sharing that latte.:)

Tenneil said...

Suz ~ how you liking the rain Arizona...

Anonymous said...

Just to make it clear, there was absolutely no insult intended towards anyone here. Just like all of you, I was just stating my own opinion. I could not insult a fellow Robert Pattinson fan.

Kelly said...

All is right with the world... You seem pretty decent yourself..

Suz said...

Ten ~ Oh yeah, you're the bomb.

love said...

I think he pretty much wishes he was in Twilight. Twilight has fans of all ages, HSM has fans 14 and under. Lol and he probably wishes he was Rob.

erin said...

oh man I actually just went and voted for rob on that teeny bopper site, haha

suz and tenneil ~ "hey I can keep a secret"

Tenneil said...

Suz~ iam just keeping it real son

Kelly said...

We are a loving group..all Rob fans and fanatics are welcome : )

Suz said...

Any man with 1/2 a brain prolly wishes they were Rob...

Well, maybe not Perez but he is not even 1/2 a man...

Melissa said...


Jewels64 said...

"Where's Efron?"

Yeah...sulking that he didn't get cast as Edward Cullen, but hey did y'all see Efron at the Academy awards...he's a short dude.

Edward Cullen could by no means be a short dude...just wouldn't work...no way, no how, uh uh, no skippy!!!

erin said...

"you mind if I check?"

Suz said...

Ten ~ Yeah, um, I was out of town for a couple of days, personal reasons.

Erin ~ Hey did you get contacts?

love said...

I'm actually kind of disgusted with Zac Efron. I saw him on the top 20 best beach bodies on E a few days ago and everyone kept praising his good looks. For the love of me, I tried so hard to imagine that he was even remotely hot. But honestly, I couldn't do it. I kept seeing a little boy or actually a really feminine looking little boy. Some people like that look but its just me, I like a real man.

Suz said...

Jules! xoox

Kelly said...

I also don't think Edward Cullen would be caught dead dancing wiht a basketball... did I just say caught dead.. well ya'll know what I mean : )

Jewels64 said...

Hi Ya Suz!!

How was your day Sunshine?

Thanks for sending me that cool tag on FB! I had fun with that!!!

Suz said...


very funny "caught dead"

erin said...

"I don't see nothin' wrong"

Suz said...

Good day today Jules...
got my teeth cleaned..


erin said...

"An animal?"

Suz said...




Kelly said...

Suz~ maybe I should have said he wouldn't be caught alive with a werewolf dancing with a basketball

Melissa said...

Two things. Zefron looks like a boy. Rob looks like a MAN. 'Nuff said.

Hi Jules!!

xo bb!

Anonymous said...

Did Zac forget this:


erin said...

"That's a little bit sau-cey"

Jewels64 said...

Hear Hear Melissa!!! * HIGH FIVE!*

Well said!!!

Suz said...


Zafron. like all those disney putzes are simply cookie cutter soon to be "has beens" I hope they invested wisely.

Rob is here to stay.

Suz said...

Melissa, Zac looks like a girl to me..

I love me some pretty young things..but he is way too perty!

Melissa said...

*cyber-high-five* to Jules!! LOL

BTW, your avatar is HAWT!

Melissa said...

Trufax, Suz. He looks like an ugly girl. LOL PLUS, he can't sing for shit...I know this cuz I am forced to listen to the HSM soundtrack DAILY! BAH!

Jewels64 said...

I just found a better picture of him..gonna change it ....

Not so goofy grinnish... BRB!!!

erin said...

Melissa ~ daily HSM? ugh Any hope of converting the culprits?

Suz said...

Ten ~ And now you're unhappy?

Jewels64 said...

Okay...time for me to bug out...

I just wanted to pop in and say hi...taking a break from writing and must get back to it.

Muuuuaaahhhh! Nite Ladies!

Sweet Rob dreams to all!

Jules XOXO

Suz said...

night night Jules xxx

Kelly said...

Nite Jewels

Kelly said...

Did my Anon leave without some latte??

Tenneil said...

Suz~ are you two timing me??Lmfao..

la push baby...la push

erin said...

WOW jules, great avatar! INTENSE

Melissa said...

Night Jules, BTW that avatar is MUCH HAWTER...just sayin'

I think I am off as well ladies...peace be unto all...


Tenneil said...

Hey Jules....Mel... everyone else!!

*waves* then *winks*

Suz said...

Ten ~ I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.

(it wont ever happen again)

Tenneil said...

hi bye gals!!!

Tenneil said...

Suz~ sniff sniff... its okay...

I need your play list..

Suz said...

Ten ~ Everybody's staring.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ prom its a right of passage..

Suz said...

Ten ~ Oh my god, it's like, the first grade all over again, you're the shiny new toy...

Melanie said...

Zac is just a pretty BOY, Rob's every inch a man. Big difference.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ got you another beer dad..

Divinesally said...

hey guys.

Suz~ why did you save me? I could have been like you by now. =(

Suz said...

cheerio kittens, kats and kougars.

night night

Ten ~ I dream about being with you forever.


Anonymous said...

Dont forget about Hairspray where he is with fat Nikki Blonski and Rob is with Kristen.

Zac is a homo :)

Kelly said...

Night ladies... have fun!!

Mixxy said...

Did Zac forget Hairspray???

I was one of those that thought he looked rather jealous in the Oscar pics. I also LOL'd at someone earlier who said Zac came up to Rob's nipple....hysterical.

I do think Zac's feeling the heat of Rob's presence. One of the funniest damn things I've seen on TMZ in a while (yes, guilty pleasure sometimes) was when Zac was leaving an airport, and a pap asked Zac, "So, Zac, if you and Vanessa have a baby, will Disney own it, too?" LOL....

Tenneil said...

Suz ~ I guess I will have to endure it...

Nitey Nite... me too ladies...Iam off!!

Anonymous said...

evening ladies :)

how is everyone? just wanted to pop my head in and say hello. i have no opinion on zac...he's a non-issue in my book and will never compare to rob

Kelly said...

Hey new anon.. lets' be nice Nickie has nothing to do with this...

Divinesally said...

it's funny that Zack is all ripped and cut and Rob has his lean kinda toned tall, lanky self yet he's still hotter and manlier. Zac is pretty and full of himself. He's trying to do the self deprecating thing that Rob does but it just doesn't work. He's not really dissing Rob, he's dissing himself, yet he still comes across as a douche nozzle.

talent and personality wise, for me there is just no comparison between them two.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 11:10

Nikki Blonsky is a very pretty girl, so Zac was lucky to star with her in Hairspray.
Please don't try to use the word homosexual in an insulting fashion. There are lots of nice people who are homosexual. Let them be, and stop the hate.

Mixxy said...

Anon - I love Nikki Blonsky! I'm just saying, he's talking about laughing while playing a role, and he's played some cheezy roles himself. That is all.

I agree about no gay comments. Some of my most favorite people are gay!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Zac is a 'triple treath'...
He's equally bad at acing, singing and dancing!
Plus he's really now good looking at all!

Anonymous said...

Wow, did any of you actually listen to the audio? He was being nice to Rob the entire time and only mentioned that he would have laughed to be self-deprecating. Get a grip and calm down.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying he was mean to him. Even if he wasn't - does that make him more talanted or good loking?

Anonymous said...

Zac efron couldn't pull off a role like Edward. He's nothing more than a disney manufactured pop tart muppet. with about as much sex appeal as road kill.
If edward's like the universe's sexiest guy then Rob pattinson is the only one who could play him since he is the hottest guy on the planet

Kayla said...

OMG! That was on the radio and i missed it! Lucky you guys have it :)

Anonymous said...

ha ha rob got his dig in on the comentary." recast,(chuckle) where's Efron." As if. It's way funny when Zac tries to pull off the beanie too. Give it up Zac your so over.

xoxo Elisa

cat1177 said...

poor Disney twinkie...

kespax said...

I haven't listened I'm at work supposed to be working.

And generally I wouldn't even notice this kid - except he keeps shoving his face everwhere in Australia all of the time, is he avoiding US taxes or something?

This little boy would have been ok as Mike Newton.

Anonymous said...

What "They" Zac and everyone else in young hollywood is jealous of is that Robert appeals to both young fans and older fans. That is the power that Robert Pattinson has.

Are you listening Hollywood?

Lori said...

I can't cut down HSM because well, my 7 year old love it. LOL I think Zac is a cute kid and he wasn't meanign to cut Rob down. Now as for what Miley said, she needs to get a life. She has a complex because her fans love HM not Miley. Anyhow, to get away from the Disney train, Rob rocks and that's all there is to that.

Lori said...

I totally agree with you Anon on Rob's appeal to young and older crowds. He doesn't look 22 IMO, but he can still pull off playing a 17 yr old vampire. He looks like a man with all his hair. His personality is what does it for him though, I have never seen his personality hit Hollywood ever. I am 32 and have never had a celeb crush and here I am loving this 22 year old dream. It's crazy I tell you.

Moychy said...

...said the boy who starred in 3 Gihgh School Musicals...

Sara Tavares said...

Rob´s personality reminds me of Gary Oldman sometimes.
Although, Gary just started to do movies for teens when he was older...

lelietje said...

Rob has depth in acting and singing (his voice is unbelievable mature). And Zac is so artificial and cleen....., he could be his own wax figure in madame tussaud wax cabinet.

Maryann said...

Well I am no fan of Zaquisha either but he didn't slam Rob or Twilight from what I could hear. He just said he couldn't play the part cos he'd be laughing allthough the laughing part can be perceived as slamming Twilight. If that is the case well tough luck Zack, I do not think HSM is Oscar worthy material. I could barely stand the first 20 min of the first movie, and I usually like Disney movies. THIS was however too cheesy for words lol

SO he'd be laughing...well probably cos he wouldn't be convincing lol. He also wishes Rob was an ass so he could hate him? Trying to raise a competition there? LOL. I don't think Rob will bother much to be honest. And WHAT is it with all the Disney actors namedropping Rob all the time lately? OK so they get asked about Twilight etc but still?

Tess said...

Well Zac, Good for you. You managed to sound like a jealous little Beotch.. yet again!

Paulina said...

LOL do you know how long it just took me to realize that Zaquisha is Zac? LOOOOOL And now I got it I am laughing my ass off xD xD xD. Like Dr.Cox in Scrubs (well done!!)

I mean, Shannon pretty much sounds like a girl. I dunno if she is and I would be pleased to never figure that out myself.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it.
He was saying something nice about Robert.
He was simply saying that he
wouldn't of been able to act
as seriously as the role of
Edward required.

Anonymous said...

Rob says nothing but nice things about Zac.

Screw you, Zefron, you jealous little bitch.

Anonymous said...

Robert said in a interview ,that he think Zac would be a great Edward

and why everybody hates Zac ? he said Rob is cool and really nice

SummerGirl said...

I cannot see this (internet cafe)


I DO wonder what Zac and Bert chatted about at the Oscars after party.............

anna F said...

Yeah, I'm not sure that Zac actually meant anything bad... He said he would have laughted: well, some lines in Twilight are pretty laughable, so I can't say anything against that (I don't know HSM, but it was meant for kids all along unlike Twilight). He hasn't said anything against Rob, so I think there is some overreaction here.
Let's not turn into psycho-fans...

Let's bitch after Perez, Ted C and Lainey, these guys are obviously doing their best to discredit Rob.

Paulina said...

Just to defend myself: I don't like Zac at all. Not because he and Rob are...whatever...friends or foes...no idea.

I basically don't like HSM stars or disney-stars at all. I hate what disney had become the last few years. All liers and money-addicted jerks.
sad...an Zac's a part of it ;) shame on you

Paulina said...

liars ....sorry xD

...wowie! said...

I can't stop laughing.
"Honey, you couldn't do Twilight because Edward actually LOOKS like a MAN."

tinababy1 said...

What is it with these fuckwit Disney stars? I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed Efron trying sooo hard to dress like Rob. What a total fake.

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