Remember the Trucker Cap?

Peter at Vancouver Airport on April 14th 2009 and Rob with a "fan?" on March 09th 2009 in Vancouver.

Kristen and Nikki were doing some pre-production rehearsals in New Orleans for the movie K-11 so me thinks they got every cast member one of those :)

Thanks to Stephanie for pointing it out :)


Anna said...

One of the very few pictures of Rob I don't enjoy seeing.
cf UC's motto... (oh how petty of me)

Lindsay said...

poundin' spam!

tfblog admin said...

aww =/
i wish i was on that set!

elanie said...

When was this taken?

Anonymous said...

nikie wasnt filming only kristen and if you have noticed the hat is too small for robs head.i think its kristens and she gave it to rob

Gozde said...

Nikki is co-starring with Kristen in that movie. Here it is:

As for the hat being Kristen's, wow, the Robsten shippers are an insistent bunch :))

Anonymous said...

Who is he in the pic with? I just want to know who I should be jealous of! haha.

Anonymous said...

rob in black & white is genius... every single time

dr. carlisle...yummm

and can we please just enjoy the eye candy...? and not drag up the kstew bullshit? it makes me wanna throw up a little

Emmes said...

hmmm...or maybe their sharing sortta like the famous Tomstu , Rob (TOMbERT) plaid shirt....Plaidy MCPattinson!!!

Anonymous said...

who is that girl in the picture

Anna said...

we don't care who she is... she's not me :)

Anonymous said...

lb: so true, so true

now, everyone focus...ROB

Melissa said...

Seriously?? Wow.

Anyhoo..Daddy C looks smokin' hot. Me LIKEY!

Anonymous said...

Wait! I think Rob gave Peter the hat...they must be in LOVE!! LMAO!

SummerGirl said...

How come Rob looks good in anything?

SummerGirl said...

Oh -- and thanks for posting :)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

The girl was just a fan. And THANK YOU 30. I can't handle any more of the conspiracy that is Kristen and Rob. It is getting so out of hand. I'm glad that Rob, Kristen, Mike, Nikki, etc. aren't addressing all the ridiculous rumours. No one seems to believe them when they do anyway. I'll be on and off today, so fight the good fight 30!!

Hello everyone, by the way...

Renschke Christians said...

So I saved that pic of Rob on the desktop of my work laptop and it WILL NOT delete. It's possesed!

twilightworld said...

Your header is really NICE :) And they both look gorgeous as always <3

Kat said...

I love this pic of Rob.... I just avoid looking at the left hand side of the pic. He looks so broody in it.... me likey.

Daddy C looks HOT too....

SummerGirl said...

yeah, seems like Peter looks good in anything too....

So, what is it with the trucker cap, are they makeing a fashion statemnent or are they being ironic, I am confused?

(and not being rude or offensive I hope)


Anonymous said...

I thought everyone knew that it was Peter's cap that he let Rob use that day the "fan" pic was taken. I'm pretty sure this was discussed before somewhere. Peter has had this hat for a long time (there are older pics of him with the hat) and that night the fan pic was taken he (Peter) was there with Rob and he loaned Rob his hat. There aren't 2 hats, neither did Kristen or Nikki got him a hat, it's Peter's hat!

SummerGirl said...

Thanks anon, that clears some stuff up :)

elsa said...

Robert is just a sweetheart! such a gentleman. One look at him and you know he is.
Sigh, no wonder millions are in love with him. Not just his looks, you just can feel and tell he is kind, nice, a sweeties and a gent!

beanie said...

This is one of the few pics of Rob where I think he's not really attractive. I don't know if it' the hat or what, but he just doesn't do it for me here.

::dodges flames and runs to gaze at hot Rob pics::

Anonymous said...

Rob doesn't look all that into the pic. Kind of a "please get off me" look.

Anonymous said...

goz: lol @ the edit! i love it!

hi kk! working are you? me too, as if

Anna said...

MUCH better!! Thanks Gozde :))

elainie said...

Goz, ur a genius! When he finally gets a girl, please blur them out of all the pics. lol There will be less therapy for all that way.

karen said...

forgive me for saying this about where he got the hat but DUH! :p he needs to come to new orleans.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KK (she who maintains decorum) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Beanie - You don't have to run from all of us...There are actually a lot of pics that I think Rob looks like a dufus in. Just my opinion. Those are my fav pics because it means he has an interesting, asymmetrical face like doesn't always look perfect (makes him more human that way). Don't get me wrong - he is a handsome boy. But sometimes I see pics that everyone else is dying over and I click through them like "dork" "dork" "Hot" "dork" etc. If looked and acted perfectly, I wouldn't like him at all!

Gozde said...

Haha, glad y'all liked my "edit" :))

Shani said...

KK- I'm with you on the whole pics thing. Sometimes...just saying...
I still adore him...:P

If it was Peter's hat...Lets be honest...the boy does have a big head...and not every hat will fit.

tinababy1 said...

Goz - Now that's what I call a good photoshop!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Shani - It's true! When he is really skinny, it's very apparent that he has a big head. How ironic because personality-wise he could easily have a big head as well but instead remains sweet, humble and unaffected. :)

Shani said...

KK- I was coming back to say something different. My mind is thinking something dirty now...head to fit hat...*WINK*

Gozde said...

When good photoshop happens to bad people? :))

Aww, I don't know if the girl is bad, she was quite attractive :P

Divinesally said...

KK, I agree with you. I like Rob cause he's not pretentious. He doesn't try too hard. He's got an interesting face. not perfect. He's "imperfectly perfect," I don't remember who said that, but it's true.

I like that he's photogenic for the most part, but I've seen many many where he looks fugs. But so what. Who hasn't taken bad pics? It would be weird if ALL his photos were perfect. Then, my friends, we would be dealing with aliens.

Divinesally said...



KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Divine- This is why I like this blog...we know Rob isn't perfect and we love him anyway despite, or rather, because of it. Some of the other blogs I've read get a little freaky...We get a little freaky here sometimes too, but at least I know that we all are grounded in reality. It's just a Rob reality ;)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Divine - Your link doesn't work...try again?

Divinesally said...

Anna said...

I agree with you all, Rob does have a couple fugly pictures out there.

The disturbing thing is... I think I might like them just as much as the super-duper hot ones! It make me feel all protective of him when he's not at his best :)

Yes, that's when you know the Robsession has gone too far. Mine has taken on a life of its own by now.

Divinesally said...

this one's bad. lol

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Divine- Oh yeah...that's the Rob for me...

Sara Tavares said...

I know Peter isn´t Rob but he sure gets closer...

Anna said...

lol Divinesally - case in point!!

Gozde said...

You guys want bad pictures? There ya go:

Shani said...

Goz- Your right, there was no photo shopping. In fact I had went on Perez site and in the comment section there was another fan who showed her picture of her and friends with Rob. She said one of her friends spotted him, told her to hurry up and come,she lived only a block away. So her and some more friends ran through the snow filled sidewalks to get to that place. It was on a Sunday so a lot of places were closed.I forgot now the name of the place, but it's well known her to in the US. Plus just go and search on Perez site for Robert and you'll find her comment and pic there.

beanie said...

Yep, even when Rob looks like crap it's still not too shabby!

Divinesally said...

Eww, thanks Goz, especially for the last one. ;) always need a cleansing after those. lol. Now I need some jaw porn or some arm porn...

Shani said...

Yep, It's those imperfections that make him perfect...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

The third pic on Gozde's link is one of my all-time favorites of Rob. Just a good old snapshot au natural!

Divine - Love this one too. Keep 'em coming gals.

Yeah...I'm weird. Keep your GQ and Dossier pics and give me more adorkable Rob.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Ummm, actually I take my last comment back...just let me keep all the pics.....heh heh heh GQ and giant forehead Rob...heaven...

Shani said...

Goz- Your killing me...give me hair ,mole,eye,arms,jaw,lips,treasure!!!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Oh yes! Adorkable Rob is the biggest reason I love him. He's "real".
I had a co worker comin in a painic today with more stupid rumors that he's quiting the movies.
She's also a Robsten shipper.Drives me nuts. I refuse to believe unless undeniable proof is provided for anything concerning Rob.

Divinesally said...

I'm a "Robsten shipper" too and damn proud of it! lol. It's all about the eye chemistry, man...

...anyway I'm not gonna start that, because I will be crucified for it. Whatever. There will be substantial evidence in due time.

Here's a cute pic:

Anonymous said...

Hi, just to let you know this blog really a good one (no crap honestly), those canadians girls are really obsessives, they're in every location in a big stucker way lol.

They said they were yesterday in the new cullen house:
"You lucky ducks! Could this be Birthday Party Bloodiness or Let's Take a Vote on Whether or Not Bella Ought to Become a Vampire filming? Finally, an RPattz sighting. Waiting to see the pics...Stay tuned".

tinababy1 said...

Hey - watch what you say about Canadian girls. Oh wait, we are obsessive...

JaneSC said...

I've never heard anyone else say this, but I think Rob looks Paul Newman in this picture. Something about the lips. There's a list of people I think he sometimes resembles, including Jake Gyllenhall, Leonardo di Caprio, John Lennon and Quentin Tarantino. It's weird because I don't think any of them look anything alike.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you JaneSc. Rob has 1001 faces

Divinesally said...

JaneSC, I agree with you about Rob resembling Newman in that pic. I thought I was crazy for thinking that. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I also agree about him resembling Jake, Leo, Quentin, and Lennon in certain photos. Rob is a frigging chameleon. How can you ever get bored with him?

JaneSC said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one to think that. Guess he picked the right profession!

Babs said...

I think that the 'imperfectly perfect' line was mine eh eh
that's why I like him, he's not one of those stereotyped hollywood celebs, I do hope he stays that way.

Shani said...

Jane Sc- I agree.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

My fave photo is young Rob in the green plaid shirt.

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