Robert Pattinson at 100 Monkey's Show 04/19/2009

Rob and Rachelle were at the 100 Monkeys Show last night in Vancouver and most people couldn't meet them because of security but one fan got the chance. Here are the pictures and her account:

“…you’re not gonna believe what happened to me tonight my dream came true!!! I FINALLY MET MY SEXY VAMPIRE i met Robert Pattinson…”

“…and then Rachelle came out to talk to Robert and we took pictures with her too !!! OMG I LOVE HER HAIR!!!!! …”

“…MAN PEOPLE R STUPID HE SMELLS FINE!!! he smelled sexyy”

From Twilight-Gossip via TwiCrackAddict


Anonymous said...

Lucky girl! Poor Rob,check out his expression!

Kimberlesk said...

Thanks Goz -- he looks gorgeous as ever, just what I needed this Monday morning!!

Wondering if that's his famous T-shirt from Twilight's biology scene .....

honey bee said...


The second pic is some of the best "hand porn" I have seen in awhile.

DirtyD said...

Rob did not look comfortable in that hug. Poor guy! That girl is one lucky bitch though!

Gozde said...

Really? I think he looks very comfortable :) And yeah the handporn is amazing :))

elsa said...

geezzz, this woman is rubbing her body all over Robert!!!! I hate her, but she is one LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY girl!!!!!
Sigh! I wish I could rub my body like that with Robert.

lisey200 said...

He doesn't even look at the camrea, it must be difficult to be asked all the time for pics, when he doesn't like taking them. But, he still looks Hot!!!

Anonymous said...

did you see that (1st pic) ???????????? Her booby was pressed so close to Rob . . . she must be tingling all over (her face betrayed her)!!!!

elainnie said...

Goz~Do you think he looks comfortable in the first pic?
By the way, wonder what the big change is on taking pics now. Great for the fangirls.(wish it was me) just sayin'

I'll carry these images in my head all day! Thanks, Gozde!

Gozde said...

I don't think he looks uncomfortable :) It's a picture. No judging from pictures :)

fantasia22 said...

Hi all,

These weekend pics are good! Even if he seems slightly uncomfortable w/random fangirl least he doesn't look terrified like he did a few weeks ago! His smile *dazzles*

NC said...

Aww look he's smiling in pic #2!!! But he doesn't want to touch her..poor guy I can understand.

Btw I have been visiting the blog for abt a month now and I love it!

ellainie said...

Goz~you are right! i'll go to time out now! Keep posting! It helps w/ this Robsession.

Just hoping he is uncomfortable!

Anonymous said...

so happy to see him out & about (sans beanie? hmmm)... hopefully having a great time hangin with friends. he looks really good.

and hugging fans...what a sweetie. seriously.

Salinger said...

Someone on imbd wrote that Ashley was also at the Jackson's gig and after the show,they have met up with Kristen/Nikki/Sage/Taylor/Taystew(Kris's brother) and had a party until 04:00 am..the guy said that "it was like a good-bye party night"

Here's the original post;Tonight I went to the 2nd Cecil Dill show, Nikki, Kristen & Taylor (they DO know hes not 19 yet, right???) were out with I believe Kristens brother, and Kristens manager (who I finally confirmed who he was tonight).

While they were there enjoying Nikkis friends show (in quiet tonight, after they learned from last nights fiasco & set up a roped off area & a "no photos of the stars or your out policy", Jackson played a 100 Monkeys All ages show where Rachelle, Ashley and ROB went (cant believe he did the all ages show).
I saw Jackson later & asked him about them being there he responded that they were indeed there & were "scared away" by the fans. So I dont know how lomg they stayed there.

After the two shows ended, the entire group (minus Jackson) met up at a local bar & spent 1/2 hr or so together before leaving & heading back to 1 of their hotels, where they then met up with Jackson & all his friends as well (bandmates) & as of 4AM, the only ones who left were Jacksons band.

This was sort of a good bye party night (IN MY OPINION) since much of the cast leaves this week, including Nikki this morning & from reports, Robert sometime this week (cant confirm that one).

For those hoping to search out the cast.....this week is wind down mode, sorry.

meg said...

I don't think he feels weird about touching her. He is probably in between patting her back and it just looks like he doesn't want to touch her.

He looks adorable, he always looks surprised by how the fangirls react to him. Sooooooo cute.

Thanks bunches Gozde.

Anonymous said...

her boob is decidedly in contact with Rob's body!

Maryann said...

If this week is a wind down mode, and things are wrapping up for them to get over to Italy, good, maybe the cast can catch a break from all the fans swarming the sets. I wonder what it will be like in Italy though..

Anonymous said...

Robert looks buffed, muscle-y underneath that shirt, he looks definitely healthy.

crazy said...

OMG! so many thoughts running through my mind...

The hands!!! long and beautiful!

No beanie! The hair! My fingers are antsy now.

He's hugging and smiling! It's what i really want! (well, I'd take what i can get)

The smile! oh ROB! (swoons yet again, then THUD, on top of myya lapst top)

monaliz said...

In a way, I feel sorry for that girl because she won't at all, EVER, going to sleep, eat, work, shower, wear that outfit again, nor get back her sanity!!

Kristen said...

omgosh!!! this is one sexy pic (the hug) so many great things all in one shot! his hands, his smile, his jawline....what a way to start the morning! *thud*

Kristen said...

when I recovered...i realized I forgot to say...and the hair too...*thud* AGAIN...


crazy said...

Hi TS! and everybody!
(don't tell Yvonne I'm here)

crazy said...

monaliz~ Funny!!!

SummerGirl said...

My computer broke -- I am soooooo behind.

Still -- when is Rob back in London, I am working near Barnes next week, I can be your ears and eyes in south west London (err, WHY am I channelling Eric?)

Thanks for the info.

So -- is filming finished? THAT was quick.....

SummerGirl said...

And OMG to those fingers -- they are soooooooooo long......


Anonymous said...

Well, I my "dreams" he always smells sexy,... and he can´t keep his hands and mouth and... off me, he, he, he.

A girl can (and should) dream...

Good day, you all!

Anonymous said...

hi crazy :) you hiding?

Anonymous said...

I think it's kindof funny he is wearing a grey shirt after K was photographed wearing a large grey shirt. It probably isn't the same one but makes me wonder. LOL

crazy said...

ts~nope. i'm right here where i belong. well, not really ;)
wwe keep missing each other! get my FB?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yay - Good fan account and a good party for cast, band and friends 'til 4am. Glad they're having some fun before they all split off for awhile! :)

Christy said...

The fingers - Oh. Mah. Gah.

Anonymous said...

c: nope... i was out of town again this weekend & haven't checked up on fb. did you send me some love notes?

hi kk!

crazy said...

TS~ "love notes" (hee hee)
I'd be cheating on Rob, now wouldn't I?
KK is back!

Lucy said...

I was kinda wondering the same that the grey t-shirt that Kristen was wearing in the Metropole pics? Hmmm.........

crazy said...

I have a grey T-shirt too. hmmmmmmm

Tenneil said...

Okay... he looks beautiful... and those hands... but I would have to say from the other pictures down...that his hug there... was more enclosed.....I'll stop there... But he looks awesome!!

Hey TS, C, KK...Gozde and everyone else!!

Anonymous said...

c: i would never ask you to cheat on

good night! how many posts i miss over the course of a weekend... got some serious catchin up to do

Lizalou said...

Ooooh... sans the beanie! For the love of god, it's about time!

crazy said...

Hey Tenneil! He's so huggable!!

TS~ is that a buh bye?

Anonymous said...

t :) g'day mate ...nice avatar

i did like the first hug best... but i would take anything he's willing to give up

Yvonne said...

crazy...I see you, you can't hide!
But, I'm here too, so... what does that say about me? oops.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Hey 30, Crazy, Tenneil!! I said I'd be lurking on and off.

Love the beanie-less look. I own a large man's gray t-shirt as's not Rob's...or is it?????? I wish.

Tenneil said...

TS~ good point... you wont want the hug to be creepy...I want the enclosed be honest..:)

C~ he's more than huggable...LOL

Hey Y...long time no "see"

crazy said...

uh oh, snagged! so we both fell off the wagon. crap. well misery loves company i guess...

Yvonne said...

T, Hi! Nice to see you too :) It's been a while...lovin' those pics, he looks amazing.

Yvonne said...

I don't know if I was ever on the wagon...maybe for like 30minutes...that's the best I can do.

crazy said...

KK~ if we trade our large grey T-shirts, will people talk?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

"On/off the wagon?" I've never even SEEN the damn wagon! It hasn't even been BUILT yet as far as I'm concerned! I don't even know what this wagon you speak of is!....oh man...I'm completely losing my mind now...or the bit that's left...

Yvonne said...

Just checking in to make sure I didn't miss any news (I'm still bitter about missing The Dark Kingdom, I ordered it on Amazon)...but I'm off, for real this time crazy. I mean it.

<3 see you later!

Yvonne said...

kk, it's ok, you are surrounded by friens , we all understand. c u later bb!

crazy said...

Tenneil: Madlib for the morning:

"Rob is ________ able"

Y~ LOL! what wagon? i didn't see any wagon?

tinababy1 said...

I have Rob's grey t-shirt. I'm wearing it right now. I have it pulled over my nose so that I can smell HIM every time I breathe.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - Let's trade...dammit, there's Summit again banging on my door!!! They know we own gray t-shirts! Run, crazy! They're coming to silence us!

It is 11:26am here...too early to drink?

Yvonne said...

I'm wagonless.

Anonymous said...

hiya y! productive day, is it? lol clearly for me too.

t: enclosed hug...and fuckscent ;)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yvonne - "wagonless" - too funny :)

tinababy1 said...

KK - never to early for Robtinis

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

30 - Can ya tell how productive I'm being at work today????? Well...productive on this posting.

Anonymous said...

lol you girls and the wagon... i don't wanna see that wagon. although i'm fairly sure if i keep going at this pace, i'll be in the back of the looney bin paddy wagon.

crazy said...

buh bye Y!!! wait, thought you were gone!

KK~ LOL! you aren't drinking as we speak?

Tina~ LOL! a smellfest @ Tina's house everybody!!

TS~ very productive. NOT.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I have a grey T-shirt too, that isn't the point. LOL I am not saying they are together, but I DO think it is funny that he wore his grey t-shirt the day after Kristen was photographed wearing a large grey t-shirt. Does she ever dress like that? Seriously, it probably is nothing but knowing how funny he is, I could see him doing it on purpose. LOL

crazy said...

You guys have me ROTFL! I'm effin useless.

Anonymous said...

kk: i'm @ work too... so awesome

crazy said...

sorry Anon! we're just having at your expense!! (just kidding!)

Anonymous said...

Oh and I have my grey shirt on today actually. Sure wish it was Rob's. *SIGH*

Tenneil said...

Tenneil<------ wagonless also.. but I am okay with that...

TS..."fuckscent" seriously are you trying to kill me... I wish...well you know... {{hugs}}bb

Hey Tina *waves*

Anonymous said...

well i don't see his grey t-shirt tied in a knot at the side and i doubt he ironed out the

btw, just for the record... grey is my favorite color on rob... followed closely by black

crazy said...

Anon~ boy if he could auction off that t-shirt. Think I could barter myself?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the shirt is Edwards shirt, so it would make sense for Bella to wear it. ROFL

crazy said...

I like him nekked.

Anonymous said...

thirtysomething: Kristen could have ironed it out. LOL I really am joking about the shirt guys. I don't think Rob's shirts would be that big on Kristen, he is so skinny.

Anonymous said...

nekked c! lmfao. uh yeah.

hi tina :)

tinababy1 said...

Hi T

These are kids...I don't iron, I'm pretty sure they don't iron.

tinababy1 said...


C - I like him nekkid too. Only UN-tucked!!

Shani said...

Hey Ladies!!

Now we know what sexy smells like and it's RP...LOL

That girl was so lucky and I'm not mad at her...she didn't do a half ass hug. She got her chance and went full out.And it did look like Rob was in between patting her. Yeah nice hand porn...even though his knuckles looked a little red.

Anonymous said...

tina: untucked...okay i'll take that with a side of hell yeah

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Hey, everyone...just teasing about the gray shirt. Remember folks; it isn't that strange that Rob is wearing a gray t-shirt because he only owns like 15 articles of clothing....HAHAHA I love to tease about Rob's wardrobe.

tinababy1 said...

Oh guys, I'm so losing it over this banner.

Keep trying to get my tongue into the screen!!!

crazy said...

Tina~ Tucked is for sissies!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

30 - "okay i'll take that with a side of hell yeah" You are sending me off to lunch LMAO!

Talk to you soon, everyone!

crazy said...

no offense to Rob of course! eek.

crazy said...

later KK!

tinababy1 said...

C - that wasn't Rob, that was Salvador.

Rob would let it hang!!!

crazy said...

T~ be careful. you may electocuute yourself. such is the electricity emanating from Rob.

Anonymous said...

Is grey spelled grey or gray? I always mess that one up.

crazy said...

And we all Rob's "private(s)" matters so well LOL!

Anonymous said...

tina: i wish i could agree on the banner, but the yellow eyes creep me out a little... of course rob's eyes are my favorite part of him so i'm a little partial to the real color

tinababy1 said...

Anon - I'm in Canada. We use the Queen's english like Rob, we spell grey.

I think U.S. is gray

crazy said...

i think both. both are hot on Rob anyway

Anonymous said...

enjoy lunch kk :)

tinababy1 said...

I have just sent my cousin a jam packed Rob email...I will be expecting her on here by tonight

Mooouuuuuhhaaa haaa hhaaa

Tenneil said...

Bubbye KK...enjoy!!

TwiHartRK said...

Thanks Goz - Hi Robsessers! Happy to hear about another great fan encounter. Yes, I'm jealous. I want a Rob hug! Sounds a little less crazy for the cast this time. Nothing to add about how gorgeous and sweet he looks. You pointed out all Rob's deliciousness. Sophia - I so agree with you - his hands and his mouth/red lips are my fav parts in these pics.

tinababy1 said...

Happy eating KK

I'm getting pretty hungry too

crazy said...

hingry for what?

Hi Twi!!

crazy said...

uhhh. i can't fold and type at the same time!

I fold.

Anonymous said...

hi alie :)

tina: are you converting people to robsessors...? niiiice.

Tenneil said...

Hey Alie...*waves*

tinababy1 said...

Kobe meatballs and spaghetti, eaten with a special vampirish looking guy.

But, I'll settle for a bagel.

I'll try not to get sesame seeds all over Rob's grey shirt.

crazy said...

can i call you Alie?

tinababy1 said...

Who you caling Alie?

crazy said...

LOL! Is it gross to be thinking...never mind.

crazy said...

Twiheart, but not until i get permission. :)

tinababy1 said...

Oh, am out of it today. Had to get up at 4:30 to take dd to swim practice....snoooore

Anonymous said...

tina: bagel crumbs all over he said in the commentary? lmfao

crazy said...

go back to bed with your GQ, but you won't sleep, so don't know if it will help.

Tenneil said...

TS~ i LOVE the way Rob says just about anything..youknowwhatimean??

Anonymous said...

Lord thx 4 ugly gurlz in Vancouver :p m jokin guyz :)

tinababy1 said...

TS - commentary was probably best part of video. he is hilarious!!

DD got really tired of CH saying "Dude" and "cool" all the time. to funny

tinababy1 said...

Anon - we sort of hate/envy them too sigh....

tinababy1 said...

C - have stripped bed for laundry...

crazy said...


Tenneil said...

dom update ladies...I cant get anything done today...shit..

crazy said...

oh noooo

did everybody catch up on WA?

Anonymous said...

i haven't watched the movie without the commentary in quite some time now...

and i do knowwhatyoumean t

anon: spoken like a true jealous me *wink*

Tenneil said...

C ~ yes...I LOVED it...

Anonymous said...

oh the wa update was fanfuckingtastic! did you read that she is going to publish it after changing the names and twilight related stuff? oh, and under a different title too. yay!

Anonymous said...

thanks t... dom is fluff that i love. i'll get on that.

tinababy1 said...

Yesss New WA. I don't want her to ever finish that thing.

Listen to this song - It so reminds me of WA Edward and Bella

It's called Sleeping Sickness by City and Colour

crazy said...

TS~ good for her! deserves it!

crazy said...

Tina~ wow! perfect song~

tinababy1 said...

I know. I love it.

tinababy1 said...

I haven't read A&O yet. I'll start that today I think.

Anonymous said...

girls... i gotta get some work done... ugh! have a great day!

talk to you soon :)

crazy said...

A& O is great. I also love Black and White. But it is a long time between updates.

TS~ tried B&W yet? Tenn?

crazy said...

Tina and all~ i'm going to check out for now. see you later!

Divinesally said...

Hey you guys!

Tina~cool song. I love WA, It's my personal brand of crack. =)

Tenneil said...

C~ black & white?? no I havent its on the list... you??? I just finished housemating season and am reading Saturday school... I cant keep up...

Bye TS...{{hugs}} dont "work" to hard.

Nicky said...

Rob looks different from last year, more the time they shoot Breaking Dawn, he will look 30!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys I'm Yvette and I do feel like the luckiest girl alive. I still can't believe that it's really happened to me. Oh and he wasn't at all uncomfortable. Actually he pulled me into this hug after we took the picture and of course I took my time in it.He is the nicest and sexiest man alive. He even said hello to my friend Mary over the phone. Can you believe this???

Gozde said...

That's awesome Yvette :) I said it above, he didn't look uncomfortable at all. Happy for you :)) (and jealous :))

ellainie said...

Yvette, I am happy for you, but filled w/ envy. So he was as great as I dream about?
Have u showered yet? I probably never would again. lol

Anonymous said...

Rob was always hugging or close to his fans recently because he wanted to prove the gossips about his BO damn wrong. Obviously he's a guy who fights back and can't be forced to do anything he doesn't want to do. That said, he's still the same guy who's been always nice to his fans. I really like his attitude and positive ways in dealing with those bs gossips : actions are better than words, evidence crashed gossips.

Sara said...

The hands, oh god, the hands.

Chicago girl now in LA said...


It is you...I'm soooo happy for you. Congrats and that is fabu that he said hello to your friend over the phone. If you look on the original Rob website based in England--on their boards, there are many descriptions of him behaving this way in his Potter days. Good for you!

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