Robert Pattinson is OK!s Most Eligible Man



Anna said...

Rob "most eligible man"...
lol, that has to be the biggest non-scoop ever!!!

tfblog admin said...

he definately is. <3. there's just something about this guy.. don't you reckon? YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST BLOG EVER! =D
come visit mine. =) x

Tess said...

Wait... He's still eligible? But I thought someone's cousin's, sisters, girlfriend saw him with Nikki, I mean Kristen, sorry. Who was it again?

Babs said...

Am I eligible to be his date? haha

Anonymous said...

damn i guess i missed the pattinson/jonas break-up... what rock have i been under? no more joebert?

way to scoop everyone ok! mag... fucking brilliant

crazy said...

hi TS!!

crazy said...


Melanie said...

Yes, I heard that he was dating his best friend's sister's aunt's first cousin's step-sister plus Nikki, and Kristen, and Camilla, and Meagan, and that he was secretly seeing Catherine Hardwicke and Stephenie Meyer and J.K. Rowling. He's a busy guy! LOL

Anonymous said...

hi crazy! 'sup girl?

kitty said...


crazy said...

TS~ Stop thread hopping. You're such a blog whore! hee hee

crazy said...

you guys crack me up with all this new gossip!!

Anonymous said...

c: gotta make sure i leave my dna on every thread...hehe

Anonymous said...

hi girls, this is margot still on DH's comp (and for 3 weeks will be here :((((

As my comp's motherboard is being repaired, I got into habit of coming here (while DH is away) with a pedrive, and Robsess here and read ff here and save eveything on the pendrive ... see ? that's a Real Obsession ...

Renschke Christians said...

Uh ladies. He is not eligible. WE are together and i'm having his love child! HA HA!
Why else would I spend my time writing a blog dedicated to him?
Love you guys and your love for Rob!

Shani said...

Last night The INSIDER chose him to be #1 as well. Because he is sexy and mysterious...Purrr...

But it's not like we didn't know already. It's just great that the more well known media outlets are finally acknowledging him. They may be late to the game, but kudos for them for finally waking up and seeing the bright hot light of Pattinson.Sometimes it just hurts so bad to look at the pretty...LOL

RPnKSaddict said...

You guys crack me up. I have to put my hands over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud and waking the DH up.
Love this site. Just love Rob!!

Hansom Ransom said...

Lol Melanie, Catherine Hardwicke really wishes he would hook up with her.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I wonder how many of us dream about him at night? What would the numbers be? For me, it is nearly every night! Rob has penetrated my subconcious...

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