Robert Pattinson's Teeth Marks on DVD. Seriously?

I have been getting emails about this since yesterday but thought it was some kind of an April Fools Day joke. You know the ones that are delivered 3 days late with a dorky and not so funny "Belated April Fools Day! Hahaha got ya!" *rolls eyes* line?
Well I am starting to believe it is not a joke...*Shivers*


Well, after months of fans like YOU screaming for a nibble from Rob, your dreams have come true. When the Twilight DVD comes out on Monday (April 6) in England, people might notice a big chunk missing from their DVD case. That's because it comes with the very first autobite!

They took a plaster of Rob's mouth (whoever they are – lucky!) and made a steel copy of his teeth, which they used to "bite" out chunks of every DVD case! It's got his exact teeth marks and everything – which means that if you press it against your neck, it's like Rob bit you (well, without the deadly good looks and British charm, of course)! (Gozde: Rob, if you REALLY did this I hope they paid you well! I mean like 50 years of free Heineken pay!)

4tnz also has some suggested merchandise like pre-used tissues from Rob :) You can read them here.


elikarae said...

As much as I love Rob. This is a little creepy.

Anna said...

I read about that too, I was wondering if it was serious! I guess we'll find out on Monday... oh sweet jesus, the things I will do to that dvd case if it turns out to be true. Which I still hope it isn't, for Rob's sake and for my dignity's.

Maryann said...

I'm sorry but I doubt this..this is just too creepy for words. Who on earth comes up with this stuff anyways? Even if it is true...who on earth talked Rob into letting them take a plaster out of his teeth? LOL. Was he drunk that day? LOL

Will be interesting to see if this is true tho.

love said...

haha this is hilarious and kind of creepy actually. i prefer his real bite or lick=P

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Nuttiest thing I've heard in awhile. I find it very hard to believe Rob would participate in fact, I don't believe it.

Kristen said...

this is definitely the creepiest thing ive heard in awhile.

MojoPin said...

I still hope it's some Aprils joke that just wont go away.
If they're making him do THAT than really I have no words. It's just stupid!

Unknown said...

Naaaaaah!! Got to be a joke!!
Eeeww...really? How far they (movie marketing) will go to mantain this obsession thing?... Creepy indeed.

Anonymous said...

Wow...Just when you think that things can`t get any stranger. *frowns* I mean, I love Rob and all, but...Really? *speechless*

Anonymous said...

I have never posted anything, but this is worth mentioning. Reading that Rob's dental records are going to be imprinted around the world is ridiculous. I hope it is false, for his benefit.

Divinesally said...

Say it ain't so! I would hope Rob would find this ridiculous and creeptastic. I highly doubt he would agree to such fuckery. And if he did, well then...what the hell was he smoking and/ drinking?? I would love to have seen the expression on his face when they pulled out the contract for this one! I just can't see him signing off on this.

We shall see.

Mechevpao said...

This must be April’s fool!! this can not be serious!! How ridiculous it can get??

But if it is true, maybe they are using the sample they took form Rob when the producers where trying to convince him to cut his gum off and use brasses… hahaha…

The Illustrator said...

i would mach rather that than the 3 disk last england does something good

tinababy1 said...


Kim Edwards said...

"Hey Rob, can we make a plaster cast of your teeth?"
"uh... I guess? why?
"Oh, we want to make a steel copy and bit a bunch of DVDs so that fan girls everwhere can press them into thier neck and pretend that you bit them"
"um... guys? Don't you think that's a bit creepy?"
"Rob, just do it"
"um... Okay, I guess"

I bet those aren't even his real teeth impressions. They got a stunt double to do it!

wouldn't stop me from buying one. (Did I just say that?)

Anonymous said...

how fun!! ahaha it's very weird. How can someone think about this kinda of stuff??? I prefer a real bite from the real Rob's teeth. ahaha Bite me, please. ahahah

Oh, God. That's kinda joke, huh?


Anonymous said...

fuckin disturbing if it's true... i seriously hope not.

Laura said...

This is hilarious! Creeeeeeeeepy!
I'm guessing the plaster impression of his teeth came from when he was going to get those Invisilign braces before doing Twilight. My husband had to get them, too, and they take an imprint of your teeth and make a plaster mold. Seriously! I'm guessing maybe someone got ahold of it from his dentist? That is SO weird! LOL

Anonymous said...

Seems like B.S.

wannawannawanna said...

Now this is the kind of stuff that makes me (as completely addicted as i am to everything Rob - down to his dental record :)) take a step back so i can get a slightly more objective perspective and cringe at the level people's obsessions can reach and at the lengths retailers go to respond to these obsessions....
So this one goes straight to my mental recycle bin along with Catherine Hardwicke's book and other superfluous and disturbing twihard crap...

orbitz said...

I'm gonna have to go with bs on this one. Why would anyone go through all the trouble of making a set of steel Rob choppers when the dvd's sell themselves and as previously mentioned why the hell would Mr. P sign off on this?!

Bootstrap Intern said...

This is just plain ole weird to me.

Suz said...

Ok, this is fuked up to the maxx

Fo Rizzle

Suz said...

P.S. If plasta is being mixed.. I ain't going north....

I's headin' South

Sam said...

his teeth aren't that straight- IF that picture you are showing is suppose to be for real. Which i seriously doubt is a real story.

Sam said...

i'd rather have a cast of something other than his teeth!!! hahahah

Lilly said...

That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. Is it an April Fool's joke?

Kate said...

LOL Well I got my copy today and there are not teeth marks on it LOL
I would really doubt if this is true!!!

Lynn said...

ARGH and BLEH! I keep imagining Francis Dolarhyde from Red Dragon (the book is soooo creepy). Rob's teefer marks are just beyond icky...barf bag, please!

Shani said...

Y'all there probably some old persons dentures.Hee Hee

GymnastQueenk7.1963 said...

Don't believe it. It's tacky. WHo would want an "audiobite" or whatever. Not I.

bookgirl said...

Disturbing to the max.
Please for the love of all that is good let this be a joke. I know that Rob is the shit and I can't blame production companies/ managers/ etc for wanting to ring as much out of celebrity as possible...but for reals?

Maryann said...

As I guessed earlier this is a made up story. Someone on the Twilight Saga got her copy thru UK and no bite marks on it lol. (Yes she is from UK). I have ordered mine thru that same site but I live in Norway so not sure I'll have my copy just yet.

Kate said...

I just saw on the twilight bebo page that it's only the copies in the London HMV have them :-?

Anonymous said...

Aside from the obvious weirdness, it would be funny if the same powers-that-be who thought he needed braces ended up making money off an impression of his objectionable teeth. How can people be so clueless? If there's anything of
Rob's that's less than perfect, it isn't his mouth.

Fuzzie said...

This is definately a joke ! I'm in the Uk and have my copy and theres no teethmarks , I did get some nice art cards free with mine though.

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