Dossier Mag Pics below clean without the pink stars crap...
And ummm wow...just holy tight pants batman wow!

Thanks to ohserin and our affiliate RP Unlimited for the pics :)


Moychy said...

How am I now going to concentrate on studying...I'll have his hotness in his tight pants on my mind the whole day...and it's barely 9.30 am here...
Sweet Jesus

Megan said...

I'll take one of those to go.... Please and thank you!

carlicullen said...

holy sheet. why am i so turned on that his pants are so freaking tight?!


nicole thomas said...

yup. i'd hit that.

Dani said...

What strait woman or gay man in their right mind wouldn't fuck his brains out given the chance?

Just sayin...

YUMMM! On that note im off to bed.

I really enjoyed posting that picture. Sweet dreams for me indeed.

kespax said...

Now your just trying to drive us nuts...........your going to boil my brain and burn soul and explode my head, ya bastard.
I'm seriously wondering how much it costs to fly to Vancouver before I blow up ( I used to be quite good at stalking rockstars as a teen:)

Anonymous said...

it's 9:33 and i cant concentrate on my studying :D ... this picture is so f***** hot! how does he do that???? i've never imagined that man like him could exist .. god!

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm loosing my mind right now!

LAJan said...

Dani - THANK YOU!!

Thank you GOD (who MUST be a woman!)

I'm about to go to bed, and now I will have lustful and dirty dreams about Rob in spray-on jeans and oh-so-sexy biker leather!

I still wannt to do bad things to this man!

erin said...

STILL can't look away from this one...

this is SERIOUSLY ONE OF THE HOTTEST pics of him

Yeah Dani, its not like everyone's not thinking the same thing after looking at this, regardless of sexual orientation!

I don't blame everyone for going nuts last night...we're only *fragile* humans after all! Sorry, that was cheesy.

Fuck, right, back to the science journal, sigh

LAJan said...

Okay. I had to do it. I ordered me a copy of the magazine.

Oh, I'm having lusty, twisty thoughts and will have dirty dreams tonight. I'm going to hell. But if these visions of HotRob are in my head I'll think it was heaven!

Still wanting to do bad things to this man! I'm LAJan and I'm a Robaholic.

Divinesally said...

Thank you Dani. He looks so rebel-without-a-cause in these. Love the yellow flannel and denim vest on him. brightens up his face. Yum.

Carla said...

HOLY sh*t!!!
i WANT TO HAVE this jacket!!!!

Maryann said...

@ Carla I'll happily take what is IN the jacket then thank you. I do like that jacket too though but I would much rather have the guy wearing it *drools*

Leena said...


Just when I finally got GQ today (in Australia) this has to come as well.

Oh my Oh my...*hyperventilating*

Anonymous said...

See, that first one, he just got out of my bed when I sent him home in the morning. Getting dressed quickly as I shoved him out the door.

Carla said...

@maryann: uhm, but...hell...you...ahh....I want.....no....wait!!! dang!
guess i lost lol
only the jacket for me then...*sigh*

anna F said...

I really like the leather jacket's picture. The others are more so so to my taste.

On another topic: apart from recylcing his old on set injury in twilight (that he has already talked about for ages...), have you read the recent updates about Rob? This "big" Miley Sirus comment that she is not a fan of him. Is it usual to do so in the business (saying who you don't like in the business)? We've read quite a few "I like/love him" articles (wich is sometimes funny but not the most interesting actually). Now the list of famous people who don't like him starts! This type of non-news is quite pathetic... At least it could be an endless (quite boring) topic...

I was expecting more Nikky stuff, so I guess not everyone is buying it right now...

Anna said...

Hello RobCrotch! Good morning to you too :)))

Maryann said...

@ Carla lol, er if you are nice we can share? Teehee!

I believe in share and share alike but it has to be fair! hehe

Anna said...

Hey anna! Yeah, there's a definite dearth of good Rob stories right now, hence the Miley thing (I bet he doesn't even know who she is, lol).
Can't wait for Little Ashes to come out! Should shake things up, in a good way :)

Tess said...

God Bless You Dani for posting these.... Each one just makes me smile...

I discovered I have a new fetish: The peach fuzz on his ears... I really wanna touch it... How bizarre!

Janie1809 said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
I think i just died and went to heaven! THankyou!, Thankyou!, Thankyou!
I'll just go book my tickets to Vancouver!

margot said...

This kind of things doesn't exist ... (not in My World :(((( )
1. You did Bad Things to me with the photos - now I can't concentrate on anything
2. I forced myself off the screen but started Bella-mode : cut my finger, burnt my hand pouring boiling water into my tea, then missed a step and almost fell down the stairs ... daydreeming *silly grin*
3. Never-ever experienced anything like this - don't understand myself, it's kinda masochistic feeling
4. If there is so many of us, why don't we collect some money and simply clone The Guy ... wait ... and ... bring him up waiting till he's at least zygota ? Oh, noooo, it won't work either :(((
5. In a minute I'm going to throw stones at those stupid cats and pidgeons out my window - they are to pleased with reality :)))
6. Off to work but don't know if I'll be able to find the way *it's only 4 mins walk but today ..,.*

"do you know ... What it feels like for a girl ... do you know..."

Bye, Robsessed-Girls-All-Over-the-World, see ya in (my) evening

P.S. Can't find anything not perfect in his looks, can you ?

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm its that leather jacket that does it for me... mmm

sam said...

It´s gettin´ worse and worse!
OMG!! The first one, the first one!!! Aaaahhhhhh! *faints*

Tina said...

I just woke up and I like how this day started. <3

Unknown said...


I fucking want that jacket...

And those pants...

And what's in those pants...

And that man...

Thank you for being my Rob haven.

I love you dearly.


Anna said...

What kills me is the cute mole on his neck in the 4th pick... Aaargh. The things I want to do to that man.

Ok, I just CANNOT waste another day Robsessing. Bye girls (and guys?), have a lovely day!

Hannah said...

Good Morning RobCrotch!
He looks so skinny though, bless him!

Loving the yellow and blue shirt on him.
And of course, the little bit of facial scruffness. He shouldn't be allowed shave, ever.

What a beautiful, beautiful man.

Rhonda said...

My sweet Lord. Been awake three minutes, and now I am totally turned on. There are no words for that first pic, and the last pic is almost as hot. Thanks Dani!

Bogy said...

OMG!! Damned sexy man...made my day *drools*
Thanks Dani

Sassy said...

whoo-ooo sexy! Damn he looks good!!!

Ellie said...

Dani, thank you...thank you...THANK YOU!

Rob's so Darkward in the leather jacket...I want some f'ing delicious cookies!(I can see unicorns already...)
Yeah,,it's early for the language...

Schmexy pics: great way to start the day..

May said...

DamndamnDAMN! *blinks* Is it just me, or is just the way he`s so totally focusing on the zipper in the first pic doing some kind of strange things to your stomachs? :p

SummerGirl said...

Thank you!!!!!

He is gorgeous :)

Siren77 said...

So is he a smoker? I did not know that! Doesn't matter, I'll take him anyway...How far is Vancouver....

Mechevpao said...

Ooohhhhh grrrr....
Thanks for the clean pics, with much more better quality, better to maintain us in this insanity that we love.
Can’t get over the worm feeling he causes ;)

Off topic: Miley Who???!!! all I know is that she is a random teenage that works for Disney... couldn’t care less about what she thinks, her brain is no challenge for the rest of the humanity,... now if you tell me someone important, like.. lets see... a director Martin Scorssese.. calling Rob a bad actor or something like that.. then I would worry.. hahaha

Anonymous said...

I predict at least a dozen fanfic stories being generated based on that first pic alone...

lovindashow said...

No words. No fucking words.

It IS like porn. But better.

Anonymous said...


It is ALL about his neck mole...

I first noticed that darling little bugger in Twlight (scene right before E follows B into the woods)

Mole Porn.

The Leather jacket.. makes me need a LIFE JACKET! (it's the devil)

Woah.. had heads spinning like Linda Blair!

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble concentrating.

Deep breaths.

Opal said...

I just love the size of these piccys. Wow, what fabulous coloring in his hair.....all of ittttttttt! I must admit his profile pic has made me want to lick the screen 'for the very first time ' oooohh Good lordy!

Melissa said...


Srsly...that first pic is just GAH!

I don't even have the words.

HOT DAMN is he beautiful...

Thanks Dani for posting...

Anonymous said...

A dirty, sexy London punk rocker...

honey bee said...

Dani, you made my entire day!
Thank you! No, really...THANK YOU.

I haven't been able to stop staring since last night. I've even made the leather jacket pic my desktop. Now if only I could stop licking my monitor, I think I will be all right. ;}

meg said...

Wow, thanks Goz. He really is so beautiful it hurts to look at him for too long.

How can he stand himself? I'm serious!!! Does he really not know.

Sam said...

FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think i just shit my pants!!!

Anonymous said...

Mesh? Come on now...really?

Anonymous said...

seriously...rebel rob...fucking brilliant!

black t-shirt = delicious

and for whatever reason...he makes smoking sexy as hell


Shani said...

Sir Hotness is smokin...it's not the cig, but the smoke coming off his body...

That leather jacket I imagine on him and nothing us....while I do dirty bad things to him...purrrrr.

Rominiwi said...

When were this pictures taken?

He looks... HOt.
There's no other way to describe it.

Lori said...

I can't stand that he smokes, but my does he make it look sexy!

TwiHartRK said...

LOL Tess - How BIZAHHHH?? Rob has be discovering all kinds of new fetishes too. He should be so proud!

chocolatitO*... said...

Hahaha... omg, I can see that I'm not the only twisted-minded chick arOund this blOgs... ROB is so *UNIQUE*.. DAMN!.. He's just... INCREDIBLY HOT... and saying it is not even ENOUGH.. omg... I'm quite sure he's like an exquisit taste of LUST and SWEETNESS... Geez... but, actually, I am a Twilight-freak... it was Edward whO REALLY made me faal fOr this MAN! That character is so... DEEP! So.. overwhelming!! omg... Edward is the one that I actually wanna dO SERIOUS "BAD" things tO.. [if you consider 'giving a lot of love' as something bad.. xD]
I love his SEXYness!!.. waaah!!! *tears*
why can't we all just have him with the only need to *clap* just ONCE?? *faints then dies*...

Melanie said...

I've got to stop checking this site while at work. I'm just sitting here drooling and foaming at the mouth. I cannot look away. Man, I think my "Robsession" is growing day by day. I love these photos! Who am I kidding? I bet I check this site 20 times everyday while at work. Can't stop...

Yvonne said...

sheer perfection.

The leather jacket pic...are you effin kidding me? His looks are just so RAW.
Someone said "dirty, sexy London punk rocker"....that is so true, and so beautiful.
This man is magical.

Jk said...

OMG I love the leather jacket. I like the style of the shoot. Go "Rebelrob"! LOL
I can't wait for the outtakes...

Shani said...

Shani- Damn I just read what I said. I meant "else" not "us". My mind really is gone...

Now I'm thinking about the pic of him laying on the floor...being on top and riding my pretty pony senseless...

Tenneil said...

Suz....glad to see someone else noticed the mole.... I have been watching that scene over in my head for weeks.... and right before she goes up the hill and the slomo of Edward turning ..MOLE PORN....OMG

Anonymous said...

t: nice new avatar :)

i love rob in a suit

Geekette said...

I never thought I would lust after someone a 5 years younger than myself... Oh. My. God. Just does not cover it. I have never and I mean NEVER wanted to lick my laptop screen more than seeing that damn profile pic!!!! I'm a mother for god's sake!!

I love it!! Thanks for scrounging up the bigger pics... my husband officially hates you. But please... don't worry about him he'll shut up eventually.

Diane said...

Musing on the Glory that is Rob: Maybe the most incredible thing about him is that he has 100 different looks, and he pulls off every one of them better than any guy on the planet has ever dreamed of doing: the bad boy, the irrestible dork, the suave model, your goofy best friend, the hunky hero, sweet innocence personified, the tortured intellectual, the hunky hero, the boyish charmer, the hot alpha male, the sensitive artist... it goes on and on - thank heaven!

Gozde said...

Okay ladies about last night. We have a proper crassness motto here.
And some of the comments crossed that line. Thank you for deleting
them on your own. We are ALL having tons of fun with the unicorns, jaw
porn, being hot etc but this is not fanfic or twilighted where it's a
free reign. We do read fanfic but we do not post like we are writing
our own lemons here.

No rules, no censor, just proper crassness :))

Thanks :)


Shani said...

Suz and Ten- Yeah I saw the moles on both side of his hair line on the back of his neck. And I stare too... MOLE PORN...slurp...

There are so many "little things" about him to enjoy as well and I hope that who ever he is with or will be enjoys those little things as much as we do. Hopefully more....:P

Gozde said...

Dani! Your new pic is AMAZING! Hot mama!

Hansom Ransom said...

The leather jacket pic...is exquisite.

Shani said...

Diane- So true and it's sad that there are still woman who just don't get it. They are so stuck on the way he looks scruffy and haven't taken the chance to look beyond that. I guess let them stay clueless...to each its own...more for us to enjoy.

Emmes said...

Yay for Dani!!!

I´m sure glad this is not Rob´s style...having to see paparazzi shots of him walking around the world wearing those jeans, jacket,etc.. would certainly throw me over the edge.

Diane said...

Shani - I have a theory about that. It seems to me something about Rob's looks connects directly to female hormones. You might look at a photo of Brad Pitt, for example, and think he's really good-looking, I'm attracted to him, etc. But with Rob there's no intermediate translation. It's like a reflex action as opposed to a chosen one. Women that don't have that reaction are missing something. Wow, are they missing something!

Felicia said...

This guy is just too fine for himself! I mean can anyone get any sexier than him? I THINK NOT! Keep doing what you do ROBERT!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Diane said...

I do believe I left out a crucial word in my post at 11:54. The word is "sexy" and it can be added to any of the items in my list. Excusez-moi, s'il vous plait.

caninecologne said...

thank you Robsessed for posting these pics without the pink stars!!!!

omg, this is too much...

the leather jacket and skin tight jeans are....soo.....



(frantic pause to right click)

NR said...

WOW! I sure wish I was that cigarette!!!!!!!! Geez...now back to studying...I hope I don't accidently write a paper about his package!

Anonymous said...

Diane: I do believe you hit the nail on the head. This must be a rare occurrence, like maybe 1 in 50years?

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

I have to be honest here, and please don't throw stones, but these just are not my favorite Rob pics. I will say that I am always impressed by how many different looks he can pull off. He can become almost unrecognizable. His versatility is one of his many strong points.
I do love the mole, but I'm just not feeling the mesh tank. So don't get me wrong, I love Rob, these just aren't my faves. (If I posted any more Rob on my blog I'd have the change the description to a Rob blog with extra Twilight instead of the other way around.)

eternaltwilight said...


I foresee a new banner in the near future. Too bad it's not soon enough because I'm still at work and can't make one until 10pm!

Thanks Dani! I know I would rape this man if I saw him on the streets with that leather jacket and tight jeans!

Lori said...

The more I look at the last pic, it really looks like an after sex pic. GAH, I can't even think straight today.

MissMonika said...

OMG. *drools* I want! XDDD

Laura said...

Thank you, Goz!

These pictures make me think such naughty thoughts! :)

Diane said...

I think almost exactly 50 years. I don't know anybody since the "young" Elvis who had that direct effect on so many females of all ages. Just a look and wham! He had that boyish, innocent side too. Let's hope Rob can keep his.

lostinphilly said...

Holy Fucking Sheet, Batman!! How does he do that? Making "sexy" even "sexier'???Man, I hope that leather jacket and tight jeans are not flammable, cause they'd blow up in smoke on him!!Phew, okay I just picked myself up from the floor, I'm OK now...no, I,m NOT going to ROB-HAB!!!I want to die in my Robsession!!(Counting change to see if I can get airfare to Vancouver)

Anonymous said...

I never even noticed the background behind him in the leather jacket picture. I was so mesmerized by his crotch.

I'm so filthy -_-

Anonymous said...

What the hell? This is the funniest photo shoot ever ( and I like it!).
1) What did they make him wear? no wonder he doesn't look amused!
2) these photos look like out takes...Where are the good ones? ( No reflection on him, he's always perfect.)
3) I love that one where he looks like a little kid in trouble, almost lost.
4) The last shot..Robbie, tell me you do not have dirty fingernails? Not to mention the adorable lack of tan with smoking-no matter what he does, can't turn me off!
Help me.

Anonymous said...

You guys CRACK ME UP.....its nice to not there are so many people out there that feel the same as me....im 35 and my friends dont get it but luckily hubby does, he also thinks that Rob is hot. Thanks for keeping me entertained with all the comments, it makes my day.

katie said...

Oh my goodness - It's my birthday and what a sweet present!!!! OMG, I love the leather jacket!! And yeah, I'll take one of these to go too...

Anonymous said...

Rob has Animal Magnetism.

Rob has Raw Charisma.

luv u Rob!

Ms. Bonderson said...

Ooh - thank you - just what I wished for. :)

Holly said...

About time with the tight pants!! Been trying to figure that out for ages:) And in case anyone cares..I'd bet my life that isn't his jacket. The Adicts (we just see the cts) is the band on the left sleeve...Subhumans on the other...if you look real close at where the the red is on the same sleeve the band there is the 4Skins...and the sticker on the front, that is actually my friend Jay's band(from Detroit) called Pub Life. All punk rock bands and I don't think he's into punk...

Unknown said...

can't breathe. can't breathe. oh, oh, oh, oh....

damn!!!!!!! it should be illegal to be that f-ing sexy.

cat1177 said...

those pants just killed me. best. photoshoot. ever.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that this guy is "sex on legs"........I cant belive I am a 37 year old woman married with kids and having these thoughts about a 22 yr old man !!!!

katie said...

Hey 37 is young, I just turned 49 and I HAVE a 23 year old son, but I can still look and drool and appreciate and drool, and ... did I mention drool??? He has definitely got it, I love when he smiles and he gets that little twinkle in his eye - you just know he could get into all kinds of mischief. Oh, yeah........

Anonymous said...

Yum yum yum yum yum SEXY~ LOVE YOU SO MUCH ROB ~.~ Nasty Things are in Your Future

uh huh

Caitie said...


Anonymous said...

he is just so delish in these pix and the outtake pic from Mtv...oh my...he is just downright BLEEPable...if you ladies know what I mean....love ya Rob

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