Ted C. Talks about Little Ashes

A few clips have been released on MTV of Robert Pattinson in his upcoming anti-Twilight flick Little Ashes.

R. Pattz shot this movie before the vampire megahit, and as he has said on numerous occasions, pretty P doesn't want to be typecast as a heartthrob.

Well, he sure won't have to worry about that in this quasi-gritty movie 'cause Rob-babe plays a young Salvador Dali, a character with all kinds of gay tendencies.

So will the Robert obsessees follow this flick too? It's one helluva departure from their beloved Twi character. Or is it? (Gozde: Wake up and smell the older fans Ted. See Little Ashes Movement)

Seems like in the two clips, Pattz sort of moons, vacant-faced, through this one, too. Granted, what can you tell from a minute-long snippet of an entire film? We'll gladly give R the benefit of the doubt and check out his acting chops May 8.(Gozde: Pffffffffffft! (I know! I was in the debate team))

Either way, bravo to the kid for recognizing his need for diverse films from the get-go, so unlike counterpart Zac Efron, who totally backed out of Footloose way last minute.(Gozde: Another Zac comparison. Excuse me while I throw up)

Seriously though, this film is gonna put the Rob fangirls to the test. Will they be able to stand seeing their boy-toy kinda gayed up? Or is it Edward whom they are all really in love with. Opening weekend should be interesting!

Additional reporting by Taryn Ryder



Stacy said...

Wow. Something semi-positive from Ted C. What's his issue with Rob, anyway?

And isn't Little Ashes just going to have a limited release? It's not going to have a very big weekend if that's the case...

Suz said...

This guy is a total baffoon!

Another waste of college funds!

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Pishaw! Its ROB we're in love with. Why can't they get that? I'll follow this man in whatever he does.

Anonymous said...

Gozde, I think Tec C. will get a hundred different disguises to go watch Little Ashes multiple times... He is hardly holding himself, looking up for may 8th.

Suz said...

Oh! after re-reading this he has me pissed off..

The gay comments -- sounds very "anti-gay" to me.. Homophobic, much?

Ted C. tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

By the way, I am a fan and I did not fell in love with Rob as Edward. I fell in love with Rob as Cedric. And I don't even like the Harry Potter movies...

Anna said...

Suz - I'm pretty sure Ted C. is gay himself. So, why is he not giving Rob more love?!! He should support him for being brave enought to do L.A.!

Anna said...

Or, on second thought, maybe that's why he has a love/hate relationship with Rob. He wants him, but he can't have him... At least we still have hope it might happen some day ;)

Stacy said...

I'm also tired of hearing that all Rob's fans are teenies. I'm 31, and I'm looking forward to both Little Ashes and How To Be, altho since I live in Iowa, I'm sure I'll have to wait for the DVDs, lol!

Suz said...

@Little Bear

The Anti-Gay gays are the worse offenders!

; )

Anonymous said...

Goz...we should take a poll of what the ages in this group of lovely women are. I'm sure the largest percentage would not be any teens. I myself am 26 soon to be 27.

lovindashow said...

Again, who hires these tools? ***rollseyes*** He's such an unbelievable jackass.

Anonymous said...

mer: soooo sick of the assumption his fans are all tweens - not even close

and that pic on this post is ridiculous...i love rob with that dali hair...dark and slick

Anna said...

@ Suz: lol, that's so true!!

The poll is an interesting idea. I'm 25, not a Twilight fan, and I love Rob for his amazing personality! (I swear!)

Anonymous said...

I am 40 years old and a huge RP fan and proud of it! This idiot Ted C is really getting on my nerves with all his endless jibes on RP. How I wish I can give Ted C a real smack in the face.

anna F said...

Well, weirdly enough, Rob is not getting a lot of love from Perez either from what I heard... despite the little ashes' role. Perez prefers Efron (who turned down a part in Milk, or did I misunderstand what I read?).

I don't understand either of them (Ted and Perez), nor Lainey... I think gossipers have the most shallow behaviour and change their mind all the time. Soon, Ted or Lainey might be Rob's biggest fan for a while, and then they'll tear him down once again LOL.

And yes, what is annoying is that they seem to be convinced that only teenagers or twimoms like Rob... It gets irritating to be so clearly dismissed.

Sara Tavares said...

I can see the bad headlines in press in a few weeks when Little Ashes don´t earn as much money as Twilight
Argh... of course, it won´t be in many theaters!

Anonymous said...

I think LittleB. got it.

Ted C. wants Rob, but he can't have him. I want him too, but, sadly, I can't have him either. But I don't hate him for that. Why should I? I love him!

Gay-bitterness? The only Robsessed out-of-the-closet that I know here in Brasil is a gay friend of mine (besides some teens). And he doesn't say anything bitter about Rob; ever. On the contrary...

Rhenea5018 said...

Well ladies...I am 37 (about to be 38) and fell in love with Daniel Gale. I started reading Twilight at the recommendation of my sister-in-law, fell in love with it and then found out about the movie. When I found out Robert was going to be Edward my first reaction was "DANIEL"!!!!!!!!!! So, Yeah...Edward came 2nd for me too. I am far removed from 14 and thankful for it.

Ted C is an idiot in general. He never has anything remotely important to say and talks in circles. It's annoying as hell and I can't understand how he stays relevant.

WinWin said...

The media is so blind. They really think that all his fans are teenagers. I am 37 and have 3 kids. Far from a teen. I just think they are all jealous of him. I hope the critics will review LA and like it.

Melissa said...


Ted, you should also visit:



GOZ!!! I love the bew banner!!!

Anonymous said...

I am 23.

Hi, Sara, how are you? Em que estado vc mora no Brasil?

Susie said...

Geez. Does no one have faith in Rob's fans? Seriously.

I'm actually really glad his other movies are getting so much buzz. I was afraid that he would always be seen as Edward. But he was so great in How To Be and I cannot wait to see Little Ashes!

Sara Tavares said...

Hi, Sophia
I´m 24 and I live in Sao Paulo/SP.
Lugar onde nao tem uma banda larga decente!
Fiquei desde domingo sem serviço acredita?
Quase morri de abstinência!
Preciso entar aqui tds os dias hehehe

CSI_Kat said...

What an idiot! I am so irritated at all the comments about Rob and his teen fan base. I am 37 and became a huge Rob fan after discovering him in Twilight. I am very much looking forward to seeing him in Little Ashes!

Anonymous said...

I am so pissed this movie isn't anywhere in the Tampa FL area and WE have a private collection of Dali art..........yet the movie is coming to Ft. Lauderdale....WHO sets these schedules?! Crack-asses!

Christy said...

I just turned 36 this past Sunday and I fell in love with Edward BECAUSE of Rob. When I found out he was also MusicRob, I fell head over heels. In every interview i have seen, he is warm,kind, gracious and patient. i honestly have looked for something bad about him and I just haven't found it. I think that's what sticks in some gossipers craws. I also don't get the Zac Efron comparison. Apples and oranges.

Anna said...

Wow MerFrac, Daniel Gale, really?!! You have my respect :)

I've liked Rob since Harry Potter. I should have known I was a potential Robsessor when I caught myself wishing Harry had died instead of Cedric :)

Can't wait for L.A.!!!

Divinesally said...

MerFrac, Daniel Gale is total win. Definitely my favorite character. so sweet, thougtful, super intelligent, and shy. YUM.Ted C. can go choke on some dirty penis for all I care. I pay him no attention when it comes to Rob or anything else for that matter.

25 here. It definitely annoys me when people say Twilight is a teen thing. I think my DH said it best and I quote, "Twilight is basically about a creepy dude who's obsessed with a chick who he stalks and wants to rip to shreds all the time. In real life he would be a sick pedophile peeping tom, murderer. But it's ok to promote that cause they love each other. He's possessive/protective and controls himself, so I guess it's all good. i guess chicks want psychopaths as husbands." he said that with a strong hint of sarcasm.

I didn't know what to say, so I laughed. it's sad that it's actually true.

Anonymous said...

Sara, boa tarde já né? Eu moro perto da região de Campinas e Piracicaba, mas sou carioca. Vou passar a páscoa lá no Rio.

Tb andou dando pau na minha internet. A minha Robsession tb é imperativa, não aguenta muito tempo sem "alimento". E QUE alimento, hem?

anna F said...

Well, no release date in France yet for "Little ashes"... on allo cine at least.
Looks like "how to be" might not even come out here... and I so wanted to see that one.

Too bad because I'm sure I'd have liked those much more than twilight... To me, it's deffinitly about Rob, twilight's top quality was more questionable. Hopefully New Moon is going to be better if that's all I get here.

Anonymous said...

The age poll is a great idea! The assumption that Rob's fans are all teens is ridiculous. I've heard that he has some semi-naked scenes in Little Ashes, so there's no way his fans could be disappointed right?? We'll be all vvvvery pleased :)

Anonymous said...


I have to say that, if it was not for Rob, I would not love Edward. I read the first book before I saw the movie, and I thought Edward was way too possessive (he stalks Bella everywhere -- I don't know how he doesn't get in the bathroom when she is there...), bossy, scary, freaky, and described as too boyish.

But, theeeeen, I saw Rob as Edward, and everything changed...

Babs said...

I forgot to write my name on the previous post..

The age poll is a great idea! The assumption that Rob's fans are all teens is ridiculous. I've heard that he has some semi-naked scenes in Little Ashes, so there's no way his fans could be disappointed right?? We'll be all vvvvery pleased :)

Sara Tavares said...

Daqui a pouco vou ter que trabalhar, só consigo entrar aqui de manhã ou de madrugada.
Espero sobreviver até lá sem ver fotos do Rob hehehe
Sophia, vc sabe se How to Be tem chances de estrear no Brasil? Eu sei que Little Ashes vai em algum momento, mas o outro eu nao ouvi falar nada.

Anonymous said...

Babs! I am sooo looking forward for those "semi-naked scenes". I won't feel disappointed at all, no, no, no.

tinababy1 said...

Yes anon, he does have a semi-naked scene. You totally missed the meltdown on here when it was posted.

I agree, after being on this blog, that Rob has many, many fans who are not teens. I think alot of the little girls will be freaked out by LA, my daughter didn't want to look at the semi-naked pic,but that's ok.

His talent will carry him.

I'm 46 by the way.

Anonymous said...

Sara, infelizmente, ao que parece, HTB não passará aqui. Vou até conferir de novo, para ver se mudou algo. LA vem lá para outubro. Mas só deve chegar nas maiores cidades, é claro. E por tempo limitadíssimo.

Tenha um bom trabalho. Tb volto ao meu.


Lori said...

I am so tired of the teeny bopper reference with Rob. I am 32 and am a big fan of his, I know a lot more women in their 30's who are as well. I understand that Twilight has a huge teen fanbase (regardless of the fact that everytime I went and saw the movie it was filled with women over 20) but Rob has a large fanbase that goes beyond the whole teen heartthrob thing. Most of the teens that I do know prefer Taylor actually. LOL He is more their age.

Sara Tavares said...

I do like Edward but I think Bella is my favourite character.
She´s such a good person that I can´t dislike her even when I don´t agree with certain things she does like keep Jacob around her all time.
About actors, for me Kristen is good, Rob is great and Taylor Lautner and Peter Facinelli has a special place in my heart
Btw, I hate Nikki Reed ;)

Gozde said...

Butting in for a minute.

1. The age poll is up on the side bar

2. Perez is a homophobic gay

3. My favourite character is Bella as well :)

Sara said...

I am only 15 myself but I adore Rob for who he is, not the character he plays. I hate to think some think of me as the stereotypical fan girl, but I will follow Rob's work for a very long time. Twilight introduced me to this wonderful and charming man,and so I am very offended when people say i only like him because of the character he plays.I will go to see him in Little Ashes, and i will see him in How To Be (if i can). and i will see him in all his future roles. when a woman asked me when I was reading one of the Twilight books, she said "are you in love with Edward?" and i replied "Im actually in love with the actor who plays him..." so it just shows that there are some respective teens out there who love Rob, not Edward.I desperately want to see LA!

Anonymous said...

Sara 15! You sound pretty mature for you age. Congratulations! And welcome! I never "saw" you around here... Yes, me too. I smile when I think that I will follow his career for years... He is already that gorgeous at 22/23; imagine in ten years... in fifteen... oh, boy...

Girls, I have to go. I already Robsessed too much for my real life's sake...

Have a good day, everyone. And Robsess!!

Ashley said...

Ted C. never has anything positive to say about Rob. I don't think any of his sources on anything are all that reliable. He talks round and round and doesn't make a damn bit of sense.

And I love the age poll! I'm 24 and consider myself a fan of Rob, not just Twilight. Love the books and thought the movie was pretty good too but Rob does it for me! I can't wait to see Little Ashes and How to Be!

Suz said...


"2. Perez is a homophobic gay"

were we separated at birth!

Love yewwww

SummerGirl said...

Little Ashes is amazing, I cannot wait to see it again.

I laughed, I cried and me and Mr SG really chatted about it for days afterwards - very thought provoking.

TwiHartRK said...

LOL Mel - nuff said.

SummerGirl said...

Little Ashes is amazing, I cannot wait to see it again.

I laughed, I cried and me and Mr SG really chatted about it for days afterwards - very thought provoking.

SummerGirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gozde said...

Muwah Suz :) He really is! Always trying to PUSH people out of the closet! People will tell their fans/family they are gay when they are ready. Perez bitch wants to expose them. He is disgusting.

Kathie said...

I truly think Rob is in a class of his own. There are "Teen Idols" and then there is Rob. Rob is universal, he surpasses teenidolism. Women of all ages have fallen under his spell.

I do think Rob could lose some of his teen fans, because they will not get the whole theme of New Ashes, but some teens may surprise ya and honestly see the art of the craft of acting.

The fans he loses would have eventually moved on to a Zac clone someday anyway, so no great loss, except to the cash box.

Sara N said...

Sara, I think we must be one person split into two bodies as we have the same age, name, and thoughts. ;p

It is so disconcerting to read that everyone thinks we the fans only love him for Edward. Actually, it's downright offensive.
Not all girls are so shallow and immature to think this way.
It makes me physically angry to have to see the remarks celebrities make on a daily basis(namely Miley Cyrus), where they think we are so fickle to only admire this man for the fictional character he plays.
I have supported Robert from the first time I saw him in HP4 and in every project up until now, not because of his 'Edward-status' but because he is a talented actor, musician and a downright likeable man.

That's why I love this site in particular. Because it is full of mature, eloquent girls/women(maybe even some boys idk...) who all have one common factor -we 'love' Robert- because of the person he is, not the characters he plays.

As you can see I am very passionate about this subject hahahaha.

Anna said...

@ 15-year-old Sara - you go girl !!!

Anna said...

ok, I take that back: you go girlS !!!

lovindashow said...

I repeat. He's a tool. "Additional reporting by ...."

It's 14 frickin' sentences, Ted. Get a real job.

Anonymous said...

Ted's such a useless waste of space.

Sara said...

my account is "Daneh" but for some reason I cant sign in to anything for some reason. D:<

Sara its uncanny! well, my middle name is Sara (first being Dani) but i prefer to be called by my middle name ;)

Miley cyrus's comment annoyed me so much. it just gave me another reason to hate her. she should have re-phrased what she said if she didnt want to commit suicide on her career.

WinWin said...

can someone refresh my memory, was he the a hole that started the whole smelly rumour? what a d---!!!

Sara N said...

@ Sara- Exactly, ughhhhh. I really dislike her.
Miley truly does inderestimate the amount of loyal fans Rob has behind him.
And she thinks too highly of herself, at least Robert is a versatile and utterly talented actor who is not afraid of stepping out of his comfort zone in the name of film.

Unknown said...

I'm From Brazil so i Know Ted C since the Blind Vice thing!
And my thought about him: creep and disgusting!
Any lady or gent is following the Blind Vice thing? I'm not becouse is pathetic, but i'm curious about it!
Oi Sophia, como vc está hj? Eu estou ainda gripada!!!!

tinababy1 said...

Miley??? Are you serious???

Do we need more proof that there is something wrong with that girl? He probably ignored her at the Oscars the way Radiohead did at the Grammy's.

Who does she think she is.

She's the next Lindsay Lohan!!

Anonymous said...

I guess Ted and Perez just got to know the fact that Rob only reads the negative bits about him, so obsessed fan that they are, they write negative stuff just so Rob will at least read them, that being the only way he will pay them any heed.

hornycorn hag said...

Dear Ted C.

Glancing through your article, I couldn't help but take notice of a few of the names you referred to Rob as: R.Patz, pretty P, Rob Babe, Patzz, kid, boy toy.

It seems to me that SOMEONE is trying extremely hard NOT to admit his own infatuation. Why don't you try and face your own truths before you go and stereotype the Rob fans into shallow dingy tweens with minimal brain capacity.

Some of us can actually appreciate the fact that he is NOT Edward. And you may be surprised to know that the majority actually look forward to seeing him in other roles.

Just the opinion of a 44 year old proud Rob fan.

May said...

Oh brother...Why does every a**hole in this universe think that we, the Robfans, don`t know the fucking difference between a character in a book/movie and a real life person? *is annoyed beyond belief with how effin` stupid some ppl are*

tinababy1 said...

HH - you are right on the mark.

Unknown said...

Ted C is just a gay Lainey.
Just a lier gossiper without anything better to do.

margot said...

I must claim that I like Twilight series and film as much as to read and watch it a number of times but I'm not blind to it's (Meyer's books, Cathrin's film) weak points,however they don't matter much to me ...


Edward isn't real and this was Rob (especialy when I saw him talking for himself, short hair and not shaved, older than 17) - who I fall for

Mr Ted C. you are totally stupid and incapable of understanding what we all feel - this is Robert Pattinson Himself who is talented, witty, well manered, polite, humble, and gorgeous - not only Edward Cullen, we don't worship EC (oh, maybe a little ?) but RPatzz

why I'm not surprised that Ted C. hasn't figured it out ... poor guy is quite the opposite to the above description :))

Oana said...

...because it's very easy to look condescendingly upon those who share admiration or love for something (or someone in this case) that you do not understand/appreciate and generalize about them - as in all Rob fans are stupid teenagers...

Maryann said...

I posted my comment in Ted C's column about this article. I am fed up with the teen fangirls idea these gossip sites seems to have. I liked Edward the character but when it comes to Rob it is HIS charm I fell for, not Edward's.

I voted in the poll and I am 42 lol.

Divinesally said...

Ted is FAIL.
I used to go on Perez, cause he's a fellow Cuban-American. But his negativity and hypocrisy is quite distasteful. When he started dissing Rob on smell, appearance, smoking etc. I stopped going to the site. So I have officially boycotted both these homoriffic ass pirates.

To the 2 Sara's you guys give Rob's teen fans a good name. Nice on you. you sound mature and articulate.

Oana said...

Oh and actually, to set the record straight, for myself at least, I am 32, I'm a radio DJ, I have a BA in English literature (not boasting just proving a point) and I happened to LOVE ALL the characters in the Twilight series, although i thought the writing wasn't up to the task sometimes.
I hated 90% of the Twilight movie as IMO it didn't capture the essence of the book at all and the 10% I loved included Rob The Perfect Edward (although he would have done a much better job under proper direction - I actually wanted to run out of the theater when he covered his nose), the baseball scene and Billy Burke as Charlie.
So if Ted thinks we're all a bunch of barely articulate teenagers with twiroasted brains who can't tell their arses from their elbows and fiction from reality... he should reconsider his career. I'd have a few suggestions for him.

tinababy1 said...

I too have completely stopped going to Perez. He is truly revolting.
The only reason I still check Lainey is because she is in Vancouver and gets some pretty good shots. Don't like to read her trash though. Her source will dry up when they go to Italy.

Tenneil said...

Ted, Ted, Ted... I can't even argue with you... because you are an idiot...

just sayin....

Unknown said...

Me too!
I check lainey coz she's close to Rob, But she gives the creeps with her really awfull black humor!!!

Suz said...


Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

Oh and Ten ~ You don't know how long I've waited for you.

~Mortal Beloved~

tinababy1 said...

Danni - when she is on TV she tries to be super sweet, it's just two-faced sickery

Suz said...

Tina you and I have much in common.

Same birth year

and a certain.. Mr. David Gray..

This year's love it better last...


tinababy1 said...

I'm so multi-tasking right now my head is going to explode!

On here

Reading Wide Awake

Trying to figure out which fucking theatre will play LA and HTB

and now the damned dog wants to go out!

tinababy1 said...

Heaven knows it's high time...

tinababy1 said...

Also love Leonard C. my Montreal homey..

Tenneil said...

Suz~ i know thats why I cant do it...even if he is soooo wrong... I have better thing to do with my time... idk robessing maybe...

I'll do what ever it takes to make you safe again.

Suz said...

Tina it's the first day of spring break..My boys are home and having a lazy day. I've been a slough today! Only leaving my pit (bed) to put wet clothes into dryer and hunt for food....

Oh I did leave the cat out..hmm is that her mewing to come in..


TwiHartRK said...

LOL @ SummerGirl Mr. SG!!

Oana - have you posted here before? I've been visiting Robsessed for a while and have yet to come up with a reason to stop.

Welcome to the madness - you are amongst a group of beautiful, intelligent, sexy, insane women...all crazy for Rob.

Speaking of "crazy", did I see her on today? Hi crazy : ) if you're here.

Hi Suz, DS, all!

Suz said...

Tina -

And I've been waiting on my own too long

In love with Rob said...

No, come on, Lindsay L. is beautiful and talented. If she just stops abusing alcohol and some illegal substances... But Miley is ugly and doens't have any talent at all.

Suz said...

Ten ~ What does that even mean?

(troubled look)

TwiHartRK said...

Hi Tenneil - did 'see' you there! Hope you are all enjoying your Spring Break. Just popping in on a 'break' - like I can keep myself away.

Suz said...

Afternoon TwiHeart xxx

and Welcome O. A fellow RadioGurl in the house!


tinababy1 said...

I had a crazy start. My daughter's carpoll was late so she was so stressed she forgot her saxaphone here and called begging me to bring it to her. I had to clear SNOW off my car. (it's spring somewhere in the world right?)
Now I'll have to go pick her up in 1/2 hour because the thing is so huge she doesn't want to take public transport with it. Don't blame her.

tinababy1 said...

Suz - If you love me gotta know for sure

Suz said...

Ted C is taking a beating with the comments on his expose (cough, cough)

Suz said...

Tina -

Cos it takes something more this time
Than sweet sweet lies

(ah now)

tinababy1 said...

I don't even know who this Ted C. is, for real!! Is he on TV or something down there?

In love with Rob said...


tinababy1 said...

Before I open up my heart and fall

Ellie said...

Alie. Hi, babydoll!!!

Suz said...


Loosing ALL control...

Suz said...

Hi Ellie! xxxx

Ellie said...

And Suz...hi! xoxo

tinababy1 said...

Suz - of every dream inside my soul

TwiHartRK said...

Hi Ellie!!! Thanks for the pick me up. Between your nice words and pics. of Rob smoking I could die happy today.

Suz said...

Tina -

And when you kiss me
On that midnight street...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellie said...

You know I'm there for you, love!
I puffy ♥ you, love!

tinababy1 said...

Suz - Sweep me off my feet, singing...

TwiHartRK said...

Seriously folks - Rob is sooooo irritated with skank bashing. Just quit.

Unknown said...

Have you seen Life and Style mag:
What they mean with "Robert's back with Nikki"?
They used to date?

Suz said...

Tina -

Ain't this life soooooooo


(oh I have to go put this record on!)

margot said...

hmmm ... interestinggg ...
does this age poll have anything to do with Ted's stupid remarks about teenager fans ? (he's also nasty to teens, that's unpleasant and impolite, wasn't he a teenager ?)
I'm among the oldest here (as you've claimed yourself) and also well educated (physics and English as a foreign language), and as Oana I had troubles watching Twilight if not for Rob (noooo... not hand-on-nosetrills, nooo).... so what ? if not obsessed - charmed :) call it whatever you want

tinababy1 said...

OK - First of all, Life & Style also says that Rpb is jealous of Taylor..as if. They are always full of shit.

Secondly, let the boy screw whoever he wants to.

If it ain't me, I don't give a shit who it is..(well maybe if it was someone really skanky like Paris Hilton I would mind)

This kind of negative crap is ruining the lovely singing buzz I had going with Suz.

Suz - Start another one, I have 20 minutes.

TwiHartRK said...

Danni - Rob is dating me sweetie. Oh no, wait, I just woke up from the most lovely dream...Please don't kill my buzz with speculation of who he's "doing", or was doing, or whateva...

It was the gossip they were dating, now it's the gossip they are back to dating - all because that Canadian gossip blogger said so...God how the F**K did that idiots story get legs? ICK!

TwiHartRK said...

I agree Tina - if aint me, who cares.

You have a lovely singing voice BTW.

tinababy1 said...

Thank you, I try. I'm better on the computer than in person. I'm no Rob Patterson, but then again, who is??? sigh

tinababy1 said...

God forgive me!!

Stacy said...

I'm SO glad not to be the only one mom over 30 here, lol. I don't feel so bad about having ... slightly inappropriate thoughts ... about Rob. I like him in HP, but had serious doubts about him as Edward, mostly because I couldn't see ANYONE playing that part. But then I saw him "as Edward" and realized that he could pull it off. And his amazing personality is what really sucked me in.

I don't get Perez either ... he was ALL over Rob, then it seems like overnight he's done the polar opposite. It's annoying.

And I too, dread when LA opens, because it won't make NEAR as much money as Twilight, and most of the critics will overlook the fact that it wasn't in nearly as many theaters.

Unknown said...

Sorry about the buzz kill honey, if you don't wanna know who Rob is fucking, well i do. I posted the mag news coz in my mind we all wanna know what they are doing with Rob's public image.

margot said...

Poor media ...
such a hot person this Rob and ... nothing happens...
he dosn't do anything scandalous, he doesn't date Paris, he doesn't give damn for his looks, doesn't care for money and expensive gadgets, reads instead of presenting muscles on a beach, stays the same nice British guy as he was...
he doesn't fit into the Hollywood little world of "fame and gossip"

they just HAVE to make up something on their own

Tenneil said...

Alie....Ellie!!! girls good afternoon...

Suz~ what are you listening to??

In love with Rob said...

Well said, Danni, me too. I want to know who he is f*ing. Afterall, we are here 'cause we are all Robsessed, right??

Just sayin...

Suz said...

Tina -

Please Forgive me if I act a little strange...

Unknown said...

@In love with Rob
Thanks, I posted the link coz if was me i would like to know.

tinababy1 said...

Suz - for I know not what I do.


Actually I'll have to see you later. Gotta go get the girl from school. See ya wink wink

Suz said...

Ten ~ I would never tell anybody anything.

(David Gray, discovered that not only are Tina and I the elders here, but we both love David!)

~Mortal Beloved~

TwiHartRK said...

No Danni - most of us here don't want to know who he's fucking - we just hope it is someone. Cuz someone that hot shouldn't go to waste. Goz put up an Avril Lavigne song earlier this week that perfectly captures how I feel about it... I hope Rob doesn't care what Life&Style says about who he is sleeping with either.

Stacy - you are only having "slightly inappropriate thoughts" ??? I try to contain them but damn then Rob goes and does things like pose w/that cigarette!!

tinababy1 said...

Something about raggedy Englishmen

Uhoh, now I'm going to be late.

Unknown said...

Well Twiheart!
You have your opinion and i have mine, and i'm speaking just for myself.

Suz said...

oh no she didn't...

Tenneil said...

Suz~ I think we need to take this to my office...

Alie... I know Rob and that damn cigarette.. *SIGH*

In love with Rob said...

Danni, Gozde put the link you gave on the new thread.

TwiHeart, you don't have to be so rude... WE ARE HERE TO ROBSESS, and to speculate about his sex life is ROBSESSING too. So...

Just sayin... again.

Suz said...

Ten ~ Let a playa play!

The ciggie shots and the leather jacket... I've been a blubbering idiot ever since....

is recovery possible? do I care?

Suz said...





Tenneil said...

Suz~ mortal beloved I cant be here when this stuff is going on... hope you understand...dont want to be apart of it...

Alie ... I agree with you :)

Shani said...

I'm 26 and sick and tired of Ted,Lainey, and Perez with all their hating. And we thought Rob was contradictory. Those three are as well...one day it's love and the next it's hate.

But we do know not everybody is going to like us.... and truly the haters only make you stronger...

So Rob will continue to work hard and get great projects. His star will burn brighter and those who were hating before will be kissing his ass before long...

Shani said...

Oh and I've loved Rob since seeing the Vanity Fair DVD. I don't know why that stupid director cut him out of the movie. Because he had presence and just this mesmerizing appeal to him that made you want to see more of him. I was blown away by his scene in the movie.

Oana said...

@ TwiHeart
I've been a closeted ROBsessed addict for some time now, lurking in the shadows, reading avidly yet afraid to come clean :)recently I finally posted under the nickname wannawannawanna, then went and created one of them google accounts as it seemed the proper thing to do :D
And now that I came out with my Rob addiction and my ROBsessed addiction it seems I've developed posting addiction too :)))
I am really proud to be amongst this group of - as you put it - beautiful, intelligent, sexy, insane women... I don't feel like a freak anymore :))) I embrace the madness.
So Gozde, honey, bring it on :)))

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