These are why we love/adore/lust after Rob :)

On being unable to stop talking during interviews: "During interviews I’m literally sh*ting my pants. I don’t want there to be a silence, because I’ll start crying.”

On scary obsessed fans: "There was a group of girls that left little notes in my car, outside of my apartment. One of the first notes said: I’m not weird, but please call me. The next day the note said: Please don’t ignore me. And the next day it said I’m going to kill myself if you keep ignoring me! (but I’m not weird, ok?)." - OK!

On working out in preparation to play 'perfect' Edward:
"I used to go to the gym for about five hours a day, but then I started losing so such weight. My head started to look really huge in comparison to the rest of my body. (Catherine Hardwicke) came up to me and said, 'What are you doing to yourself?' (To gain weight) I literally stopped exercising. Eating a cheeseburger after two-and-a-half months of doing that - it tasted like ambrosia." - Entertainment Weekly

On receiving his invite to this year's Oscars:
"When [the Academy] first told us about my [invitation to present an award], I was like, 'No, no, no. You're joking!' [I thought] I was going to have to do something really stupid, like get gunged [slimed]!"

On filming gay sex scenes for upcoming movie Little Ashes: "The hardest part was trying to do it doggie-style. Trying to have a nervous breakdown while doing it doggie-style. And it wasn't even a closed set. There were all these Spanish electricians giggling to themselves." - GQ

On the kind of attention he received from Twilight fans: "People ambush me in public and ask me to bite them and want to touch my hair.

On being attracted to 'mental' women:
"The stuff I find attractive in women, I always regret finding attractive. I always like a kind of madness in a woman, and when they are really, really strong. And they're the worst - mental, strong women!" - Closer

On his cross-dressing past:
"Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'! Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel."

On keeping his feet on the ground: "My mum still thinks I'm an idiot. I'd describe myself as laid-back and not vain."

On his appearance:
"I never really considered myself attractive. I was always kind of gangly in school. Before I go out to face a crowd, I stare and stare at myself in the mirror until I have to tell myself to stop staring, since there’s nothing I can do."

On a failed attempt at being heartbroken as a teen: "I remember when I was a teenager thinking my girlfriend was cheating on me, and going around riling myself up. Pretending to cry. It was totally illegitimate - I actually didn’t feel anything. I went to some pub and then went crying all the way home. And I got into my dog’s bed. I was crying and holding on to the dog. I woke up in the morning, and the dog was looking at me like, ‘You’re a fake.’ I spent three days apologizing to the dog." - GQ

On his first crush:
"I remember there was a girl I was totally obsessed with for about 10 years. I never ever spoke to her. I think that’s the best type of love. Then when I finally told her she was like, 'You’ve never spoken to me in my whole life. You’ve only spoken to me about three times and never said anything nice (laughter).'"

On Edward's unearthly appearance: "Sometimes I think I look like I've had facial reconstructive surgery, like after burns or something. My whole head is like I've had a face lift."

On the problems of filming Edward's kissing scene with Bella: "This is quite difficult 'cos I have a really flat head, and so it's quite difficult to get a correct angle...And you can't go up from down below as well, 'cos I've got, like, rock solid gelled hair. And so, like, it was odd. I don't know, sometimes I feel like my head is being, like, turned inside out. Like that episode of Ren & Stimpy when he's inside his own belly button."

On why washing his hair is pointless: "I don't really see the point in washing your hair. If you don't care if your hair's clean or not then why would you wash it? It's like, I don't clean my apartment ’cause I don't care. I have my apartment for sleeping in and I have my hair for just, you know, hanging out on my head. I don't care if it's clean or not." - Extra

Source thanks to Coral for the link :)

.gif credit: [info]petalouda8


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thirtysomething said...

c: thanks for getting us back on track...rob

Shani said...

Crazy- I with you but you got to come up for air sometimes...

Tenneil said...

TS Only the lyric he sings.. sad I know!!

keely said...

Girls, I could read your comments all day long. But I have such a bad headache for a while now, I guess I have to take a nap with a lot of Rob dreams involved! Have a lot of fun everybody!

Tenneil said...

Its 1120 and i just had breakfast...robession is dif a problem..

thirtysomething said...

t: sex on fire as rob's theme song... he has so many, but i'm on board! like everytime he makes an appearance now, they need to crank that up as he's entering

rob on fire...

crazy said...

My pleasure TS. Seriously people, how can we get Rob to pleasure us?
get him drunk in a pub and place his face in our boobs? I think it'd be that easy.

thirtysomething said...

bye keely... hope your head feels better :)

Anonymous said...

Nanah, olá. Tenho um minuto para sair de casa, mas vou te dar uma dica. Qd elas começam a falar desse jeito, pode esquecer de tentar acompanhar, pois elas estão falando sobre as "fan fiction" que elas lêem on-line. Tem um monte on-line, eu nunca li nenhuma. Tenho livros e textos demais para ler, para o meu trabalho.
Mas, se vc quiser ler, peça a uma delas para te indicar por onde começar. Daí, vc se enturmará melhor nesses papos.

Fui! Boa sorte. Abçs.

crazy said...

Shani - i thought we've already established that we don't need air, only the sweet scent coming out of Rob's mouth. hmmm. ;

Tenneil said...

Keely..been fun...feel better... maybe Rob could come and give you a massage to help with that headache... okay there are so many words in those sentences ... run with it ladies!!

Shani said...


crazy said...

feel better keely. we know. Too much R.O.B. (Ron On the Brain) will do that to you. later!

keely said...

ROFL, Tennail, just the imagination makes me better. Thirty, thanks honey, I´m sure it´ll be better in an hour or two. Talk to you lovely ladies later . MUAH to all of you!

crazy said...

all i had was a banana, then for some reason i had to get online to look at pics of Rob. What's that all about??

Shani said...

Crazy- My bad I started thinking logically.

crazy said...

TS and T` that would be so Hot if they played that "when he came" in.

crazy said...

Sophia's talking dirty AGAIN.

thirtysomething said...

c: i wouldn't be able to hear anything when he came... only angels singing hallelujah... or jeff buckley, cause that's hot too

crazy said...


Feel. Rob. Come.
Give. Massage. With. It.

how's that?

Shani said...

I wonder when his phone rings what song plays? Is he bold enough to have SEX ON FIRE as his song choice.

thirtysomething said...

okay guys let's be simple about thisss... i have to get some effin work done now... bullshit.

have a robtastic day...

i'll be back later... much love

crazy said...

TS~ LOL! and Rob has made me hear the angels sing myself. oh yeah. triple dare giggidy!

Shani said...

Thiry- See you later!!!

crazy said...

TS~ glad you said it. I have to meet someone at 12:00 .what excuse can i give this time for being late?? I got "Robbed?"

Later you horny bitches!!!

Tenneil said...

C exactly!!! I knew you could do it!!

I have to run ladies!! have fun... with the man!! save some for me...

Shani said...

Yeah let me go to. See y'all later.

Unknown said...

Sophia, Nanah!!
Vcs estão por aí? Vcs estão bem?
Não consegui entrar antes, meu chefe tá no meu pé!!!

Good morning ladies!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Danni. How are you?I'm fine,thanks.

Sophia deixou um recado dizendo que estava saindo. Eu desisti de tentar conversar, naum to entendo nada do assunto. ahahaha

Hello ladies. Good afternoon....


Unknown said...

É normal, quando elas começam a falar de fanfics eu tbm não entendo!!
Alguma notícia nova sobre o Rob?

Anonymous said...

Danni, nenhuma noticia nova. Sophia me falou sobre as fan fics, ai entendi pq naum estava entendo nada. rsss Quando elas conversam sobre os post eu consigo acompanhar.

É engraçado como esse rapaz conseguiu ganhar fans ao redor do mundo,né?? vem ser lindo assim aki em casa, kkkk Vc já leu todos os livros? Tem um site chamado foforks muito legal, vc conhece? é brasileiro



Unknown said...

Conheço sim o foforks, só q eles postam todas as mentiras da lainey e acreditam.
Quanto ao ROb, vai ser lindo e talentosos assim neh!!
Li todos os livros duas vezes, mas o que mais me chamou atenção foi o Rob. Quando eu fui assistir o filme não ocnhecia os livros.

Anonymous said...

Danni, eu gosto do foforks por causa da forma engraçada como as meninas redigem os posts.

Eu faço curso de ingles e minha professora ficou 3 meses me pedindo para ler Twilight. Mas eu fico obsessiva quando gosto de uma coisa e na época eu tava sem tempo. Entao eu vi o filme e depois li os 4 livros. ahaha Nem precisa dizer que fiquei obcecada por Edward e Robert Pattinson. Na boa...

Unknown said...

Elas realmente são engraçadas,só q elas acreditam em todas as nótícias. Comigo foi mais ou menos assim que aconteceu, eu nem sabia da existência dos livrs do filme. Eu achei legal a sinopse do filme e fui assistir, depois q eu descobri os livros.

Laura said...

*sigh* I love this man, and all the crazy/hilarious/sexy things he says. :)

nanah said...

Hei Danni. Are you there?sorry, i had to go, but now i come back.
Are you working, aren't you?

Well, are you gaúcha? I'm fluminense. I live in a small city near Rio de Janeiro. You know, our men here is tanner than Rob ahaha. But Rpatzz é o meu número. I love blond-blue eyes guys. But there aren't a lot of them in my city. rss Esse homem me deixa doida, e ele acha que naum é bonito. Oh. God.

Unknown said...

Voltei, estou no trabalh e eu acho que o meu chefe ta começando a notar que eu estou muito distraída!!
Sou gaúcha sim, moro perto de POrto Alegre. Aqui os homens não são tão bronzeados não, são bem estilo Rob. Mas ele é meu número guria,hehehe

Nanah said...

Danni, I know what you mean!
Ano passado eu trabalhava no computador e era fácil ficar distraída. Esse ano eu estou dando aula. I'm a teacher. Now i'm correcting a lot of tests.
but this man wow, he is driving me crazy. E olha que eu nem sou ligada em homens mais novos. rss Eu tenho 37 anos, mas esse dai eu pegava e abusava. rsss

Unknown said...

Sabe, tem muitas professoras por aqui. Eu tenho 22 anos e estou na faculdade, faço Relações Públicas.
Nossa nem me fala, eu não consigo parar de pensar nesse homem. Nem presta!!!
Se eu demorar para responder é pq eu estou indo para a aula.

Nanah said...

goodbye Danni

Boa aula. Espero que vc encontre um Edward/Robert na faculdade. Pelo menos por aí deve ser mais fácil arrumar um clone. Aqui nem isso.... snif snif snif.

See ya around.


Anonymous said...

SHANI: work on your spelling- to=too your=you're fourplay=foreplay. Too many to count.

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