THIS I Can Believe

Ted C. has another piece about Kristen Stewart and her boyfriend Michael Angarano. He says that Mike (can I call you Mike?) is insecure because of Rob blah blah blah. Well to me that shows that Oregano (can I call you Oregano? No?) is HUMAN! If my significant other was going to work everyday with Angelina Jolie I'd be insecure too!

Anyways, I don't really care about all that crap I just wanted to post this:

Ted. C:

Disclaimer here folks: When we said yesterday that Robert “f--ks who he wants,” we did not mean it necessarily in a man-whoring way. Doug Reinhardt he most decidedly is not. We love our Pattz! We simply meant that R will not go screw or date girls just because he’s told to do so...Ă  la other Twilight-ites.
We hear that Rob wanted to disprove that rumor so badly that he purposely tried to be photographed out with Kristen last week. Easier said than done. “He doesn’t want [Kristen] or anyone to think he’s dating Nikki.”

Gozde: I think a lot of people really need to go back and remember why they got so infatuated with this British boy. For me? I thought he was so pretty as Cedric but since I'm not a pedophile and didn't realize he was 19 at the time I let it go :) Then I found out he would be Edward, thought he fit the part of Edward perfectly because he was beautiful. BUT I became Robsessed when he started making appearances, giving interviews. He seemed to say whatever he wanted, whatever came to his mind , wore whatever he wanted ( or owned:) ), was always so gracious to his fans etc. So stop speculating on every friggin' picture and take things at face value.

By the way on a totally selfish note, I want all 4 movies made and I don't want a RobSten drama messing it up. I am a selfish creature :)


Suz said...

Goz, as per usual..

you are a total


JBell said...

Preach it! Amen Gozde!

Kristen said...

if they would just get together it could stop being rumor & the movies would be that much im for that! ;)

Redgie said...

I love this blog, so honest :) There are way too many false rumours going around about the twilight cast it's unreal. I sometimes have to watch old interviews to remind myself why I am obsessed with it. Great post! :)

Kristen said...

and oh yeah...that dossier "outtake" *THUD*

Emmes said...

It sucks that the Ted C´s , Perez´s and Lainey´s come with the territory...I think Rob will say his peace when it gets to he did with the moviephone stink incident.

Nicky said...

Goz, I went on the same journey as you, it wasn't until the interviews that I really started to become a fan of him....anyway, lets hope these rumours die down, if I am getting bored with them, lets hope the majority will feel the same at some point REAL soon! One can only dare to dream.....

Divinesally said...

I agree Goz. I would be worried too if my DH's coworker/"buddy" was some hot ass chick. No matter how secure and not jealous a person is, there is only so much you can take. I think Mike is going to get sick of this crap, eventually. Kris and Rob always look REALLY happy when together. That's not something easily faked.

I want all four movies to be drama free too, that doesn't make you selfish. If they ever decided to get together during the filming of any of the 3 movies, and it turned out badly, it could ruin the saga big time. Not to mention their friendship. No one wants to see that happen.

Goz, this is a fake too. lol

Anonymous said...

I'm so confused? What is this post referring to? Which rumor was he "purposely" trying to disprove by being photographed with Kristen?? sorry to be obtuse...

Kristen said...

where r u from gozde? im new a new follower of your blog...just curious...

jetbaby_2000 said...

Oh I thought he was gorgeous and all that when I saw him as Cedric ... then it ramped up a notch when I saw twilight ... but I crossed the line and became ROBsessed when I saw/heard him play & sing. *thud*

Divinesally said...

hey Suz!

Kristen said...

i didnt think of that...hmmm... i wouldnt want it to ruin the movies either...crap thats a tough one...

Lynn said...

I am on the same boat! Dude, can you blame Michael? I mean he's kinda chubby and very vertically gotta think that he gets hit by the green monster more then often with Rob in the picture.

Ted C. is a wanker...I hate he tries to come off as young and hip and he's obviously not!

WinWin said...

Godze, wonderfully put. I'm selfish too. I want to see all 4 films and I don't want all this drama to interfere. I guess Rob doesn't give them anything to work with so they make stuff up constantly about him.

What I want to know is when he is going to do new interviews regarding LA.

Also, so happy that HTB is getting coverage on Access Hollywood.

WinWin said...

Also, when did Tes C change his tune. "We love our Pattz" That kinda confused me.

TwiCrack Addict said...

Gozde, you are so awesome!! Pedophile? hehehheehehehe.

Divinesally said...

Kristen, I'm team Robsten all the way, just because their chemistry off screen speaks volumes. I really think they are soul mates. The way he looks at her is ridiculous. He has honest, honest eyes. But Kristen is obviously quite loyal to her high school sweetheart. Which makes her a good person in my book. I just hope that decision doesn't sacrifice her happiness.

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lena said...

I just find it amusing that all these gossip people and Ted C. especially, who is like 40 something, dishing about these teenybop love fluffy and lame....what a weird job to have...

I prefer my Robsession in the privacy of my own mind...:)

Love this blog so much, thank you for taking so much time to maintain it! Much appreciated.

Pasteleria Mu said...

Gozde:THIS you can believe..
and THIS is what I pray for,man,I can't get enough of that pic..
Gozde,girl,you rock!! I'm becoming not only Robsessed but also adicted to y'all girls,you're hilarious and so smart! (OMG Oregano,I LMAO everytime i read that)Have a great weekend!

Gozde said...

Kisses all around :) You guys are so awesome for agreeing with me! LOL, just kidding :))

Kristen, I'm from Turkey :) I'm in Istanbul right now!

Divine: I KNOW that picture is fake! It was Justin Timberlake but unfortunately I used it in one of my videos before realizing it was fake, yikes!

TwiCrack: I am counting on you in Vancouver :))

WinWin said...

As for Mike, we can't really speculate what's going on and for the media to hound on this is ridiculous. They are making comparisons to Brangelina. I bet there's a pool going on somewhere in the media on whether Robsten will get together in the next few films.

I can't wait til Rob makes another movie not related to Twilight and has amazing chemistry with his new costar, then the focus will be about something new.

Anonymous said...

Well, I became his fan when he started giving interviews from HP, as Cedric... No, it was before that, when I SAW HIM AS CEDRIC. But it got "worse" after Twilight.

Yeah, Goz, me too; I don't want a RobSten drama. Imagine if they get together (and it would be fine, I would even like that), but, then, if it did not work out (they are young, that is be a strong possibility). Then, what would happen with the rest of the films? It would be too strange to shoot the films being angry with each other...
And me too, I want to watch the 4 films, maaany times, to buy the DVDs, etc.

Anonymous said...


WinWin said...

DS, I agree with you on the off screen chemistry between Rob and Kristen. The way they look at each other is amazing. Especially the VF photoshoot video. They are amazing. But I kinda think he can generate that feel from all his costars. I can't wait to see if that is true. What would be cool is to reunite these 2 in a film 5 years after all the Twilight movies and see how they have grown and if the chistry is still there. Like Revolutionary Road for Kate and Leo.

Divinesally said...

lol. It's so cute I wish it was real. Had no friggin clue it was JT though. that's funny.

Goz, what about this one? He looks so emo:

WinWin said...

Can you guys tell that I'm bored out of my mind today and I'm babbling and not really making any sense. I'm in 7th heaven with all the set photos of Rob. He lloks so goood!!!

Gozde said...

LOL, I think the hair is photoshopped in that one for sure! I've never seen his picture like that and I'm pretty sure I've seen pictures of him in all ages :P

Divinesally said...

That's true winwin. I would love to see them in another movie unrelated to Twilight in 5-10 years. Just to see how things change.

I was thinking that too. Did they know they were being filmed @ the VF shoot? Cause they looked so happy and all over each other. couldn't stop staring and cracking up. Wishful thinking, on my part, I guess.

But then again, he's such a great actor, he can probably make us believe he's in love with a Kobe cow. I can picture him staring longingly into the hefer's eyes.

tinababy1 said...

Win - I agree, the VF photo shoot...they really looked great together. Very happy and relaxed

Anonymous said...

totally agree with you about why becoming robsessed. (:

WinWin said...

DS, you crack me up! looking longingly into a hefer's eyes.

I also wondered if they knew they were being filmed. My favorite is when he's on his knees holding her upper body up and at one point while they were holding hands, she runs her hand up and down his arm. That was the point that I though maybe there was something offscreen going on.

WinWin said...

from the VF shoot. in case I sound confusing.

Melissa said...

Gah! I am so sick of Ted C.! He effing BLOWS.

Hey Ted, perhaps you should visit this website:

Just a suggestion.

Anyhoo, Goz, I puffy heart you big time and you are PURE WIN! Love ya, babe!

xoxo {{{HUGS}}}

Divinesally said...

Lol Goz, I can't stop cracking up at the hair! it's so bad.

I wish this one was real:

and this one is just for fun:

Kristen said...

wow win...your description of them together is AWESOME! *sighs* I'm gonna have to go watch it again now...

Kathie said...

Goz, you are spot on! Just leave them all to do their craft so the movies can get made.

I don't see Rob being able to deal with all this crap for the next 2-3 years without going crazy.

Hopefully Rob is oblivious to it all. The smart thing would be for him to not pick up a newspaper or a magazine or to turn on a radio, tv or computer for the next 2 years.

Mechevpao said...

Goz, I agree with all you said!!

Divinesally said...

lol Winwin...yup that's when i was like uh oh, are they really just acting. who runs their hands up and down a friend's arms/hands like that. I definitely don't blame her. Lucky ass!

Or what about when she jumps on his ass. He's totally feeling her up. The photographer had to even tell him to fold his hands so it didn't look trashy. He totally copped a feel on that "robust ass." hahaha. *refer to link above, please

WinWin said...

DS, that photoshoot was amazing. are you talking about when he's sitting on the ground and she's got her chest on his back? or when she straddles him and he's holding onto her robust butt.

I think I'm going to have to go visit that video for old times sake.

WinWin said...

DS, just rewatched her jumping onto Rob. Did you see her lock her legs around him? lucky girl.

He's just too yummy.

Suz said...

Re; Dossier outake

Suz <-----has always loved a man she had to climb...


fantasia22 said...

Hard to say if together or not...but how could the boyfriend not be jealous? there is some sort of amazing chemistry between Rob and Kristen.

I hope that when its time for Rob to start lots interviews and appearances again (hopefully soon) with LA coming out, that the charming, goofy and intelligent sexiness he has is still as apparent as the press from last summer/fall. Aside from the heartstopping jaw, that's the greatest part of his appeal.

With all the rumors, constant photo hounding/stalkering from paps and fans, it would be so hard for it not to take effect in some way. I almost don't want to see (almost, but not ready to not look), the candid photos in cars and on the he is starting to look terrified in every one of them!

But keep posting everything as this site is the BEST! cheers!

Emily said...

Goz - Very well said! Thank you for that. Rob's not immature or an idiot and that's why we love him. He's fascinating.

And as far as Mr. C goes...come on Ted. If you're going to print garbage about people at least stand by it later on. Be proud of who you are, even if you are in fact, as Lynn said, a wanker. Backpedaling just makes you look pathetic.

Divinesally said...

WW, actually both. She's got her cooch right on his back, and he seemed to have loved every second of it. at one point she wrapped her arm around him and he leaned into it. it was very subtle.

Shae said...

STAMP...I never believed the "My boyfriend is not a threatened guys" comments. Of COURSE he would be...if he has a pulse.

Divinesally said...


Fantasia, hey, I agree with you!

Yvonne said...

All of the speculation is hust that...nonsense. Ted C. = nonsense as well. They (Rob, Kristen ,nikki,etc.) all probably laugh at all of the bullshit or ignore it. And as for Kstew and Oregano, thet've been together for a long time. I'm sure he's her first love and the bond is pretty tight...yeah, he might be a little insecure, aren't we all.

I just hope Rob can handle all of this crap, I want to see all 4 films as well, and make it snappy damn it! Selfish, maybe...

Yvonne said...


margot said...

Either KS is in love with RP (but what about poor O-A then ? what is going on ?) or she is teasing RP ... and that wouldn't be nice ... that would be also unfair. I don't buy "the third explanation - they've been through so much together and they're just good friends" - it doesn't look convincing. The proof might be after we see KS as "we've been through so much together and we're just good friends" with Taylor after finishing New Moon ... They definetely have a lot of action ahead ... what d'ya think ?

CJ said...

As you said, Goz, I also did not become "Robsessed" until I started watching interviews and listening to him talk about (and play) his music. I am so impressed by his realness...and of course the attractiveness helps. :) I really had no intention AT ALL of becoming this taken with ANY actor. I have been a fan of Matt Damon for years, and its never been like this.

Suz said...

Breaking News:


(look in comments section)

margot said...

off topic : in case anybody wished me luck yesterday with recovering the partition with over 3 GB RPatzz goodies on my computer I want to say that I'm lucky and I got it back ! Was so depressed ... I'm writing here 'cause "where else am I gonna go" and sigh with relief? Who else would understand ? :D

WinWin said...

Suz, is wide awake ff?

WinWin said...

Ladies I have to confess, it's Good Friday and my kids are home. My boss gave me the ok to leave at 1pm and I just can't tear myself away from Rob. I need therapy. I'm going to try to leave to play with my kids. I'll catch you guys later if I don't fall asleep. If not, Have a great holiday!

Suz said...

yes Win... a most excellent one.

My fave so far.. My first one too.

Be warned.. it will completely own you.

(don't read the teaser go right to Chapter 1... NOW!)


margot said...

Suzzzz .... my goddesss tonight :*

WinWin said...

margot - who's O-A?

Divinesally said...

ROTFLMAO! Sorry I just have to. This shit is too funny. Is this annoying anyone?

WinWin said...

Thanks for the warning Suz. I don't know if I can handle obsessing over Rob FF too. Where will I find the time?

Divinesally said...

why do we call him Oregano like the herb??? LMAO! hahahahahahahahah His name is Angarano. you chicks are hilarious!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Divinesally said...

Suz, I love Wide Awake. The plot is amazing. should be a movie with other names of course. I can actually relate somewhat to the story. lots of baking cookies, and no sleep.

Unknown said...


margot said...

Oregano-Angrano ... for short O-A ...

Anonymous said...

DivineS: he's such a great actor, he can probably make us believe he's in love with a Kobe cow.

You said it girl! And I think we forget that too fast.

He can look into the lense of a male photographer and make it seem like he's looking at the love/lust of his life. So yeah, he looks at KS with great emotion, but do you girls really think it means he's actually in love? I think we read too much into those glances. I kinda doubt he's a tortured and teased would-be lover. Think he's doing a lot of the teasing.... to KS and to all us fans!

May said...

Wow...It seems that censorship is alive and well over at the Ted C. page. *LMAO*

And I`m all for Robsten AND for 4 movies. Yep, I`m all 4 having my cake and eat it too. :D

Shani said...

Divine and Win- They knew that the camera was there at the VF photo shoot. Kristen looked dead at it and frowned in the first clip. Rob saw the camera in the first clip as well and in another clip looked back at the camera because Kristen was noticing it when she was bent over.

Did y'all see all 6 or 7 clips,I did? I love clip 5 the best.Re- watch that one. There also a video with the song Breath ME by Sia that shows all the best sexy close moments they shared that day...priceless...

Oh and remember that the photographer tells them how to pose. But their chemistry and comfort around each other talking, laughing, and staring at each other is all them.

GOROB said...

Dear Godze, The fans are responsible for all of this gossip! If they would stop going to these sites where
these writers are stirring up these rumors for hits to their sites they wouldn't have anything to write about! All these things I read about ROB are very sad because he is a shy person who I feel is a one woman man! These kinds of things can ruin a movie, I wish people would put themselves in other peoples shoes because when I read these things it makes me mad. I assume Robert Pattinson reads them and and feels helpless about stopping this avalanche of truth mixed with lies.

Unknown said...

I've read again your post and made me a little confused (not good english you know)
Rob wanted to disprove that rumor so badly that he purposely tried to be photographed out with Kristen last week, coz he is not dating Nikki or he's but he doesn't their relationship messing up the movie?

margot said...

hmmm ... I think I'm obsessed as much by Rob as by this site ! I do not check any other sites devoted to RP, I simply refresh here :)))
This is a friendly and not harmful obsession and it feels ... acceptable, and, I don't feel alone with myself :)

margot said...

obsessed with ? by ? which is correct ?

Shani said...

Anon@3:30- Nah, no one thinks he is in love. He said it himself that he had a crush on her. So a strong like and respect for her. He's talked about her strength and before he has talked about liking strong girls.

Okay I should have given this link out long ago. Here are pretty much all of what Rob has said in interviews.

That should take you there or just put then click on the left side for his name. There are months of quotes from magazines from recent back to I think October or November. There like almost 40 pages of stuff. Well it's him and some of what the cast has said about him. It's a very interesting read....

Unknown said...

English is not you first language too?

margot said...

no, I'm Polish

Shani said...

Danni- If you want to see what Ted C said go to then click his site at the top "AWFUL TRUTH". Then scroll down to find the one talking about this. And read the comments to understand what other people are thinking...

Unknown said...

nice, i'm brazilian

Unknown said...

Thanks Shani!!

margot said...

I know :))))) love you, Brazilian people (always have) and especialy your music ... there is a young guy in my family who was in Rio 2 years ago for 6 months and he is writing his MBA dissertation (etnology) on some topic connected with capoeira and ... I'm afraid don't remember exactly, will see him on Easter Sunday family gathering and gonna ask
Right now I'm listening to Ive (Eva?) Mendez

Shani said...

Danni- Ted is saying that Rob is not dating Nikki. He wanted to be photographed with Kristen to stop the gossip of him and Nikki being together.

And people posting here are saying that they hope the relationship of Kristen and Rob want mess up the movie. Because if they do get together and break up for whatever reason it could mess up their chemistry on screen. If you hate the person you are suppose to be in love with it will show badly all over your face.

I feel they are professionals and have been dealing with this for over a year. They still can rock the film regardless of any drama going on off set.

Shani said...

Danni- Your welcome!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Shani.... The "crush" thing seems pretty clear.

But I keep seeing people writing things like "KS is his heart's desire"... or "Oregano's keeping them apart!" Some ladies seem to think RP is as hung up on KS as Bella is on Edward. In other words: pathologically obsessed! Don't get that vibe at all from him.

But then again: they seem giddily happy in each other's company. And very comfortable physically with each other (who picks their friend's teeth in public!!) I guess as KS says, they've gone through "some crazy shit" together and it's given them a very hard to define and tight bond. And that's something we all enjoy beholding!

Unknown said...

That's really nice. Eva Mendez?
This country is so big the i've never heard of her.

Thanks, i understand it now!

margot said...

yep - this is a huge country comparing with whole Europe :)))
lol, I've switched to the radio (chillout station) and I here Lura ... she's also Brazilian

Anonymous said...

I'm right with you, noticed Rob in HP.Caught a glimpse of a teaser last may of Twilight and have been following ever since. He's why I reada the Twilight saga and got hooked.
I really fell when I started seeing interviews and herd him sing and play the guitar.

I want all the movies to be made to.But I've loved all the others he's done. I'm curious to see him make more nonTwi movies to.

I'll love him regardless.
I'm just sorry that he and Kristen have to brave the gossip weather there's something more to their relationship or not.

Hang in there guys.
Goz and all fellow Robsessors your the bomb!

xoxo Elisa

Anonymous said...

The MyParkMag stuff is not from actual interviews with Rob but instead is rehashed little blurbs stolen from other honest interviews.

The only difference from other rags is that My Park's angles are not particularly negative.

margot said...

I even started learning Portuguese but it failed - the time of classes clashed with my work, I wanted to be able to sing along with some lyrics and soon I figured out that half of them were Spanish - now I can recognize, it was so stupid

Unknown said...

There are a lot singers that are not able to make sucess here, not because they are not talented, is mostly because is a very big country. So if you are known in he south , probably in the north they never heard of you, and in same cases this singers are more successfull abroad.

Unknown said...

This's very common, very normal margot!!!
People make this mistake a lot, but actually are very different languages, portuguese and spanish!

Anonymous said...

To anyone who can't figure out what Ted C is trying to say, I think that's partially deliberate. Or else I'm a lot stupider than I thought. :)

I don't think Rob and Kristen will mess up the movies--they are very professional, and love their work. That's the one thing I am sure of--the rest who knows???

Shani said...

Anon@4:13- Oh I know and I did go back to some of the magazine sites to see the full interviews. It's still what he said and what the cast said. It's just the juicer parts of their interviews.

margot said...

@Danni :))))))))) I know, I know ... the same mistake was in some old novel "Captain Grant's children" by Verne, and now once again :)

Shani said...

Anon@4:06- I know ewwww, teeth picking, gross. But remember they did say in that MTV interview that they hung out before Twilight. Staying up at night, watching movies, blah, blah... But while the teeth picking was going on he said "they didn't go out anywhere,anywhere". He seemed a little miffed by that. Anyway, their bonding started pre-production.

And not obsessed love, but true love or soulmates. Because it's rare to see two people that have that type of chemistry. That undeniable spark, the gazing longingly into each others eyes, that comfortable feeling that you have known this person your whole life. You know...I mean... I wish I had that. Because I would be married and had I don't know how many kids by now...

It's that love and understanding that everyone is searching for,but few find. And people don't want Kristen to miss out on it. Because she wants to hang on to a high school type love. That rarely last for most of us.

margot said...

as I'm going to format my HD and tomorrow I'm going away - goodnight and Happy Easter ya all, see you on Monday evening :****

Divinesally said...

Happy Easter Margot!

Shani, I couldn't have said it better. I agree completely with you.

Kristen said...

yep...i think your 100% right shani...

Christy said...

Emmes: What moviefone stink are you talking about? I missed it.

I fell in love with Rob solely based on his interviews. I can distinctly remember a friend posting a picture of him and asking me if I thought he was hot and I said no. But once I found out he sang, and did it well, and was such a nice guy, I have been in love since.

I don't care who he is with as long as he is happy. The 12 yo in me would love for it to be KStew because I do think they have chemistry, but it more than likely isn't true. And I do think he is the kind of guy that can make you think he is in to someone. In the artist on artist interview with Hayley Williams (Paramore), I thought they had some chemistry. He really flirted with her.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

If you look at Rob's interviews, you will see "chemistry" with virtually every female interviewer. Of course, Michael Angarano is in a tough place because of the fans and the press. I don't think we know at all what really goes on between Angarano and Kristen except that they remain together which says a lot to me. I don't confuse Bella/Edward with Kristen/Rob.

TwiHartRK said...

Wow Goz - your sermon is bringing me to tears. People - did you even read Goz's post.

I love what we have going here. I'm so sick of people thinking they know who Rob should be with, is with, wants to be with. It's not what this blog is about. If you want to gossip I'm sure Assablanca and that skank blogger form Canada would LOVE the hits and clogging their comments up with the drivel.

Welcome to the Church of Pattinson ladies - we are here because we adore him. We love to see him, in everything he does, we love to bask in the vibe he's putting out into the universe. It makes me feel good - and increases my mojo.

The immature banter is killing my buzz. Get with the program. Listen to Goz, or pick up the trash you are littering Robsessed with and LEAVE.

crazy said...

Woe Twi! You go girl!

Sara Tavares said...

and remember, oregano´s family is italian
he should be a bit temperamental
(i can say that because part of mine is also from there)

Kristen said...

gimme a break twiheart...just becuz some of us have opinions/fantasies about who we would love to see rob with doesnt mean we dont adore and appreciate his talent, charm and gorgeousness, of course.

Anonymous said...

TwiHeart, no one wants to kill anyone´s "buzz" in here. But, frankly, to talk about his datings, sex life, with who he is with or should be with, or whatever... is Robsessing too. And we are here to Robsess. It is part of the whole thing. And, also, I agree with you, couldn't agree more -- we are here because he is gorgeous and we love him. And to worship his beauty and his career.

TwiHartRK said...

Kristen and Sophia -
Goz is too nice to tell people to shut the fuck up.

But I'm not. This is not a site for gossip. That was never the intent of it.

Sophia perhaps you didn't understand what I said sweetie. I do care about all that. But I don't like people who spread rumors and sit on the blog all day long 'gossiping' about it.

It makes the people who were here at the beginning of this site SICK.

BTW - Sophia, I didn't call anyone out in particular. Perhaps you have a guilty conscience?

Loisada said...

Remember Gozde's motto??
: "If he is not shagging me I don't care who he shags. Adopt the motto, you'll be happier :))

Point well taken. Obsess about his artistry and yes, even the sexy charm of the beautiful man he is. But that kind of longing and lust needs to stay in the fantasy realm!

Leave the tabloid stuff in the gutter where it belongs.... his personal life ain't nobody's business but his own! Like Gozde has said before: no comment.

Kristen said...

LOL. ok twiheart. i'll shutup. I'm here cuz I love rob. and everything that has to do with him. period.

TwiHartRK said...

Loisada - It seems there are still people on here who understand the intent of this blog. Thank Rob for that.

There are a lot of intelligent, fun people here who come to appreciate Rob. I get my news/information from Goz and Dani because they know their stuff and they present it in a fun classy way.

I know a lot of people come here because of that spirit. The heart and sould that this blog started with. There are a lot of people who don't comment frequently but who get it.

Unknown said...

I respect your opinion, but everything Rob does become news, including Rob shagging or dating. And i wanna know everyting about Rob, true or not, gossip or not, i wanna have the right to jugde it
So read, post your comment about and get over it!
Sophia, how is being your Easter with family?

Suz said...

is it going to be one of those nights?

Twi. xxx

you need reinforcements?

Anonymous said...

hello lovely ladies...

how is everyone tonight? is this the thread for the action?

Kelly said...

Where is everyong tonight.. I hear crickets...

Suz said...

we don't know yet TS. Maybe they are hiding from us

Anonymous said...

suz! how you doin? is there drama here? cause i want no part of that bullshit

Kelly said...

<~~ (Hello, anybody out there... yoo hooo)

TwiHartRK said...

Suz - apparently some people are too dense to get a point. It's not my opinion it's fact.

Get it straight lil one.

Kat said...

Danni... do you know WHY everything he does becomes news, because people like you can't live without gossip and people make money on gossip. So if he takes a shit, lets decide he took a shit with Nikki sat on his knee... that'll sell a magazine or get a hit on a gossip site.

The things that SHOULD be news are the things related to his work, not his personal life.

Gossip is just that... GOSSIP... no truth to it, just blatant exaggeration.

Definition: Gossip is idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others.

Unknown said...

Kat babe!
Don't be rude, i'm sure you're a polite person, so don't call me a gossipy girl!
Ladies i'm off, 12pm here!
Good night!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christy said...

Good to see we are keeping it classy up in here

Kat said...

Danni - do not call me babe for starters.

Second.. yes I am polite which is why I refuse to GOSSIP about the tripe that is said about Rob, the shit that is JUST THAT - GOSSIP.

You seem to love it. Not nice.

TwiHartRK said...

Danni - I am over it. You need to learn some respect. Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why anyone believes anything Ted Casablanca says. He is so full of crap. He has talked crap about Rob in the past and he will continue to do. All he wants is his blog. He says one thing one day and changes it the next day.

Anonymous said...

Wow. "Learn some respect" coming from someone who just told people to shut the f*** up. Interesting. Just sayin.

Unknown said...

I became Robsessed immediately when I saw him on the special feature segment of the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire DVD. He was just so excited to be there and wanted to do a good job. I love his laugh and he laughed a lot during the special segment - I was totally hooked. It's wonderful he's doing well now and everyone else loves him as much as I do.

Unknown said...

Oh Gozde! I meant to say that I've just recently discovered you and I love your site! You always say what I'm thinking and you have the best news items and pics! I think Rob is getting good guidance from family and management so I think he's smart enough to avoid anything that will cause conflict on set right now. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if after all the movies are filmed that he and Kristen finally get together.

Anonymous said...

Twiheart ~~ Church of Pattinson? Are you kidding? ROTFLMAO! At least the peeps at eonline know that they're just having fun. And they know that Pattinson will live his life the way he sees fit.

Anonymous said...

Wow since when did people here not care about gossip? You guys call Lainey a ho and Ted a wanker and yet I see you reading their material here everytime. I think you know that robssessing has crossed the lines of reason when you're starting to think that coming here is a religion. Goz put up this site to be fun and you guys are ruining it.

TwiHartRK said...

Anon and Anon

Let me spell it for you. This site was not created to gossip. We want to know what people are saying about Rob, yes. But the people who were here when this blog started, and who adore Rob for his immense talent and enjoy looking at him, don't hang out in here all day speculating about who he's sleeping with.

That is the travesty.

Did you not read what Goz wrote?
"I think a lot of people really need to go back and remember why they got so infatuated with this British boy....So stop speculating on every friggin' picture and take things at face value."

So, you think Goz is talking to Ted Casablanca?

Melissa said...

Dearest Anon:

Anonymous said...

"I think you know that robssessing has crossed the lines of reason when you're starting to think that coming here is a religion."

I think you've crossed the line into complete stupidity when you can't understand a satirical comment.

TwiHartRK said...

Mel, have I told you lately that I love you?

Anonymous said...

So totally agree with you Gozde. I also found that my interest in all things ROB was increased exponentially by watching his honest and sometimes really silly responses to some of the most inane questions. He seems so natural, a little bit shy and at times quite mystified by the attention that is being heaped on him.
The gossip at the moment is so very obvious. People trying to cash in on his popularity. I do not believe that there is any honesty in any of it. I refuse to visit the sites of these gossip columnists. It is what they want and need to survive in their tiny little world.
I do find your site very informative and appreciate all the work you put into it. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Goz and Dani!
First, i love your site, i refresh it 100 times a day!
Second, last night some people call me a gossiper in this blog, and i just wanna say, well i'm not, if sometimes i post a link of some gossip is only i wanna you to know what people are saying about Rob!
I respect all of you and i would love if you have a free mind and respect me.

Anonymous said...

Church of Pattinson! OMG! That takes the cake! LOL! Can't stop laughing on that one. LOL!

ATwilightKiss said...

I'm so glad you wrote your opinion about Rob's character and put it out there! :D

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