According to Life & Style Weekly, Taylor Lautner has taken Robert Pattinson's leading-man duties in "New Moon" as Jacob Black. Apparently the newly announced cast, which forms the movie's wolf pack, is treading upon Pattinson's heartthrob territory.(Gozde: Yeah, good luck with that! :))
Plus, the crew has reportedly been leaking rumors about his bad hygiene, and his co-stars are telling tabloid tales about his pick-up lines. What's wrong with "You remind me of my dead ex-girlfriend"? (Just kidding; he didn't say that. He does say this, and sometimes he also says this.)
Meanwhile, Taylor Lautner's supposedly reveling in his new role, and has packed on roughly 30 pounds of muscle -- now that's something to howl at the "New Moon" about.
Sources also claim the ladies on set are really taking notice of Lautner's transformation, particularly Kristen Stewart.
While Stewart got cozy with Pattinson during the production of "Twilight," we hear she's ditched the Vampire in favor of the Wolfman. The duo have been filming scenes together on remote Tofino, British Columbia, beaches, and were spotted keeping each other company off-set, too.(Gozde: Poor Kristen, if she makes a movie with a "dog" next they will start saying she is cozying up to the "dog" :))
So, how is the admittedly insecure Pattinson handling the attention transition?
"He's feeling very worried about his status as a fading superstar," an insider tells Life & Style. "And his friends are also concerned that Robert's 'Twilight' success may have only been short-lived, and they feel bad for him."(Gozde: Excuse me while I pee my pants laughing at this CRAP!)
Luckily for Robert, he has that new Salvador Dali biopic, "Little Ashes," coming out next month. Soon he'll be wooing a whole new segment of the fangirl population: artsy/indie/hipster chicks. (Gozde: I didn't get the memo that we weren't supposed to like Rob before.)
Wow that is such a putrid pile of crap that I can smell it through my computer screen. : X
What crap!! I like that they use a picture from like GOF days. Too Funny!!
so pathetically sad. tsk tsk
I feel bad for Rob. Are people really that jelous that they have to make up stuff about him?
thats so sad, & don't they realize it just makes us love him more ?
I think when a magazine publish this amount of crap it should be punished by law.
What do they do? Do they just sit around the table and make up stories and make money of them....
pile of shite
that is all
Total CRAP. He is so famous now that they have to make up stuff about him to sell their stupid mags. They will see.....all his fans know better. Hang in there Rob....you know you have made it when they make up stuff as an excuse to put you on the cover!
who reads this and don't realise it's all made up?
Lovely picture on the cover... the hair was pretty crazy though, but it's never an issue on him LOL
well, it's a gossip magazine, right? I have never expected anything true from them (especially now that the actors are back to work, not a lot to report about with no new info...).
& they officially run out of story about rob...
way to go low (real low!)...
classic journalism...
that's why their mag can NEVER be trusted...
what a bunch of bull... bleah...
I HATE Life & Style. They should rename themselves Lies & Sh*t.
Could they be more desperate? If anything Rob prolly enjoys the attention being off him for once.
Lies & Sh*t...lol
I'll just bet he is having a good laugh over this and and probably thinking.. "go ahead and take it all Taylor!" Goodness what these people won't write to sell a magazine!
Damn, what bullshit.
Oh, wait, I meant to say FUCKING bullshit.
There. That's better.
Oh, where's my manners???
Hi, girls!
Can you imagine..getting paid to sit around and make this stuff up? It's a dumb story. seems like they could make up something better.
Look at the pictures: http://www.popsugar.com/2991611
it is true that Kristen's BF and Rob dress so much alike that it's scary! I have no clue who started it first, and I don't really care, but it seems like they want us to wear plaid shirts ;__; We also saw Kristen with one...
Maybe it's the comeback of the 90's, I remember that we used to wear similar things (old looking jeans with holes, big shirts, plaid stuff, and Dock martins! Converse were trendy too I think, I just have never liked them).
I had not realised I was old enough to see my teenagehood style come back in trend... *depressed*
What a load of Crap!!! Do people actually get paid to write garbage like this? Is there really nothing else out there for them to be "reporting" on? They just know that having a picture of Rob on the cover will get them sales, no matter what is written inside. They are pathetic.
I saw that yesterday and truly thought it was just a April Fool's joke. Of course that whole rag is an April Fool's joke :)
I realise I'm supposed to be looking at the bs headline, but all I can see is the glorious SEX HAIR :)
This magazines simply know that their sales volume will raise if they write something about Rob. But someone should tell them, that we are absolutly sadisfied with beautiful pics and the sentence: " Asoulutly adorabale." How many times can you write that on one magazine page, cause I would prefer reading this instead of stupid made up kind of Dallas reminding stories.
Heck if Taylor is really taking over then why do they have Rob on the cover...lack common sense much?
I'm sorry for the Taylor fans but he just don't have it...he's so mainstreamed..doesn't have the X factor..maybe if they chose a different actor for the Jacob character then the competition might have been more equal...Taylor is just an over muscled KID
Girls, it is just a load of crap to sell the magazine. That is the kind of stuff they always say.
By the way, are we supposed to stop drooling because of him??? To stop loving him??? I wish I could...
Good day, everyone. Robsess!!
The mag is complete bullshit, but I still bought a copy. I felt guilty leaving that pretty face on the stand. Couldn't help myself! :X I have no self control whatsoever. They got me all right! Blah.
anna: "Maybe it's the comeback of the 90's, I remember that we used to wear similar things (old looking jeans with holes, big shirts, plaid stuff, and Dock martins! Converse were trendy too I think, I just have never liked them).I had not realised I was old enough to see my teenagehood style come back in trend... *depressed*"
Ah, yes...the "grunge" look. lol
Ha ha anonymous, you're right. Why not have Taylor on the cover?
he's glad the attention is off of him, right? - and yet i still feel bad for him - he seems too nice to have all this mean stuff said about him. And where the heck is his PR team???
ummm sorry...what did the headline say...I couldn`t takemybeyes off that beautiful, gorgeous face!!
Oh God, Seriously?
I'm pretty sure Rob could care less about all that. Kristen and Taylor are also pretty close in age so maybe they get along great and want to hang out. I wish people would just leave them alone and stop speculating!
I love that picture of Rob!. and yup thats a bunch of crap!
that's why it hurts to read this, because despite the fact that he might feel better having less spot light on him...these negative stuff still cuts through the skin...he's too nice and kind hearted to be made to suffer these crap..hope he never reads mags...
Adrienne said: he's glad the attention is off of him, right?
Exactly, he didn't go to the DVD releases cause he would have gotten killed, instead he chose to go to his friend's concert.
He didn't go to the KCA and face all the crazies, but instead went to a music fest with Sam (and also Kristen, Michael and Nikki).
I bet he is super happy that Taylor is taking those duties off of him. Taylor seems to love the attention so he can handle it. Rob will always be the most popular one, no matter what trashy tabloids say!
Give me a "B" ("B"!)
Give me an "S" ("S"!)
What does it spell? BS!!!!!
The pics on the links are HOT though! Oh yeah! I got my coffee and my mojo and I ready to start my day.
m~ that's so funny to me because I saw a couple of GQs and I wanted to buy them for the same reason!
Hi Ladies~!!
Tabloids are getting worse day by day...full of crap!!!!
If Summit casted Steven Strait as Jacob,maybe there would be a competition..but Taylor??? no offence to Taylor fans but he doesn't work for me...he will never be my choice for Jacob!
Amen to that Willy..it's a shame they did not choose to recast..it would have been a better decision in the end...cause Jacob had a colossal transformation..he looked more manly..T is a KID...that's the end of the topic for me right there!
LOL that shit is so fake its funny! lmfao i bet all the cast are laughing at the mag... i know i would be!
Taylor has a baby face.. he's not even a man yet.. and sometimes when he talks.. to me anyway, he sounds insincere. I'm sure he's a nice kid and it's the business he's grown up in.. but as far as I'm concerned Rob and he are in completely different leagues and always will be... I mean you're either born with it or you are not.. there is something about our RP that is just unforgetable... when he hooks you.. you are drawn like a moth to a flame... can't be stopped.
Oh boy! I need to get a cold drink and cool off...
"Pure hogwash!" They need to check and see how many websites are dedicated to the others. Sorry, none compare to Rob. I bet he is lovin' Taylor takin' some attention from him!
Ok That is one big steaming pile of poppycock & horse dung! People print anything to make a few bucks! In this case people are making up bs to give Twilighters something to fret about. Again...Steaming pile of..*insert expletive here*
What a load of crap! I don't know how some of these gossip magazine writers can even sleep at night... Hello, guilty conscience anyone?
I can't believe that they are just blatantly making stuff up about him. Poor Rob. This is exactly what he was talking about when he said the higher and faster you rise in the industry, the more people want to tear you down. It makes me sad for him. Hopefully he's able to just ignore the BS and laugh it off! :)
I thought it was an April Fool's joke too. They should share their profits with Rob. Wasn't he recently on a cover with Kristen.
About Taylor, he'll alway be "Sharkboy" to me. Can't compare him to Rob.
BTW, I love the beard on Rob in the Marc clip. What interview is that from?
I'm so tired of all the bs reports. I did notice that the media held off on the "tucked" photo until today. I see that is starting to pop up on google news headlines. Brace yourselves ladies.
*sigh* Who said that tabloids didn`t have an overactive imagination...*rolls eyes*
BWAHAHAAHHA.. the only good parts of the post: the GIF and the witty Goz's comments. The rest is a bunch of crap.
so he wants a ______ in his elbow?
hehe lubs thats about him hihi
oh ya what a load of crap lol
Little teen girls who are man crazy will probably fall in love with Taylor and his 6 pack in New Moon and forget all about Rob.
That's just the way some of those crazy girls are.
But mature adults like us will never let any freakin big teethed and nosed actor replace our ROB. :)
He's said from tne beginning that he was afraid that if he got major attention, that he'd be torn down. He was right, they're out for blood,(no pun intended).
I just hope that between the media and over intrusive fans it doesn't send him running.
I want him to stick around for a long long time.
Stupid gossip rag mags! I hate them.
That Life & Style really has a "hate-on" for him, I guess they know the fan base and figure they will get sales as a result. You gotta wonder how they sleep at night....really......
What a load of crap!!!
I think that if Taylor did start to get all of the Twilight teens stalking him, Rob would actually love it because i think he would rather just be an actor not a teen hearthrob.
can you believe all of this press on them (front page even) and they still have one movie to finish and two more to film, i hope they get that far. they are going to have to change location on every movie.
Taylor is adorable, but a baby boy! Rob is a man that cannot be replaced. Sorry tabloids u wasted your print! We need to do something to stop this crap print.
Why do they want to bring him down? Sob for Rob!
This is the most shiteous fuckery. We have the picture to prove from a fan that Kristen along with her boyfriend is still hanging out with Rob. And we know all that other stuff is lies as well, but the general public doesn't. No matter were the fans and we know the truth. THE END...
I'm w/ Leanne, what kind of editors do they have? Why do people buy that sh**? Pathetic!
My mother in law buys everyone of those nasty mags and believes them!
I am so sick of all of this crap! First his hair, then he can't get laid, then his hygiene, what next?! I wannna see real articles with real pics from real sources like Variety, Rolling Stones and the like. Not this crap. I feel so bad for him, especially when he is always so generous with his time to interviewers and fans. I like this take on the whole media circus following Rob and Twilight.
Plaid shirts have been around since the 60's with John Fogerty of Creedence Clearwater Revial and Neil Young, then Springsteen in the 70s/80s and then Kurt Cobain. Nothing new there.
As for TL taking over from Rob, in his dream! The guy won't appeal to girls over 15. He just looks like an overworked kid, who makes up with width what he lacks in height, with small eyes, and a pug nose. At 17 Rob was much cuter than him.
You know what's great about this? With that "story," the magazine just exposed itself as being totally bogus. Fans will now know, if they weren't sure before, that magazines like Life&Style just plain old, outright, LIE and are a waste of time and money.
"Gozde: I didn't get the memo that we weren't supposed to like Rob before."
Yeah, and what the hell was up with "Rob's worried about his status as a fading super-star"(or what ever)? Like. Laughed My Fucking Ass Off.
Just makes me sad that they have to pull this kinda crap up in order to make a little space for Taylor. I mean Taylor is also fine, I don't have a problem with him and I'd be really happy if people took him up got him his spotlight, but this sort of shit just makes me sad. Just hope they could leave Rob out of it.
Hello. It's Nanah.
Rob has a zillion of fans here in Brazil and we don't believe in what that magazine told about him and their costars. Lies. No one can prove nothing, there isn't a reliable source to prove anything. First his hair, now his hygiene, smells and stuff. What else? Oh,God. It's pathetic. There are many good things to tell about him. Why those people can't do this? At least, Rob has good friends and fans around the world.
"I think that if Taylor did start to get all of the Twilight teens stalking him, Rob would actually love it because i think he would rather just be an actor not a teen heartthrob"
I quoted this because it expresses my sentiments exactly. I also believe that Rob is centered and grounded enough to be able to deal with this sort of stuff. My guess is he more amused than hurt by these stories--that does not take away from the fact that their intent appears to be to do harm (and make themselves some $$ of course)however.
IMO, Rob will be happiest enjoying a critically-acclaimed career as a respected actor and having lifelong fans who love the essence of who he truly is as a human being.
Also, as an aside--it is quite possible that Kristen and Taylor are bonding in pre-production in the same way that she did with Rob as a means to bring their character's relationship to life.
haha i love that clip of him at the bottom
In the "olden days" magazines were about the only place to see pics of your favorite stars, and the latest gossip was weeks old before it made it into print. There was no need to write anything that was actually true or even interesting - people would buy them anyway. Rags like L&S (you know, Lies & Shit) still think they can get away with that.
But it's a different world - too many sources of info, updates 24/7. If you're interested in a celebrity, you can begin to pick out patterns in the massive amounts of info about them. You start to learn which sources are trustworthy. You develop a pretty good sense of what's likely to be true about them and what isn't, and that gives fans a power they didn't used to have - the power to support reliable sources and refuse to give their money to the hacks.
Don't contribute to L&S just cause you want another pic of Rob - download one or buy a few extra copies of GQ. (A very Rob interview.) Don't give hits to the likes of Perez. Have faith that if there's something out there we should see, some righteous person like Gozde will find a way for us to see it without selling our souls to the devil. (And yes, I'm convinced we do have souls despite
the current obsession with bodily sensations caused by that guy who is so not Taylor.
In the "olden days" magazines were about the only place to see pics of your favorite stars, and the latest gossip was weeks old before it made it into print. There was no need to write anything that was actually true or even interesting - people would buy them anyway. Rags like L&S (you know, Lies & Shit) still think they can get away with that.
But it's a different world - too many sources of info, updates 24/7. If you're interested in a celebrity, you can begin to pick out patterns in the massive amounts of info about them. You start to learn which sources are trustworthy. You develop a pretty good sense of what's likely to be true about them and what isn't, and that gives fans a power they didn't used to have - the power to support reliable sources and refuse to give their money to the hacks.
Don't contribute to L&S just cause you want another pic of Rob - download one or buy a few extra copies of GQ. (A very Rob interview.)Don't give hits to the likes of Perez. Have faith that if there's something out there we should see, some righteous person like Gozde will find a way for us to see it without selling our souls to the devil. (And yes, I'm convinced we do have souls despite
the current obsession with bodily sensations caused by that guy who is so not Taylor.)
Oops - don't know why that printed twice. Also don't know how to remove one. Sorry.
Pure Bullcrap!!! Nobody can replace our Rob and as I've seen Rob's interviews He's never insecure to anyone.So no matter how they'll try to put Him down it will never affect Him or our admiration to Him.I feel bad for Taylor though they're trying very hard to make it work for Him.
woow. these are so bullshits.
i wanna know who writes this crap for these rags..lol.seriously they could be funny if they wanted to.....NOT.he must have refused to be interviewed by someone at that rag hence the poison they print.
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