The 40 most Handsome Men in Hollywood......

.......According to And Rob is at No 2!!!

2. Robert Pattinson

Present Hotness: Twilight
Past Hotness: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
Future Hotness: Remember Me

If you want to see who made No1 and beat Rob or who else is in the top 40 check it out at


Suz said...

pffffffffffffffffft @ #2

Haystackhair said...

No way. Just no way. Rob should be #1 for sure.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

JAMES FRANCO BEAT ROB you have got to be fucking kidding me,i was expecting BRAD PITT or JOHNNY DEPP but JAMES ??? are these people for real?? got to be crazy.

Jala said...

Only #2??!!

Cbone said...

Oh he needed to be number 1!!! WE all know ladies who IS number 1 in our book..Rob "Rock-a-body" Pattinson..Holla!!

Angie said...

That is all kinds of wrong!

solas said...

Hmm--I think Rob is more handsome, certainly than Franco. How odd.

Chris said...

Hm, I'd put Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Daniel Craig (have you seen his ass?! and Ewan McGregor ahead of James Franco...but Rob would still be #1 - always.

Treasure_7 said...

There has been an absolute mistake Rob is Number One!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

No way Rob is #2-I think the votes were mis-counted...

Karina said...

James Franco is hot but RP is more handsome.

T said...

Rob will always be #1 on my list.

Unknown said...

Hahahah, he may have been second, but notice they included three shots of him instead of one like the rest of the bastards cause Robert's face makes you want to have multiples.

But seriously, what a totally boring top ten list of guys-they all look the same except for #1 and #2. And Johnny Depp #22, AFTER the likes of Tatum Channing? Bitch, please...Men probably compiled this list.

twihardniamorgan said...

james franco, no. 1?
what the hell is wrong with people!
robert pattinson definately should have been 1 instead of james franco.
any of the other guys on there could have beaten james franco!

Anna said...

well at least Rob is in good company... none of that Zefron / JoBro nonsense...

but yeah, this list is a travesty :)

Opsable said...

James Franco???????well if that's the crazy criterion it's even more commendable of Robert getting #2 ;)

MeilleurCafe said...

James Franco? Get these people some glasses! It should have been Rob.

Ana73 said...

i wonder who actually polled this. of course rob should be #1 but brad pitt and johnny depp are not even in the top 10, come on now. if you look at the female list that is off too. but it looks to me that they are going for all the younger actors in both of the polls.

Sue said...

What in the world!!!!??? Rob takes my breath away! Who is the guy that got #1?? I mean I saw he played in Spider Man, etc. but, when you think about polls where they are judging--you would think they would choose someone that EVERYONE knows!!! I think someone at Premiere had a favor to repay.

Rob WILL ALWAYS BE NO. 1 in my book anyway! Sexy man!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

its not only a travesty but a fu*** circus.

Steph is Legit said...

james franco is hott but not enough to be number the top 10 yes, 1, no

crazylife said...

I agree ladies. They got the numbering all wrong.

Emile Hirch (sp)on the list You have gotta be kidding me???? not even in my universe. Rob IS number one. Franco does nothing for me.

I have to give a shout out to someone whom I would think should higher up and that is the Canadian hottie Ryan Reynolds. I love a man who can make you laugh and is good to look at.

I understand that he got the coveted Green Lantern role.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

did they vote for this list, or did they come up with it? anyone know?

franco is ok, but not a serious contender, he must have given good ...., nevermind...

Anonymous said...

James Franco beat out Rob?

Anonymous said...

Who is James Franco? Never heard of the bloke......Doesn't matter though...we ALL know who's really No 1 don't we?????

Anonymous said...

Rob at #2 and Johnny Depp at #22?! WTF?!?! I like James Franco but um, #1? I'm going to use a line from Suz, pffffffffft whatever!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

this list is a JOKE,some one pulled some major strings or gave some serious bl** jobs to get him that number one spot LOL they think he hotter than brad pitt LOL

Krissy said...

I'd like to contribute my Corneas to the Folks who judge this here judging since...

They are obviously BLIND!


Good Glory!

Rob's underarm is more attractive after he's been running about for hours on end WITHOUT Deoderant than this James Franco creature could ever hope to be.

MissHalfway said...

James Franco????????????
Rob is my number ONE!

James Franco is cute, but no way!
Rob is handsome, gorgeous, hot and sexy...
Just no way!

Hello, I Love You! said...

James is cute but he's no Rob!!!
This Poll reminds me of the one where Chase Crawford came out #1...

I don't need no stink'n POLL to tell me who is the most


Breathtaking Dude alive


<3 HIM

Marna said...

Is this Premiere magazine the English version of the French Premiere magazine?

Marna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shani said...

Those people who did the poll? WTH

Even the people who commented are clueless. It's called Google and YouTube. If you STILL can't understand by now why Rob is so popular.Your on the INTERNET do some research. LMAO

RPLover said...

the fact that Rob is #2 aside (because that's just obviously bullshit) EFRON was higher than both Jonathan Ryhs Meyers and Johnny Depp??? WTF?! Meyers is king, heads will roll for this one! LMAO
seriously, this list is a joke.

margot said...

hmmm ...
1. Rob

far, faaaar behind

2. James Franco - be reasonable, he is very nice to watch plus talented actor and musician, and my personal fav for the role of Jeff Buckley

most of the youngest (Zac?) esp. those with guns and angry fists are simply misunderstanding of hottness for me ... the list might have been done by a man thinking that he knows what women think is hot

kespax said...

I don't think the numbers mean a lot, this is actually quite an interesting list yeah they have darling Ewan in there and a few others I really like that never seem to get on these lists.
But a few bloopers and omissions, Vigo Mortensen is a sexy beast.

I don't understand Denzel ever getting on hot lists he's so dad like, and where's Will Smith he's cute.
Also jackson rathbone should be getting on some of these lists he's so cute.
I like Franco but his eyes are too close together.
Apparently Sam Worthington is steamy hot in that Terminator movie.

kchambers77 said...

johnny depp is number 23? next.


how can he get more hot?? that isn't real wow that premiere pic is just dreamy but Why the f..?is he number 2???
james franco number 1????WTF??even the other men are hotter than james franco those fools they don't know anything

rpattz granny said...

james franco is okey but not so lovable and gorgeous like robert

Anonymous said...

My feelings exactly! That's all kinds of wrong..I think James is cute..but he ain't no Rob!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Seriously strange many at the bottom who should be near the top (lower than Rob, of course!).

And where's John Cusack on that list. Silly. Kespax, you are so right..where's Viggo?

Mixxy said...

pa-shaw... that list is a joke. Alexander Skarsgard was nowhere on it....

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