People Magazine

The September 7th issue of "People Magazine" has some exclusive new pics of the Volturi. You can see Rob in the background in the scan above!

Source Thanks to Suz & Laura for the tip.


Amy said...

Yes! I love him in red! and a Volturi peak! I'm so excited!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

YES!!! 84 more days!!

Robward....where are thou?

Angie said...

Dakota looks amazing.

The red contacts are so much better this time.

Can not wait!

Haystackhair said...

I can't wait!!!! SQEEEEEEEEEE!

Suz said...

Dakota looks FIERCE!

...wowie! said...

I kinda imagined that place darker...not that much light coming in? I dunno. This stuff makes me so anxious for November 20th. 84 more days people!!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Right On!! Robward looks amazing. Dakota looks awesome yay finally some Volturi shots..hurry up November!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

mmmm rob in red SEXY and dakota looks amazing,twilight open its first weekend with 70 milion or so,iam thinking with all the anticipation of new moon the opening will be bigger.

Gemgirl65 said...

OICU Robward!

Yeah, Dakota looks great and all, but my eyes go straight to Rob. I think I'm like Pavlov's dog at this point.

Angela said...

Yum, little red riding rob. I'm so happy Edward is looking more like Rob in NM.

Edward in TW reminded me of Johnny Depp in Edward Scissorhands or Willy Wonka. (mostly when the white makeup against the red lipstick was just so bad.)

So happy the red lipstick is gone and his hair is allowed to be its usual yummy yum.

monika said...

RPnKSaddict said...

@ angela- "little red riding Rob", that put a kinds of naughty thoughts in my thanks...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks god, it sounds like they're doing the meadow scene from the end of Eclipse, where they agree on the wedding date!!!

it's a steamy scene from the book!!

Thanks Monika! Sadly, no photos..

Anonymous said...

sorry - - i'm not happy.

First - pissed that they released photos of the Volturi. I had really hoped they would stay a secret so it would be like BAM here's the nemesi of the Cullen we know what they look's wrong.

Aro, Caius, Marcus, Alec, Demitri are NOT in robes. Bella clearly describes the long robes, Aro's long black hair and look - Edward is in a red robe and red robes were NOT even a part of the Volturi colors (black and grey....hello!) **sigh**

I'm disappointed that the studio couldn't get the basic look of the Volturi correct and it's DESCRIBED AT LENGTH IN DETAIL IN THE BOOK!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know...they changed it. In the script it describes them in clothes, so you can thank MR for that.

monika said...

What Robsten's child would look like lol

Angela said...

"it's a steamy scene from the book!!"

Yep, that sounds like the scene where Edward says "deals off" lets just do it now, and she stops him (for a switch) then they agree to do it right and all that blah blah.

I really don't care what the Volturi are wearing. The robes remind me so much of star wars

All I care is that we get to see lots of Edward and that we get to see Rob without the ROBE.

Anonymous said...

OMG, this makes me so excited for NM!! Yes, they changed a few things from the book, but that is the way when you go from book to film. But it still looks awesome! CW said that the contacts were hand painted to match the eye shade of the actors. Very cool!

Ah, yes that is a steamy part in the book. God that's gonna be a hot scene!

monika said...

promo pics of Alec and Marcus

monika said...

promo pic of Jane, she's the best

Haystackhair said...

OMG monika, THANKS! Finally some Eclipse news! Ohhh can't wait for the meadow scene. Some rolling around! THUD!

monika said...

promo pic of Caius

enjoykim said...


New Moon premiere in Germany is the

26.11.2009 !!!!

(originally 7.01.2009)

And I just bought tickets for my London trip...F***

monika said...

promo pic of Aro

Haystackhair said...

Oh look what i found. I love when she says "it's him, it's always been him." THUD

Anonymous said...

@Monika ~ These are great! Thanks so much! Michael Sheen is perfect for Aro!

Unknown said...

yay, I love Robert in that cape!

rpgirl27 said...

you know some lovely costume director saw Rob pics from the HP G of F premiere and thought he looked f*ckhawt in red velvet
(an outfit few men could pull off IMO)
so they decided to change that little detail about the robes...
I'm not complaining...he looks absolutely delicious

Robaholic said...

soo excited for NM!

and what will they think of next?!

Shani said...

I love how the Volturi look. There is another pic that shows them. They look elegant and fierce.

Dakota look sooo evil as Jane. Perfect.

monika said...

You know the day you've been waiting for?.. MIGHT just be here.. smile! Stay tuned
12 minutes ago from mobile web


monika said...

Rob arrives on set

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ladies-Here's Rob from today!

enjoykim said...


He´s still alive-and still HOT...;-)

Now I can continue to live...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

seriously enjoykim-

my feelings exactly!

Robaholic said...

yay! He's alive! YES rpattzgirl, you brought back the pic :0) woo hoo!

RPLover said...

it is ridiculous how excited I am to spot Rob through the glare of his windshield! now just looking forward to our french-speaking friends to translate the new interview when it comes out!

RPLover said...

oh, and I think the Volturi look awesome. and I love Rob in red, glad they changed it!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

awww he looks so sad (AND HOT) in the back of that car,iam happy he is alive..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I feel pathetic sometimes while I'm holding my breath waiting for photos, then sigh of relief or cry of despair!!!

But I don't care! Flying my obsessed flag proudly!

Yes! Sex photo is back!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

iam very excited right now, i want to jump up and down and scream but i cant because iam at work

Marenostrum said...

He totally changed to Edward.. Robward??... I think he really needed some time off the cameras to concentrate.

T said...

My day just got a lot better. New Rob pictures do that for me.

Marenostrum said...

I love Robward more, who is darker than Rob in terms of hair and eyes..

Robaholic said...

seriously, I don't know what I enjoy more on this blog, new Rob updates, or checking the comments for your naughty photo :0) hehehe

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

but why he look so sad? it hurts me to see him like this because i want him to be happy *sigh* i wonder why he is like this.

Mars said...

Only three new posts so far...??Man, this Rob-drought is going to drive me insane!

dina said...

I am one happy girl. At last he surfaced. I've missed him so much.He words. You made my evening,thank you, thank you.

Marenostrum said...

I think he doesn't look sad, he is reading something on a file.. The script??? He just looks concentrated. Like me, trying to make the last reviews 5 minutes before the exam... :)))

Haystackhair said...

OMG Praise the LORD! Is it rediculous how happy I am to see him through a windshield? And what sex photo? Where? LOL.

enjoykim said...

I agree,he doesn´t look sad,he´s just deep in thought-I hope...or he´s just considering whether to smear the booger in his fingers under the seat or on the back of the driver...UGH...;-)

Anonymous said...

Awww Rob, we missed you!! So good to see him but also so glad that he's been able to lay low and out of the papz view.

Just because he's not smiling doesn't mean that he's sad. Hopefully he's just concentrating on today's lines. God he's beautiful!!!!

Ana73 said...

so glad to see him :) i thought today they were filming the high school scenes and if i recall edward was still going to school with bella. so maybe that is what they are filming.

they have released photos of all the volturi, wow they look great, CAN'T WAIT !!!

Unknown said...

umm.. you cant really choke a vampire
anywho.. the make-up looks soo much better this time
and Rob looks hot, as always

Unknown said...

@enjoykim: yes, new moon - November 26th in Germany!! I´m so excited!! Although I´d still like to see it in the original version, you know?

Athena said...

I LOVE THE VOLTURI!!!!!!! They look awesome!!! Jane looks fantastic, different from what I imagined, but great!!! :D

I don't mind the change in clothes, if that's the most they have changed, I can take it. I'm more worried about the "papery" look, I'm not sure they kept that, but I can't tell from the pictures.

I just want to hug Edward... look at his face... awwwwwww!!!

And the countdown is down to two digits! Yeah! :D

enjoykim said...


Yeah,I def know,the original version is way much better,I´m sure.You´re German,too?Well,I booked a flight to London,now I hope they won´t reschedule the premiere in UK.

Unknown said...

@enjoykim: Wow, you´re going to the premiere? So, just lurking around or actually having tickets? ;) Just kidding. I´ve never been to something like that. Huge crowds kinda creep me out. And yes, I´m german. Ein mĂĽdes Hallo aus Stuttgart! :)

enjoykim said...

I´ve never been in London before,well,a little bit shopping and RobWatch...;-)
No,just kidding,I just booked the flight tickets,dunno if there will be a red carpet event with the cast,but I def wanna see the movie...and I just bought some earplugs-you never know...;-)
GrĂĽĂźe zurĂĽck aus Leipzig :)

AP said...

Ah, Jaaannneeee! And Rob. lol I get a kick out of her character. Something echoes from "Don't Look Now." She will be hissed for torturing Edward. I will hiss!

Unknown said...

Hi gurls!

I'm here in the Philippines, somewhere in Asia, it's early in the morning, around 8 (and having RP for breakfast..), I wonder what time is it in your country?? just askin...

BTW I just love that glum look on Robward, he definitely nails that Edward feel in the book, he's such a good actor!


wowwww!!!thesew pics look really good!!I'm excited for the demetri and alice pic so good..
it's 84 days for u guys!!for me is 6 morre days ...translation...90 days ...still not much

Rominiwi said...

Jane scares the hell out of me here.

Dandy said...

They look awesome! The styling of the set and clothing is really fantastic. They are old world but with a modern flair. I can't wait!

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