HQ's Rob on Eclipse Set 8/27

Source Big Thank you to brandnewluv


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orion said...

UUUUhh Rob! in the pic that he's closing the door he's eyes...oh mamma mia! What a look!!

orion said...

UUUUhh Rob! in the pic that he's closing the door he's eyes...oh mamma mia! What a look!!

orion said...

What a beautiful hair color he has

Temptation said...

Orion how can u leave 3 comments I think you are drooling honey....

JandR said...

Hi girls - hey Tempt back from drinking already?

dina said...

She is, isn't she.I don't blame her though.It's christmas day today after all this time.He looks....perfect. I've missed him so much.Pathetic I know,have to work I'll catch up later.

Temptation said...

OMNG - Orion after a number of drinks at happy hour Rob looks even better and may I say extremely do-able....I am not sure but I think I have beer glasses on but that is one sexy dude....

I blame the drought, we are desperate cows who have not had a Rob fix for awhile......it's like an overdose my god this son of a bitch is so horny looking.....

JandR said...

definitely Robward with those dark eyes....oh how I've missed seeing that beautiful face...*sigh* he's back and I'm at peace.

Temptation said...

JandR - are u teasing me ??? after I tell u the day I had you can understand why I needed a drink...

JandR said...

I don't think it's the beer goggles - Rob is always horny looking...haha

JandR said...

Orion - guess what? Bought the Bronze Horseman today - hey was it Keti who said to read it? Look what she started...LOL

JandR said...

okay Tempt spill! What happened today?

Temptation said...

Ok Girls I am in my Flannalette PJ's now is 8pm and I have had a horrible day.... bye the way I am a little pissed so excuse the language ....

I was reading my daily FF Porn as I do these day's and was totally engrossed in a story where Edward had his personnal assistant up against the wall sayin "you are mine" and driving his "cock" into her....

As normal stories go I thought before I step onto the next page I will check out Robsessed for updates....

Then FUCK ME...there were these amazing photo's that took my fantasy/story to a whole new level. Now guys you all know my imagination is very good but when I saw the new photo's it CRUSHED ME....I ended up saying "yes I am yours honey" and I am guiet happy up agains the wall.......

OMG what has happened to my life..???? I decided to go to happy hour with a girlfriend who just had a colonoscapy, thought it would take my mind off things....Drank tooooo much ....started singing spanish ....oooo mii dooos (god knows what that means).....

Help Guys I am falling aparttttt...

JandR said...

what exactly was the horrible part of that day?? ;-)

JandR said...

Rob doing ya against the wall - sounds like a perfect day to me LOL

Temptation said...

AND too top it off my Alexander and Tatia novel never arrived so I am sooo pissed because I wanted to get more horniness over the weekend......so pissed off....I must admit though I did look good in my CFM's and black tights....totaly off topic...

JandR said...

I saw three of the Alexander books today but just bought the first one

Temptation said...

Jandi I knew you would be hear for me....well the horrible part was I think was lusting after someone that was totally not obtainable......and the fact that he came back after two weeks looking hotter than ever....What the ??? I mean I have seen photo's of Kristen and she looks like shit but he keeps getting better.....Is this going to kill me..??

Temptation said...

Bye the way is Porn an addiction ????

JandR said...

no the porn is not the addiction - Rob is the addiction - we are all addicts, the porn drives the fantasy and you need someone real to transfer those horny feelings to or YES - you will go insane!! Sorry - sad but true...

dina said...

You are not. This is normal happens to me all the time. Put the blame on Summit.

Temptation said...

GREAT HELP YOU ARE --- do you not agree that this guy just keeps getting hotter.....now I have had a few drinks and I wouldn't be home except my girlfriend kept howling at the guitar player in spannish ????? what is going onn.....

Anonymous said...

Ok, out on a limb here...THAT IS THE HOTTEST ROBWARD I'VE EVER SEEN..and I didn't think he could get hotter! Whoa Mama!

Temptation said...

THOSE BASTARDS AT SUMMIT - I swear I am taking them to cort --- miss use of a totally addictive product......

Temptation said...

LYNDA - I have to agree, I am usually a Rob fan but the latest 'Edward' pics have left me breathless and totally pissed.....

JandR said...

The hotness factor - mmmm is he getting hotter or are you?? LOL

Temptation said...

GOD IT IS SO HARD TO TYPE WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN DRINKING.....For all you people that don't know it is Friday night in Australia....and for more interesting info it is Tom Cruise appreciation day here in Melbourne....Little fucker - no one likes him here, the only reason we tolerate him is because his wife is making a movie here...

JandR said...

so the hot Robward pics made you go and get pissed?? I must admit Robsessing drives me to red wine and dark choc... but the ff drives me to the bedroom to work off some steamy excess Rob hotness - find yourself a nice young fella Tempt... around 23, bronze coloured hair and a wicked grin...

Temptation said...

Jandi - did you notice I have brought back the fur rug picture......the only reason is that I kept going on about fur rug and no one had any idea what i was talking about.......Now they can seeeee..

Temptation said...

What should I tell my husband ??? do you think after 20yrs of marriage (i married when i was 12) HAHHHHAA I could trade him in on a new model...

orion said...

Hi Girls! I was reading the bronze horseman, I read half book already. did you see that look in that pic of Rob? drooooliiinnng!!

Temptation said...

OH GOD ORION - Keep up ....

Temptation said...

LUVVV The bronze horsemen Orion - so love that book.....I think I have to cut something out either the Robsessed site and pics of Rob or the FF PORN that I am becoming addicted to......I dont think you can have both......Universes colide and it becomes a messy porn obsession with a total horniness when new pics come out.....

JandR said...

give hubby a make-over then LOL

Temptation said...

What do you propose I do with his FAT GUT ????

orion said...

Tempt: the thing that happened in the hospital make me read the book so fast that after I'll have to read it again, anyway after that, nothing is happening, and with Rob drought and now this....girl I'm not very happy

JandR said...

my hubby is enjoying my Rob-induced horniess as much as I am oh and the FF and Robsessing go hand in hand, I'm not giving up my FF

dina said...

Temptation please keep up, No work today alas blame it to summit.Love you ladies.

dina said...

Temptation please keep up, No work today alas blame it to summit.Love you ladies.

orion said...

What a hell is the FF porn, tell me

JandR said...

get him on a push bike - take him off the F&C and Battered savs - give him a good workout in the bedroom for extra cardio and maybe into the gym for the rest - I heard Rob has been hitting the gym again but hasn't been able to get the definition of the abs he wanted - he is intimidated by Taylor? Oh come on...

Temptation said...

ORION - take a chill pill they wil be fucking like rabbits before you know it....My god I read that book at Gloria Jeans and the guy said to me "you look like you are enjoying your coffee" .....YEAH RIGHT....

Now I like originals, so I dont want to have a duplicate or lookalike, that is my problem.....

orion said...

That's it I'm watching the hottest video of Rob again, did you watch it, Tempt?

Temptation said...

Orion - I am not sure that I can recommend this but I totaly blame GEORGIE you horny dog...she put me onto some nice little stories from the Twilight Fan Fiction website....

Now these are not little stories, these are OH MY GOD stories....something my pure virgin mind found very hard to handle.........

I think it was the Rob story that tipped me over the edge when he kept saying "you are mine I own you" then those pictures OHHHHHHHH GODDDD.

JandR said...

bought KOL cd today so i can have Sex on Fire thoughts of Rob while in my car - maybe that's not such a good idea if I can't concentrate on driving...LOL

Temptation said...

ORION - Which video are you watching ????

orion said...

I'll check right now

orion said...


you won't regret it! watch it now! and let me know

Temptation said...

This is the one I am reading at the moment http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4992721/1/His_Personal_Assistant
(written by an Aussie girl)

I started out think OK yeah right and then I totally became addicted to it.. I think the way it works it is using the Edward Bella Characters.....so as you can imagine my new pics of Edward made me think OH YUMMO.

Now JandR - Hubby has just changed into his qantas PJ's which are not very sexy .... how can I possibly imagine him with Bronze hair ???

JandR said...

you know we are both there now Orion?? LOL

JandR said...

he has the best laugh and smile!!!! LOVE IT and LOVE HIM!!!

orion said...

Fur rug! fur rug! oh girls we have to be careful what we're talking about Rob, people becoming very sensitive about us talking about our fantasies

orion said...

from that video I like 'the path of ecstasy'

JandR said...

Ha Tempt - just read down to and the alarm clock went off and woke her up - yes we have all had that Robward dream and it makes us all hot and horny too...;-))

orion said...

Tempt: I just read it, is fantastic, lol. It's the kind of dream we all Robsessed girls have

orion said...

Jandr, I think Tempt is watching the video, so is going to take a while until she's back, she will have a couple of wine before she's back again, she will need it, lol

orion said...

'glasses of wine'

Temptation said...

ORION - HOW IS THAT MEANT TO HELP ME ????? that was a fantastic link ....thank you...thank you....thank you......

MOUTH PORN...I was so drooling ... great video the whole 10 minutes I sat there in a hypnotic state...

Hubby said "what are your doing up there" .... no answer just ...... nice beanie shots...you know I love the beanie....

Temptation said...

That story about the personal assistant is a GREAT READ and by the way and I recommend you play the Bella Part to a T.......

orion said...

I told you so. What about the "the path of ecstasy"?

Temptation said...

Picture the Alarm clock and now look at the new photo's of EDWARD now you know where my meltdown began.......

JandR said...

I've seen that one before Orion and yes it is classic sexy Rob and confirms that we all wanna do him... did you read in that Dolly Twilight special that they took 10 hours on the kissing scene reunion in Italy and made extras turn away while they did it - how could you kiss him for 10 hrs and not want to have sex with him?? Couldn't happen...

Temptation said...

The Mouth Porn just did me in.....how can that be possible....

orion said...

So, girls what we are going to do? are we going to party after NM or next day?

Temptation said...

NOW there is no way you could kiss him for 10 seconds and not want sex, that is just sooooo impossible...10 hours that is goddam crazy...

Jandi why are you reading Dolly ????

Temptation said...

Orion I am in my PJ's and it is only 9pm, I must admit my day has been stressfull and I actually got into them at 8pm.....Flanalette has always been a comfort for me...

We are flying out the next day so if we are to kick on it will be that night.....

Jandi volunteered her hotel room...I might stay there as well .. the IBIS isnt it..

JandR said...

don't tell me you haven't bought that issue for your daughter haha
My daughter bought it yesterday and it had a bonus Twilight mag - lots of gorgeous Rob in it and lots of it from the Sexy Stars of Twilight - the US mag I bought in from Barnes and Noble online before it was even released in US LOL - so officially I wasn't reading or buying Dolly - just Rob perving as usual ;-)

Temptation said...

YOU are such a deviate hiding behind your daughter...my daughter dosent read dolly... what do I do...

orion said...

Can you imagine kiss him for 10 hours? swollen lips! oooohhh and after that of course, direct to fur rug

JandR said...

Tempt - it was Jacqui who mentioned the Ibis at Darling Harbour and I checked it out and it looked good - but if Jac isn't going now maybe where you were suggesting closeby in Randwick would be better - I haven't booked accm yet - still trying to work out details - I will have several days in Sydney to justify the cost of the fares over from Perth...

orion said...

I bought Dolly for my daughter today, well...for me too of course

Temptation said...

There is one near the Ritz I have to get the name, it didn't look too bad and it was pretty cheap. The good thing is it is 5minutes walk, I don't want to catch a cab at that time anyway...

Georgie said...

OZPATTZ!! Happy Friday Night! I've had a glass of wine (only 1), been trying to catch up on the goss but you gals are all over the place. I've got the ARIA Hall of Fame on the TV in the background and Yay Mental as Anything were great!

orion said...

I can take 2 people in my car, no more coz we are already 3... so will see

orion said...

hi Georgie! Tempt did you see this one:

Temptation said...

GEORGIE - You are too blame - I refer to you as my new drug/porn dealer.......

By the way John Paul Young has gross yellow teeth...

JandR said...

Hi Georgie
Are you happy to see pics of Rob again at last? I know I was - the lack of fresh Rob news was driving me nuts...

orion said...

Checking again the pics. His look, Edward looks! his hair, the color....fur rug..

Georgie said...

Re accomm in Sydney: it's about a 15 min cab ride from Randwick to the CBD which is where I'll look at staying as I'm taking my girls shopping the next day after a bit of a sleep in after our After Party!

Temptation said...

ORION - I will not watch anymore of your video teasers....you know I am on the edge and you keep pushing........WHYYYYYYY

orion said...

Georgie! You are taking Tempt, to the porn side, no nice...poor Tempt, she's sooo horny!!

Georgie said...

Yeah, he DOES seem to look even more beautiful after the drought. I was just looking at close-ups of the HQ's and damn that BG's hand is always in the way of a strategic spot!

Temptation said...

OH I used to be soooo innocent - now I am reading about people using mirrors and all sorts of naughty things....what am I too do....

orion said...

And with the videos I'm showing her, she won't be able to sleep tonite

JandR said...

So maybe the Ibis then Georgie!! I am happy to be close to the Powerhouse and Paddy's markets and not far into the city near Circular Quay and all the rest of intended haunts... yay - it will be good... why can't you stay a bit longer Tempt???

Jacqui said...

Girls girls girls!!!

Lucky I'm going to work shortly...that will keep my mind out the gutter for the night....or maybe not!

Sorry I wont be in sydney...wasnt sure if I would get there & then didnt want to miss this oportunity too so grabbed those tix today. Would have loved to meet & hang out with all you guys!

Have a good night & happy Rob thoughts. Off to work I go....

Georgie said...

His Personal Assistant, would you believe is written by a 21 y/o! One of the first FF's I start reading, and it's still going! Another good one written by Robsessor Stacy is Near You Always - you should check it out! It won't disappoint!
Orion - we'll have to induct you into FF!

Haystackhair said...

OMG!!!! YAAAAAAY!!!!Eclipse Robward is F*ckhawt!!! The grey Tshirt!! Love the jacket! GAH!!!! Finally!!

orion said...

Tempt: I have more videos to show you, if you want...

Temptation said...

U GIRLS are no longer my soul sisters - u are just teasing me.....

And do you know how bad I am ,, when I finally went for a drink my girlfriend was talking about having to spread her checks for a colonoscapy and all I could think of was this damn Edward story where they were doing it doggy style.....

What is happening to me...

Georgie said...

Bye Jacqui, I just left a comment on your FB!

JandR said...

I have to go for dinner - the chinese has arrived! Tempt I'm sure you and your flanno pjs will be in bed beside the hubbys Qantas jarmies before I am back - so g'night, happy wet Rob dreams... and hoping to catch you other girls when I get back...bye x

orion said...

Georgie: tonite I read my first story...Tempt induce me to do it...lol and she told me that you were the one to blame

Temptation said...

I am thinking of leaving you also...that scabby spanish restaurant happy hour gave me a couple of olives and a guitar player that didn't even wear a bolero jacket....FUCK what is the world coming too...

Temptation said...

ORION - U know u haven't finished that story it has about 36 chapters, that was the intro...... why do you think my neck has been so sore...I have a little chinese man that keeps asking "what you do what you do" um well I read Porn all day and hide it from my husband and children" what you do ???

orion said...

Tempt: How you are doing? do you want more videos? for what are you going through right now, we all went through...lol. So, enjoy...

orion said...

So, of course we are sisters...

Georgie said...

Some FF authors, especially the Robsessors, describe "Edward" with all Rob's traits and mannerisms to a "T" which makes them even more haawwwtt!

Georgie said...

I'll go watch your video now Orion! Put the earphones in so DH won't notice...

Temptation said...

My question is where in Twilight does it describe Edward as having a huge COCK ??? because I seemed to have missed that chapter ???

Georgie said...

Tempt: That's where they're describing Rob, not virginal Edward, and of we ALL imagine him that way...don't we??

orion said...

Georgie watch both of them, you won't regret it...

Georgie said...

"of course" I meant.

Temptation said...

Orion I will leave you now and I love the link u sent me it brightened up my evening....Keep reading the Personal Assistant.....I think I will survive the evening I just need some vegemite toast and I will be OK.....

And I need Rob to stroke my hair......."it's Ok honey, shall we do it doggy style".....

Temptation said...

GEORGIE, ORION and JANDI I am taking my horny ass to bed with some vegemite.......I am sure I will feel better in the morning.....


AND I LOVE ITT....gooodnight kitty kats...

Temptation said...


Temptation said...



orion said...

Good night! Robfurrug dreams! tomorrow I'll show more videos...

orion said...

Georgie! what did you do to that poor girl?

Temptation said...

GEORGIE is like Darth Vadar and introduced me to the dark side.......It was me who took the wrong path, instead of remaining pure and innocent like Luke and turned Dark........Please don't blame our little Georgie - she does not know her true powers....

Temptation said...


JandR said...

Yes - hi again girls - night Tempt! I have written down some of your ff recommendations but am still writing about convict history so don't want to get it mixed up...LOL
Mind you I do have a porn book called the King's girl set in about that period that hubby used to put on my bedside table...;-)

orion said...

Jandr: I think is not a good night to talk about that kind of books to Tempt, she had enough...poor girl. And me I'm here with my Alexander and picking on Rob's photos

Temptation said...

Night Jandi - They were Georgie's recommendations - The favorite of mine has to be Midnight Desire......

Goood NIghht sweet ladies.....

Temptation said...

ORION - SHITTTT I forgot about Alexander....God he likes doggy style tooo....too many masters and not enough mistresses...

Georgie said...

SEX ON FIRE OOOOhhhhh hot damnnnnnn!!!! Get a grip Georgie!
Poor Tempt: you OK?? Did you see "Beautiful Bastard" on that Sex on Fire video? That's a Robward FF character from "the Office" - another good porn read - a bit more brutal than HPA! Sorry, really leading you further into the darkside. Wishing you hot and wet Robdreams - Nighty night Tempt!

orion said...

Good night Tempt!

JandR said...

The print is so small in that Bronze Horseman book - or is it just my eyes going with all the reb porn gazing I've been doing... LOL

Suz said...

Edward is Beautiful.

You don't know how long I've waited for you

Temptation said...

YES SEX ON FIRE DID ME INNNNN ...thanks ladies, I haven't got to bed yet, that turd of a DH is shitty and is watching some kind of BRIT show on TV you will be pleased to know I have had my toast and feel very relaxed....

Georgie said...

JandR: hubby doesn't have to try and encourage you with certain reading material any longer, does he?!
Orion: what was the 2nd video? That Sex on Fire flew me right away!!

Temptation said...

I SOOO AGREE JANDI - the print is so tiny, I think that has added to my probs....blindness, and it's not from masterbation.....

JandR said...

Georgie you sound like you have read most of them by now - how long ago did you get into the FF?? Sarah Bella told me she has read all the good stuff already. I have to try and keep focus on the study cos my deadline is getting ever closer...but the ff is sounding pretty enticing especially when it is laced with Robward....yummmm

Georgie said...

...I mean "blew". Don't know what the fuck I'm typing anymore...

Temptation said...

Take it from me Jandi - GO SLOWWWW and take it in turns...one day Robsessed site....one day FF site.....dont cross swords...sorry I am still in porno mode...

JandR said...

okay Tempt - the Little Ashes masterbation?? see that..

orion said...

I agreed with you very little print...Georgie I think I gave you that one, but anyway, here:


And I have more...

Steph is Legit said...

btw i was reading all ur comments just to see what everyone was going on about.. you all crack me up lol

i thought i was the only one with a FF obsession. i completely blame rob

Temptation said...

Isn't it called double dipping ???? god I need to go to bed...

orion said...

Tempt: already I told you 2 times, good night and you're still here!

JandR said...

Rob is sooo hot as Dali...

Temptation said...

ME TOOO - DAMN YOU ROBBB - sorry sweety see you tonight.....

Georgie said...

JandR: I'm reading about 8 FF's at the moment that I'm waiting on new chapters. All M rated of course! Something a bit different is a Robsten FF set around their filming and PR appearances called Beyond Twilight, and it is hhaaawwwttt! All you have to do is go to google and put in "twilight fanfic and the name: eg. Beyond Twilight, The Office, Near you Always, Two Stepping, Mr Horrible... Also The Sub and The Dom (definitely not for the faint-hearted)! Its "prime time" in the northern hemisphere - hope I don't get kicked off by Dani or Goz!

JandR said...

Hi StephsLegit - you have stumbled on the OzPattz - Aussie Robsessors having our usual Rob porn ff discussion on what gets us going... We do this while all the US ladies are sleeping their way through our evening and then just waking up...
Where in the world are you located??

orion said...

What about the "path of ecstasy", come on, that blew me away!!
@Stephs: we're out of control, lol

Steph is Legit said...

I'm in NYC.. I am still on vacation so my sleeping habits are slightly off. Its 8AM and I am WIDE AWAKE

JandR said...

Georgie - I have been writing them all down - just the start of the Personal Assistant one that Tempt is reading got me in though...LOL
I am happy with R rated stuff LOL
and yes the old porn book is somewhere in one of the bedside table drawers - lonely and forgotten since Rob and FF came along ;-)

Temptation said...

3rd Time GOODNIGHT Fine Young ladies and I will leave you with this wise quote from His Holiness the Dalai Lama

"Mental peace cannot be injected by any doctor, no market can sell mental peace or happiness, it needs to be obtained"


Georgie said...

OzPattz: If you go onto this blog about 11am-12 noon Saturday our time, the northern Robsessors usually have their Friday night jollies!

orion said...

here another Georgie:


JandR said...

So Steph - were you lucky enough to see Rob in the flesh while filming RM??? Spill - we want details!

Georgie said...

Thanks Tempt, but my mental happiness will need a ROB in there somewhere too!

JandR said...

Tempt _ I have gained my mental peace and happiness through Robsession, so gotta be happy with that! Now go already...you know you want to... and Georgie that is definitely gonna be worth a look tomorrow - does that make it 9-10am my time?

Temptation said...

STEPH SPILL and I will read it tomorrow along with all of Orions Utube links and Georgies porn.......Dont leave out any details.


orion said...

Tempt, stay, can't you see that you can be without us, Rob,the porn and the fur rug

Steph is Legit said...

Very funny story. I live in Brooklyn. I have a few close encounters, but not the real thing.

1. I flew into JFK airport (in NYC) I was coming home from Greece and was in the terminals in and around the same time Rob was.
2. He was in Brooklyn everyday, but I am a college student so I had to attend class instead of being able to go to the screenings..plus none of my girlfriends think he is hot or even worth there time so no one wanted to go with my to the set sights
3. My mother met the cast the day they filmed RM at the beach. My mom asked me to come with her to the beach and I declined because I was supposed to go to the city to coincidentally stalk rob
4. I had a gyno appointment on a day they were filming and it was filmed on the doctors street. so after i was violated i was then raped of my civil liberties and was escorted off the street

RM filming was not a good time for me lol. So many missed opportunties. 2.5 months wasted.. its ok though. I guess it was good for him because he had one less fan to worry about

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

Woaaah Mama :O

That has to be the hottest Robward I have ever witnessed.
(And that's a lot coming from someone who spents half there day looking at his fablulous pictures)

And you know what this is?
It's a big SCREW YOU to all the people who didn't think he'd be a good Edward. He is DIVINE.

Lmao, if you look at the bottom of one of the pictures where Rob is walking with his bodyguard (Hard to look away from Rob I know..) you can just see some guys head and a big chunk of his hair is shaven off, reminded me of Jackass :D

Well girlies, I know I've sunken to a whole new level when I am jealous of his bodyguard..

But anyways..this was so cool, thanks for posting, cause I'm just reading Eclipse again..

"Penguins, Lovely"

And with that I bid you adieu :P

orion said...

sorry meant 'can't be'

Steph is Legit said...

besides... toward the end of filming it was virtually impossible to get within 100ft of Rob and the poor man looked stressed as it is. Yes I am sad, but If I met him I would have been left with unrealistic expectations.. you know where he would see me in a distance and we would run away into the sunset. Then reality came crashing in lol

JandR said...

That is one saaaad story Steph!! So close and yet so far - if I knew Rob was anywhere near me I would have to do everything in my power to be near him...his draw is that strong. If I thought there would be any chance of seeing him in Vancouver while filming Eclipse I'd be booking my plane tickets right now!

Steph is Legit said...

My life is a sad story lmao.. It's ok though. I will meet him one day. It just wasn't meant to be this past summer...

orion said...

Don't be sad, Stephs. You'll have the opportunity again. We're so far away, and we keep hope that one day....

Georgie said...

StephsLegit: thanks for sharing that with those of us far away who would even dream of being able to breathe the same air as Rob! Oh I can really feel your anguish, as if a trip to the gyno isn't bad enough, talk about adding insult to injury!

orion said...

Jandr: Georgie disappear after I gave the site of that videos, you think that she will be alright? LOL

Anonymous said...



Georgie said...

Orion: Those Rob vids are DIVINE! I think I saw those "bliss" ones when they first came out but I just wanna watch them over and over...

orion said...

Oh there you are, Georgie! I thought that the videos were too much to handle lol

Georgie said...

Orion: I'm just Ok, apart from the breathlessness and heart palpitations!

orion said...

Watch this one:


Georgie said...

Orion, I saw that one before...what are you trying to do, kill me!!??

Georgie said...

...send me to Rob-heaven??

Steph is Legit said...

Well for all you Aussie's he will be filming unbound captives in NZ starting at the end of this year.. so he will be relatively close. Hopefully you girls might be able to an encounter or two while he is there.

JandR said...

Hey Orion - I saw this one a few days ago who is hotter Rob or Edward - I think we know the answer to that one!! LOL

orion said...

yes, we are thinking about that, and
Bobby Long will be here in Sydney, so we hope that Rob will give us a visit

JandR said...

StephsLegit - that is definitely in my plans - Hugh Jackman and Rob together - and they are already buddies - oh just died and went to heaven *swoon* LOL

Georgie said...

...Rob AND Hugh heaven...

orion said...

...or maybe the bunch of OzPattz will give him a visit on NZ

JandR said...

well it is nice to think about isn't it?? I heard Rob would be down in NZ around end November sometime. Anyone hear any possible timing for it? Maybe i'll just fly on over from Sydney after the NM premiere - stay with my sister in law and hit my contacts over there in the arts industry to see what I can find out... sound like a plan?! ;-))

Steph is Legit said...

Well I wish you all the best.. plus you know how America is with the paparazzi. I always knew where RM was filming because a website would leak the location so of course many people found out and flocked. there was barely any security and all the paps were flown into NY.. despite what you all may think NY is not pap crazy.

In Australia (tell me if I am wrong) I have been told numerous times that there is hardly any paps if any at all and he could probably have some time to breathe. It would probably make things a lot easier if you all wanted to meet him. I wish I had that experience, but now I pass on that experience to you. For me, Australia is so far. If I was in NZ I woul not pass up the opportunity to visit various places in AU because I wouldn't know the next time I would be there. Hopefully Rob will be thinking the same thing

Steph is Legit said...

Well I wish you all the best.. plus you know how America is with the paparazzi. I always knew where RM was filming because a website would leak the location so of course many people found out and flocked. there was barely any security and all the paps were flown into NY.. despite what you all may think NY is not pap crazy.

In Australia (tell me if I am wrong) I have been told numerous times that there is hardly any paps if any at all and he could probably have some time to breathe. It would probably make things a lot easier if you all wanted to meet him. I wish I had that experience, but now I pass on that experience to you. For me, Australia is so far. If I was in NZ I woul not pass up the opportunity to visit various places in AU because I wouldn't know the next time I would be there. Hopefully Rob will be thinking the same thing

Georgie said...

Orion, I've just saved a simple Word doc containing those Youtube links for future reference. I don't have any Rob pics or anything saved. I saved ONE picture one to do my avi and DH found it!!

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

Woaaah Mama :O

That has to be the hottest Robward I have ever witnessed.
(And that's a lot coming from someone who spents half there day looking at his fablulous pictures)

And you know what this is?
It's a big SCREW YOU to all the people who didn't think he'd be a good Edward. He is DIVINE.

Lmao, if you look at the bottom of one of the pictures where Rob is walking with his bodyguard (Hard to look away from Rob I know..) you can just see some guys head and a big chunk of his hair is shaven off, reminded me of Jackass :D

Well girlies, I know I've sunken to a whole new level when I am jealous of his bodyguard..

But anyways..this was so cool, thanks for posting, cause I'm just reading Eclipse again..

"Penguins, Lovely"

And with that I bid you adieu :P

Georgie said...

Steph, the only thing is Australia has the worst gossip rag mags peddling all those awful rumours - which might be a big turnoff for Rob. Still, he might try and pop over the ditch (Tasman Sea) unnoticed from NZ...we can only hope!

Georgie said...

LOL Mrs SR: I was jealous of Rob's Cannes bodyguard....very touchy-feely indeed!

Steph is Legit said...

Well I hope you girls get the opportunity to meet him. Just don't be like the NY girls that I saw in all those photos who would jump on him without even asking if they could invade his personal space.. I'm like mother hen over here haha. I regret not getting to see him. Yes he is in NY more often than AU, but I always seen to be busy when he is in NY.

Yea I heard about the Aussie mags, but does anyone believe them. I mean I hate to say this, but so far the American Mags don't look like they are far from the truth this time... that would be a first

Steph is Legit said...

also excuse my spelling errors and punctuation. i tend to type fast and never bother to fix any grammatical errors.

orion said...

do u want any pics of Rob? why u don't have any? I have my pictures file full of him, and 2 or 3 of my family, lol

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

@Georgie- Yeah, he gets to grab him for no apparent reason..to "protect" haha whatever..

I wonder if he'd let girls apply?

Georgie said...

There are plenty of Rob pics on the net that I could download...I might get a Rob-only memory stick.

Georgie said...

Mrs SR: I think you'd have to be built like an Amazon or have a mean bitchface to be a female BG for Rob. If I had good photoshopping skills, I was tempted to superimpose my head on the Cannes BG's body.

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

Yeah, I'd have to spend like a year at the gym and just eat all day to be a BG! haha :D

If I was his bodyguard I'd have certain rules-

1. Stay by my side at ALL times..;)
2. No female contact (They're very dangerous! haha :D)
3. I don't take cheques or cash, just hug's and kisses ;)

Now THAT would be my idea of the best job in the world..haha :)

Georgie said...

...and 4. I must touch all over your body on a regular basis to make sure there is no damage.

JandR said...

and on the subject of being paid to put your hands on Rob - see the shirtless pics in Italy someone from behind has their hands on his waist presumably to position him for the camera - now they wouldn't have to pay me to do that job! ;-)

orion said...

I like the pic that he's holding the door of the trailer, he has Edward gaze...click in the photo and you'll see it

Georgie said...

Yes JandR, it was so he wouldn't fall over backwards when Kristen pounces on him. Edward, of course, has his vampire strength to stay upright.

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...



I would also have to examine his mouth on a daily basis, to check no-one has tried to slip something into his drink..

I also know that this must be done by mouth on mouth contact for best results.


JandR said...

Steph - don't worry - we'd all melt into a little puddle if we actually got to see Rob in the flesh - tongue-tied and flustered LOL You know he is so sweet and polite to his fans who stay calm and orderly - we have seen that - so yes we will be keeping it tame - not screaming little schoolgirls - no - none of that!!! But he sure does give a good hug in some of those fanpics...drool just a little LOL

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

JandR, if I ever had to meet him my goal is a photo.

Like if I had to choose autograph or photo it would be without-a-doubt photo.

After I've died and gone to heaven, I'll come back down to earth momentarily to post that as mu profile picture on ROBsessed, twitter, facebook and every other social networking site I am joined to.
I'd even join sites JUST to show that baby off. :D

Georgie said...

@ Mrs SR: of course, an absolute necessity, to also suck out any poison (or venom) that might have been in his food or drink.

JandR said...

well Kristen would just keep coming at him and a 10 hr shoot - how much strength would you have at then end of that!! I have staying power - just let me be there and hold him up LOL

JandR said...

So Mrs SR - are you really a 15 yr old male from Galway Ireland???

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

This would have to be checked at hourly (or half-hourly, I'm not pushy) intervals, just to be safe.

If he wants me for the job, then I must insist that I move into his house with him. Only to be at this beck and call.

It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it...

orion said...

Jandr! oh, I will have the strength for anything he want, after the 10 hours, LOL

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

WHAT? IT SAYS IM MALE?????? Damn..brb, I gotta go change it..:S

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

Okay JandR, I AM from Galway Ireland, and yes I am 15, but I am a girl, and I can assure you of that..:D

God all that talk of female bodyguards must have been disturbing if you thought I was a guy..LMAO :P

Anonymous said...

Morning Ladies! Boy I missed 196 comments. Just have to say gorgeous as ever!!

Georgie said...

@ Mrs SR: it was disturbing enough knowing you were a 15 year-old LOL! At least we kept it reasonably clean.

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...

@LindaRose, we were just taking about being his bodyguard, scroll up to the last few comments and see if you like our rules..haha :D

Georgie said...

@Linda Rose - it was mainly the OzPattz Friday night frolics (the gals from Australia).

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