I know Kate posted some of these but I worked on this post for a long time yesterday before my connection started hating me and spit me out of the the interweb :)
Because it pissed me off all night last night to not be able to post these and because Rome Rob is one of my favorite Rob's I am abusing my mod power and making a repost :))
At the Rome Film Festival 2008 'Twilight'Premiere, 30 October 2008

At the Rome Film Festival 2008 'Twilight'Premiere, 30 October 2008
Damn! I smell GOOD :)
Book Signing:
Thanks to Robert Pattinson Source for the pictures. Check 'em out for the whole set from Rome :)
And thanks to e-cullen.org for the Q&A pictures :)
wow...thanks, gozde!!
not that he didn't look good on the red carpet, but those book signing pics just kill me!!
just keep rehashing pics and we'll all be happy :)
Good God!! Rome Rob is my favorite too. I was late to this obsession and haven't see a lot of these pics, I have seen the Personal Jesus vid and I love it. Thank you, thank you, thank you Gozde for posting these.
I have to say it Kristen took great pictures in Rome as well. Thank you Gozde, Rome Rob is also a fav of mine.
mmmmmm more rome rob TO DELISH.
I still don't understand why the cast or CH sign the books. They didn't write them after all, this should be left to Stephenie Meyers. Cast and director could sign pics and posters.
Thank you Godze for posting these pics. I too am late to this obsession party-really late-July of 2009! Anywhoo I've got lots of old posts to look thru and I have enuf Rob porn on my iPhone for wallpaper to last me a year. I love it when my phone rings and I can look at him. Awe hell I don't wait for a call- I look at my pics all day when I can steal a moment. Gaaa my life is out of control! help. Maybe I need to consult with Dr Phil-argh no thank you. I'm happy in my own little world and here with "crazies" like me!!
Ooh love these pics Goz !!!!xx
P.S. Thanks for abusing your mod power and making a repost. Gözde.
Thanks Goz, RomeRob is just owning me right now!! These pix are driving me insane looking at them: he's gotta take that hand out of his pocket, I can't stand it!!!!!!
And its already 90something degrees here and now I gotta go stick my head in my freezer because I'm gonna burn up and explode...but I'll never stop looking at them!!!!!
Wow, thanks Godze, I needed these.
I hope that when I finally get to see Rob he will be as cheerful and sign my books with that cute grin of his ;)
There is no such thing as too much Rome Rob. Right click, save, lick the screen. :-)
I forgot how hairy Rob can be!
Did you notice his hands in the signing ones?
Thanks Goz!!
GAAAAAAAAH! brble dkusk...soksdnl...THUD~~
Yummy. Even though it looks like he has bird poo in his hair in the 4th pic.:)
rome rob and his scruff own me!
Thanks for these Gozde! I'm so glad he looked so stunning in my country of origin! Too bad I wasn't there! Aaaagh! Of course all the interesting things happen there after I've moved Down Under! Hahaha! Please, please, Rob, do come here, too!!!
Loved the "smell good" caption!!! :D
I love all of these pictures! The third last (profile) has actually been my wallpaper at home for quite some time. It's my favourite of all time. Just. Perfect. I always say so, but he just looks like an Archangel, can't compare him with anyone else *sigh*...
Oh god, he's got the sex boots on..
Sometimes, life just ain't fair...
Beautiful! Everything is sexier in Italy, right?
Kristen looks really pretty. Back then they weren't afraid to put their arms around each other for pictures. So cute.
goz, love the repost, plus extra from book signing...he looks gorgeous :)
phos - i thought the same thing why the books?! but maybe if it's the twilight book that has the cullen family on the front cover, that would make sense and now the new moon cover with kristen, taylor and shadow of rob. but who knows...and maybe that might be the only piece of twilight that they own, the books.
Maximum jaw porn action.
Rob never looked better, seriously lion mane and red lips, gorgeous smile, all yumminess to me.
Rome Rob is beautiful. Thanks for the pictures.
@ Ana: Looks like they are in a bookshop, the books are sold there. Why don't they sell pics or posters as well?
I wonder if Stephenie Meyers ever signs Twilight-DVDs. Can't picture that.
Thanks again. You always know just what we want to see and when we need a big boost of Rob. Yea!!
phos - that is true. i dont know but i bet SM has signed copies of DVD's, i just know that someone must have asked her to do that.
if i met rob, i would have him sign my wrist, then i would tattoo it on - sound familiar...I AM JUST KIDDING BY THE WAY !!!
OMG, Rome Rob is always a great view!!! what did he do to himself to look THIS HOT... he is always hot but here is such a raw hotness.
Great pics to survive the lack of Rob pics, news or interviews
Major Rome Robgasm!
Thank you for the repost Gozde.
You rock.
Umm, where are those clothes we wore then? I'm familiar with the gray shirt, but I believe the black sweater is new to me.. And I like it! He looked very manly..
Partly because he decided to wear his Dr. Martens instead of those terrible Nikes.. Doesn't he have friends? Why don't they tell him those Nikes suck??
guys....the man is getting hotter as he age...:)that's all
Third to last pic...wow...just, wow. Words fail me...
Oh and wtf is wrong with Kstews freaky little hand in the 2nd pic?!
Loved the pics Rob was delish!
There is no place like Rome. Even better with the three musketeers in it.
I had no idea a photo could do THAT to me! Ouch!!! Where's the Nitro!!! OMG!
the scruff and the eyelashes in the 4th from the bottom are my happy place.
Beautiful, lovely man....
That's all I have to add.
I'm gonna be all negative nancy, but goddamn Kristen is ugly as fuck.
Had to look at these quickly so that my husband (sitting in the same room) doesn't get jealous... oh my god... that one where he's sitting at the table with his hand in front of his chin and that little smile... would love to wake up to that in the morning!! Thanks for the Friday pick-me-up!! :)
The signing pictures are UNBELIEVABLE! If I was ever lucky enough to get to a signing with Rob, I would need medical attention-staying right next to him, observing his scent, with his shirt unbuttoned like that and the chest hair and those lips… I would explode on the spot!
PS. Does anyone have a video link to the Italing press con in English?
Thank you Gozde, u really know what we need.
There he is.
our lovely Rob ruin our day with his beauty and sexiness
I so agree about cuckoo Catherine. What's up with her funbags hanging out in that tank top?
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