Entertainment Weekly Outtakes

The shoot that keeps on giving :)

Thanks to Robert Pattinson Source :)


WinWin said...

Wow, ITA, the hand to the cheek is so tenderly and loving. Can't wait for New Moon? : )

Thank you Gozde!

Golnaz said...

Love it! Rob and Kristen both look hot!

RPLover said...

God he looks hot in black! love the ones where he's looking at the camera, he looks...dangerous. and effin' hot. ;)

Angela said...

Look how big his hand is compared to her face. yum.

In TW book, he's touching her face soooo much, but in the movie, only once, briefly. I was so sad.

OK, I think Rob has extra skin on his face because when he leans forward, it all sort of comes forward and his face looks more full.

Thus, the weird contorted face he has in the last scene of twilight.

That's also why he looks so different in all his pix.

Would love to touch his face and kind of pull back and just see for myself. gently of course....

Anonymous said...

damn this shoot is hot!!!

N.D. said...

Rob Pattinson as a girl

Kate said...

Ooh gorgeous outtakes. Thank you Goz!
Is it me or does his hand look huge??? :-/

crazylife said...

Some of my favorite pictures of him are in this shoot. RPlover my thoughts exactly..... dangerous and hot.

Haystackhair said...

Le sigh. Hot.

lostinphilly57 said...

One of these photos was in EW last year when I first discovered Rob (or lost my Twilight virginity). I love how Rob looks all in black, really fierce. Thanks Goz.

RPLover said...

@crazylife-my favorite combo! heehee

RPnKSaddict said...

I love the dangerous look. Why does it seem the the outakes are just as hot or even hotter than the published pics?

wow his hand on her cheek...mmmm gives me shivers down my spine.

Suz said...

I said it BEFORE and I'll Say it


I want to LIVE in that head of hair!

Blimey. (trying to stop saying FUCK)

Melanie said...


la rédaction said...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Just one night would make me a happy girl...

Anonymous said...

My girlie bits just burned through my pants and spilled onto my chair.....

Clean up in aisle 9!

Dani said...

The outtakes are ALWAYS better than the pictures chosen for the mag publications.

Seriously scary starry Robward is the best. And K Stew looks gorgeous. Really great.

katie said...

That last photo of Rob sorta looks like he's still growing into his looks. They are all so pretty put together and sometimes it makes him look so young and otherworldly. And Kristen has such a petite face and head. His hand looks huge in comparison. She's such a tiny thing.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob is what 6'1 or 6'3?? and how tall is kstew? because she always have to be on tippy toe just to kiss him. which i find very sexy

Cbone said...

Wow he is just, I don't even have the words!!! Good Grief!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I have a couple of mags & books that say he's 6'1 and others 6'2..

All I know is he is tall & lean & too yummy for words...

Kat said...

What I'd give for him to touch my cheek that way....

Thanks Goz... beautiful pics...

Dani - you're right, why are the outtakes always better than what they choose?

riley said...

The vanity fair outtakes were superior to the ones that made it into the actual magazine as well.

Ana73 said...

beautiful pics. he looks gorgeous and she looks beautiful. i wonder which mag. will get rob & Kristen for new moon promotions.

MissHalfway said...

Lost my heart for a second.......

Read here:

Thaks God it's a fake!!!!!

roxiegirl said...

My cubicle neighbors are probably wondering what I'm panting about...tee hee. I love these pics and Rob in black is smokin hot....someone call 911 I'm on fire!

Emily said...

I always think Kristen looks topless at first glance in these pics.

She looks gorgeous here. Rob looks....kinda scary in the last three. Hot scary. Like he's about to attack, bite, or ravish her. Total predator vs. prey thing going on.

The ones of him touching her cheek are so sweet.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i read that shit early this morning about rob being dead did not read the whole thing because i knew it was FAKE most of the stories on the internet right now are 90% fake,so i dont read any of it

Gemgirl65 said...

Holy fucknuts, why didn't they just let Rob look like ROB as Edward? He's just hot as sin in these photos. THAT's how I always pictured Edward, with the wild hair and the evil stare in those last shots. He is perfection. And Kristen looks gorgeous.

Ana73 said...

where in the world do they come up with these stories??? o.d. wow, that is something that was out of left field, wouldn't even expected that. that is someone's imagination going wild.

Emily said...

I totally agree, Leann. Rob at the Sex Drive premiere would work well as Edward too. A flawless face and hair that defies gravity.

Chicago girl now in LA said...


I'm so damn excited....I have to post this here since it is the latest (Gorgeous photos, thanks GOZ) posting.

Just got my mail and there was my self-addressed envelope postmarked LONDON!!!!!!!

...Rob must've finally read my letter from last fall!!!! Yea! I got a personalized autographed photo (the beanie, grey t-shirt, blue open shirt over the t). The envelope was awkwardly taped in back because the pic was a bit wide for the envelope. Do you suppose he taped it....?!!!

I'm guessing while Rob was holed up filming in New York, he was also catching up on piles of fanmail, which was shipped back to England and then was mailed out.

I'm sooooo thrilled! I'm hoping KK and the rest of the "gang" sees this or I'll have to post again...

Just wanted to share the great news. DH just called and I told him, but you know, he doesn't *understand.*

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...



Maybe he even licked the envelope! You could get his DNA and do something special with it!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

oh man the photo sucks on the avatar-will need to fix that.

Treasure_7 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shani said...




Enuf said...

Chicago girl now in LA said...


You're giving me ideas, there, but I think I'd need more than DNA! The pic is a serious one with a very sexy stare. I have it right next to the computer. ;))))

Ana73 said...

chicago - great story. i would just stick with the thought of him licking the envelope just for you :))

how long did it take you to get a response???

LovetheLips said...

Chicago - you must have been so damn thrilled to open that!!! DH may not understand, but we do...:))) He must get so much fan mail...i'm impressed he can still answer personally....happy for you (and just a 'lil jealous at the same time;))

Athena said...


@ Leann: I so agree with you! That's why I'm so looking forward to Remember Me, because Tyler looks like Rob! :D

@ Chicago girl: Congratulations!!! :D

Rob's Elena said...

I've always loved this photo sequence... he looks like an animal...

orion said...

Hello Girls! Doesn't he looks gorgeous on the las photo...a look to kill, babe

Ripley said...

Love the pics
Chicago girl, I'm thrilled for you. Can you imagine the gazillion fan letters he gets and you got a signed pic. I'm empressed.

Rhonda said...

WOW! Goz, those are some nice finds today. Rome Rob and Sexy Predator Robward! Hard to concentrate on anything else now.

Temptation said...

Chicago Girl - Envy Envy Envy - Love the Beanie and Grey T-Shirt combo, I think I would have to keep that next to my bed....

Tess said...

These are gorgeous shots!!

LOOK at how large his hand looks compared to her face.

I'd feel safe in those hands... wouldn't you? *sigh*

Temptation said...

TES you're right his hands look massive do you think it is the angle of the photo or his just has wonderful sexy LARGE hands..

orion said...

Hi Temptation! You know that he has big hands, looong fingers, looong feet, looong legs, and...well I would like to do a private examination for the others parts...but definitely has big hands...lol

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