So THIS Was What Robward was Supposed to Look Like

You know how Catherine Hardwicke said she pictured Robward with longer romantic hair and Rob refused it. Well THANK YOU ROB :)

Now if only Kristen Stewart would refuse to wear that God Awful wig on her head for Eclipse. (Didn't Jacob's awful do for Twilight and Jasper's dead cat hair for New Moon teach them anything?)

Thanks to [info]ljmd in [info]pattinsonlife for the picture


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Gah! Gozde! I've never seen this photo before...

I think he looks fucking hot!!!

WinWin said...

Gozde, Thanks for putting a smile on my face. Your comments kill me. Bella's wig is awful. Summit needs to splurge a little on wigs. lmao

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh yea, Bella's wig sucks, makes her face look fat.

margot said...

bleach ! bleach my eyes !! bring "The Zygote Rob" !!!

I'm kidding .... only zygote Rob is "badder" than this bleh ....

Suz said...

I like the longer hair..

nom nom nom..

Now wig gate is another story!

Lisa said...

I have to admit it...sometimes Rob's hair scares me...this is one of those times...

Bellanieve said...

He looks GOOD with anything on or off...Now Edward unless he was a pioneer looks Great with the POOFY hair lol

Anonymous said...

hehehe for some reason it really doesn't bother me. i was expecting it to be really long like laurent in twilight.

i like the bouffant better though :)

oh! and the new banner is AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS!

Marna said...

Why do these people have so much trouble with wigs? This looks awful. They should have dyed the front of her hair & brushed it into the wig so that she would at least have a normal hairline. Now I'm going to spend all of Eclipse staring at her funky hair. Blech.

Rob with scraggly long hair? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Unknown said...

Long hair for Edward is fine, for ROBERT NO!! Thank you Robert, for your insight. KStew is forced to wear that fall, because of her previous short, black 'Kettsons' 'do. Ain't that bad.

RPLover said...

I would be able to laugh about Kristen's wig, if it wasn't SO DAMN BAD that's it's not funny. seriously, Slade. Change. It.

MsIxa said...

Please how do we send David Slade a petition to change Bella's wig, please oh please. Why don't they dye her hair brown and do extensions. Hire the people who do Ashley Greene's extensions everytime she does a photo shoot, she always looks amazing and the extensions are awesome... Please oh please, Kristen is too pretty to wear that awful wig.

This is my first time complaining but it really is bad..

Emily said...

TS - I agree. When CH mentioned hair extensions all I could picture was his Ring of the Nibelungs mullet.

I think New Moon Jasper looks like Carol Burnett. Jackson is so cute, why do they keep doing this to him?

Sharperoni said...

Who's the guy with Rob in this pic?

Jewels64 said...

Rob is still gorgeous but he was right to go with shorter hair.

Thank God Chris Weitz let him get rid of the bouffant!!!

I think they recycled Jakes wig for Bella....LOL!!!

Loisada said...

Have to agree with Rpattzgirl and Suz. Btwn the nasty bouffant and the longer hair.... I'm leaning towards the longer look, though this style does look pretty scruffy.

Hum!!!!! a scruffy Robward instead of the prissy overly coiffed and madeup look? Oh yeah, I can see that!

Steph is Legit said...

its really not that hard to get a form fitting wig.. or at least one that matches her hairline

as for robs hair.. it doesn't bother me.. i prefer the length that he had for RM best, but hey.. its his hair

i guess its a little disturbing that he could possibly tie it in a pony tail

Kaitlin McGovern said...

Omfg Jaspers dead cat hair!
I died.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Carol Burnett?

Anonymous said...

i think that he looks fiiine.

Emily said...

Jules - I was just about to type that it kind of looks like Kristen is wearing Taylor's wig from Twilight. Lol!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

as always iam the odd man out because i LIKE kstew new hair,i think she look very pretty,iam happy iam always alone in my opinions.

Haystackhair said...

LOL, well I like long hair on guys so I think he still looks hot! And I didn't notice Bella's wig being so horrible. Maybe I should go look again. Goz, ya kill me girl!

tnan said...

OMG LMAO!! Seriously?? Been dying to see long-haired Rob since CH made that comment a few days ago. Glad Rob put his foot down on that one. Thank you for posting this!

Mars said...

He DOES look dreamy with longer hair! Was this shot around the time HTB was filmed? It looks kinda the same length (though I might need my eyes checked... haha!)

Kat said...

I don't know, Ladies. Maybe it's just my age or maybe it's Rob, but I think the long hair is totally HAWT!!! (I think I qualify as a Jaguar??)

I like his bouffant. And I like his hair in Remember Me, although it made his face look wider, for some reason. Maybe it's just him getting more mature. There's not much he could do to turn me off.

Like I said before, the only reason to kick him out of bed is to do him on the floor, or the table, or the sofa, or the back of the Volvo, the top of a circus tent, or any place else I can find.

I like Jasper's hair, too, every way but the Mohawk. But Jackson is so dang cute, there is probably no look on him that is bad. Have you seen the one with his hair all slicked back and he's all dressed up? That man has a gorgeous face!! And lips and eyes and nose. He's no Rob, but DANG, he's a cutie.

Alas, there is only one Rob and we must all share the image, if not the man(unfortunately).

Mars said...

I do need my eyes checked! Not at all the same length. Still doesn't look TOO bad. I think if they'd styled it and made it all polished, then it would look dumb, but if it's unkempt... I think we'd be done for! haha

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I like the way you think....

Anonymous said...

So glad he didn't go for the extensions in Twilight, he really doesn't suit the long hair, but I guess we'd best get used to it , he'll probably be wearing one for Unbound Captives.

She's smiling in that photo, maybe it's just a rehearsal wig? Has to be..Slade always worried me, but this is ridiculous.

Jae Lu said...

i absolutely cannot stand Jasper's "dead cat hair" in NM. awful.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Well here's a beautiful, heartbreaking fan made video..

What would happen if Bella died?

Mechevpao said...

Is this pic real?? or a manip? O_O
I´m glad Rob refused to use the extensions of Edward, I don´t understand in what part CH read that Edward had long hair to envision him like that.

the Twilight saga production seems to have problem with hair dressers and make up department, all the wigs are very bad, the latest used on Kristen looks like the one they used on Taylor for Twilight, just colored brown. Also the make up, Kristen is looking again as pale as the vampires, and she is still playing a human. They should hire the make up artists they used in Remember Me, Rob´s character sported bruises that looked very real, and they used a very natural make up on Emilie.

Unknown said...

Is it just me or does Rob look like Matt Dillon in this pic? I like the long hair, but I must say the I LOVE the bouffant much better in Twilight!

Robaholic said...

ICK! and we can only hope they do a better dye job on Nikki

enjoykim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mars said...

@Robaholic - Ugh. Nikki's hair was horrible--possibly the worst of all. I felt bad for her. There are plenty of shades of blonde and they went with THAT shade?

Mars said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
enjoykim said...

Bahaha,reminds me of Twilight MangaRob:

Rob and his hair,don´t care about the length,just wanna touch it...;-)

enjoykim said...

@ Marz
I thought it was the wrong link,so I posted it again.I never know which link works...;-) I´m not technically gifted...

Mars said...

@enjoykim - No worries! It is a great picture though! Was this for NM? His hair looked so... strokable. *sigh*

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I love that photo. sometimes his hair needs it's own zip code.

Athena said...

LMAO Gozde! :D

Long hair, short hair, no hair, who c-hairs! Just give him to ME, dammit!!! :D

I don't mind the long hair at all in this picture, the electric blue beanie, on the other hand X(...... but who's the boy with him in the picture? And what's the back story? Is it actually a "behind the scenes" from the filming of Twilight?

orion said...

I love Rob with long hair...and the beanie. Love it.

enjoykim said...

@ Marz
I´ve heard that these are extensions?! done for Twilight...It looks like he just got an electric shock...

roxiegirl said...

@Kat I like the way you think too. I do all of those things in my fantasies!!

Not too crazy bout the long hair and I liked the bouffant too tho I think I'll like the toned down NM version even better.

Mars said...

@enjoykim - Still looks amazing! I think the only time I would dislike Rob's hair, is if he got a buzz cut.... and I mean MILITARY short! haha

enjoykim said...

Robert Pattinson: A Critical Examination of His Hair, 2005 - 2008

LOL @ comments "Definitely the most natural of the Pattinson looks. It says "I could write you a lullabye or save you from a skidding van - but I'd much rather wear red velvet."

Joolia said...

Never mind kstews Bella head wig, how about that horrid Rosalie wig, it makes Nikki look like one of the White Chicks!

Robs hair isnt as long with the extensions as i expected it to be, he still looks NNGGHHH though

Tenneil said...

I like the Hobo hair!!! Kindof makes me smile a bit more... seriously tho... this man can really do no wrong... He looks HAWT in just about anything...

Robs Australian Dominatrix said...

that pic reminds me of how to be hair? maybe that wasn't with the extensions? i agree with what someone said earlier, i don't care what his hair looks like, i just want to touch it. is that gerard way from my chemical romance in that pic?

Loisada said...

Forget the hair, it's the angle of his face that kills me here. This is where the comparison with David comes from. Oh to slide down that nose and glide slowly over those lips......

Unknown said...

wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! can't see the pictures!! I've been dying to see those since I first read them in the twilight director's book!! Please..can anyone please post a new link where I can see it better!! PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE!! Robward is killing me!!!

Temptation said...

I don't know about you guys but I can handle the Surger Dude look.....

HOT PIC......and he is wearing a beanie....YUMMMMMOOO

Anonymous said...

Well, I love long hair on guys so this is very sexy on Rob. More hair to run my hands through and pull on when the time is right! Grrrr!!!!

Temptation said...

His Beanie looks like his Granny made it....HAHA....

Makes him all the more loveable...

xoRobxo said...

"the only reason to kick him out of bed is to do him on the floor"

OMG how funny and soooo true

I think CH is a cool person but so very wacky. Some of her ideas were just out there. And listening to the Twilight comentary, it just seem like there was total chaos. She was commenting that they had 5 minutes to shoot this or that they re-wrote stuff on the spot or telling the actors to just imnprovise (which you can tell on Bella and Edwards ride in the Jeep in the woods after the BB game~Kristen is just spouting shit that makes no sense)

Oh and the wig~UGH! Why wouldn't Kristen just let them put in extensions??? Hair people should have insisted on it. However I do think the pics posted today on Lainey look better than the ones from a few days back during the graduation scene

xoRobxo said...

@MARY~the picture isn't from when they put the extensions in Robs hair. Its just a random older photo with his hair alittle longer. In the directors notebook I got the feeling CH had MUCH longer hair in mind, going on the sketches that were in the book~She's kooky... in Twilight his hair was very specific, like a character itself. why would CH mess or even think about messing with perfection

Ana73 said...

love the hair topic - i am laughing so hard with the comments

jasper - carol burnett

rosalie -one of the white chicks

bella - jacob wig from twilight.

my opinion:
it doesn't even look like "bella", it's weird her face looks strange - like rounder - i really hope they dont film breaking dawn til her hair grows back. and why didn't they use extensions??? i can't believe she went for this, i would have protested. and dont get me wrong i love kristen stewart but she should have said something...

Temptation said...

Do you know what I think...or do you even care...well I think Kristen is actually ageing and he face is changing shape.....After all she was only 17 when she made Twilight, it is only natural that her appearance will change......As for the wig, totally she knows how Nikki felt about wearing a wig, not much fun.......the serious question is WHY IS SHE KEEPING THE MULLETT ????

Ana73 said...

tempt - i dont think she has a choice with the mullet right now because it just has to grow out. it was a really SHORT mullet. what is with the hair line in front of the wig, that was the same problem with taylor's , that is why they looks so bad.

kchambers77 said...

catherine is such a space hippy. really? he looks like a tug boat captain. not edward cullen an american rich boy with the blue balls of smurfs.

sheesh cathy. put the bong down.

Anonymous said...

@Kristen- That is EXACTLY what I thought when I saw that photo- that he looked like Matt Dillon! I'm digging the longer hair on him- I like him any way I can have him really. ;)

xoRobxo said...

@Ana~I read that Kristen herself refused hair extensions and insisted on a wig

Ana73 said...

xorob - i am really surprised. hair extensions do hurt if they are not weaved in right, believe me i know BUT dont you want yourself to look good in the movie. and i am sure they could have got someone really good to do the extensions - oh well we will just have to see how she looks next july. maybe she can take some sort of hair growth pills LOL or maybe they can add a new part in the movie where bella cuts her hair :))

xoRobxo said...

@kchambers~OMG... I'm dying here reading your comment. And your Avi... Uhmmm .... Love it. Did you come up with that? Brill

xoRobxo said...

@Ana~ I totally agree. I would want the extentions not only to look good in the movie but to get rid of that hideous mullet. If what I read was true(and it probably was cuz who in their right mind wouldn't go for the hair extensions over a wig) the hair and makeup people should have insisted on it. I'm worried about Exclipse. Chris Wietz where are you??????

Temptation said...

HOW can you be worried about Eclipse ??? did you not see the photo's of Rob the other day.......He is looking so damn hot I really don't care what Kristen looks like....Although I am with you on the wig, perhaps the photo's they published didn't show the wig at it's full potential, maybe it slipped forward or something....

MMc said...

I like the long hair! Like he said - he just didn't look scarey with his "little bouffant and sculpted eye brows"

xoRobxo said...

@Temp~Oh agreed about Rob... looking totally yummy. I just think that after the disapointment that was the Twilight movie- we are going to get the movie (New Moon) that looks like what I pictured reading the book. I just think it looks awesome and I totally am diggin on CW. I would hate to see the next movie take a step back. I mean if something minor like giving Bella decent hair looks bad-lets hope something major like the fight doesn't. And believe me- I diffinetly believe any movie with Rob is a leap ahead- but you get what I mean:)

orion said...

Hi Tempt! he looks gorgeous! I love the long hair and beanie.

orion said...

So, what do you think about working with Danii...aggggh, please! I hope is no true...can you imagine?

Temptation said...

HEY ORION - the only thing I would be happy about him working with Danni is if he had to beat her to a pulp or shoot her or somthing.....she is gross......I am sure she took a photo of Kylie to her plastic surgeon and said "make me look like this" didn't work honey....

Rob looks like he could be in that movie 'DUE WHERE'S MY CAR' what do you think ???

Temptation said...

That is Supposed to be 'DUDE WHERE'S MY CAR'

Did you finish your book ??? Tatiana and Alexander did not show up today, I am like a junky with withdrawl symptoms, I am so wanting to get into it....

orion said...

Hi Tempt! I just went to Big W to get the 2nd one. I hope that all that thing doing a movie with Danii is all bull... I won't go to see it, no way, I hate that bi....

Temptation said...

Do you mean you picked the second one up....grrrrrrr....bloody amazon books, you can get it at BIG W.....promise me we cant discuss until I start reading.....

Maybe Dani is bigger in the UK than in Australia, based on what most people say we basically all hate her......I am pretty sure he could get a better Leading Lady........Rob in a tux yummmbooo....Rob as a young James Bond ... pure sex......I don't think my heart could take it...

Temptation said...

HEY I have the best CD playing it's 'Lady Loves Soul' and as I am looking at the Tux picture in the background is "what a man what a man what a mighty good man"........

Now it's "mr big star, who do you think you are".....

Love music.....can change your day...."mr big star your never gonna get my love"

orion said...

No worries, I'm no going to discuss the book. Danii can be big thing in UK but I don't care,she's horrible actress, and if she's doing a movie is going to be a flop.
Hey, I saw Kristen with the wig she doesn't look bad, are we talking of the same pic?

Temptation said...

Thats not the pic I looked at she doesn't look too bad in that one. I was looking at a UTube video and she had a big mellon head...

By the way is Danii become an actress ????

orion said...

yeah! you alright about Danii, I think somebody told me that she is an actress. They said that she can sing too...

caninecologne said...

well, actually i dig long hair on guys. he can pull that look off - i love that dirrrty rocker look. facial stubble and some tight ass jeans...a leather jacket....(sorry, daydreaming here!)

Temptation said...

Maybe when she was on Johnny Youngs Talent Show at about age 7 now she just is a guest host on some crappy reality show isn't she ???

Based on that I am going for a total rumour, cannot imagine anyone casting her.....

I am starting to like Rob in the Blue Beannie, getting attached to it.....

Is the Tux pictures from Cannes ??

orion said...

I love the blue beanie, I like his long hair and his face on that pic...well, yeah...I love him. Rob in tuxedo, well, what can I say? I will try to picture him with the tux, so tonite I can have...a nice night

Temptation said...

ORION are you classing it up tonight, up for a black tie the way your Avi is looking at me again....

orion said...

Hey! get your own and leave my avi alone! on the wallpaper that I have (same like my avi) is better coz is biiiigggg

orion said...

Check this out

orion said...

I'm going for a cuppa...

Temptation said...

Mexi Rob - yummmy - cuppa sounds good....catch you later....

orion said...

I'm back Tempt.Doesn't he look beautiful?

solas said...

I am SO glad some of you did not like that bouffant hair-do. Am shuddering again! Kristen's hair was too chopped up and she did not want extensions, but yes, they could have died at least her own hair in front to blend it in on top of the wig. Now the wig looks like it was plopped on.

JennB said...

I like the FishermanRob look... I'd love to have a hot cup of coffee and some pie ready for him when he pulls in his nets and comes home for the night... Although the fish smell... blech.

solas said...

Sorry--that should have been 'DYED her own hair.' It is the wig that looks dead. :-(

aliciaroswell said...

They should've included in her contract that she could not cut her hair for any other production she is involved with while filming the Twilight films. I guess "The Runaways" is more important than "Twilight" for her.

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