Lifesize Edward wall art...creepy or cool?

I say its a bit creeptastic but you be the judge.

If you would like Robward looking down on you whilst you sleep in all his
6 foot 2 glory check out the source of this nuttiness HERE .
He can be all yours for $60.00 US.


Cuccicella said...

Oh my word!!
I will be hugging and you know h***ping on him.. *cleared throat* on the wall. I mean.

Anonymous said...

One vote for creeptastic!

Lisa said...

I like the way that tuft of hair on the silhouette just kind if sticks up there.

I vote for creepy.

I live in NYC. I'm paranoid enough, thank you very much.

Carys said...

i thought he was 6 foot 1.....?

Cindy said...

oh, i vote cool! completely & totally cool.

Lisa said...

@ Carys:

i thought he was 6 foot 1.....?

Rob is 6'1.

EDWARD is 6'2 ;)

RPLover said...

yeah, another vote for creepy. not to mention I think this would probably embarrass him-not saying I know him, just a gut feeling!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

iam gonna have to go with CREEPY on this one,i would love to have robward in my bedroom but not this way lol

rpgirl27 said...

no words just....

Temptation said...

I agree very very CREEPY imagine you could have a black and white room and put him on every wall, what would you call them? a flock of Edwards, a herd of Edwards not sure...

The real thing would be much nicer thank you and maybe cheaper.

Marna said...

Hmm, I'm going to have to go with the creepy contingent. It's like a demon is watching you.

Divinesally said...

ROTFLMFAO @ ALL of your comments =D

Cali said...

Hmmmm...I dunno...maybe inside the closet door?

"Honey, what are you doing in the closet AGAIN?"

"Nothing sweetheart, I'll be out in a minute!"

Yeah...probably not a good idea.

I'd rather see his beautiful face on my desktop.

Cali said...

I do like the color scheme in the bedroom, sans Robward, the walls can use some color.

Temptation said...

Now incase any of you missed the previous discussions you can now get Vamp Dildo's, it glitters in the dark. So I think that the (what do we call it) Edward stencil should be placed right next to the bed head near the Dildo, sound sensible.

Marketing gone MADDDDDD

Rhonda said...

It's not the sleeping that would be so creeptastic, but the other bedroom activities. And any self-respecting man would not "perform" under those circumstances!

JandR said...

It kinda looks more Rob than Edward though don't you think?? Rumpled shirt and Rob finger porned Edward was a bit neater than Rob...just saying...

Tess said...

If I woke up and saw a shadow on my bedroom wall, I'd jump out of my skin.

I vote creepy.. definitely creepy.

Isn't odd that I'd know that silhouette anywhere though? I'm so ashamed...

JandR said...

Don't be ashamed Tess - rejoice in it - we love every square inch of this dude inside and out and not afraid to shout it out loud (here of course lol)

Hande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
T said...

I vote creepy as well.

Haystackhair said...

YIKES! What will they think of next. Yesterday I drove past a girl with an "I drive like a Cullen" stencil on her back window. She soooo did NOT! LOL. She had cars backed up for a mile behind her.

phosphorus said...

Rhonda said: It's not the sleeping that would be so creeptastic, but the other bedroom activities. And any self-respecting man would not "perform" under those circumstances!

I guess this wall paper was designed for those without any bedroom activity where others are involved: young girls and very lonely people.

It's creepy. If I was Rob it'd freak me out. And I really wonder what the contract with Summit says about merchandising. How far does it go? How far does Summit's right go to sell him in the role of Edward as a product or to license others who want to sell him in the role of Edward as a product?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@rhonda i love your comment lol

Kymz said...

Totally creeptastic in every sense of the word!!

Athena said...

Eeeehm... thanks, but no thanks *big grin*

What would happen is: I wake up in the middle of the night, see someone looming over me, I get a heart attack and die before I can remember *I* stuck the bloody silhouette on the bloody wall!

It reminds me of Peter Pan's fugitive shadow, though...

marya said...

It reminds me of Cannes know the photoshoot with the sea behind him...
still id prefer the real thing...
creepy indeed :D

N/A said...

Maybe if he didn't look like he was wearing platform shoes a la Austin Powers.

On second though, no, definitely not.

cutecandy said...

Oh this is nothing compared with the sparkly dildo bwahahahhahahha

cutecandy said...

Kat said...

Hmmmm.... I could never get away with putting it on my bedroom wall - Dear Hubby would have me committed. However, I do have the Edward standee from Twilight in my office. My staff gave it to me as a gift, and they have already ordered me a Ken Doll Edward. I will probably receive the New Moon standee of Edward in the brown suit, too. These people like to feed my addiction! But no silhouettes, I like the full on color pictures. Just wish I could get one of Rob instead of Edward.

cathysue said...

be safe....wear a condom. i can hear the silhouette say. and ROFL at the sparkly dildo.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i wonder how the cast and the folks over at summit feel about the dildo? WEIRD

Suz said...

Yea, I am going for creeptastic here..

But I will admit to having the "Be Safe" logo (vinyl stickers) on both of our vehicles.

I love the sentiment, and my husband thinks it's a "Mom" thing..

LOL! If he only knew.

P.S. New Banner.... Gaaaaahhh!
(I'm all outta words!)

kchambers77 said...

just waiting for the robert pattinson real doll line.

Anonymous said...

I love me some Shadow Edward. Finally a bit of pattz that doesn't make me want to vomit! (Oh gawd, don't kill me for not drooling over him--more for you!)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I have my lifesize stand up standing at the foot of my's enough for me....until I can have the real thing**wink*

This thing on the door, the "Shadow Man" is creepy..

Melanie said...

I'm afraid I'd be doing naughty things to my wall if had this. lol
By the way, love, love, love, love, love the banner.

Unknown said...

i vote for creeptastic

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, but that is just plain creepy. Having it in your bedroom is even worse with the words 'be safe' - its reminds me of those STD adverts where they tell you to use protection to 'be safe'

Kathryn Smith said...

Am I allowed to put it on the ceiling above my bed? :D

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...



Kelly said...

I gotta say.. I think it's kinds cool... it's like the presence of him, bettre then the giant cardboard cut out of him staring at you.. that would be creepy to me.... it's kinda cool.. I think the DH would have a fit!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure I think it's creepy - but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't pay $60 to have it on my wall either - but would love to have the "BE SAFE" for my wall.

Sparkly dildo - where do I get one???????? :)

Diane said...

@haystackhair - thanks for my first laugh of the day! Amazing how you think you've taken a break from Robsessing, only to find RL feeding your OCD.
@Temptation - good question. If you can have an exultation of larks, there ought to be a word for multiple ECs. A "Hotness"? That kind of contradicts E's essential cold. How about a "Huminahumina of Edwards"?

lulusfolie said...

umm i think it is majorly creepy just the silhouette... CREEPY TOWN

cutecandy said...

psssst Rexanna ^
l link above :)

fragile human said...

Sally said:
"I'm sorry, but that is just plain creepy. Having it in your bedroom is even worse with the words 'be safe' - its reminds me of those STD adverts where they tell you to use protection to 'be safe'"

@Sally- I thought the same exact thing when I saw it. I do like pics/graphics of silhouettes as art, but having it be Robward and in the bedroom- CREEPY.

Shani said...

I could have sworn I saw this like wayyy earlier this year or some other art work. It's creepy, but kind of cute in a way. It's Edwards shadow. Meh.

Diane said...

Shani - maybe it was just Edward creeping through Big D. Actually, as Rob has pointed out, Edward IS seriously creepy, especially if you read Midnight Sun. He's busy, swinging through trees to stalk Bella, taking up residence in her bedroom, obsessing (and you know how creepy that can be - LOL), and generally respecting no boundaries. Can you say "restraining order?"

Mars said...

Creeeeepy... Though I wouldn't be surprised if it's a top-seller.

Anonymous said...

I'd put it somewhere I wouldn't see it right after waking up. Bad dreams + waking up with a shadow of a man in your room = scream. Other than that I'd be all over it... I mean buying it....

AP said...

Tink, Tink, stop it. I have to wake Wendy - or whoever she is. Where's that blue thread I use on my shirts? You - sew it back on, NOW!!

*Sparkles* said...

Merchandise gone crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful finds here! Also, I found something interesting I thought I would share…from something I wrote this month…
Bringing Out Your Inner BOLD!
Bill Blass said, ìStyle is primarily a matter of instinct.î Decorating takes on a new meaning for each individual. Clever and chic for Janie may be yesterdayís yawn-fest for Carol. Different tastes in dÈcor mean different furniture, artwork and color palettes. So what is the rule of thumb for making your place zing if itís not a certain style, pattern, or color?
Bold, baby! Bring on the bold!
Boldly say what you want to say when designing a room. Make a statement and let your personality shine through. If you go in for the palest blues to soothe and relax, add a custom zing to make it pop! Love black and white photography? Maybe even some of that ultra-hot photo alphabet wall art in black and white? Splash in some passionate pink or revved up red on the wall to make it sizzle.
No longer are walls content with neutral shades. Any color of the palette goes! Splash on muted melons or eccentric eggplants with savvy sage. Classic colors cozy up with velvety crimsons and Dijon yellows. Color is fantastically bold and beautiful! Rich textured throws, swags, rugs and runners jazz up every room, every time.
Patterns are all the rage now, too. Twists and twirls, paisleys and pearlsóbold is key! Did you ever in a million years think of dotting stripes and striping dots? Designers these days are pulling out all the geometrical stops. Paisley mixes with all sorts of combinationsóchecks, polkas, and weathered solids. Discover a new way of looking at the world around you in different shapes and deigns.
Mix it all with gorgeous gilding in silver and gold. Toss in a few well-chosen accents óbold and beautiful. And with the trend of decor becoming more and more personalized, a meaningful piece of photography will make you feel right at home. Black and white as well as the historic look of sepia photography looks gorgeous in any room. Add all these ingredients together, and youíve got yourself a decorating design that not only expresses your individual style but does so as personally and beautifully as you want it to.
Whatever you want to say while decorating, say it with your own personal sense of style. Put it out there for the world to see and donít look back! Embrace your individuality whether your nature is ìJanie jazzedî or ìCarol calmî. Express yourself! When people enter your home theyíll shoot you a complementary smile, knowing it looks and feels sooooo perfectly like you. And no one can do YOU better.
To take your individual decorating accents and style to a whole new level of personalization, check out Imagine photographs of natural alphabets, clip art photo messages or even personalized photo place mats. Consider yourself a person on the go? Youíll love pictures to go with alphabet letters! (Intrigued yet? Check us out now!)
Amp up that ìyouî factor, bringing the bright lights, bold city look to the forefront with clever photography of New York architecture and nature. And, if itís gorgeous enough for your home, you KNOW personalized photo gifts are great for any occasion!
by T. Miller
Décor Tips & Quips from AlphabetPIX
Create your own personalized name art with Photos That Look Like Letters at!

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