What Rob Filmed this Week -SPOILERS

SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T READ ECLIPSE-although I don't think there are many of you out there who haven't but you have been warned !!!

The main stars have been hard at work this week. David Slade tweeted on Monday that he shot with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and I can tell you exclusively that Kristen has also been working with Taylor Lautner this week. “Bella” goes on a piggyback run with “Jacob” and they run through the forest. She also drops blood everywhere, and at some point she punches him in the face after he kisses her.

And for the Twi-Hards, Slade’s Tweet referred to scenes between Stewart and Pattinson that took place in the “meadow”. My source tell me that they talk about getting married, they roll around a little, and they agree on a wedding date.

Thanks to brandnewluv at Source
If you made the GIF above please let us know so we can add credit. I just love it!!!


enjoykim said...

Bella rolling around with Edward and punching Jacob?!Sounds good...

Marenostrum said...

It's amazing how childish both of them look here.. They are totally different people now. Woww.. Time passes quickly, faster than others for Rob&Kristen..

Haystackhair said...

GAH! the meadow scene....I love you. I want you. right now. THUD

Mars said...

I agree, they both look super-young. Kristen in particular. How time flies... Then again, wasn't she 17 when they filmed Twilight? Still an amazing GIF!

Marenostrum said...

Not many people change that much from 17 to 19 or 21 to 23... They didn't only change, they totally got mature.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

bella punching jacob OH YEA cant wait to see that scene,that boy annoys me

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

being an actor is like being a politician,you not only have to grow a thick skin but it forces you to mature faster than the normal person

Mars said...

I wish there were more spoilers! Gah...! I just wish there was more coverage on Rob. I know, it's selfish to want that when he's finally getting some peace... but a girl can dream... ;)

Haystackhair said...

Yeah I wanted to punch him too! LOL

Anonymous said...

oh my...chap 20 is my favorite chapter in all of the twi books. and eclipse is my favorite book in the series.

pretty sure i might die watching it.

gaaaaahhhhhh i can't wait!

cute gif btw...rob looks like a boy

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Why? I love you, I want you. Now!

OMFG! He says it to me in my dreams every night-but I don't say no...

Divinesally said...

I'm squeeing like a fan girl. Eclipse is my favorite book. I love the whole getting engaged, on Edward's bed then rolling around in the meadow under the stars being all lovey dovey. The sleeping bag scene pisses me off, naturally, but still is funny. This is just my opinion but I think R/K really do love each other. So hopefully that will shine through they're respective portrayals of Edward and Bella.

Alessandra C. said...

oh yes! we have the meadow! and, above all, we have the "rolling around"!!!

Divinesally said...

OMFEC rpattzgirl when he tells her the deal is off and they can do it her way. They he starts pushing up on her.(It so much more romantic and sexy in the book than how I'm describing it, lol) Then she's like no I want to marry you.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I know!!!! God, I will need help getting through that scene on the screen-
Maybe I should bring the sparkly "thing" with me....(cough)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

yea the meadow scene was hot,bella had major control because no way in hell would i be able to say no lol

VeilsofLight said...

Can't read this cause I'm one of the 2% who is only reading each book as the films come out, as not to jump ahead, but this gif...could they have a more obvious crush at the time? :) SO cute. Oh, to have that gaze directed at me for 2 seconds. Ok, one second.

They are so young, fresh-faced and giddy, they could be starring in their own Ivory commercial in this clip. So young and innocent...before all the mayhem hit. What a man Rob has grown into in such a short time. Damn.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

More Rob photos!!!


Marenostrum said...

In Eclipse, every time somebody -unfortunately, most of the time it was Edward. Stephanie loves to be his voice..- put the marriage as a prerequiste for sex, I got mad. In the bedroom scene, the only thing I could think of was howcome a human being can think of premarrital sex as sinful as killing a person. I hope they will just forget about those virtue, the chance of going to heaven dialogues and make up something different in the movie. They can concentrate on the impossibility of a vampire having sex with a human being without killing her. That's acceptable...

Sue said...

Oooh I can't wait!! When I think about all the cool scenes in Eclipse! I get excited for all the good stuff in Breaking Dawn!!! There has to be a Breaking Dawn!!

...just my opinion too... I don't think Rob and Kristen LOVE each other. They both are just good actors and LOVE what they are doing. They are close to each other I mean, they play lovers (like Romeo and Juliet lovers) so it would be helpful as actors for them to be good friends right now.

Can't wait until New Moon!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i would do anything to have him look at me the way he looks at her ,a girl can dream

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh, he got a haircut and his sideburns look awesome!!!

Mars said...

@Marenostrum - You're totally right. I hate how Edward's mentality on sex was so warped. I know Stephenie used him as her spokesperson for sex and virtue, but part of the fantasy of Twilight is the impossibility of a vamp and human getting it on.

I wonder how much say SM has on the screenplay. Does anyone know?

Marenostrum said...

@Marz- I hope Stephenie has no right to say anything about the screenplay. Anyway, I don't want to hate Rob at the end of Twilight sequel so please don't let him speak a word about virtue, being moral, doing the right thing, whatever in any of the movies..

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Probably a lot. She thought the first kiss scene in Twilight was too hot (the one where Kris is up on her knees and you see her undies) so they changed it.

Mars said...

Ugh. That's so friggen idiotic. As an author, shouldn't you be happy with other peoples' interpretations of your work? Anyway... That's ridic.

Just look at the HP series. There are A MILLION things that they altered to suit the movie's arc, and JKR hasn't really said anything negative (that I know of).

Unknown said...

I thought Edward's issues with sex worked in the context of the story. He's a freak among the vampires in his family-Esme said herself that she thinks his issues with finding a mate had to do with Carlisle turning him earlier than the other family members.

Edward explained that before he got sick, girls weren't on his mind, the glory of war was. So, his issues with finding a mate and doing the sexy times at least have some interesting aspects, where parts of his human self at the time of his turning were magnified.

I think in many ways he uses his "virtue" as more of a cover than a explanation for why he doesn't want to do sexy times. Poor 100 year old pepaw Edward and his century old case of blue balls is messed up. lol

Unknown said...

and YES----they not only look young, BUT innocent. Poor bastards had no clue what was in front of them just months away. Not only do they look young, but they just seem really open and unaware of what was about to happening.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You'd think so-but she holds this stuff tight...and I think MR butchered the TW script-

she did much better on NM though, it rocks! Mostly I think because of Chris.

Marenostrum said...

@Marz - And as far as I know we didn't see JKR in any of the HP movies.

To be honest, I liked the Edward version (Rob's version) of the first movie, he wasn't that didactic about kissing and so on to Bella as he was in the book. He was as enthusiastic as Bella and as I said yesterday he was ready to fall... I just want that Edward. I don't think I can find a moral "NO" man attractive as much..

Sharperoni said...

@Mareno - I think Edward used marriage as a bargain chip for changing Bella himself so he could delay Bella's transformation.

And then Bella used sex as an condition of marring him. Otherwise Edward probably would not have sex with her before she was changed, for fear of killing her.

I always felt that it's unfair for Edward to ask Bella to be his girlfriend and later wife knowing that he could not give her the satisfaction...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

This is interesting:

Stephenie Meyer thinks Breaking Dawn should be made into two movies. There's a video on youtube explaining why.

Summit Entertainment has pretty much stated that Breaking Dawn will only be made into one movie. !

Unknown said...

yeah, I saw SM when she thought it should be two movies. HELL NO. lol I think the first three books will translate very easily to film. I think Break Dawn is a cinematic hot mess waiting to happen though if they don't alter it significantly.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

They'd have to cut out so much to fit it in 2 hrs-there's no way...

Sharperoni said...

I'll be totally fine if they cut out the wolf/imprinting stuff in BD...

Marenostrum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said...

As a mother... I appreciate Stephanie Meyer's "leave it to your own imagination" way of writing with the "heated parts" of Bella and Edward's relationship. I mean her books are geared for preteens on up. I mean this is an innocent brand new love affair. That is what is so beautiful about it.

I mean come on folks, if you need something more than you need to find a Johanna Lindsay book!!!

Mars said...

haha! Sexy times, indeed. *wiggles eyebrows*

I did find that the book to script version was altered a lot... but I read the books after I saw Robward on screen. I also read an interview in which SM said that Edward was based on Gilbert Blythe (Anne of Green Gables- Go Canada! haha!), Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice) and Mr Rochester (Jane Eyre).

It was Rob that sealed the deal and drew me into Twilight. I just found that the series was preachy. And I understand SM's reasoning, but making something so natural as sex so taboo was something I did not like.

And while Edward's gentleman qualities make him a stronger character, Bella didn't care about her virtue... so why would he? haha!

Sharperoni - this was another thing that turned me off of the series. How manipulative they both were.

Marenostrum said...

If she found the first kissing scene hot, I expect her not to let Breaking Dawn to become a movie at all...

Mars said...

Sharperoni - Ditto on the imprinting. I don't know if it will translate well on film.

Unknown said...

Yeah, they wll have to skim it down, but I think there's a lot that isn't going to work cinematically to be honest and it won't work plotwise either unless you've read the books. I just think all the vampire world politics can be skimmed off and if they just focus more on Edward and Bella's storyline, the better off the movie will be.

Marenostrum said...

@Sue, I am not speaking about the detailing of the sex scenes.. I am speaking about her mentality about chastity. Sex is natural and even teens know that. It's perfect and important to have sex with a person you love. And for sure it doesn't make your love less pure, less innocent or dirty.

Mars said...

@Mareno - You get me, chickie! haha! If there was a like funcion on blogger, I'd like your comments! :P haha!

Suz said...

nothin' beats a good roll

Sharperoni said...

Although it took Stephenie Meyer 3 big books to get down to the real stuff (*ahem* sex), Breaking Dawn is really hot. I think She knows how to do a romance.

I actually agrees with SM that the first kiss in Twilight shouldn't be too steamy. Otherwise what they are going to do in the next two movies?!

Unknown said...

See, though, I think Edward's issues with sex before marriage actually help emphasize some of his real issues. He has this tendency the whole time to think he knows better because he's older and shit, and yet in the end of Eclipse he realizes his age hasn't helped him much with matters of the heart cause he'd been frozen in that department the whole time. Making the sexy times moves on Bella at the end was like this big step forward to try to break through a lot of his issues.

I don't necessarily think Edward's stands on morality come off as the thing to emulate really-he just comes off as someone who has some very real fears about taking the leap with Bella, some of them valid some of them not so valid.

Mars said...

Damn this blog is addictive. Almost as addictive as Rob, but not quite. I have got to get off and get back to work. You ladies are amazing to chat with!

Hope more Rob-News comes up soon, but for now I have to get off this computer. :) Later!

Shani said...

I love Lainey speak..."they roll around a little". LOL

I can't wait to see Bella punch Jacob. Kristen seems like she could throw a good right jab.

katie said...

I think SM's point about not making their first kiss too steamy was correct too. All she asked for was for them to tighten the shot up. With the fuller frame, you 've got Kristen and Robert really going at it body on body wise and kristen's in her underwear and they are on a bed.

Teh first kiss was more reserved and experimental, whereas Kristen and Robert's first kiss was so sexy and a little too sophisticated for two kids' first kiss.Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the kiss in twilight, but i think SM made a good point. Give people less so there's more to work up to.

Sharperoni said...

But remember Belle broke her hand punching Jacob...:-) and Edward blamed Jacob for it!

Anonymous said...

yayyy!!!! can't wait to see any of it. man...new moon hasn't even come out yet and i can't wait for eclipse now. eclipse was my favorite book!!!

Anonymous said...

They do look so young and innocent, don't they?! Such a shame that all this hysteria happened within a few months for them.

I have to say, I love the Twilight books. Knowing that SM is a mormon is most likely why she had the whole sex before marriage taboo thing going on but I thought it went well with the story. I mean Edward is from a time when those were the beliefs, he even says in the book that he's that type of guy that wants to get married. As for the sex, it was the virtue thing plus he knew that he could kill her. As for the sex scenes in the book, I wish SM elaborated more but it is a book for young readers. Also, I do hope that she has a say with the movie script, it is her babies that are being filmed. Come on ladies. The books are written as they are and the films should stay as close to the books as possible. You have to remember that the main audience are tween girls. Us older ladies will have to hope that Remember Me and Bel Ami have some good sex scenes in it! :)

matuts said...

I like this part of the book.It made it official that the game is on to win bella....sigh,sigh & sigh some more!

Marenostrum said...

That makes me even more disappointed about Edward, he couldn't change anything in his mind all these 90 years... I have to concentrate more on Rob.. :)

Anonymous said...

Eclipse was my favorite book too!! I love that Edward finally realized that he was being ridiculous about leaving Bella for her own good. Now he has to catch up and proof to Bella that he won't leave her for anything. I love that he gets jealous yet always does the right thing. Maybe it was the lack of Edward in NM that made me love Eclipse so much.

Ana73 said...

Eclipse was also my favorite book too. I loved the storyline so much better and their was an actual fight, loved it.

i wonder if rob is keeping a downlow because of the KOL weekend, do you really think that summit would really tell them to keep a low profile ?! and would he actually do it ?!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

This is from rpattznews:

Excited about the new Rob pics from today?... Wait till you see whats coming!

OMG holding my breath again!

Lina 81 said...

I have to agree they did change and they do look more mature...*sighn* can't wait to see the meadow secne, I'm going to cry i just know it...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

did you guys see the other pics with rob today when he gets out the car?he looks very tired,if you did not see it go over to.... thinking of rob wordpress.com

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Fun! Rob radio coming soon:

Sharperoni said...

I have to say Breaking Dawn is my favorate simply because it is fulfilling and satisfying... :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


LMAO! good roll with Rob-yup!

Ana73 said...

rpattzgirl - please post the site when new pics are up, thanks :)

Unknown said...

Disappointed in Edward for being frozen cause he was turned too young? I don't think that's really his fault. lol

If you look at Edward's character, it's a tragic one. His empathy in his human life led that gift to be magnified in his vampire life-to the point of reading minds.

YET that very gift of empathy ends up being a curse, isolating him from everyone, even his family, because his gift is too intrusive, and he knows too much without ever having to work for it.

Bella is able to break that isolation, in part cause he can't read her mind-he has to "work" to know things and to get close to someone finally.

I think Edward's character is great, and very young at heart if not age. He's just learning as he goes along, and trying to be a better person.

Unknown said...

ps: Regardless of how great Edward is though, I focus more on Robert too. :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

You know it! I got that off of twitter..so now it's the wait game..

My take on Edward-

I think he was scared, he'd never had sex before, and never had those feelings, ever. Scared the shit out of him.
Plus, he really believed having sex with Bella would kill her, and that scared him to the core.

He also hated what he was, and felt like he didn't deserve any pleasure-so he denied it.
Later in the story, of course, that was his bargaining tool for the marriage.

Sue said...

@Sharperoni! Very well put!!! That is why I LOVE Breaking Dawn too!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Also, if you read Midnight Sun, Edwards point of view, it parallels Twilight and you'll see that his sexual feelings were dormant for all those years. He never had feelings for anyone like he had for Bella, he was so distraught with being a "monster". Bella awakened him in more ways then even he expected. At first he thought his desire for her was purely for her blood but he was stirring in ways that he never felt before, sexually. Anyway, onto a real person . . . Rob.

Suz said...

Gearing up for the COMMUNAL


Temptation said...

The Meadow Scene OHHHHHH

'His hands were in my hair, his lips moving softly - but very seriously - against mine'

It's one of my favourite parts of the book, I am pretty sure it also has been an ongoing Rob fantasy for some time now....GOD we haven't seen NM yet and we are drooling over Eclipse....


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I know!! It's like I can not wait for Nov-but I'm dying to know all abut Eclipse...it's mind boggling what this does to all of us!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Rob came in 2nd as hottest vamp???



kchambers77 said...

kristen looks constipated.

Melanie Northway said...

I Love this site!!!!

I just started my first blog and it's dedicated to the one and only Rob Pattinson! I'd love for all of you to check it out at http://LetsDish.today.com


monika said...

Excited about the new Rob pics from today?... Wait till you see whats coming! about 1 hour ago from web RPN

AP said...

I think if SM had her way they'd still be in a permanent state of incipient lust until the end of time! She only let poor Edward get any so Bella could get pregnant. There is only one moment of vampire/vampire sex in total! No wonder Edward turned up in SM's nightmares wanting to kill her! I'm surprised Bella didn't do the same. lol

I don't think Summit have nixed no. 5. They have issued a non-denial denial. And we know what that means! ;)

mya bluesky said...

i really love eclipse so much but i hate it too. i hate bella so much there especially when she asked Jacob to kiss her and kiss him back. i hate when she cried alot about her decision to jacob at edward chest.

monika said...

Rob as Edward for Eclipse,first look


monika said...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Holy Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at him!!!! OMFG, Robward in black...


Ana73 said...

monika - is he wearing the same gray shirt from twilight??? he does look so good as edward :))

mya bluesky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lalala said...

OMG, Rosa's comment about Edward's century old case of blue balls just made me pee in my pants.

Eclipse was my fave too. That scene is sexxxxy.

mya bluesky said...

another dishes from Ted c

at another site a lot of comment said that they think Kris/Taylor has more chemistry between Rob/kris (what the **** about that). im totally team Switzerland about Robsten things, but i hate when people keep pushing Tay/JAcob so much.

mya bluesky said...

Monika u rock!!!!
just wonder how can u be so fast about everything. are u sitting in front of ur computer all day long???
anyway thank you so much

OMG.im so excited.

Marenostrum said...

I can not stop looking at the picture that he is holding the door.. It's unbelievable..

Anonymous said...

I actually LOVE the moral/virtue aspects of the books. That is part of the reason why I like them so much. Not everyone these days thinks it's ok to do whatever you feel like all of the time, some of us still believe in values and morals. It makes sense for Edward to be like he is...and I quite like it better than the opposite would be. I hope they keep the sex/marriage/soul/imprinting/good vs bad conversations in there--it makes the saga more than something shallow.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I can't stop looking-good god-this is too much beauty...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh, photos need to be posted here!

Jacqui said...

Thank goodness for Robward! I was starting to go a little loopy with no Rob then... how HOT does he look when he reappears....magic to my eyes!

Thanks for the tip Monika

Suz said...

The will be rpg..

Kate who is filling in for Goz is in Ireland..(2am now) Dani should be around sooon to post them!

he makes my soul weep.

lalala said...

Thanks, Monika! Whooooo. The new Robward hair is workin for me!

Marenostrum said...

Not believing in chastity does not mean having no values or morals. And it definitely doesn't mean doing whatever you like all the time. Marriage is not the only way to get attachment with the person you love. Actually, it's not the way to get attached to a person in any way. Love is stronger than any concept in this life. If you are really in love, you should appreciate that and accept it with all beautiful dimensions... It also doesn't mean that you shouldn't get married.. I think it makes life easier and more practical if you already live and sahre the life with the person you love. That is the only reason I got married. Otherwise, I don't believe in fairy tales ending with a beatiful wedding scene.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Me too Suz, I've never been so touched by someones beauty, inner as well as what's on the outside.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob looks HOT omg iam going crazy over here,,,,,and i just read that because of rob magazine sales are up,like DUH this is why they keep putting him on every cover,apparently rob is saving magazine sales in a down economy

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OK, I need to get back to Creature of Habit!
Night ladies...

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


they should let you guest blog here, you always get the good shit, and you do it before anyone else...
not to mention that your crap is never gossip crap...

Mechevpao said...

I liked the intelligent discussion you are having about Edward, it is very interesting, but as I was about to post the new pics of Rob dresses as Edward for Eclipse came out and his hotness blinded me and now I´m blank of any idea I had going around my mind.

Temptation said...

HOLLY SHIT - Rob is BACK........Edward has never looked so sexy..........NO wonder they have been hiding him............Well found pics..........CANT wait for Eclipse.......

Temptation said...

MONIKA - thank you...thank you....thank you.....

Rob in Black......I think he looks sexier in these photo's than in NM....HOW CAN THAT BE ??????

Unknown said...

i really didn't find the books preachy about sex. Now if he wasn't a vampire and just someone who lived from another time, I think it would be preachy. But so much of Edward's issues were about not wanting to kill her, and the fact Bella is just so effing clueless of the danger cause her little teenaged libido wants Edward Jr. Bella has too much faith in him, more than he feels he deserves. And so often he bullshits her and puts on that he is as good as she thinks he is. But he's afraid that sex will call his bluff.

My main complaint is I wish SM wrote more often just how much of a threat and danger he was in reality-too often we forget that part cause she didn't emphasize it enough.

riley said...

wow, the meadow gif of them is almost depressing, they were so much less guarded. Now contrast that with comicon, with Kristen all cross armed and defensive, and Robert mentioning how he looks downward all the time now.

rini7 said...

check out the first look at great pics of rob on set of eclipse on radar online:

Temptation said...

RILEY - we are no longer looking at the meadow scene, totally lost interest....check out the link on Radar..........YOU WILL BE PLEASANTLY SURPRISED...

riley said...

I saw-I like the jacket! That meadow shot is just too precious though, his face there is as sweet as they come.

riley said...

fitted jean jacket > wool pea coat

Temptation said...

I love him in the Black Jacket (radar pics) he looks so moody and broody........soooo sexy

Diane said...

Eclipse has a good chance of being the best of the movies. It has everything - great love scenes, soul-searching, a deadly battle and some real potential for comedy. Can't wait to see what R & K do with that. The first book was about finding love, the second about losing it, the third about commiting to it and making it work and BD is really about becoming a family with the strength and trust that creates. It's almost a year till Eclipse. Can people die of extended foreplay? And Rosa, the Edward you describe is the one in my heart.

Ana73 said...

on the radar site, it says that rob hung out with ashley & jackson in vancouver, i wonder where they went, hmmmmm....

Marenostrum said...

@rosa- Actually, that is what I want them to emphasize in the movie.. That is totally understandable and acceptable..

MMc said...

All of the first 3 books/movies are just a way glorified foreplay to the BD climax!! Literally.

MMc said...

All of the first 3 books/movies are just a way glorified foreplay to the BD climax!! Literally.

Anonymous said...

OMG, he looks so fuckin hot in those pics!! Edward is back and he's looking gooood!!! Thanks Monika!!

Anonymous said...

"Otherwise, I don't believe in fairy tales ending with a beatiful wedding scene."

@Marenostrum~Um, Twilight is a fairy tale, so if Stephenie Meyer wants her fictional character Edward to want to have virtue and be married then so be it. I'm just sayin.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

anyone notice he looks THIN....maybe its just me

Anonymous said...

He's been looking thin since the MTV awards, IMO. But I don't think he looks any thinner since then. He's booking himself solid with back-to-back movies and no real break in between. Just hope that he doesn't run himself down. Take of yourself Rob!! You are precious to us all.

Marenostrum said...

@LindaRose - Can I just simply say the things I don't like??? The books are already written, published and loved by millions so I don't think my ideas will change anything..

C.a.C said...

@Haystackhair- where did you get your profile pic?? OMG - that's hot! I LOVE IT!!! Did you manip that?? Tell me?? I can't stop looking at it!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Menostrum~I think the change from 17 to 23 is gargantuan!

Rosa is so right: Edward was turned at a young age and that's where he is frozen. Calendar age and emotional age are two different things, even in human life!

Anonymous said...

Just as long as they get most of the chapter "compromise" into the movie i will be happy.
Also alice jumping up and down,trying to get bella to let her organize the wedding.Love those parts!.

Sharperoni said...

About Edward's character - I just want to add one more thing: Edward thought turning into a vampire is the worst thing that could happen to a human. So he'd never wanted Bella to become a vampire...that's why he left her in NM.

But in the end he found out that neither of them could live without the other, and he had to resign to the idea of Bella becoming a vampire like himself. He had a lot of struggles with that, all that delays, marriage, etc. He really didn't want it for Bella if there were any other options.

In the end, in BD, situation worked out for him, IMO, brilliantly. And he never needed to feel guilty. Some blamed SM for making things too perfect. But I quite like it.

iluvcheesebuhguhs said...

i love robs wardrobe, mmmm nice job david slade.
as for the meadow part, lets hope they include the part where they "almost" go all the way and Bellas whole "responsibility" speech.
im looking foward to that quite a bit, hopefully they decide to include that little part.

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