Video of the Week - RePosted

Video song is not safe for work. No animals were harmed while making this video (or so I assume :)


Anastasia Beaverhausen said...

I <3 you!!! thats all. LMAO

Haystackhair said...

LMAO again! Hey, new summit synopsis of NM- Edward friendly -at

Mars said...

hahaha!! So deliciously inappropriate! Whoever made it is seriously a comedic genius!

Moi said...

Have you ever saw this:
I just found it...

kchambers77 said...

i was going to give this post kudos but then i got high.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

yeah i respect you GOZDE, but
THAT VID WAS F*CKING LAME! did you make that? no better yet, were you high?

uhhhhh huhhhhhh.....

Divinesally said...

Oh you're so silly and I <3 you. "I was gonna clean my house...but then i got high, OOOoooooOOOOOO..."

Gozde said...

I didn't make it :) And no, I never get high. I was just kidding... And that video is FAR from lame :)

Anonymous said...

hhahha that was great. i was laughing the whole time. the little conversations were so funny too!

Anonymous said...

Heh. I don't know... I think you might need to be high or something to think it's all that funny... I'm not, and I don't. Think it's funny that is. "Drug humor" isn't really my thing.

LunaStarz said...

ROFL!!! would love to see him dance that song lol

Lisa said...

@ Rute:

Um...if you enlarge that pic? Yeah...there's crud under Rob's fingernails...

*shudders at the thought of where it came from*

I think he needs to come with me to the nail salon next week...

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love this! Watched it 3x now and still chuckling. Thanks for reposting. La da da da da....

Krissy said...

What a Hoot!

Thanks for sharing this, Gozde. Somehow, I'd missed it the first time around.

Started my Friday morning with a Huge ☺ so I say Thanks!

Angela said...

this song was in my head all night last night. It's so funny. I think Rob would get a kick out of it too.

It would be funny to have that pic of KS smoking a bowl in Italy in it too. Replace MA with Rob.

Unknown said...

that was fuckin geniously hilarious. i have fuckin tears in my eyes i was laughing so hard. lmfao

Anonymous said...

that is some funny shit!

thanks for the giggles goz :)

Lynn said...

That was hilarious! Watched x 2. Thanks.

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