Breaking News (not)......

So apparently Rob & Kristen shared a coffee and a 45 min stroll around Vancouver on Friday evening before Rob went to shoot a night scene.
I shared a coffee with a friend today too if anyone's interested? Ya thought not.
Anyway here's the report. I'm so glad there were no paps around to catch this.





New Moon + i gotta feeling (black eyed peas) :)

Unknown said...

well, that's a good sign if they can walk around still and elude paps and fans. I thought that would be impossible for them now. I hope he gets a rest from all the media attention, although I guess having news sites report you're getting coffee isn't much of a

Stacy said...

LMFAO. So the paps have caught all the other cast members when they've been walking around the city, but THESE two take a 45 min stroll undetected?

Hard to believe.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I agree Stacy, I think the report is bullshit..

There would have been photos everywhere...

I mean, if they're going to photograph Ashley taking her dog out for a pee, then they would of gotten a photo of Rob & Kristen...

The photo would net some big bucks since they haven't been scene in over a week.

I think it's suspect!

hot4pattz said...

well lets say maybe they did and got caught. Im sure Summit could try to keep them locked up but they dont want them to be unhappy either. So whos to say that the pictures werent bought before they were leaked. Just a thought. They always go to the highest bidder. Summit?

crazylife said...

Agree with you Stacy. It is not the fact that they got coffee undetected, but the 45 minute stroll. I do not think so.

Haystackhair said...

HOLY SHIT!! They had COFFEE together! LMAO. I had coffee with my hubby this morning, and we are obviously sleeping together, so they must be. Yawn.

Unknown said... paps, no photos but People finds out about it? I say it was actually room service involved...they must have their facts wrong...

Stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacy said...

Sorry, I don't buy the stuff about Summit trying to control them. They are a small studio, and people give them way too much credit.

Rpattzgirl, you took the words right out of my mouth.

peeling a fig said...

It's clearly not just us who are desperate for any tidbit of Robnews. The media are suffering from withdrawals (and hits $$$) as well.

KL said...

Please don't rip me apart, but I think it's great there haven't been any new pictures or sightings. I think they were being way over exposed. To me, no news is good news.

hot4pattz said...

hey if they did get out without being noticed than i am so happy for them. we really dont know the story so be happy for rob even if it isnt true.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

ummmm interesting turn of events....when i read this early this morning i did not believe it and i still dont, STROLL,COFFEE,STARBUCKS?? where are the pics i need proof,the biggest star in the world walks into a starbucks and no pictures are taken...Got to be fucking kidding me.

Cbone said...

I with most of you.. no new IS good news.

Kimmie44 said...

Yeah, I think it's made up to make some type of news. I can't see where they were photographed and the other stars were. Even if there wasn't PDA (which I hope not) there would have been big bucks for that pic. Sorry, I know some of you want them together, but I don't. he is so much better than her. I know they are very good friends, so I hope that's it. Nothing wrong with getting coffee and walking around, but I can't see that there are no pics. Bullshi++

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

ok this vid was pointless...

TwiHartRK said...

I just want Rob to have what HE wants. I'm sure coffee with friends and little peace from the paps is at the top of his list.

Marna said...

I think this is bullshit too, all those paps in Vancover for the only reason to get pics of them & nobody does? Don't think so.

Unknown said...

Here's how it is possible. Certain cast members are actually not adverse to being papped. It's good for them, people like kellan and ashley don't mind it, and that's not a bad thing. They are sorta seeing their star rise, and the paps will take their pictures but not really intrude on them.

But K and R are at a different level of fame and public interest, so they aren't going to take the same paths that other stars do who don't mind being papped.

Kristen's already said that as long as she gets out of the hotel without paps knowing, she's fine. Robert obviously has a different level of recognition, but it's possible too he got out of the hotel too .

They could have found out about it via a employee or worker. That's what happens in LA a lot without pictures. I live where you see a lot of famous people, and no one wants to be the asshole who takes a picture of the famous person in a restaurant, but the minute they walk out you call your friends and squeal about the star you saw.

Anonymous said...

good for them to sneak out and spend time alone without getting caught by the pappz. they must be in a spot where no one knows they are =]

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob and kris can be very sneaky but still dont believe without pics......and one of kristen's co stars from runaways were asked during an interview while promoting her movie holloween,how she got along with kris and dakota and she said at first she did not think they would of gotten along but she did go out with kris ,ROB and dakota,she confirms that rob visited kristen in LA while she was filming the runaways.IF ITS TRUE?? our rob is very

Karina said...

Zac efron has been in vancouver filming and he's been able to go to the movies and out to dinner without people bothering him at all. He's not as big as Rob, but he's big enough to garner atttention, yet the V. natives seem to not be very intrusive. It seems up in Vancouver, there's a core group of intense fans who stalk R/K as much as the paps, hangingout by the hotel. But if Robert was able to get away from the hotel area where everyone's watching, I have a feeling he could go to a place, and be seen, but no one actually intrude on his space by taking his picture.

debbi said...

It's certainly possible they got out without being noticed. If the media was going to make something up, couldn't they make up something better than this? At least throw in holding hands or something. 2 people grabbing some coffee doesn't sound like a story worth making up, but who knows.

kp said...

This guy says it's possibly true, but who knows.

Hansom Ransom said...

I walked around campus drinking soda with a friend today. We must be dating.

Loisada said...

I agree no news is great news. Painful for us, I know. But starving an addiction is always a good thing, isn't it ladies?

Must admit I'm LMAO thinking off all the pappz who've settled into to Vancouver hoping to get the money shot, and find themselves sitting on their heels and reduced to photographing random dog walks!

Someone (agencies, freelancers?) is forking over big money for no return right now. Let's hope they give up and pull out of the city. It's a cat and mouse game right now, and Rob is winning. Go wiley Rob!

roxiegirl said...

If they were able to get out and about undetected then I am happy for them!! Doing something normal like that prob doesn't happen very often. Go Robsten!

Steph is Legit said...

i believe its true.. it didn't say they were holding hands and mackin it on the broad-walk. it simply said coffee + stroll.

Shani said...

Well here is the answer to what went down Friday. And Ashley walking around with Xavier for 4 minutes just to get exposure is ridiculous. Or maybe it was a ploy to distract the paps?

Anonymous said...

Really Kate? You had coffee with your friend this weekend? Pics or it didn't happen!

Steph is Legit said...


i was thinking that too. they will send out one of them so the rest (mainly rob) can slip out unnoticed.. it could work, but only for so long.

Unknown said...

Let me clarify that I'm not saying Ashley or the rest of the cast are total media whores. What I was saying is that there is a hot spot around the hotel where the paps are and they are going to get papped when they go outside. People like AG or KL aren't going to avoid leaving the hotel to walk through the hotspot area to get to the 7-11 the way Robert or Kristen or Taylor will. They aren't having an issue with being papped.

But the cast members have played decoy for others in the past, as have Robert's friends. so, that definitely could be a possibility. Ashley and Taylor have done this before for Robert.

RPLover said...

well, I hope this is true, only because it sounds like a peaceful time for him, OUTSIDE even, which is really rare these days-oh, the things we take for granted! If Kristen was there, too, then yippee, whatever. LOL

Unknown said...

also one more thing-I"m sure the hotel they are using was chosen because of it's security and privacy setup. No doubt the hotel is equipped and constructed in a way to make it possible to exit the hotel in a variety of ways. There's a whole host of ways to get Robert out of the hotel im' sure--Kristen mentioned changing cars while using the underground parking lot for instance.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

what ever went down iam just glad him an kris had some quiet time alone a stroll is nice because vancouver is a nice city

Anonymous said...

Gossipcop on alleged Robsten sighting

Even though no pictures have surfaced yet, after rumors percolated elsewhere, Gossip Cop contacted sources in the field who say that the “Twilight” two did slip away from prying eyes on Friday evening to enjoy a little java.

Gossip Cop called around to photo agencies and magazines to find photographic proof. Stay tuned

TheCheshireCat said...

I agree with Stacy in that I find if REALLY hard to believe that they walked around for 45 minutes and NOT ONE PICTURE was taken by anyone... It seems kinda fishy to me...

crazylife said...

I am also glad there are no new photo's Maybe the "couve" is the place to hide out. Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johannsen (sorry if I spelled it wrong) had their Wedding not far from where I live (in the Vancouver area) and there were no pics taken.

Do not get me wrong I love my information about Rob, so thanks to the blog.

Unknown said...

guys and gals please don't hate on me, but i gotta get something off my chest

i don't know...
decoys, changing cars, using your friends.

channeling comedian chris rock here:

i'm getting tired of this stuff.

i get watched all the time and everyone knows who i am where im from, but you don't see me complaining about it.

i get tired of everytime robert gets photographed its "poor little rob"

robert is getting paid MILLIONS to be "poor little rob".

guys...i'm sorry, robert gets paid MORE than the president of the united states.

if robert was in the CIA... i could see it...but an actor??

maybe rob needs a therapist or something.

i'm as hot for rob as some of the people on here are.

but where do we draw the line and tell rob to get over it

its just the rumors, the innuendo
im starting to get over it. rob is not that important. i guess i think rob should just take it and not say anything.

thanks i feel better now. if i offend anyone on here i'm very sorry i don't mean to. i just needed to vent

Unknown said...

guys and gals please don't hate on me, but i gotta get something off my chest

i don't know...
decoys, changing cars, using your friends.

channeling comedian chris rock here:

i'm getting tired of this stuff.

i get watched all the time and everyone knows who i am where im from, but you don't see me complaining about it.

i get tired of everytime robert gets photographed its "poor little rob"

robert is getting paid MILLIONS to be "poor little rob".

guys...i'm sorry, robert gets paid MORE than the president of the united states.

if robert was in the CIA... i could see it...but an actor??

maybe rob needs a therapist or something.

i'm as hot for rob as some of the people on here are.

but where do we draw the line and tell rob to get over it

its just the rumors, the innuendo
im starting to get over it. rob is not that important. i guess i think rob should just take it and not say anything.

thanks i feel better now. if i offend anyone on here i'm very sorry i don't mean to. i just needed to vent

crazylife said...


I get what you are saying and to a certain extent I agree. Even tho he is an actor, I do believe that he is also entitled to some privacy. We all, no matter who deserve privacy.

I was thinking, we used to see Rob going to a Starbucks a lot in Vancouver. The difference now?

He is with Kristen. Even tho we assume they are together. Part of the attraction for twilight fans is to also assume Rob is single. If they are "officially" together it might effect the box office. On the other hand They wish to remain private and therefore it is none of our business.

beyonce said...

Paps don't wait around the hotel 24/7. They aren't soley focused on Robert. There are other folks to pap, like Zefron and Paris Hilton and Vanessa Hudgeons, to name a few. So, they are pockets of time for people to come out.

And I'm sorry, but most sites have acknowledged that some cast members get papped because they tip paps off. nikki Reed has been outed by several sites like tmz and entertainment tonight for her tipping off paps. Ashley hung out with Robert in LA last year, as well as Kristen. Yet we never saw those pictures. Yet we saw Nikki and Robert and Nikki and Kristen pics constantly last year around LA. There's a common factor in both instances as to why.

I'm not one of those nikki reed haters. I like her in some ways, even though I think she's miscast. But she's had a reputation pre-Twilight for her media saavy.

WinWin said...

Can someone define "sources in the field"? LOL

I'm kinda sick of all this and starting to get over it.

Unknown said...

for the record, i believe rob and kristen are just good friends and nothing more.

there is no evidence they are together. just photos with no hand holding or lovey dovey stuff like that.

no, i don't need pictures of them making out in the open or having sex.

but you guys know what i mean. kristen was pictured out and about with michael angarano holding hands and he kissed her and there were pictures of that.

the pictures of rob and kristen are "two faced" if you ask me. they can be taken one way or the other and summit and the paps know that some will go one way and some will go the other.

the KOL concert pictures were "two faced" pictures.

i think some of us are being "played".

and it's really strange that rob and kris were out and about with new moon and now all of a sudden everybody is "allowed" allegedly to go out except for rob and kris

are rob and kris being kept out of sight by summit?

i have a hard time believing that rob and kris are "staying" out of sight by choice.

i think summit is orchestrating all of this.

just my opinion

hot4pattz said...

Im sorry but if people are still denying robsten you really need to get a life. There is no conspiracy no big drama going on here they are together simple as that. There is no one thing that links them together but just them. I have never looked at somebody like that unless i was falling in love or allready there.

Who wouldnt fall in love with rob and he has always been about Kristen never making it a secret.

She was much younger and less known when she was with MA so what kind of PDA they did did not bother her.

Shoot if she shows Pda with Rob she might get death threats from crazy fangirls.

Just think of their last 2 nights in LA do you really sleep over at a boys hotel room ROBS hotel room and study your script all night. I didnt think so. POINT MADE!

Joolia said...

Apprenticeinc, Your last comment in my opinion is bang on the money ;)

Tess said...

Wow. So many comments about conspiracies. Which blog did I stumble into?

People... enough already. Why does it matter to anyone who Robert Pattinson is/isn't dating? Think about it. Can anyone give me a logical answer?

Steph is Legit said...


Steph is Legit said...

It doesn't answer why it matters, it answers why we do it.

xoRobxo said...

@apprentanceinc~ I agree with you for the most part.
Rob is in show business-and being the hot sexy man he is and involved with such a popular series-and getting paid what he is -yes getting papped goes with the territory. I don't think Rob has ever publicly complained... he has always been generous with fans. I think its just overwheming for him-which it would for anyone. I'm sure its annoying to lose his privacy to come and go as he pleases. But yeah if I got paid what Rob is getting paid, plus all the perks- I aggree- "poor Rob" he is not. You just have to roll with the punches. So many people are suffering because of the economy and just around the world so mnay people living in poverty. I know I wouldn't mind the paps for that amount of money. somehow I think Rob would feel differently. He probably wouldn't mind going back to his life playing and writing music on the roof of his flat with his buddies

beyonce said...

I don't believe in conspiracies. But this is Hollywood, where image is everything. So the public projection of images of people that are tied to money making franchises are very important. That's why there's pr folks, and focus groups, and folks who turn statistics and polls and data into game plans on how to portray a franchise and their "products"/actors.

That being said, I think Robert and kristen not being seen out and about doesn't mean they haven't been. It means they are going to go about going out differently than a tier 2 castmember who has more freedom to walk around.

The reality is Summit doesn't have to try so hard to drum up public interest. It's happening all on it's own, due to twitards intense interest and speculation. Summit doesn't have lift a finger.

Unknown said...

hey hot4pattz

actually i would stay all night in robert pattinson's hotel room and NOT f*** him. i'm still a virgin 32 and i've been a saved christian for 3 years. and no i'm not a second time around virgin. lol

it is possible to stay in a hotel romm with a boy and not have sex with them.

robert pattinson or not.

it's harder to say no to sex than it is to say yes.

don't get me wrong. i'm not say ing that if you have sex without marriage that you're wrong. but
i guard my virginity with a knife in my mouth. and i wouldn't have sex with rob just because he's hot and sexy. i wouldn't have sex with ricky martin either just to do it.
i don't want sex without marriage

i do have a life.

im not insulted.

i just don't believe everything i see.

and hot4pattz
in the immortal words of hamlet:
something's rotten in the state of denmark.

katie said...

I tend to think he's with Kristen(not 100 percent sure, but close to that), and I think his behavior has changed VERY drastically in relation to the paps since they perhaps got together. Up until a certain point, Robert never made a big deal with the pap attention, took it in stride. Since he may have hooked up with Kristen, his behavior has changed greatly.

There was one night in summer where the paps cornered Kristen in her car, flashing the all these bulbs in her face while she tried to take Dakota Fanning home. They wouldn't let her move, they were yelling at her if her bf knows she's effing Robert, other crude stuff. You see her on the phone looking like she's about to cry. When she finally escapes, her eyes are blinking like she can't even see. not safe.

The very next night in NY, when a pap is just following him like u sual, he totally got into the pap's face and while laughing angrily, not letting him get a shot. When the pap asks what he's doing(rob's usually very mellow), Robert confronts him in a way I've never seen him act.

I honestly think a lot of his behavior may be in part of being in a relationship, having to be more careful, and also realizing how ti's not just about him anymore but kristen is getting the glare too.

riley said...

I remember how that happened one day after the other too with the kristen/dakota/cargate, then Robert acting out on that pap. Yeah, i thought that was interesting timing too.

Unknown said...

hey katie and riley where is this video at where can i go and see it?


Unknown said...

if it's the one where kris is at the elevator those two videos were seperate incidents kris was in LA and rob was in new york

i don't know i didn't look at the videos that close

Meaghan said...

I just have one request. Please refrain from the "get a life" arguments if someone doesn't buy Robsten. Please. If you think they're together, good for you. It doesn't mean everyone has to agree.

What I want to know is this...for everyone who makes statements like "They ARE together." "It's a fact." "There's no doubt." Would anyone look Rob in the eye and say, "Yeah, don't have to tell me about your life because I already know." Who would say that? It would be rude.

It's easy to sit back and say what someone's life is like when on the internet.

They may be together, but if anyone questions Robsten, why are they stupid, dumb, blind, envious, ignorant, jealous or delusional? Is that all there is to counter in a debate? All these comments do is make it seem like it is incredibly important for a lot of people that they are together when it shouldn't mean anything at all either way.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacy said...

FYI - Scout from the Runaways tweeted that Popeater misquoted her (Pattinson was in brackets, which means paraphrasing) and clarified that she was talking about Rob ZOMBIE.

And sexyrpattz - I just wanted to say that I find your comments rude and disparaging. I don't know why it's so important that we all get on the shipper train. We're all entitled to our own opinions, and some of us see more smoke than fire. Perhaps that's because we are not emotionally invested in Rob and Kristen having a relationship and can look at things logically. We know it won't affect our lives one way or the other.

The fact is that spouting of assumptions about people's private lives is wrong, and I wonder if any of you would actually do that to Rob's face. Somehow I doubt it.

And even if they are together, I'd be willing to bet that they would be flat out disgusted by the amount of fans who are living variously through them and consider themselves a part of their relationship.

Meaghan said...

sexyrpattz - They're sharing the same room according to whom? Delaney or the gossip blogs she gets her information from?

Rob's been under the radar all summer, even without Kristen being around. Maybe he's becoming more guarded because he's sick of being hounded period?

And keep laughing...I find it funny that you defend yourself with gossip and not reason.

Angie said...

Stacy and Meaghan may I join your fan club. I love you!

Stacy said...

ADM! LOL, absolutely! Welcome!

xoRobxo said...

As for who Rob is with~ My thoughts are:
~the writing is on the wall. And it walks and quacks like a duck.
~Uhmm... hes not a monk.
~And why do we care??? Cuz we are all fucking jealous of who he is with.
~why do we all have to see a pic??? Cuz it will satisfy all his fans. The pro Rob and KStew pushers hope for a photo to confirm a relationship. And the non Rob and KStew pushers hope for a photo to disprove a realtionship (look they are just friends, no kissing or hand holding, they are just having coffee) And the ones who don't give a shit, just want a fucking picture of Rob. That about covers all of us

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob and kris are just friends *wink* and with all the rumors out there about rob he only responded to one rumor THAT HE IS SINGLE when that rumor came out rob shot that shit down fast

Angie said...

I have seen too many people have their reputations ruined over false evidence. We do not have any idea what is really going on. To demand that they are together, because you want it to be so, does not make it so.

Stacy said...

I'm not going to argue, except to say that I'm not jealous. I've been happily married for 10 years. I don't care who Rob's with.

What I care about is the rampant disrespect for other people's opinions.

Stacy said...

ADM - Exactly. You took the words straight out of my mouth!

Angie said...

Right there with you Stacy.

Tess said...

Just something to think about..

"Gossip is just another persons opinion of the truth".

At the end of the day, does it really matter? It shouldn't... and it doesn't (to me anyway)

Have fun speculating.

RPLover said...

well said, ADM.

Are we seriously having this argument AGAIN?!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

ok ladies i agree they are JUST FRIENDS LMAO

Stacy said...

Well said. It doesn't matter to me either. Again, my issue is the intolerance of others opinions. The mob mentality has taken over, and it's pretty disappointing.

sexyrpattz, you're kidding, right? Rob's reps denied because gossip cop asked, and they clarified that they don't comment on their clients personal life. They called his reps to confirm or deny those quotes - Rob probably had no idea it even happened, lmao.

Meaghan said...

Get your facts straight. Rob rep only responded to that manufactured article when Gossip Cop called and asked for a confirmation or denial. It was the gossip blogs that started the story that he denied he was single. Nice spin on the story. Here is what Rob's rep did say:

“I will only comment on matters regarding Robert’s professional life, but in order to set the record straight, Robert did not speak to the Mirror, and their claim that they spoke to him a few days ago is manufactured along with any information that they claim to have as an exclusive directly from him.”

So take what you will from this. It's hardly a denial from Rob that he is single. There have been other "articles" posted in the last month that have had him claiming he and Kristen were just friends and were discovered rehashed interviews. Rob's rep never said a word about those. Gossip Cop called, and the rep responded. Wink.

Stacy said...

Thanks for proving my point!

Angie said...

Exactly, Stacy.

Meaghan said...

sexyrpattz - You are definitely proving a point, but not the one I think you want to prove.

Stacy said...

;) Wink!

Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
riley said...

yikes, this shouldn't be so polarizing. I think it's fair to say, whatever the truth is, most likely it's not clear because they don't want it to be!lol And do you blame them really, they are damned if they are and dmaned if they aren't. So best to keep it unclear.

um, apprentice, I'd have to find the videos. This was during the summer when kristen was in LA and Robert wa in NYC, but the speculation about them was getting covers and Kristen was getting a surge in pap attention. The video isn't of them in the hotel. If I remember correctly, her and Dakota were checking out a concert(they are in that runaways movie) and kristen was trying to leave when the paps just surrounded her car. It was rather apalling to watch, and very soon after this she had a bodyguard by her side driving her from there on out.

The next day there was a pap video of Robert, and Robert kept walking into his shot, like walking really fast, sorta effing with him. lol And then the pap's clearly confused and asks him what he's doing and Robert basically regulates on him in a firm mannter, which made me happy to no end to see that out of him.

Again, I thought the timing was interesting back then in summer, but I'm not really into trying to persuade anyone, just stating my opinion. If I find the videos, I'll be happy to link them.

Tess said...

Stacy who has very good taste in shoes ;) I know where you're coming from and I agree.

People are wondering why we haven't heard anything new from Rob or seen recent photo's?? He's probably tired of hearing about himself! That and he doesn't have to speak for himself... there seem to be many people out there who will look at a picture or (mis)quote and do the speaking for him.

Meaghan said...

Riley - "they are damned if they are and dmaned if they aren't."

You got it. What a sucky situation to be in.

Stacy said...

OMG, your post might be the best one ever! You are right on the money - he definitely doesn't need to say a damn thing, because there are so many who know his deepest thoughts.

Riley - I agree, damned if they do, damned if they don't:)

Angie said...

;) Wink! Right back atcha Stacy.

Angie said...

I have been truely amazed by the large number of Edwards in the world.

So many mind readers. Wish I was tuned into Rob's head, with them!?!?! lol

Stacy said...

Exactly, lol. Apparently Edward isn't as special as I thought:)

MMc said...

Just had a wierd thought - wonder if Summit paid off the papz to leave the cast alone for a while?? I mean that's what it's all about, right? Money. If Summit could offer them more than the mag rags........why not back off?

Angie said...


I don't care who is on and who is off. I just want to celebrate the beauty of Rob.

I can not stand to see gossip stated as evidence or fact. Too, many people get hurt by reading into said evidence and quoting it as fact. Drives me crazy.

MMc said...

Or are there different laws/rules about papz in Canada?

Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meaghan said...

femroc - Whatever it takes to get the paps to leave them alone to some should be done. We can only hope that Summit is taking care of its investment.

Meaghan said...

ADM - And there is a lot of beauty to celebrate, isn't there? Sigh.

Stacy said...

I think we are kindred spirits;) That's been my issue from the beginning. It's their business, whatever is going on. The people believing everything they read and spouting it as fact when most has never been proven amazes me ... I feel like the speculation is so disrespectful to both Rob and Kristen.

And femroc ... um, I doubt it. Just ... no. Summit is a small studio and I honestly don't think there is a giant conspiracy against Robsten.

Angie said...


Far more than any one person deserves! lol

By the way my computer wants me to kill it. SOOOOO slow tonight.

Stacy said...

Hmm, femroc. I just re-read your comment. I still doubt it, because if the paps really think they can get a money shot, it's going to pay a lot more then Summit will shell out.

And ... the paps haven't left the cast alone. Most of them have been caught this week.

Stacy said...

ADM and Meaghan .... yes on the beauty. I so want the larger shots of the new photoshoot. Sigh...

Meaghan said...

I want the one where he is laying on the floor (with that little tuft of hair on the small of his back) to be BIG BIG BIG!!!!

Steph is Legit said...

i know summit has some big bucks now because of the twilight franchise, but i doubt they would pay off paps. rob + kristen =moeny in summits eye. i wouldnt put it past them to throw away their soul for a sack of gold.. or any production company for that matter. it's sad but its true.. paps arent as vicious over there then they are here in america and on top of that its been reported that there are what 25-30 paps compared to the 100's running around LA. One of the co-stars distracted them and they were easily able to slip out

i live in nyc. i see celebs occasionally and i have no idea it was them until after the fact that i walked past them. they could easily go unnoticed.. even rob.. he was in nyc for 2.5 months and barely anyone ever saw him on weekends when they were off. i highly doubt the man was cooped up in his hotel all weekend. im just saying in places like canada and nyc where there are paps, they arent as brutal as LA

Stacy said...

I still don't see that tuft of hair, lol! What I do see is that the skin of his back looks way darker than the skin on his face ...

Meaghan said...

Stephslegit - I thought it was great that Rob was able to disappear on the weekends almost completely when he was in NYC. He can evade attention when he wants to. I think he's learning the ropes pretty well.

Kimmie44 said...

I have read all your comments. Some I agree with and some I don't. First, You know it really doesn't matter if him and Kristen is together. yes, I think he can do better, but he and the other cast memebers are so close they all know a side of that person that we don't. he knows a side to Kristen that we don't and vice versa. I don't want them to together, because yeah, I'm just jealous as hell. LOL..
But honestly, it really doesn't matter. I just want him happy. I don't want him to be the rebound guy. I mean Kristen just got out of a very serious relationship. I don't think she would jump into another one. I know I wouldn't. I don't think rob would be ok with being a rebound guy. Do you?
Maybe he is just laying low in his room. He needs the peace. And who said that him and Kristen were sharing a room? Haven't heard that one. People depend so much on Gossip. Really? It's gossip. Don't believe what you read.It's not true. All the photos I Have seen of Rob and Kristen, no pda, no closeness or imitancy. I really think they are best friends. you can have a friend of the opposite sex. I have. It's ok. Anyway, it should matter either way. I want him only happy.

Angie said...


The clouds have lifted. Some one gets me. lol

It is unjust to judge and pass verdict on so called evidence. Judgement should never be made till fact enters the equation.

Oh, and aint' Rob pretty!

Meaghan said...

Stacy - That's why we need a HUGE blowup of that pic, so you can see that tuft of hair (he's kind of hairy, and those types of guys often have that little tuft on the small of the back)! Really, there's no other reason to blow it up...yeah...I'll just keep telling myself that.

Stacy said...

I see what you're saying, but I've also heard that Vancity is swarming with paps. They all want shots of Rob. I could buy him slipping out of his hotel, and I could even buy them holing up in a Starbucks. What I don't buy is that they strolled around the city for 45 min without being papped. Sorry to say, but there's basically a price on their heads. And Rob couldn't really go out much last time in Van without out paps or fans bugging him ... I can't see that it would be BETTER now.

Meaghan said...

Kimmie - Good post!!! And none of us here right now really do care either way about Rob and Kristen being together. I think we just get tired of being told how it is with no room for disagreement. They could be together or they may not be. It's interesting how people on both sides are so invested.

Stacy said...

Kimmie - I agree with your post (except for the jealous part, lol). It doesn't matter, but you voiced a lot of my opinion on them/the situation. As for the sharing of rooms, lmao no one knows that. It's gossip, pure and simple.

Meaghan - yes, that's why we need a large scale version of that pic. Definitive purposes only.

ADM - The clouds are definitely lifting. Your post was right on and inspiring, lol!

Unknown said...

hey stacy, ADM and meaghan

i want in your fan club too.

I have seen too many people have their reputations ruined over false evidence.

i agree totally. its called bearing false witness against your neighbor

however, none of us are perfect except jesus.

They're sharing the same room according to whom

you know what...i have a guy friend whom i've been friends with for 10 years and i have been known to stay at his house from 5 or 6 at night till 1 or 2 in the morning in his shed with him ALONE with the shed door locked. and NOTHING EVER HAPPENED.

but if "someone" saw me and knew my friend, what kind of gossip would they spread about me?

when i read about rob and kris at the chateau marmont. that is what i thought about.

what im trying to say meaghan is i agree with you on that point too.

no one knows if rob and kris are sharing a room or not. and that is nobody's business. seriously.

but if they did "hook "up everytime an "insider" or a "source" said they did, when would rob and kris get ANY work done?

Meaghan said...

Apprenticeinc - Join the club! We're happy to have you!

Meaghan said...

apprenticeinc - I also have to say this: I don't write anything that I wouldn't feel comfortable saying to Rob himself. That is my test.

And yes, ladies, I would tell him that damn pic of him laying on the floor should be blown up!

Stacy said...

Apprenticeinc - Welcome!

Angie said...

Too true Apprenticinc.

I agree Stacy and Meaghan, I was just saying ( to myself) earlier today, that the rug picture needs to be made into wallpaper!

Pretty please, is that asking too much?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

ladies sorry if i offended anyone by assuming rob is dating or in a relationship,it was not my intention so forgive me SORRY i come to this site every day for my rob fix nothing more nothing less,from now on i will keep my opinions to myself THANK YOU!

Stacy said...

Now that is a beautiful idea! You know, I almost dread the HQ of that pic. Not sure I can handle it!

Unknown said...

yes, rob on the rug


now... let's see

wedding night.. sexy, virgin white teddy, rob wearing his shirt unbuttoned and seducing me on that rug crackling fire in the fireplace

whew im hot

Unknown said...

am i the only one having that type of fantasy?

seeing rob on the rug does something to a girl

Stacy said...

Your assuming they are in a relationship isn't what offended me. You're entitled to that opinion and I respect that.

What offended me was your apparent intolerance for people who don't think, or aren't sure if they are in a relationship. And it's not just you - others have done it as well.

Stacy said...

Not anymore! Whew!

Stacy said...

oh and sexyrpattz, apology accepted. Sorry I forgot that part, lol.

Personally, I just wish we could get back to talking about Rob like it used to be around here.

Meaghan said...

sexyrpattz - we all come here because of Rob, and that makes this a great place. And we all obviously have exceptional taste!! ;)

I don't want this to ever be a place where people can't share opinions...I just want it to be a place where people can agree to disagree. Rob and Kristen could very well be in a relationship. I just see some things in a different perspective at times. We all have our own lens through which we view the world.

Unknown said...

why does rob wear his shirts half unbuttoned like that???

inquiring minds want to know

Angie said...

Stacy, not sure I can handle it either. That tiny one makes want to cry.

Apprentice, you are evil. The thoughts in my head now. Hope no one can read my mind.

Seyyrpattz, it is not a problem to state your opinion. It is tiring to hear others put down for theirs.

Meaghan said...


"wedding night.. sexy, virgin white teddy, rob wearing his shirt unbuttoned and seducing me on that rug crackling fire in the fireplace"

I think either my computer or my brain is going to explode!!!!!

Unknown said...

I think both sides of the "are they or are they not" issue have their arguments.

And I think that's by design frankly.

The main facts to me is that last year Kristen and Robert spoke of their personal lives and how they relate to one another(or more like DON'T).

Since June they've made that off limits for discussion. Something's changed, whatever it is. The reason for this change in how they discuss their personal life and eachother is vague.

And it's vague for a reason-these kids are nothing more than holograms in our lives. We like to project on them.

By not confirming or denying, Robert and Kristen are allowing us to maintain our hologram and projection of them intact. No cold waters of reality to ruin it.

Angie said...

Hey, maybe that is what is wrong with my stupid slow computer.

It has a crush on Rob, and it is having a melt down!?! lol

Stupid computer, I was here first.

Stacy said...

Meaghan and ADM, I completely agree.

Apprentice, that's a great question. Maybe he's proud of his chest pubes ...

Now my mind is rolling in the gutter! Or on the rug ...

Stacy said...

Interesting post. You make some really good points. I do think that part of the reason they stopped talking about their personal lives was because no one was really listening anyway, but again, your post has some nice points.

Meaghan said...

Rosa - Insightful post!

Angie said...

True words Rosa. Let us all dream a little dream. I don't care about the rest. I just want to float on a cloud next to Rob.

Um, yeah, he is naked on that cloud, in case you were wondering. Or was that just

Unknown said...

ADM- i know, im horrible. i have had that fantasy about rob for a while now

i keep having this vision of rob being all seductive and romantic showing a girl every nuance of lovemaking he's ever learned.

i know i know...i'll shut up now.

Angie said...

Shout Apprentice! Don't keep it in.

Meaghan said...

apprenticeinc - or having a woman show Rob every nuance she's learned.

hot4pattz said...

Thats what im talking about. who says there hasnt been the picture the shippers and non shippers want. Paps go straight to Summit and sell it to them before we see it. I bet they have quite a few kissing pics.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

thank you ladies i love coming here to drool over my rob mmmm so i dont want to muddy the waters,will choose my words more carefully from now on THANX

Unknown said...

no meaghan

i meant to say an innocent girl

Stacy said...

Wow. Just ... wow.

Kimmie44 said...

Um. I have to say, all thoe little pics of this new photoshoot is freaking hot. I don't care what he says the man is a freaking gorgeous god. he could so be a model and yeah, on the floor, on the rug, damn, I want a big pic of that..LOL

Stacy said...

You're welcome and no worries.

Now you girls have me thinking about Rob naked, thanks;)

Meaghan said...

sexyrpattz - Well we are currently discussing Rob on a rug in front of a crackling fire and whether Rob is the lovemaking teacher or the woman is the lovemaking teacher. Either way is a win, I guess!

Unknown said...

maybe i should use that and write some fan fiction

Angie said...

Watcha wowing about Stacy? Naked Rob, sex lessons, hmm

All of them together, on a fluffy rug. I thinkl I just whimpered.

Isabel2010 said...

Well i went to Denny's today with my friend Paul, i wonder if that means we are dating?
Seriously people need to lay off, give them a break, id probably go phsyco if i were them!! OR i know for sure if i were a celebrity i would go off on the Paps and i dont give a fuck if they 'sue' me haha that would be funny, getting sued for what? getting privacy haha and if they are together then good, if not then im sure they are still really good friends!! anyways, i just want to see pictures of ROB :D anyone else agree?

Stacy said...

ADM - the idea that Summit is going around buying up all the money shots of Robsten, lol. That's a good one.

Somehow I think Rob would be the student, not the teacher, lol!

Meaghan said...

Isabel - I agree!!!!

Hey, someone mentioned fanfic...does anyone hear write fanfic?

Unknown said...

hey isabel-
Well we are currently discussing Rob on a rug in front of a crackling fire and whether Rob is the lovemaking teacher or the woman is the lovemaking teacher

Angie said...

I think I will sit on the floor and have myself a good little cry once those photos are released in HQ. Too much beauty to take in.

Damn it I want that wall paper. I'll put it across from my bed with a light shining on it, so I can see it in the dark.

Unknown said...

i did meaghan

i can write the sex scenes

after that im lost LMAO

Unknown said...

thanks lassies. :)

Stacy-I think there are several possibilities for the change in how they speak publicly about their private lives. I definitely think part of it is that Rob has to be more guarded in interviews-so many great soundbytes have come back to bite him in the ass.
So part of this is folks around him trying to reign him in for his own good I think.

But I tend to think that Summit had the perfect setup with Kristen taken, and then they presented Robert with an innocent little crush like last year. And I'm wondering why they don't keep with that winning formula now because it satisfied eVERYONE.

Whatever is going on now, it's very polarizing, even if it's attention getting. So, yeah, it's fun to watch it all crash and

Meaghan said...

apprentice - did you ever post any fanfic?

Angie said...

I think Stacy writes ff. I have not had the chance to read it, yet. I do have plans to.

Stacy, yeah, I agree. I can't see Summit putting forth the effort that so many believe them to. They would go broke!

Meaghan said...

Stacy - You write fanfic? Do you have any posted?

Stacy said...

I write fanfic if anyone is interested:)

Rosa - I see what you're saying. I definitely think he has to be more guarded in interviews. A lot of the things he said about Kristen have bit him in the ass, and he's tried to clear them up several times. Unfortunately, no one listens.

I really think that's a big part of why their strategy has changed. People believe what they want to, regardless, and let's face it, the speculation is good publicity. I wouldn't be surprised if R and K's people, along with Summit, are encouraging them to just keep their heads down and go with, because talking about it now isn't going to do any good.

Of course, they could also figure that it's no one business,too. I am interested in what he says to VF. He really hasn't had a good forum to discuss since the spring. Honestly, it could go either way at this point. They could be together and not worried about what people think, or they could be friends who figure they're in a no win situation, so what's the point in worrying about it, you know?

I'm still stuck on the image of Rob naked on the rug ...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

mmmmm rob on a rug in front of a fire place all sweaty from doing you know what ummm and me next to him NAKED doing....ok the phone rang and woke me from my dream DAMN

Stacy said...

Meaghan, yes I do. Here's the link if anyone is interested:)

I just hit 1200 reviews!

Unknown said...

see, though I think the publicity is good for summit, but not for robert and kristen at all individually. They are getting overexposed, and when they are constantly sharing covers with heidi montag and jessica simpson and jon gosselin(cause that's their "peers" right now with the gossip rag), their stock goes down honestly and they get "edward" and "bella" stamped more and more on their foreheads. I think that their people and summit would have different motivations in that sense.

But it' all good in the hood, cause roberto is showing some ass cleavage on a bear

Meaghan said...

Stacy - You write "Near You Always"?? I'm reading that fic! It's really terrific! I love the way you've developed the characters. I also have to compliment you on how good the writing is. You must have a good editor!

Unknown said...

i've never written any fan fiction

not sure if i'd be good at it.

Angie said...

Great post Stacy.

You are right. He really has not had a forum to discuss anything in a long while.
The fact that personal questions were not allowed at Comic con is understandable. Those are the only questions they would have gotten.

It was a business interview. Poor Taylor and Ashley would have been completely ignored.

Stacy said...

I agree completely! I have been worried about overexposure for Rob for a while. Robsten (true or false) is completely overshadowing Rob and the movies. That's why I don't mind Taylor doing more of the NM press, and I don't mind Rob hiding away. I think that might be part of the strategy to get the press to back off a bit.

I do think his people might have other motivations than Summit, but I don't think they have always made the right decisions, either.

Who knows? Whatever the truth is, we are all probably at least partially wrong, lol!

Meaghan, yes, I do! Thank you so much for the comment on the characters, because I've worked really hard on developing them, and yes, my editor is fantastic. She pushes me and finds things that I would miss!

Stacy said...

ADM - thanks! And absolutely. If Rob or Kristen entertained any personal questions at CC, the whole movie would have been forgotten. It wasn't the place.

I do think K got in some really good digs, tho. And she did in her Dazed and Confused interview as well.

xoRobxo said...

@Stacy~ I think you may be in the minority of fans who would not be jealous of any woman Rob would date:)

I think happily married or not married or married and unhappy, I think most of us may have at least alittle bit of jealousy. I do agree that I don't care who Rob is with~it's not going to change my life.

Angie said...

Sexyrpattz, those damn phones!

Stacy, I have too many ff stories that I am reading just now. I do plan to get to it.

Stacy said...

I guess so. Maybe it's age or whatever. I can't say that I would feel jealous. Maybe because I see him as more of a flawed person, which makes him more appealing, if that makes sense.

And I don't think there's anything wrong if someone does feel a bit of jealousy. It's probably natural. It's the ones who rage and rampage that would need help.

I pity whoever he does date, especially if it's not Kristen.

Stacy said...

ADM - no worries. I have so many fics that I want to read. I just can't find the time because I am always writing. I should be doing that right now, lol!

Unknown said...

well, NICK doesn't look any older than rob, so not sure what his motivation is. stephanie ritz not sure about her either at this point

Angie said...

Rosa and Stacy, I agree. Overexposure concerns me.

I found out this summer that my Mom knew all about Rob. She has never seen any of his movies (well, she has now seen Twilight). Can you guess where she got her info? Those that do not know him for his work, are quickly learning about all that the rag mags preach.

It drives me crazy.

Unknown said...

yea when some fan wrote down a request for rob to do a "sexy" face

and rob said something about not wanting to be overexposed and i said to the computer

sorry rob that ship already sank.

Angie said...

All I can say to that Apprentice is, yeap.

Too bad, soo sad.

Stacy said...

ADM - that's it in a nutshell. I've had people scoff at me about this, but I firmly believe that those outside of his core fan base, who just know him as the vampire kid, are seeing him as tabloid fodder. That's not helpful as he tries to be a respected actor. Obviously the Twilight movies will do well, but stuff like that could have an adverse effect on his career.

Apprentice, sadly you're right. The ship has sailed, and I'm sorry, but the robsten stuff is a big part of the reason.

Unknown said...

first name is destiny

for those of you who were wondering lol

Unknown said...

yea and the twilight dolls and the merchandising and the list goes on and on. i mean some merchandise is ok ...but

and i can't beleive that rob and kristen didn't know about all this merchandising blitz that summit was pulling and why didn't rob put a stop to it if he was worried about overexposure?

xoRobxo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angie said...

True, Stacey.

There is an enormous number of people that believe what the rag mags print. Those same people are the ones that may stay away from his movies, thinking him to be a shameful hame whore.

First impressions are a killer.

Angie said...

Oops that should be fame not hame.

xoRobxo said...

Stacy~Totally agree with you on your last 2 post. You hit the nail on the head!

Unknown said...

well ADM they are probably thinking more than that about rob. that he will bed anything that moves among other things

Angie said...

Do you want to know, what I really want to know?

Why oh why, can't I have my own naked Rob on a fluffy rug.

Angie said...

Too true Apprentice.

When the facts are most likely very different.

Unknown said...

that's why i don't believe any of that stuff in the rag mags

they're painting rob out to be a w********* and that's not fair.

Stacy said...

xoRobxo - Thank you:)

ADM, you are so right about first impressions!

Destiny, I don't know about the merchandising. Something tells me that wasn't in their contracts and they aren't getting much from it. I could be wrong tho. I think a lot of it is just out of their control.

I'd like a naked Rob on my rug as well. Why can't we all have what we want?

Well girls, it's be fun, but I need to be getting to bed. Have a great night, and I will try to pop in some other time!

Angie said...

I know Apprentice.

All he really did was speak to most of those women. The rag mags spin it into crap. Why is that legal?

I hate that such a good person has to have that sh*t follow him around,FOREVER.

Angie said...

Good night Stacy.

I will be saying my good nights as well. This has been a very pleasent conversation.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

night stacy nite ADM

Unknown said...

gettin off here myself
nite all

TwiHartRK said...

Tess - is it inappropriate to propose to someone on a blog??
Will you marry me?

Tess said...

Twi - Only if you promise to do all the cooking. We'd starve otherwise...


Unknown said...

Hi all,

I was reading these comments (should be working actually ;) ) and I was curious when they mentioned your fanfic, I wanted to read it. And what do I find when you give the link? I'm alredy an avid reader and sometimes reviewer! :D

I agree with the whole: let them be them-idea. They are still humans and not gods and they are finding their way, like we all do!

And I hope those pictures will go to HQ soon, because he really does look good in them ;)


Anonymous said...

Well good for them, they should be able to do as they please, like say go for coffee, go to concerts, dinners at restaurants, in their professional and personal time together..ahh sometimes I feel bad for them they are both such cuties.

matuts said...

Like i keep on telling myself i am here surfing the net to see & photos,not convinced.although there are a lot who can do a pretty good manip so,i like to see it to believe it.:)

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