New Vanity Fair Outtakes: Fabrice Dall'Anese Shoot

A big thanks to [info]madame_sherry in [info]pattinsonlife

Is this new? My Robcyclopedia doesn't think so but I can't be sure :)) We had it in B&W before now in color:

Previously from the same shoot via RP Source:

Black and whites from Corr :


Anonymous said...

I don't care for beards but for some reason, Rob's is HAWT!!

Mizz_LaUrA_XxX said...

awhhh i love the pictures but hes not smiling

Maria said...

oh my freaking Rob!!! How gorgeous can this man be???????? I ask myself that question every time I see one of his pictures and I can't still figure it out!!!! maybe because I'm not thinking clearly in those moments!!!

showme said...

omg the top one is phenomenal!


heather said...

drop. dead. gorgeASS! i love him in blue, black, clear...

Amy said...

mmm, I especiallyl love that second one.

roxiegirl said...

I wonder if he ever tires of getting his picture taken? Gawd I hope not!! We need our daily fix of the beautiful one ...

Unknown said...

These are some of my favorite pictures of him. I like when his hairs a little longer and he's got the facial hair going on like that, nice poses too. The funny thing is I usually hate facial hair.

Unknown said...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh for fuck sake..

He's killing me....

he's the only man I wouldn't mind rug burns from...

Mars said...

Rob is the only guy that most of us would make exceptions for. My exception: he's tall. I normally go for shorties, but with Rob... How can you NOT find everything about him yummy?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

why no smile on my rob and i love him with facial hair soooo sexy,iam not going to get any work done today *sigh*

sj said...

Fuck me. I just want one taste... just one little lick!

RPnKSaddict said...

Like the black and white, very romantic.

Amy said...

*gasping for air*
He's - so - Beautiful!

Krissy said...

LatchKeyWife stated she wants a Little lick...

I'd prefer a BIG swallow.

Twilusted said...

Dayum!! Can this man get any more f*cklicious? I love Rob's longer head of hair, my fingers itch to grasp it. I have many places that ache for his facial hair's caress. Gah, I'm getting carried away with my imagination. :)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

ummmm who is going to be doing the swallowing you or him? me personally i dont swalow but will make an exception juse for him LOL

Anonymous said...

OMG, he wears a beard good!!!!!!!!!! Yummo!

roxiegirl said...

Ok. If this is a NEW vanity fair shoot does that mean that they have an upcoming article- and possibly front cover with the hottest thing in Hollywood er I mean the world?? Ohhh I can't wait I subscribe to. VF one of my favorite mags. And the pics of him and Kristen well, look like him and Kristen not Edward and Bella. I'm guessing the Nov issue to coincide with New Moon. Can't wait !!
LOVE the facial hair...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

it's not the new VF shoot..this is from last year I belive.

Loisada said...

Beautiful but so angsty. What's wrong Robbie? The photog certainly banished all joy from these shots. Anyone know exactly when they were taken?

roxiegirl said...

Oh rats. I was hoping they were new. I'm going to email VF and see if they will answer whether or not they have an upcoming article on him. They should since he is the hottest thing on the planet right now.! (or is just us that think that??? I don't think so!)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I believe VF did a shoot with him in June while in NY..
Maybe come out towards the end of the year, or with NM?

Lisa said...

Mmmmm....just the way I like him...scruffy as all get out. That beard and that could eat him with a spoon! that a...Members Only jacket?! ;)

Robaholic said...


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Members Only? There's a name from the past! LMAO

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Life size stand up for NM Edward:

roxiegirl said...

Rpatzzgirl -pattinsonlife blog said these were taken in Italy- so maybe the DO have something coming out at the end of the year...I sure hope so!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Beautiful B&W of Rob-

Haystackhair said...

Sigh. I've given up. I surrender. It's hopeless. He owns my girlie bits. THUD. DIED.

oh- raises head off floor

p.s. you all LIE that you just want one lick or swallow. You can't possibly want just one. LOL

back to DEAD. THUD

Lisa said...

@ Haystackhair:

p.s. you all LIE that you just want one lick or swallow. You can't possibly want just one. LOL

Because Rob's like Lay's Potato can't eat just one? :P

Nikola Six said...

KRISSY??? You naughty girl!!! So...uh...why dontcha come on over here and sit next to me? :)

I'm running out of words here. Each time I see a new shot of him I think, 'that's it, that is the most beautiful picture I've ever seen of him.' But then gawdamit...
another one comes along.

I guess people can think what they want; he's a shitty actor, can't sing to save himself, dresses like a dumpster bum (yes, I have heard such comments and have the bruised knuckles to show for defending him. Nobody picks on "the baby" in my presence. Yeah, anyone who knows me, knows that Rob is "my baby."), but how on earth can anyone say that this is not one of the most beautiful men to ever draw the breath of life? (even those who give me the 'business' about him, grudingly agree that he is a looker). Yet, I read where some think he's ugly. UGLY??? How is it possible for human eyes to gaze upon THAT face and come up with ugly? Now perhaps he is not so pretty to aliens because he's got two eyes instead of one and he's missing that third nostril AND he's got hair on top of his head as oppose to growing it off his ass. Those people can call him ugly. But not his own kind. Not possible. Humans can't get much more beautiful than Robert Pattinson.

There was some outrage on another fanboard that a friend of mine participates on (won't name the actor as the outrage wasn't his), when Rob won that VF poll for the handsomest man in the world. Some of the things said over there against Rob made me sick (I was tempted to join up and verbally slap the shit out of them, but someone else beat me to it). I could only chalk the reaction up to pea green envious jealousy.

All I know, is that the man owns me and that he's killing me (thanks alot pal, whad I ever do to you, huh?) And to think, I'll never know him. Never have him. Not even once. You know, there's a tinge of cruelty to all of this. Self inflicted of course.

(Hey Nik...thought you said you were running out of words?)

(Just thought I'd say it before someone else did)

Running away now to cry bitter tears in my coke.

Better make that a brew.


Georgie said...

The 5th pic down is definitely the "impregnating stare"- my ovaries just did a flip!

Nikola Six said...

Upon reading the rest of the comments, I do believe Krissy and I need to scootch over on that couch. It's a big one. Room for all. The couch I mean.

Or did I?

hee hee

Georgie said...

Nik, you've so eloquently nailed our feelings: all I can say is "ditto".

Lisa said...

@rpattzgirl said...
Members Only? There's a name from the past! LMAO

Distant past LOL I think they stopped making those before Rob was even born!

But look at's kinda...Members Only~ish LOL

Nikola Six said...


I do not ever remember reading about any star, that by just gazing upon still photos of him, he can knock you up. Ever. I've never read that about another star. And that is part of this phenomenom. That primal reaction and URGE that women have towards him.

Kristen? Honey? Go ahead and fuck his brains out, but for the love of gawd, don't look him in the eye while you're doing it. Slam your eyes shut. Stare at the ceiling. Study tomorrow's scipt. BUT DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE!!! You do, and we'll have a real life Renesme just in time to start filming BD.

Remember...eyes wide SHUT!

And thanks Georgie. Appreciate your sweet words.

Going to get my drunk on now. And it's barely past lunch. There ought to be a friggin' law I tell ya.

Damn you Rob.


Cami said...



roxiegirl said...

@nik ditto. I couldn't have said that any better! He is so NOT ugly. I bet he is People's sexiest man of the year. I mean WHO could beat him??

RPLover said...

@nik-lmfao at your PS! but she'd have to be wonder woman, how the hell would you be able to look at anything else but his gorgeous eyes in the moment...

ummm *clears throat* you'll have to excuse me, I'm having a moment of my own ;)

Gozde said...

Not new, they are from last year in Italy :))

Nikola Six said...

RPlover? Yeah. She'd have to be inhuman not to stare into those eyes while he's making love to her.
I was just being silly.

Anybody ever see Yentl? It's a Barbra Striesand movie musical from about 30 years ago. Gorgeous film. She wrote, produced, directed and starred in it. The first woman to wear all four hats
on a film (and she was called an "out of control, manical, egomaniac" for attempting to do so. Whereas Warren Beatty did it twice with Heaven Can Wait and Reds and walked off with 8 Oscar nominations and won for directing Reds. Don't get me started). Anyway...

There's a song in the film and I don't know, it kinda conjures up some of the feelings I read about here (my own included) and especially since it appears that he's finally won over the girl he's loved for some time now. Here are the lyrics...


Music by Barbra Striesand
Lyrics by Alan & Marilyn Bergman

Look at how he looks at her
Will someone ever look at me that way?

Full of all the feelings and the soft unspoken words that lovers say

I thought that I knew every single
look and sweet expression on his face

But this is one that I don't recognize, although I've sat and studied him for hours

But now I see how love completely
occupies, a pair of eyes

See the way they look at her, like slaves they follow everywhere she goes

Do my eyes forget themselves and do I ever look at him and smile in such a way that what I'm feeling shows?

Sometimes I get the feeling everybody knows

And even though it's crazy, still I can't help but believing that I'll live to see the day

When by some miracle of miracles, he'll turn around

And look at me that way

Beautiful song. And considering our hopeless situation here...a little bittersweet too.

I really am happy for him though. my fantasy life, I've contemplated suicide. But in real life, I am happy.

I really gotta get off this computer as I have to...

1. finish packing
2. finish the chapter
3. finish getting drunk

But you guys are so much fun and I love it here. Stop being so much fun, willya?

And Rob? Could you do us all a favor and take a topple out of the ugly tree and hit a few branches on the way down?


I'll figure out how to get my life back from you somehow. I hear there's cheap land in Sibera and internet connection is a bitch. But noooooo...I gotta move back to LA.

It's hopeless. Stick a fork in me. Toss the dirt in.


cindy1900 said...

Hi, I'm Cindy and I'm a RobAholic!!!!
Da-a-ang. Super HOTTT!!!!

Nikola Six said...

Hi Cindy,

I'm Nik and I'm insane.

And then I ran into Rob Pattinson.

There are no words.

cindy1900 said...

Hey NiK,
I am loving the posts. I can't believe you pulled out the "Yentl" AWESOME !!!

It's just so wonderful to know I'm not the only one seriously celebucrushing on Mr. Pattinson's lovliness.

Thanks for the welcome.

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vamplover said...

O M G !!!!!!what more is there to say.....HUNK

Aleigh said...

haha i was all smiles until i saw kristen in the shot. he is gorgeous as always. :)

Krissy said...

Happy Saturday, Nik! ☺

Any idea where the stains came from on that thar couch of ours?!

If it wasn't You and I know it wasn't me...could it have been the one and only Robalicious?!

BTW, before I lose track of what I was going to say...
I am a Lifelong Streisand Addict and I think YENTL was the best thing Ms. S ever did. Considering her career and talent, that's really saying something!

Starting to think you might be a long lost relative?! ;)

Happy Saturday of Robsessing to You & Everybody!

Nom Nom Nom.....

Chicago girl now in LA said...


Have you considered posting in your own blog? ;) Seems like you're ready. Good luck!

*Sparkles* said...

To hot for words!
Kristen is one lucky girl

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