Summer House Pics

Some of these I've seen before, some I haven't. Enjoy!

Thanks to sara_vicious at Source


Anonymous said...

Hey, does anyone know how to see this short film? Is it available anywhere?

So weird to see a tanned Rob. :) Love the first pic for some reason.

SummerGirl said...

Yes, when the heck can we see this?

Thanks for posting :)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

where can i see this movie?

peeling a fig said...

Yeah, I signed up for an information alert from the filmmakers (on their website...I forgot where) about three months ago and have yet to hear a peep from them.

He looks utterly GROOVY. Gimme more.

Suz said...

Kate.. I love you for posting these..

Love sleeping Rob.

That is exactly how he looks on my pillow....

(yea the pillow in my dreams)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

is this flick R rated? any SEX scenes with rob?

penguincullen said...

A french friend (in France) told me today that she already has it on DVD?
What I heard is that for the US, it's going to be released with the book next spring 2010?...It's only 14 minutes long and was shown at Cannes...

RPnKSaddict said...

Sleeping Rob is adorable.

kchambers77 said...

was he listening to oasis and channeling his inner liam gallagher?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

only 14 min long ?sooooo iam guessing no SEX scenes.

Haystackhair said...

How can a movie be only 14 minutes long? There is some sex in it, he's behind her and you aren't sure exactly what is going on but it could be.....LOL from what I've seen on Youtube I think it was....

Suz said...


Dude.. he filmed this a few years ago..

at that age.. 14 mins..? hmmmmmm

I'd say he could have had sex.. what? 12 times.. easy?


Kate said...

LOL Suz.
You're very welcome. I love sleeping Rob too! His eyelashes look so long in the pics of him asleep!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love these photos.

I signed up on thier mailing list last year, and have yet to receive info on this movie...

They responded back to an email saying they would let me know when it's released-but have heard nothing!

Sexy man! Love the hair!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh, gotta change the avi for these-too pretty...

Ana73 said...

suz - you are funny 12 times in 14 minutes LOL.

does anyone really know how old he was??? he does look young.

TMI Queen said...

Every time I see the pics with the girl in it, I think "Miss Evangelista!", because I'm a big Doctor Who geek like that.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

IMDB says it's 12 min as well?? WTF? That has to be a mistake...

Also says it was released April 09.

I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

awww he looks so peaceful while sleeping here.

and the others look like john lennon to me... haha

Anonymous said...

I see I'm not the only one that loves sleeping Rob. :)~

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Sleeping Rob was beautiful in Little Ashes as well....

Mars said...

kay... the second colour picture is too hot for words. *yowza

Haystackhair said...

Holy crap! Maybe I HAVE seen the whole thing then. LMAO! it was HOT when he was lovin on her.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

how much can he do in 14 min?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

damn its on youtube ?? going to search for it now.

Hello, I Love You! said...

I don't think I like the tan??? he looks a bit slimmy to me... the Anti-Rob

Johanna Hookah said...

Oh HELL YEAH! The 5th picture... I have always loved the pics when Rob have a tan.

Especially that red carpet ones when he have a grey/silver shirt and his hair make him look like a lion.

You know which ones I am talking about?

Anyway, I might die if I watch this movie.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Let me know if you find it, I can't look at you tube at work.

Robaholic said...

ditto, let us know if you find it on the avi rpattzgirl, freaking HOT

Robaholic said...

oh nooooo you changed it!!! :0(

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yea, I did...gotta love me some groovy Rob for a while....

Robaholic said...

I suppose :0) groovy Rob is just as hot!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Well, lets be honest, ANY Rob is HOT!

Kat said...

Kate... seriously... smoking warning please ;-)

He looks so damn fine all sleepy and shit.

Anonymous said...

Yes, sleeping Rob was beautiful in LA too!! I'd love to run my fingers through his hair too while he sleeps! Grrrrr!

Nikola Six said...

Did someone one mention John Lennon?

Remember that photo shoot awhile back that everyone hated? Kristen's hair was pulled back and Rob had those white pants on and in a couple of shots, they had him wearing a pair of glasses? In the ones with the glasses I thought...'oh my god, he looks like
John Lennon in thoses, although a thousand times better looking. (John was cute though, in his own quirky way). And then I thought some more...

'Now THAT'S who he should play in a film bio.' Yup. John Lennon. And he could do it too. God, could you just hear that Liverpool accent coming out of Rob? Oh, and as goofy as he is? He could could so play John Lennon.

Just a thought.


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

85 more days!!!!

Robaholic said...

totally agree :0)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...



Anonymous said...

@rpattzgirl ~ but whose counting right?!? LOL!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...


will do on my break,iam using my cellphone to seaech youtube,if i find it will down load to my cell so i can watch ,i still have the twilight movie and tons of interviews of rob on my cell, i watch when iam on the train or in the park,yes iam that obsess lol

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Me? Counting? Nahhhh

Yvonne said...

Delicious pics <3

Nik, Rob as John Lennon? OMFG that would be amazing....I would love to see him do that...I am so looking forward to all of his work, he has such a unique talent. He can transform into any character from what I've seen so far. I would really like to see him play a psychotic bad guy...I bet he would "do' evil extremely well.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

only found some sort of trailer with music and rob making out with some girl HOT one thing i must say about rob he got BIG hands,the way he grab that girl around her waist DAMN

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks for checking...and yes, the HANDS are to die for.

I can think of many things he could do with those hands.

Anonymous said...

i really look forward to see this movie. thanks for posting this.....

Sam said...

what year was this movie shot?

Sam said...

Robaholic- i love your name!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...


did you see it? when i get home later will search some more to see what else i can find ,iam at work cant spend to much time on cell,

Robaholic said...

thanks for checking RPTMO

thanks Sam, I thought it described my Robsession perfectly :0)

Nikola Six said...

Thanks rpattzgirl...

I don't know how brilliant I am. Mostly I'm just full of shit.

But thank you. That was very nice of you.


rpattz-turn-me-on said...


you are welcome!

Robaholic said...

did you check this one out?

pretty hot, although there's no audio, only a song overlay

looks good though!

Anonymous said...

Yes the long fingers . . . mmmmm. In the Twilight commentary he calls his hands "flappers".

tHesLayEr said...

that dude w the cig doesnt look like rob. his jaw line is completely different.

fragile human said...

He does look like John Lennon in the pics with the sunglasses. Rob could so play John in a bio movie. That would be great to see.

Mars said...

Ooh, Rob as John Lennon...! That WOULD be great to see. He's talented, but so much better looking than John. haha!

Anonymous said...

Rob has the sexiest skull (outside of Brad Pitt) in my book.

That JAWLINE is panty droppingly delicious!

Anonymous said...

Rob could easily pull off a role as John Lennon!! I've always thought he really had a James Dean look as well so even a life story of James Dean might rawk too!

ANYTHING for more Rob!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...


yes i saw that one,i think they are two of them but with the same thing

solas said...

Huh--and I thought (since I am so ancient anyway) I was the only one who saw the Lennon look.

I have seen posts where people think Rob looks sexy with the cigarette--Sure he is a beautiful boy, but I cannot stand the smoking, and hope for his health and those around him, that he can manage to quit and avoid smoke from others. Healthy is sexy; cigarettes are dirty and sick.

Athena said...

I wonder if we are *ever* getting to see this one, especially Down Under... 14 minutes??? No way! You can't even introduce the story in such a short time!

I love the ones of him sleeping with his hands on his face... he looks like a little baby! Awwwwwww!!!

I admit it's very strange to see him suntanned (I think??? Or is it make-up?)...

Rob as John Lennon has my vote, too! That's a movie I'd pay good money to see :D! Truth is with that mobile, chamaleontic face of his, Rob could play just about anyone!

Shani said...

I love the vid of The Summer House.
It should have been made into a longer feature film. Rob looked so sexy and dominating in it.

And I love the sleeping pic as well.

Treasure_7 said...

He is so hot!!

MMc said...

This film is only 12 minutes long from what I've read. He's smoking like a chimney and is so young there......that's sad that he smokes.

I don't like it that Obama smokes either.
You'd think the Prez would know better.

Anonymous said...

I agree he shouldn't smoke but he's young and he'll probably quite eventually. But he's the sexiest damn smoker I've ever seen! It's an oral fixation girls!!! :)~

Nikola Six said...

I thought Pres. Obama quit. It's one of the toughest addictions though. I smoke too and I've tried to quit several times. I hear that alot give it up when they have their first baby. Hmmm...don't see that happening for Rob for awhile.

And don't anyone say, 'Rob hates kids.' When he's older and is in love with someone and she wants to have his baby, he'll damn well have a baby and love it with his whole heart.

You can't hold a man to something he said when he was just barely out of teens.

But back to the smoking...nasty habit but damn, don't he make it look sexy? Well hells bells Nik, that man could probably make picking up dog poop look sexy.

Well...he probably could.


lalala said...

That 5th photo is seriously deadly. That hair and the way he is touching her.

Oh my aching ovaries.

AP said...
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