Even more Pics From Eclipse Set 9/27

Pics from PopSugar and big Thanks to the fabulous Amanda!


Dazzle said...

I just love him as Edward! He looks so clean and classy!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

keep the pics coming,its raining here in NYC we are having bad weather but rob pics have me in good mood.

Kate said...

It's raining here too and my head is still splitting sure sign of bad weather. I think I already posted some of these in HQ this morning ! Ooops {blush} Oh well!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

he also looks very young,way different than how he looked at the TCA or any pics we have seen recently

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


tnan said...

Did y'all see what canadagraphs (paps) said about yesterday? Sounds like Rob & cast were fenced in at the hotel and couldn't go out. Sad to hear VanCity is now like LA and NYC for them :-(

'Sometime around 8 (I think) a cavalcade of vehicles left, including Robs, with his bodyguard in the front seat the chase was about to begin. I advised my friend to take to going the opposite direction of where they went since we had a bad angle to start. We caught up a few blocks later & followed him to his downtown residence, where several fans & paps were scouting the area.

He drove in, with nothing for anyone to see. About 2 hrs later. Rob, Kristen, Ashley & Kristens manager were seeing walking along a walkway on the property....we thought we had them. We went where it lead....but they never came out. After 20 mins, KStews manager came out, talked with 1 of the autograph hounds, went for a short walk & came back. We still had things tightly covered. Shortly after that, her manager came back out...this time on my side. We chatted, he told me the cast had given up on going out, and that he was just going solo....then proceeded to leave on foot walking away, not to be seen again.'

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh i forgot to say Thank you KATE for the GORGOUS PICS

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Well, that just pisses me off to no end.

This is why normal fans can't get too close because of these assholes.

Mars said...

@tnan - I'm so embarrassed! Here I was proud of how "normal" things were for the cast in Canada... haha, that'll teach me to get so smug.

Thanks for the pictures, guys. He looks absolutely wonderful!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

things like that make me so MAD its like they are prisoners WTF

Haystackhair said...

OMG that sucks! How creepy does that sound "we thought we had them"
But on a good note, thanks for the pics!!! Edward is beautiful. The untidy bronze hair is back!

Anonymous said...

June 30th, 2010
June 30th, 2010
June 30th, 2010
June 30th, 2010
June 30th, 2010
June 30th, 2010.....

Do we have a countdown clock for Eclipse yet?????!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


JandR said...

rpattzgirl - if anyone will know this you will! I am trying to find a link to a video of Rob from How To Be - the outtakes where he is looking at the Mac with his mate and his friend says you wanna check your emails? and Rob just cracks up laughing - i soooo love that laugh and want to find it again. Do you know where that was posted or what it was called?? Please help!

Ana73 said...

tnan- i had seen this site before, it's a canadian photographers site that tells how they try to get pics with a story about it, right?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

its amazing that we have not seen new moon yet and but we are thirsty for eclipse LOL i agree cant wait for eclipse

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Actually I don't...but, I bet if you search the archives on this site it's here somewhere.

I know exactly what scene you're talking about....

I'll search too & see if I can find...

tnan said...

Ana, from what I can tell canadagraphs is an autograph hound. You get a good feel for what goes on within the paps circle as they stalk.

JandR said...

RPGirl thanks for your help - I knew you'd know which one I meant! LOL

Haystackhair said...

The leg hitch, the kiss at the computer, the compromise, the meadow. GAH! I can't wait! Oh and Jacob getting punched in the face. I can just see Robward "if you ever return her to me in less than the perfect condition I left her in, you will be running on three legs. THUD

Haystackhair said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Here's a behind the scenes vid, but I don't know if it's in here or not..
(can't watch vids at work)


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Sorry, I meant JandR..not RPA!

Ana73 said...

tnan - i didn't realize that it was someone just trying to get autographs and follows the pappz and then they sell the autographed merchandise online, WOW. and plus they are getting their own pics too. i could not imagine that being my life, just trying to get autographs of celebrities-all the time ?!?!

JandR said...

Thanks Rpattzgirl - that wasn't the one. I think it may have been inserted into a compilation that someone else did and had on their site. For some reason I thought it might have been on your blog - because I visit it often LOL - will have to keep looking but thx for your help. Sorry wasn't thinking about it being Friday morning there and everyone at work! It is already Sat 1am here! Cya tomorrow. x

crazylife said...

Sorry to hear of them "Pinned in". I thought too that Vsncity would be different. I like that fact when they were filming New Moon Rob was able to go out and walk in the city. Since We British Columbia and Canada are part of the Commonwealth I was hoping Vancity would be a little more like home for Rob. I guess those days are gone. Shame on Canagraphs or whoever they are. Money makes the world go around.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Well, as I said a few days ago, some friends & I are going to BC 10/2..my hope of course is to see Rob-but I won't stalk-if I'm lucky enough to run into him I will be a happy gal..

chances are slim I know..even if I'm just in the same city, I'll be happy!

Dr. C will be in my city tomorrow..I of course have to work-but will try to sneak out for a while & say hi.
Peter is a sweetheart and he'd be fun to say hi to.

Ana73 said...

rpattzgirl - as long as you are not hiding in bushes trying to stalk him or going thru his trash, LOL.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

rob and kris have a price on their heads,pics of those two are worth lots of money,sadly the stalking will never stop,

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


No bushes or trash I promise...
I also won't scream, run, tackle, strangle, or mob..

If I really saw him, I would probably just drool, cry and pass out!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ohm but I would grope, if he let me.

Marenostrum said...

I think the video you are talking about is this one...


Anonymous said...

Hi JandR~I know what behind the scenes clip your talking about for How To Be. I think I have it bookmarked at home on my computer. If I do, I'll post for you later.

Ana73 said...

rpattzgirl - oh, and dont walk around vancouver with a big purse with "edward's" face on it, that would be a dead give away too. LOL

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

that kid zac efron is also in vancouver(dont like him) why the paps not stalking him and leave my rob alone

Mars said...

Rob's more popular than Zac or Shia at the moment. That's probably why they're not chasing him around.

Ana73 said...

rpattzTMO- they are stalking him too, according to that canadagraphs site, that is why the pappz did not get a pic of rob & kris out last friday night at starbucks because they were following zach instead that night. it's just that we are not looking for efron's pics so that is why we dont see them.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh god-no purse with Edwards face-oh no!

Ana73 said...

but i dont think they are stalking efron as bad as rob. i also think that efron puts himself more out there. but i really dont know i am just speculating about this whole thing, i know i need to get a life :))

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh ok....i like shia but i hate the efron kid i think he is a media whore,dont mean to offend anyone just my opinion

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

wonder if rob and kris and the cast are going to go out this weekend,rob and kris did it last friday without the paps following

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I think the big difference first off, is that Rob is the HOTTEST celeb in the world right now-he's also the most elusive.

He doesn't do a lot of interviews (not anymore) and there's so many rumors about him, and he's so marketable right now, everyone wants a piece, so to speak.

Efron, Shia-they're all out there doing interviews & showing up without body guards (they don't need them) so Rob is the big catch.

They're also all trying to catch him doing something...with a girl..any girl, but especially with KStew...

I fear it will be this way for him for a long time to come.

Mars said...

@RPG - I definitely agree. It might not be that Efron's a media-whore so much, as he's not shy at all. Plus, he's great at self-promotion.

Leonardo DiCapprio, Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt all went through this, too. Poor Rob. He's so not into all of this-- it must really suck for him.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

And....he's also playing one of the most charismatic, romantic characters to grace a movie screen since Romeo-not to mention the fact that he's a HOT vampire-

He's on a fast train that I hope never crashes for him.

Ana73 said...

yes, i agree - the first pic of rob & kris together - holding hands or some other PDA- will be worth a lot of money. that is IF they are actually together but that is why the pappz are hounding him so much more.

i think IF they are together, they should just take a pic of themselves together (like at a photo booth in the mall) and sell it to the highest bidder and give the money to charity like the celebs do with the first pics of their kids. I AM JUST KIDDING BY THE WAY!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

you ladies are right rob is so mysterious ,thats part of the attraction with the media,rob never gives all of himself even in interviews,he always leaves you wanting more.....i hope this weekend he can sneak out and have some fun

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@ana 73 LMAO i know you are only joking but it sounds like a very good idea lol

Mars said...

Ugh! Rob USED to give more during interviews... I remember a time when an interview with Rob had him giving away answers like "I have a crush on Kristen" and "Spunk Ransom."

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yea, he used to have diarrhea of the mouth, always saying too much-

he's learned to zip it since those days!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

oh yea i remember those days lol

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

ladies take it from me never walk the busy streets of NY with an umbrella in one hand and typing on your cell phone with the other ITS DANGEROUS i almost got knocked over lol my obsession is going to kill me,if i keep walking the streets and type on this site i will be run over by a bus.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

They are filming the graduation scene today!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i wonder what they did with kstew hair? would like to see pics of that

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know, I'm dying to see her hair as well..

monika said...

From someone who attended a Q&A with Hardwicke

At teen choice Rob told Catherine that he borrowed Marcus Fosters shirt that Marcus wore the night before b/c rob had no clean clothes
about 1 hour ago from Tweetie

She had Rob put extentions in his hair and he hated them.
about 1 hour ago from Tweetie

Ron originally saw that fans hated him as a casting choice and Catherine told him hang in there and trust me and said stay offline
about 1 hour ago from Tweetie,

Rob said my mother sent it to me. Catherine said stop opening emails from your mother
about 1 hour ago from Tweetie

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks Monika!
I remember that CH had wanted Edward to have longer hair, and that they tried it & he hated-so did she because it covered up his jaw line!

Confirmation on the clothes sharing!!

Haystackhair said...

LMAO monika! He's such a dirty hobolicious man!! I remember hearing about Catherine telling him to stay off line, and I remember him saying about the hair extensions and them being awful. Thank GOD she didn't do that! How in the world could you NOT have the untidy bronze hair? it's Edward's most recognizable feature!!!! Besides the golden eyes and beautiful face....and body....

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

why would he need to borrow cloths or have dirty cloths he is a muti millionaire it makes no sense,he could of sent out for cloths,dont he have a personal assistant to handle such matters??

Mars said...

I LOVE red hair. Edward's red hair was his hottest feature *in my opinion!*. A Robward without red hair would be terrible! I'm so glad Rob has a beautiful jawline that CH didn't want to cover up.

It's adorable that he wore Marcus' day-old shirt, haha! Just shows how "I don't give an eff" he is... oh, what a rebel, haha!

Ana73 said...

RP TMO - well in the condition that his clothes are usually in, i highly doubt that he has a PA. and if his clothes were dirty, why would he wear a dirty shirt of his friends instead of a dirty shirt of his own, but then again it's rob so who knows. maybe his thinking is...if i didn't wear it's not really dirty yet.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

And, to add to that Ana73-Rob just isn't the fussy primadona type to have his clothes cared for!

That just adds to his adorkabilty & sexiness!

He won't wear his own dirty clothes, he'll borrow his mates.

Love it!

Haystackhair said...

Um ladies, he's a 23 year old GUY! that's why. LMAO.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Very true Haystack!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

lol i dont get it,but i guess thats all part of why we love rob

Ana73 said...

RPG - so true!!

Now this is the same reason i like kristen so much, she doesn't care either. People critique her style or lack of but i love it. She has the i dont give care what you think. i mean look how they both went to comic con, it looked like they both just rolled out of bed and went, while ashley & taylor looked nicely dressed. JMO.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

exactly-she is not a Paris Hilton!
I think that's why they are a match made in heaven (if they're together that is-not going there)

They really don't need to care...

TheQuietOne said...


In my opinion, I think they probably did just "roll out of bed"....

TheQuietOne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattz-turn-me-on said...

you know what my mom always say.... its not the cloths that make the man,you ladies are right he dont need any of that shit,he is naturally HOT and kstew is naturally very prett while taylor and the others always look manufactured

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Exactly! he could wear a potato sack and look just as HOT

Anonymous said...

i can see myself! this proves that he is my tongue lover.


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

lmao! Tongue lover...

RPnKSaddict said...

Thanks for the tweet updates! Rob looks wonderful...lol at the Clothes sharing.

My sis and I are haveing a Twilight day. making bracelets for New Moon...Also plannig our activities for sitting in line for 5 hours or so for the midnight showing.

Can't wait for Eclpise...this is my favorite book in the series. I'm on a high from these pictures.

peeling a fig said...

Looks like they've been plucking his eyebrows again...leave them eyebrows aloahnnn.

Mars said...

Peeling-a-fig - hahaha, I agree! Leave his eyebrows alone! Which reminds me of yesterday's Letters to Rob blog post! HI-Larious (as usual...)

Here's the link if any of you are interested in reading up on Rob's eyebrows *wiggles eyebrows* haha!


Suz said...

EclipseWard is DELICIOUS.

and Amanda..

well YOU are just Mandalicious

Ellie said...

The man is Sex on Legs...

But I guess you all already know that don't you?

Ellie said...


Suz said...

Ellie Mae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soooo good to see a familiar face 'round here.


roxiegirl said...

I luv hobolicious Rob and Kris. Yeah-23 year olds don't do their laundry so much., tho the mother comes out in me and I want to do his laundry and shop for him. I'd volunteer in a hearbeat!! The rest of what I want to do with /for him is in my fantasies!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

one word to describe rob SEX, when a woman look at him its the first thing that come to mind.

Ana73 said...

roxiegirl - totally agree about doing his laundry for him, i think it's the mother in all of us. i am trying not to do as much for my step-children because they are older (in their 20's) and i am trying to make them more independet but...sometimes with the clothes piling up, i hate to think of them wearing the same clothes again so i end up giving in and washing them.

SarahBella said...

You are NOT lying Rpatz. That first pic is so intense. It's like he's turning around and looking right at me saying, "Sarah, where ARE you. I'm waiting for you. And the things that I'm going to do to you when you get here...."

Huh? Wha? Okay...sorry. Got carried away in my little fantasy world there. Seriously though, I think Rob needs a personal assistant to help him with mundane tasks.....such as picking out clothes that *aren't* from other people's wardrobes, buttoning shirts correctly, taking off said shirts, dressing and undressing in general, running fingers through his so it achieves the desired look, bathing.......

Huh?? Okay sorry....drifted off again. Damn! This is what sexy ass Robward does to me!!! I'm supposed to be studying and now all I can think of are very very dirty things!!! I can't help it! It's his fault for looking so damn delectable! :(

lostinphilly said...

Even though Rob as Edward looks all kinds of sexy and F-I-N-E,I still can't help but love it when he's just scruffy, clothes-borrowing, adorkable Rob.It's such a shame that he's under "lockdown" at his hotel,I mean how much room service can you stand to eat? But if that's what has to be done to keep him safe, then so be it.

Mars said...

Mmmm... scruffy Rob...

Anonymous said...

i've been stuck in that scruff before. it was awesome.

roxiegirl said...

@sarahbella. Damn you got my fantasy. Thud. He is just do damn HOT. Kstew is sooooo lucky-whether for real and/or on the screen. I'm gonna have to watch Twilight tonite for a fix. He's OUR own personal brand of heroin !!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i must say i like cathrine hardwicke but i find it disturbing that she is airing rob's dirty laundry in public,talking about his insecurities about fans not liking him and the part about his mom's emails,why cant she keep her mouth close? no one wants to hear all that negative shit.

SarahBella said...


That's not a bad idea....Friday night Twilight viewing. Yummmmy. I just watched Youtube clips of Rob in Bad Mother's Handbook and his scrapped scene from Vanity Fair. That man is sooo beyond delicious. It's not even fair. I think he was put on earth to torture women everywhere. His sexiness is just abnormal and completely overwhelming!

Oh, and Kstew is the luckiest freakin girl on the planet. Who gets PAID to kiss and jump on a shirtless Rob repeatedly for 10 hours?!?! Are you freakin kidding me?? Best job ever! There's no way that she jumped on him all day and didn't want to have sex with him after that!!!! Pffffft! I'll bet that's THE night that she decided friends with benefits wasn't such a bad freakin idea.

Mars said...

I wonder, if everyone has a look-alike, does Rob have one too? And where can I meet him...? I think it's HIGHLY improbable that I'll meet the REAL Rob (though I'd LOVE TO!) so his look-alike will do... just sayin'.

(wow, I DO sound like a freak!)

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@ sarahbella so true!

friends,friends with benefits,hot lovers,hook up lovers,booty call lovers,sex partners or just DLfreaks? no one knows the true status of their relationship,but one thing is a FACT kstew is the luckiest woman in the fucking world.

roxiegirl said...

@sarahbella Amen sista. How could she not want him for real after spending so much time hugging and kissing him on camera. I just re-read Eclipse and there is a lot of that-plus some pretty hot almost sex to knock you socks off. And of course I so enjoy re-reading the books as I can visualize Robward..... Oh got to fantazing there...I'm back.

dina said...

Sarahbella I heart you girl,so totally true.Kissing for 10 hours...this kstew girl is very lucky.

dina said...

To be honest with you ladies I kinda like the idea of watching the two of them on screen knowing they are having a steaming relation off screen, I think is....hot.They will not act any more, I think this is...hot too. Am I pathetic or something.

phosphorus said...

Yes, that sounds pathetic. Why do you get a kick out of it?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@dina....no you are not pathetic i think most people feel the same way

Anonymous said...

That's funny about washing his clothes. Girls are easier. I used to do my daughter's laundry, fold it, pile it on her bed for her to put away because I respected the privacy of her closet and drawers. Then I caught her tossing stuff she didn't feel like wearing back on the floor for me to wash over again. That did it, she was 13, I never washed another piece of her clothes. She took better care of them once she was doing her own laundry. Don't think that works with boys though, they don't give a damn. My grandson slept over the night before last, I put out his clothes for the morning when he went to bed. I spotted a pair of briefs on the floor after he got dressed and I asked him which ones were they (they looked like the ones I left out the night before) He said: "the ones you put out for me, I like the ones I had on yesterday." A little disgusting, I tend to be rather picky about changing my undies everything I change my clothes, which can be 2 or three times a day..I just shook my head and let it go. I saw this with my nephews when they came to visit, but my brother was as weird as I am, changing his underwear several times a day too..(must be our Mom's fault..)

Marcus' shirt didn't look dirty, and the colour looked great on Rob..

SarahBella said...

You ladies are awesome...you're all SO on my wavelength right now.

Dina, you bring up a good point girl. Since I am personally convinced that Rob and Kris are having hot off screen relations ::wiggles eyebrows::....that will make their intimate scenes that much more real in Eclipse. And you know what that means? We might get glimpses of how the real ROB is intimate with his girl/hook up buddy in real life. Now THAT is something to look forward to ;)

Marenostrum said...

This all dirty dressing stuff reminds me of my male friends who were in boarding school and were wearing the same pair of socks all the week.

dina said...

Why do I get a kick out of it? I wish I knew. Probably because is like watching through their bedroom's keyhole.OMG It's getting worse...

Mars said...

Last summer, two of my 23 year-old male roommates wore the same clothes for over a week! I did my laundry weekly, while they would take DUFFEL bags full of their dirty clothes for their moms to wash! 22 year-old girls are MUCH cleaner haha! Heck, like Lynda says "girls are easier."

And I don't mean the sleazy easy, haha!

Marenostrum said...

My mother was very good at educating both me and my brother so I was shocked when I moved in with my boyfriend who is my husband now. He went through a long and hard education process and now he can make laundry and iron his own stuff and even iron mine.. :) So all Rob needs is a good teacher.. :P

roxiegirl said...

@Dina. No you are not pathetic!! I feel the same way. Watching and knowing they are (were?) shagging for real. It will be very voyeristic for us when we get to see the movie-just like looking thru the peephole or being a fly on the wall. It will be so fricking HOT we'll probably all wet our panties and have to run home and change the undies after- the movie!!

Mars said...

@Mareno - All your comment needed was "Can I get any volunteers?" hahaha! Unless, you're willing to take on the job, ;)

phosphorus said...

I suppose Kristen and Rob will guess the voyeuristic tendencies some of their fans show - so on screen it will be all acting and faked kisses.

@ Lynda: Marcus' shirt looked washed and ironed, I think he made use of the hotel's laundry service.

Marenostrum said...

@Marz - I am not sure I want to volunteer to educate another 23 year old male (This was exactly the age of my husband when we started dating..) with two sisters (this also makes a huge difference..)... Even for Rob, I don't think I can go through the same pain again. I think I'll wait him to get educated by another female... And I hope this is not what other women are thinking about my husband... :))))

Mars said...

@Mareno - Rob has sisters, too, so maybe educating him will be just as easy! haha!

noisefaidaus said...

Thank god he's back!!! And looking so SEXY!!!!!
I've about enough of Taycob being shoved down my throat to last me a lifetime!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for these pictures! It's been many days since we've seen Rob! Great to catch sight of him finally. Not like the days when he filmed Remember Me where we saw him everyday.

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