Boo Boo Confirms Breaking Dawn to be 2 Movies?

Boo Boo (giggle) Stewart gave an interview to Access Hollywood and he says he is signed on for 3 movies in the Twilight Saga:

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

New “Twilight Saga” cast member Boo Boo Stewart has some big news for fanpires.

“I heard there’s going to be three more movies,” he told Access Hollywood’s Laura “Dish of Salt” Saltman in a new interview. “‘Eclipse,’ ‘Breaking Dawn,’ and there should be one more.”

The star’s rep also noted the additional films when Boo Boo’s casting was announced to Access.

“Boo Boo Stewart will play the character Seth Clearwater in the next three installments of the wildly popular ‘Twilight’ film franchise based on the best-selling novels by Stephenie Meyer,” the rep said in a statement.

Only three movies in the series, “Twilight,” “New Moon” (due Nov. 20) and “Eclipse” have been confirmed by Summit Entertainment, who did not return calls when contacted by Access regarding news of the additional films.

“Breaking Dawn” is the fourth and final book in Stephenie Meyer’s series. Should a fifth film come to light, it is unknown if it would stem from a new story – or follow the “Harry Potter” franchise’s lead and split the final book into two films.

Boo Boo begins his “Twilight” career with filming this September in “Eclipse,” the third film in the series, as wolfpack member Seth Clearwater. The film is due in May 2010.

“In the first movie, he’s introduced and the part gets bigger as the movies go on,” Boo Boo told The Dish. “Jacob’s the biggest [werewolf] and then he’s right there.”

Gozde: So, is this confirmation that Breaking Dawn will be 2 movies or as MyTwiLife said did Boo Boo make a boo boo? :) He is going to make a good Seth though. Such a cute boy!

Additional BooBoo (giggle) where he talks about martial training with Miley Cyrus you can visit Access Hollywood who are always very good to us ;)


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I can't take anyone names Boo Boo seriously...

My Twilife said...

Thanks for the shoutout first of all!

Second, I would just screech like a 13 yr old fan girl if they made it into 2 movies! God that would be awesome!

noisefaidaus said...

I hope he is right about Breaking Dawn being made into 2 movies!!!!
You could not do justice to the 4th book trying to cram it all into one movie even if they made it 3 hours.

Marna said...

Does anyone know if Boo Boo is his real name? If it is, does he have any siblings named Yogi? Do they steal picnic baskets?

As for 3 more movies, I would guess that Breaking Dawn is going to be 2 (why do they keep saying Breaking Dawn hasn't been confirmed? EVERYBODY has confirmed it), unless (and this is just my imagination) there is going to be another book. The only reason I'm even suggesting that is because there was supposed to be some kind of Lexicon printed back in December & they postponed it. I always thought it was because there might be another book. I was actually hoping the book would be Midnight Sun which I love, but Seth isn't in that so that can't be a movie. I guess we'll just have to wait & see.

Angela said...

I think Rob should move on to bigger and better things, like R rated eye candy movies for one. BD II would be such a nightmare for him.

Can you imagine him still talking about Edward in 3 or 4 years? Still stuck on the press junket, getting older. Still playing 17 yo Edward pu&&y whipped by Bella.

I hope it's not true. You can put it all in one movie. Wedding, baby, Volturi, imprinting, the end. Why two?

no no no. Want to see Robert free again.

phosphorus said...

Who named that poor kid? A fan of Cash's song A boy named Sue?

I really hope that Breaking Dawn will not be made into two films. It may damage Rob's career, four films are more than enough, he better move on (die, Edward Cullen, die!).

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

first i must say WTH is a BOO BOO?is that his real name WTF..... and i love BD its my fav book out the series and i dont mind seeing ed and bell get it on but would rather it be made into one movie and get it over with,i know the kids in harry potter are stuck playing the same characters for years and even though it made them very rich,i dont want rob to be stuck playing the same character for years,more adult roles for him

marya said...

at first i thought "cool", but now i agree with everyone saying that four movies is enough for rob...and for everybody lol
please as much as i love twilight and edward making BD into two movies is just ridiculous...besides its already been done (harry potter hello?)
i vote yes for an R rated rob movie! that should be gooooood :)

Ana73 said...

maybe if it does get made into two movies, they might change SM book and have a real big vampire fight scene, that would great.

is this his actual REAL name or acting name??? i think it's cute for him now but when he is over 25 i wonder how he will feel.

Anonymous said...

Boo Boo is his nickname. I actually knew someone nicknamed BooBoo!! He makes a perfect Seth Clearwater, so cute and likeable. Hopefully BD will not interfere with Rob doing Bel Ami.

kp said...

His name is Nils Stewart

Sara said...

Ana- I agree! SMeyer angered me to no ends when there was all this build up and then NOTHING. I wanted action dammit!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i think being stuck doing the same character for years will make you rich but it might limit your options as an actor,you may be typed casted,the daniel kid is a good actor and even though he may try other roles he will always be known as the harry potter kid

RPLover said...

guess I'm greedy for this series, I wouldn't mind if BD was two movies...time will tell! and yes, please, Rob in a rated R movie, so if one BD instead of two does the trick, then I vote one!

I really liked the character of Seth, I think this kid is well cast-such a cutie!

maha said...

I completely agree with phosphorus and Angela

I want to see Rob in another characters , another stories , and in my opinion Breaking Down is going to be silly when I just imagine the scenes and the movie ( but I hope not ) , I don't think it is going to be great one .I know some people disagree with me but thats what I think and I don't mean to offend anybody it is just my opinion.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Me neither...

I get the feeling that Rob is happy with this series and is devtoed to fullfilling all the books/movies.

I'm confident that he knows what he's doing...

and I for one am excited about Breaking Dawn...

RPLover said...

@rapattzgirl-thanks, babe! I completely agree :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Bring on the feathers, Isle Esme and Burning Man, and first night lovemaking as vampires...HOT

RPLover said...

I just want a shot of him standing in the water in the moonlight-my brain will know he's got shorts on but my hormones will be panting about naked Robward under the the hell am I going to see these movies with my DH in the room? ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh god yes, the water-his clothes blowing in the wind...

God, help me

RPLover said...

think they'll throw in the scene where he tears the black lingerie off her?! good christ, what am I doing to myself? LOL

Athena said...

Boo Boo... what were his parents thinking???? I truly hope it's just a nickname, like Noot...

Anyway, I think he'll be a good Seth :).

As for the two movies... I don't know... I don't want Rob to be Edward until he's thirty-five, so it would be OK only if they shot them together like The Lord Of The Rings... and make it quick! I want to see Rob in other roles and first of all I don't want BD to interfere with Unbound Captives or Bel-Ami!

Anonymous said...

NO. No no no no no no NO. I can't take it if they split Breaking Dawn in two. I'd have to watch parts of Eclipse and Breaking Dawn #1 every day if they did that. I have no problem with it being one 3or 3 1/2 hour movie. Where would they cut it? During Bella's change? I'd die because all before that is pretty boring to be honest. Jacob's whole part is kind of boring and I think SM just put it there so we wouldn't hate him when really it just made me hate him more.

Also, Boo Boo? PLEASE tell me that's not his real name.

Unknown said...

Seriously, imo, it would be ridiculous to try to make BD into 2 movies. Not nearly enough happens except a lot of angnst....if Return of the King fit into 1 movie, it would just be a joke to make BD into 2. And I agree, 4 movies is more than enough...time for Rob and cast to move on.

RPnKSaddict said...

Two movies Two love scenes. Isle Esme and Bella and Edwards first nite after she's turned.

BooBoo looks like a cutie, I was worried who they might cast. Seth is my favorite wolf.

Anonymous said...

OMG I thought I was the only one who thought that breaking BD into 2 parts is too much!

Karina said...

I only want BD to be one part, mainly because i really don't think the material is strong enough for two parts. I don't hate it as much as most fans, but I think there's a lot of boring parts to it that don't need to be told.

As for boo boo. He's adorable. A lot of Native Americans and polynesians get some wild nicknames they use shamelessly. lol i have a two Samoan friends with adult family members that are named Kermit and Pepsi. So boo boo got off

Karina said...

I don't even know how they will divide it into two parts. basically they wed, have sex, she gets pregnant, has the baby. jacob imprints, bella realizes her turning is a smooth transition, and then they get ready to battle volturi with the different allies. Then they stop them. The end. A lot of the material is thematic and won't translate well onto screen, it just won't. i think summit is just trying to squeeze the franchise out for as long as possible.

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dayzdnconfuzd said...

Good lord, if they absolutely have to make breaking dawn a movie, just do it all in one movie. For the love of god, let Robert finish this series and move on to bigger/better projects.

SluttyPattz said...

I think BD should just be one movie.

I feel like Summit will make it into 2 and the ending to the first one will be Bella opening her red eyes and the screen fades to black.

I don't know if I can take it if they make it into two movies. No matter what though I will end up watching it either way.

katykeene said...

I am glad to hear that the majority are saying NO! to BD being split into two movies.
As astute people have stated, BD, whether you hate it or love it, hardly has a storyline that merits two movies??
Just because HP is doing it(hello a much bigger franchise) does not guarantee success.
My reasoning has always been that Rob needs to move away from the Twi franchise so that he does not end up typecast as Edward.
The HP kids are a good example of how hard it is to dissociate the person from the role after seeing the person in that role for so long.
I already worry considering he still has three more of these movies to be released with him playing the same role.
NO!NO!NO! to a fifth.
How long can he play a believable 17 year old?
I do hope it is the general consensus and that Summit gets the message.

RPLover said...

just saw on that a "source" says that BD will NOT be two movies, only one...


hy everybody!!well I agree with u BD into 2 movies definitely no!!also BD is my least favorite book except for the wed and isla esme then the whole jacob book didn't like kinda boring all the transformed bella mmm??I really heart stephanie books but BD was sometimes weird and kinda boring
rob should move on too much talent wasted for 5 Twilight movies
seth was the best of the dogs I guess he would be so lucky to spent a lot of time with rob

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Nils/"Boo Boo" is ADORABLE...same type as my DH! Perfect casting as Seth.

As for Rob being stuck as Edward for four films versus five...I think the die is cast either way. Rob is smart about doing diverse roles between "The Twilight Saga," and as he has said, he wants to take a break and finally go to college when he is 28.

He'll be just fine.

AP said...

Afterthought: The only way it might make sense to split BD is if they are filming back to back for part one with pickups later. Could that even be possible? Doesn't seem so. Hmmmm

Serap said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....please let this be wrong. I cannot handle waiting for another movie, after Breaking Dawn Part 1 ...What the hell is up with that? I don't care if its a long book....if Return of the King can be a damn 4 hour movie than so can Breaking Dawn.

Serap said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....please let this be wrong. I cannot handle waiting for another movie, after Breaking Dawn Part 1 ...What the hell is up with that? I don't care if its a long book....if Return of the King can be a damn 4 hour movie than so can Breaking Dawn.

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