And another EW Outtake

How gorgeous is this pic??

Source. Big thanks to Mel for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous is right!! No one can deny that Kristen isn't a beautiful girl! (She looks so much better with her long brown hair. Hope she isn't too attached to the Joan Jett look and goes back to her natural color.) And well Rob is just . . . the best eye candy one can ask for. Lovely!!!!

Haystackhair said...

I have one word. JAWPORN!! THUD

orion said...

Same word for me...Mother of God! I never saw a jaw so perfect

Haystackhair said...


JandR said...

Thank god for new pic! We were dying

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

They are so beautiful..

They should be together....

Ana73 said...

i dont think i have seen a photo shoot of them together that they dont look good. they are both very photogenic. they look really good together :)

Dandy said...

AMEN! Those photos are some of the most beautiful shots of both of them. Every single one is just gorgeous! I love them.

Anonymous said... lady bits are quivering....


Nikola Six said...

I have a theory. It's been said that a certain physical trait made two actors the biggest male and female movie stars of their generation and that physical trait was? Their smiles. And the actors in question? Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts. Both talented, yes, but not extrodinarily so. But those smiles lit up the world and set them apart from the pack.

My theory? Rob Pattinson's jawline is in part what has catapulted him to the level of stardom he has achieved based on the success of ONE film only. It's that jawline that is so intensely masculine and is what has brought women (not squeeling, little teenage girls) to their knees. It was the FIRST thing I noticed about him. Yup. That's my theory. As orion just said..."I never saw a jaw so perfect." Nope. You never have.

This EW shoot is one of my favorites of the two of them. EW knew they had to get this one right as there was such an uproar over the first one in which they didn't look like Edward and Bella OR Rob and Kristen.

And yes, they are breathtakingly beautiful. Can you imagine what a baby of theirs would look like?

Not suggesting that they start procreating or anything (they're a bit too young for that). Just saying...

Just saying that they would make beautiful offspring. Wouldn't they?


Karina said...

Frack, his jaw. You just want to gnaw on it like it's a chew toy. And him and Kristen look like siblings there, that's weird. They have some similar features.

Karina said...

Nikola-I think it's all about the jawline too. Without it, he'd be too pretty and girly honestly. That's the problem with Efron and Chace whatever. Both are very pretty, but nothing to butch up that pretty. Robert's a very pretty boy, but he's got just the right mix of purty and masculine with the jawline and eyebrows and nose. Lucky little bastard!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Jaw is one of a kind...

I personally, love his ears...

Ana73 said...

Karina -- i had always thought that too that they both have similiar features that on some pics they almost look like siblings.

Nikola Six said...


In my family we have two instances in which the parents look like siblings. My baby sister and a girl cousin married guys that could have been their brothers. And in both cases, the children of each couple are absolutely gorgeous. 'Course, both sets of parents are gorgeous too. My sister looks like Brooke Shields and her husband looks like a young Warren Beatty. My cousin looks like Natalie Wood and her husband looks like John Edwards (yeah, the former senator who's in deep shit right now. The bastard).

I don't know if it's weird or not, but apparently two beautiful people who look alike can produce extrodinarily beautiful babies.


kchambers77 said...

good morning jaw porn.

nice to see you rob.

you aint kidding about the shoot that keeps on giving!

Ana73 said...

nik - look at brad & angelina. shiloh is really beautiful.

Nikola Six said...

Yes Ana, she certainly is.

riley said...

I've always thought they looked alike too. Great picture.

Krissy said...

Looking at that Drool provoking photo makes me think of Robalicious stating he has to be filmed from a certain angle or he looks malformed or some such.

Seriously...the dude needs to have his lucious and lusty eyes checked.


Meanwhile, I volunteer to check out every other inch, nook and crany on him and makes sure it is as THUDLY as it appears in pictures.

No need to Thank me. I'm happy to do it.

babbles said...

Beautiful Pic!

Suz said...

Stunning photograph.

Stunning subjects

roxiegirl said...

Yes ladies it's the jaw. It's the first thing I noticed about him too. It's so strong. I get all tingly just looking at it. Sigh.., ok back to boring work.

Nikola Six said...

And Karina...

I think you just nailed it girlfriend. It's the masculinity of the jawline, the heavy brow, the nose and let's not forget the stubble and chest hair (actually, it's the hair on his arms that drives me insane. weird, huh? arm hair???) that offset the...well...almost feminine beauty of the mouth, those eyes and those amazingly long eyelashes.
Even his hands. They're masculine (the size of them), yet beautiful too (those long tapered fingers). And his personality too. He's obviously a guy, but not a macho shithead. He's like the perfect combination of the masculine and the feminine. Is any of this making sense?

Oh shut up Nikola. He's just goddamn perfect. That's all.


heather said...

They are gorgeous! I love both of them with long hair. I could seriously nibble on that jaw all day, oh what a great way to start the day!

Here's a pic of Rob for all the DIRTY ladies in the house...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

WOW! rob is just beautiful but in a masculine way.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Holy Crap!!!! Love that photo!

Shirt is hysterical-so Rob

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

what i also love about rob is his hairy chest and hands,he is very hairy i love that.

hot4pattz said...

Kristen is just amazing. She looks great with or without all the makeup and hair. They just look beautiful pictured together. I dont think you could get more beautiful than these 2 in a shot together nomatter what. Oh and of corse my Robby always looking drop dead gorgeous.

hot4pattz said...


Im with ya and they ARE together! Yeah!

RPLover said...

@heather-awesome pic, thanks! :)

personally I'm in love with his eyes...color is gorgeous (don't like that part about edward, they cover up his beautiful eyes), long lashes, half-closed most of the time...and I'd love to just nibble my way up his long neck to those frickin' cute elf ears.

ok, getting myself into trouble here! LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

don't ya just want to lick the whiskers????

monika said...

omg O_O rotflmao

heather said...

I know him wearing that shirt doesn't help anyone! If we didn't already have it on our minds, we sure as heck do now! Thanks Rob for the wonderful image....*sigh*.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


OMG!! Uh, where's my credit card?

heather said...

"Toss it in the fridge for that authentic experience."

Thx Monika! At my next Passion Party there will definitely be a request for The Vamp!!!

Haystackhair said...

Holy Hell Heather! That shirt. THUD. And ladies, let us not forget the holy grail, the furry happy trail to glory. My ABSOLUTE favorite in line are all his other man bits....
@Karina- LMAO!! chew toy!!

lalala said...

The face of a Greek GOD

RPnKSaddict said...

They're both beautiful and sexy, heart, mind and soul. I could look at pictures of them all day.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


You're killing me...ROTFL

RPLover said...

@rapattzgirl, yes. so bad. ;) I don't care if it looks like someone took steel wool to my face afterwards, I will withstand the pain! lmao

Agnes said...

This picture is non plus ultra.

Alessandra C. said...

Rob and Kris together is one of the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen. I love him and I love her.

Emily said...

I'm totally not trying to be a buzz kill but you know that pic with the shirt has been photoshopped, right?

Although I think I prefer the new and improved version. :)

Love this EW shoot, they look beautiful and yes, THE JAW. It could cut diamonds.

Anonymous said...

aw look at rob, and look at kristen
they both look gorgeous..seriously missing the long hair

Shani said...

I love the version they decided to use...more. But this one is still good too. Those EW pics were some of the best that they took together.

VF, EW, InStyle, and the one they did in Italy were Kris was sitting between his legs... were the best ones with them together.

That jaw....*dead and done*

Anonymous said...

That face is absolute perfection- no doubt about it. And I'm with you ladies that love his body hair. I'm so freaking over the little girls that whine about his chest, arm and pit hair. It's what separates the men from the boys!!


OMG!!EW photoshoot definitelyis the end of me I agree thw jawporn is anything but perfect and unique but I also think that he has one of the best profiles in the entertainment world I think!!for me is the number 1 PERFECTION
kristen is pretty but nowadays she looks terrible with that damn mullet hope eclipse make up artist fix that

Nikola Six said...

Yanno...I just gotta say something here. It's about all these complaints about Kristen's mullet. I know that you all realize that her hair looks this way because of a film role. So...why all the complaints about it? It's not as if she went out and did this to herself on purpose. It'll grow out and she'll get back to her natural color. And besides, with that face, I don't know what she could do to herself to mar her natural beauty. She's as beautiful without makeup as she is in full war paint. Beautiful, beautiful girl.

Thing guys ought to get used to the idea that Rob and Kristen are the kind of actors who will check their vanity at the door if a role requires them to do so (Rob already has played down his looks on screen). Don't be surprised to see them over the years, gain weight, lose weight, screw with their hair, shave their heads, temporarily stain their teeth, whatever the role requires.

And those are my favorite kind of actors. In fact, that's when their true beauty shines through, when they aren't thinking of themselves asthetically and have the courage to leave their egos and vanity at the door.

And I use the word courage, because nowadays with stars having their looks (and weight) scrutinized and disected to such incredibly ridiculous lengths, I think it would take some courage to present yourself in a not so 'perfect' light when you know that a VERY vocal and judgemental press and public are just waiting to chime in with an opinion.

These two are not your typical starlet and leading man hunk. They're actors. Like DiNiro, Depp, Streep, Winslet and surprisingly, Cameron Diaz (anybody see Being John Malkovich? talk about a beautiful starlet leaving her ego at the door). Now I'm not comparing (talent wise) Rob and Kristen to the aforementioned names. They're just getting started and have alot to learn yet (and I think they're gonna get there), but...they'll hinder their beauty in order to serve a character and you'd be surprised how many won't. They demand perfect make up, hair design and most important...LIGHTING or else they won't step foot in front of a camera.

Not Rob and Kris. They're true artists in every sense of the word.

I'm gonna try to shut up now. I'm suppose to finishing up a chapter on my book and packing my car to move back to LA and I don't want to do either, so...I'm sitting here farting around, yapping about Rob and Kris and saying absolutely nothing of consequence.

Yup. That sounds about right for me.

Hope everyone is having a good day.


captain said...

As always, your posts are so interesting to read. Good luck in LA and I'll be on the look out for that first novel of yours. Bet it'll be a yummy read.

And by the way, love your profile. It's very insightful and funny.

Athena said...

Oh. My. God. I don't think I can bear this...

Just look at that profile, that nose... those eyes and eyebrows... that jawline... that chin... those LIPS!!!... wow... I'm speechless. *swallows*

And Kristen doesn't look half bad either... LOL! She actually looks gorgeous! Lucky, lucky girl!!!

@ Nikola Six: I agree with you. I can only speak for myself, but his jawline was what told my primitive female side that Rob was no longer a boy: he was a MAN! It honestly came as a physical shock! Since, it's been as if my rationality was half taken over by an animal instinct saying "WANT!!!"! Very weird!

And I'm so with you on the hair on his arms (and chest and elsewhere!)... never thought I would appreciate that trait so much in a man!
I'm right behind you on the rest as well. *sigh*

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