The Blink and You Miss Kiss from the New Moon Trailer

Thank God for slowed down .gifs :)

I do understand that New Moon is mostly Taycob but can we get a Robward trailer next please?

Thanks to KBitch_Owns_Me for the gif and Laura for the link :)

And 2 screencaps from Just Jared:



Georgie said...

YES more Robward thank you!!! Also, 188 HQ NM trailer stills can be seen at

sophia said...

that is so unjust!!!
Kristen you lucky b****!

Rhonda said...

wow, that is hot. Thanks for posting. The Taycob fitness commercial was a little lacking in the Robward, I agree.

Krissy said...

Holy Sparkling Vampires, BatMan!

I do believe my eyes just popped.

As well as many other parts upon my person that are fluttering like Hummingbirds on Meth!

It's Official.

Gozde...You ARE the Princess of the Universe and I THANK YOU!!!

Haystackhair said...

Holy Crow, I don't know how I will handle the full kiss in public if my girlie bits are in a tizzy for a few secs of it in the privacy of home. That is HAWT, and yes, Kristen is soooooo lucky. This movie is going to be so good. I'm done with all the Jake promo, let's get on with what everyone really wants, ROBWARD!!!

hornycorn hag said...

Goz, did you notice in the banner that it says "Addicted and Deooted"? I tried, but just can't convince myself that's a "V" in there...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

ahhhhhhhh OMG that is HOT iam so fucking tired of the taycob abs commercial WTF thank you for my robward fix i really needed it, i swear those taycob fitness commercials are killing me

rpattz-turn-me-on said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Temptation said...

How spooky does Rob look my god I just thought I would check out the site before bed BIG MISTAKE scary Rob.......Why are his eyes red ???? did he suck on human blood....

I will have to go for the kissing scene for my bedtime happy time.....

Poor Taylor you guys are picking on him again although I have to agree a little tired of the fitness video....

Unknown said...

I am completely and utterly transfixed by his mouth, I can't take my eyes off it. If I squint and hold my head a certain way I cant see KS. I reckon to have lost a good hour looking at it this morning. *sigh*

Have to say he looks like he's way more into the kiss than she is. yes I know its the movies, and she's acting but this is ROBWARD FFS!

Temptation said...

OH GOD the hand behind the neck is just tooo much, god how sexy is this guy HAPPY DREAMS.....

crazylife said...

One thing sure in this whole saga Kristen is one lucky girl.

Thank you to her for saying after Rob's audition....."Yes I want to kiss that man for a possible 4 movies"

Can we get applause for Kristen Stewart.

Temptation said...

Siobhan - I am with you honey the lip action is too much........MUST GO TO SLEEP......CANT GET AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER...

Thank you Gozde and also I would like to thank God (I sound like Myle Scirus)

I am in love.....

Georgie said...

@ Tempt: don't try Siobhan's head slanting moves too much or you'll really stuff your neck/shoulder even more and won't be able to sit at the computer and see Rob, period!

Temptation said...

Georgie I need some of that hand action on the back of my neck....God that feels good...Oooops it's the deep heat kicking in....

orion said...

Hey, Girls!! My God, that kiss! I can see it now! That mouth! for the love of God!!

JandR said...

Hi girls
You're back!! I just turned on for a moment as I have uni stuff to email to my supervisor and god the kiss hooked me in...:-p
I had been looking at this gif before but now it is sooo much clearer you can just feel Rob's soft lips pressing further ...oh oh too much ff for
Big mistake!! Won't get much more study done tonight.

Anonymous said...



Wonder if the shot of Rob is from Alice's vision of she and Edward at either side of Aro...? Are his eyes red? I can't tell.

orion said...

Hi Jandr, to hot to handle girl! that kiss, the lips....I mean his and...I don't know...can't write anymore very hard to think, don't forget English is my second language...OH just a minute I don't remember Spanish either

orion said...

vidf adiafehr fkcfkerw

Jacqui said...

I cant even think after seeing that...let alone string words together...holy hell!!!!

I think the shot of Edward is when Jane projects her powers on to him or whatever it was. He falls to the floor in pain or something like that...i might be making this brain is still with that kiss!

Krissy said...

I think you're right about Edward's Red Eyes. I'm pretty sure that's taken from the scene when he's being tortured.

And Good Gracious can Robward possibly look GOOD when he's being tortured?!

orion said...

Feel better now. Look like he's more gentle to get her from her neck, but she's pressing hard...I won't let go either if I was her

lucyinthesky said...

I totally agree; us Robward fans are feeling completely left out. With that said, it just dawned on me that maybe this is Summit/Chris Weitz' way of slickly promoting the film...making us MISS Robward, so that at the end of the movie, us Robward fans will get the best benefit in the end. You know how they keep saying WE need to miss him, just as in the book, we need to go through the depression Bella is feeling not having him there. I'm totally feel'n Bella right now!!

orion said...

Thanx, Goz. You're the best

JandR said...

Hi Jacqui - any chance you can come to NM premiere in Randwick?

orion said...

Rob looks scary and sad

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

ok thats it iam horny how am i suppose to work today?? i have to hide my cell so i wont put myself through this ahhhhhhhh

Jacqui said...

Hi JandR
Believe me i am trying to sort something. I'm tempted to buy the tickets just incase it sells out & worry about the logstics later. I'm sure I wont have a problem finding someone that wants the tickets if I dont use them!
I really thought they would do something simular here in Melbourne but it's not looking promising so far.

orion said...

Jandr and Jacqui

Common girls, you have to come, will be fun. With Georgie we're thinking to give us a name. Like the 'RobKats'

JandR said...

Hi Jacqui
Glad you're here! I was feeling the same about Perth as my daughter said they did a midnight premiere of Twilight and none of us here really had heard of it then so I was sure they'd do the same again. However the chance to come over to Sydney and meet all you guys is probably more of a drawcard for me now. I actually rang about a month ago and booked my tickets, gave all my credit cards details and then found out you had to pick them up in person and sign for them and I realised then that I wouldn't be able to pass them on to someone else so I canned the idea until I can make more definite plans. :-(

JandR said...

Hi Orion - yes I laughed at the first passes - Pattyspussies or was that ;-)

orion said...


orion said...

any ideas?

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

damnnn am i the only new yorker on here?? most u ladies are from europe or austrailia

orion said...

I like the 'pattypussies' LOL. :)))

JandR said...

sexyrpazz77 - did you get to see Rob in the flesh while filming RM if you live in NY? spill...

orion said...

Sorry, before I wrote 'common' what I mean was 'come on'. The kiss still affect me...sorry

Jacqui said...

Cant hang around tonight sorry girls I have to get to bed, have early shift at work in the morning....see this is what Rob does to me...i was going to bed & thought...I'll just have a little peek before I go & is a girl suppose to sleep after seeing that!?!?

I think that is honestly the hottest kiss I have EVER seen!(or maybe I'm a bit bias because it's Rob...Na! it's f@#*kin HOT!)

orion said...

G'nite Jacqui! Robdream

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

@hi jandr

i was asked the question before (iam danyasky)......unfortunately NO *sigh* and i have been kicking my self for not sticking around when i visited the RM set in central park

Anonymous said...

Thank god for slowed down gifs is right!! Edward/Rob's hand behind Bella/Kristen's head . . . OMG!! Very HOT!!!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i was at work most the days but i did take time off to go and see him when he was filming a scene in central park but when i got there it was crazy with paps and fangirls so i left,he was there but i did not wait around to see him because so many people was there it was pandamonium

orion said...


You done well...KICKING YOURSELF!

JandR said...

@sexyrpattz77 - what a shame. I waited 8 hours in Wellington, NZ and got to meet Orlando Bloom and the rest of the LOTR cast, photos, autographs, the whole deal so what might I do to see Rob in the flesh? mmmmmm
But I agree the pandemonium that we viewed on all those RM pix - outrageous...poor Rob will he ever have a moment's peace with the excitement he brings out in us fans? :-\

Robaholic said...

WOW, amazing kiss...a great way to start my work day :0) thanks for posting

orion said...

G'night! time to go to sleep...before I go,... just one more look to that kiss, and I will sleep well, forget the pain in my back (for be so long here) I'll forget everything. Bye girls. Bye Jandr.

Pet73 said...

OMR! Thank you very much! Invinite loop of Robward kissing ......

Btw, I think you are wrong about the "red" eyes. In fact, they are still golden, Robward looks just like described in the book, with dark bruises under his eyes and very tortured. I think the make up is great. It's just like I imagined it. Very well done, thank you once again Chris W.!

After seeing this snipped of the Volturi scene I just cannot stand it to wait any longer. Makes me so curious.

cutecandy said...

Amen to that Godze, Taycob/Jaylor annoys me too

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

yes ladies iam still kicking myself over that one *sigh* hopefully i will have another chance to see him,iam hoping he come back to new york to promote new moon

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

its 9.46 am here in NYC so iam guessing its night time for you ladies? happy rob dreams

keely said...

Holy Loard :-) Kstew is so lucky ! And I´m so glad they didn´t plugged his eyebrows like they did the last time :-)

JandR said...

It is 12 hours difference for me here in Western Australia from your time in NY but the other Aussie girls are on the East coast so it is around midnight for them. All working girls so probs off to bed. Night-night all. May sexy Rob lips kiss you all night in your dreams...:-))

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Holy mother-how can just seeing a photo of him kiss send electric shocks through my body????

I swear to god this man is not human!!!!

Kristen is a lucky girl for sure...just to be in a movie with him...GAH!!!!

Georgie said...

You still there JandR? It's midnight and I'm still in the office doing a ppt presentation and drifting over here every so often...and just discovered the additional gifs OMG!!! Did you see my comment on another thread about cheap airfares Perth-Sydney $149 Jetstar?

JandR said...

Hi Georgie - yes still here and lol I spend most of my day preparing powerpoint presentations for workshops... not at home though! Yes I did see the stuff you said earlier about the cheap fares. My daughter is just telling me to go on my own as her exam timetable will not be avail until much closer to Nov. I really would love to meet you gals and I'm sure you'd look after me if I come on my, so tempting, trying to convince Jacqui from Vic to come too as she sounds so nice - i always crack up at her comments...we share a wine love.

JandR said...

rpattzgirl - GAH yourself - your own blog is soooo good - I love the pics you choose of Rob - that one in the suit at Cannes is to die for - guess that's why you chose it. :-))

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Thanks girl-it's so nice we all love this man that makes us all go nuts!!

Haystackhair said...

I think the second Robward pic is after Jane gets through with him, and he's horrified that she is about to test her "abilities" on Bella. Now back to staring at the kiss.....THUD

Gozde said...

Banner: It says devoted but the font used makes it seem like deooted :) I asked Thao to fix it, she fixed it but since she used the same banner it still reads deooted :P She'll use another font and we'll repost :))


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Crap, I am supposed t start this huge project today-

Yea, after these photos, ain't gonna happen-too busy drooling...

RPnKSaddict said...

Good morning all.
The kiss is HOT. wow wish it were me.
The shot of Robward is creeptacular. It gives me goosebumps to look at.

I'm missing Edward to. It's wierd to acutally feel a little depressed about his absence.

I do love Jacob's character and I do like Taylor but, heart and devotion belongs to Edward.
The plan to make us miss Edward...well it's working on me.

selective_fox said...

It's a good thing they remembered to powder his ears this time, because it was cracking me up in Twilight every time there would be a close-ip of Edward with his white face and red ears :)

noisefaidaus said...

I can't stop watching this kiss, it's killing me. Talk about HOT!!!
This is the definition SENSUAL.

Man if they don't have something going on the side, then they should, because chemistry like that should NOT be wasted.

I'm too old for this said...

WOW!The twilight kiss was anticipation,discovery testing,very hot.This one blows me away.Reunion,forgiveness,LOVE .Beautiful.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I agree, chemistry is a terrible thing to waste...

if you've got it, grab it & hold on tight!

Sharperoni said...

Re chemistry

Nah, it just shows they are very good actors (joking).

And this is only New Moon, still one more movie to go before they really get down to is it possible??!!!

SarahBella said...

Omg! That KISS! I was barely awake when I popped in here and now I am not only awake...but I'm officially turned on. That sexy motherf*%*er! The lips...the hand behind the neck....and the hair is is so perfect and shiny and pretty. What did KS do to deserve kissing this man repeatedly?! Please tell me and I'll start doing it!

Kat said...

While I agree, I want MORE ROB on everything (but especially on me), I think I am kind of looking forward to New Moon for the first time because Rob and Kristen are not together so much. As for Bella and Edward, it is painful that they are apart. But I am so sick of Robsten speculation, I look forward to a change of scenery.

Goz - "if he's not shagging me, I don't care who his is shagging!"

But I would also like to not have to see it on the cover of every magazine and in the news every day. I am so sick of "are they or aren't they", I think I will actually enjoy New Moon because they aren't. At least not there. It would be fun to hear some "Taysten" (ha ha ha) rumors for a change, as I can ignore those completely and won't even be tempted to look at the pictures since Rob won't be in them. Hey, maybe Taylor can get a dose of Rob's torment for a change. Naw, no one really cares. I think I will actually enjoy the hot wolves a whole bunch if I am not pining for Edward. I can just tell myself he is in this one about as much as he is in Dark Kingdom The Dragon King or Vanity Fair and just enjoy the movie for the wolves. I love Gil Birmingham and especially Graham Greene and will cry for him for sure. I can't wait to see the hot guys in shorts. I will not think of this as a part of Twilight, but a whole other story. I will get my Rob-fix from How to Be, Little Ashes, Remember Me, and wait for Eclipse. I've gotten to the point of preferring to see Rob kiss Javier Beltran than Kristen, because the acting is better and the rumors won't sell as many magazines. Or maybe if LA is nominated for an Oscar (DUH!!) the rumors might fly, but I will just laugh. H*ll, I'd shag Javier or Rob!

Anyway, the Eclipse pics should start coming out soon and we will get to see our Robward soon enough. The Remember Me trailers should start, too. (Ooooo Pierce and Rob!!! YUMMY) And I hope there is a juicy love scene in it. *thud* I'm okay. Just sayin'

RobaliciousLover said...

I hate Kristen now.....

Oh and the 2nd picture is from a fight. That's why he looks not as hot as usual.

They should have taken the 2 trailer and mushed them together. THAT would have been like a gift from God!

CullenGal09 said...

Gozde, what can I say. You hit the honeypot this time. *sighs* that kiss.....holy lord. NM is so gonna killmedead. ;p

Gozde, you rock my world, as always. Thank you for this....thank you....thank you...thank you. ;)

Anonymous said...

After watching that kiss like 1000 times I suddenly became aware of the synchronization of their hand movements . . . his hand moving upward into her hair, her hand moving around his neck. They are perfectly on the same wavelength. It's HOT.

Treasure_7 said...

They are so hot together....their chemistry is amazing!

RPLover said...

THANKS for this, I was sick of going back in the trailer again and again to get the HQ version of the kiss, now I can just stare until I'm cross-eyed...which I am almost immediately! lol

God if I was her after the second kiss I would just tilt my head the other way and f**kin GO FOR IT, full on tounge action...whew, the temp in here just shot up 10 degrees!
*pull yourself together, girl!*

captain said...

How can anyone still have a boyfriend after doing this scene, this kiss with him?

Athena said...


Lucky girl, indeed... can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have a Rob-clone each? Please??? If we're very, very, very good? Eh?

I can't wait for that scene... (note to self: remember to bring tissues)

That picture in the Volturi lair is heart-breaking... *sniff*...Jane! Take your mind off Edward! NOW!

I can bear with Jacob... it's his moment, after all... it will be gone soon! And he gets a punch in the face in Eclipse! I am sooooooo looking forward to that (sorry Taylor, it's not related to you)!

Sophia Z.86 said...


I would give my panties to the Devil to be in K-Bella's place...
In K-Bella's place with no panties... all ready to get the rest of Robward...

Chicago girl now in LA said...


So many great thoughts in one post! Thanks... Yeah, the speculation has driven me mad, too.

And I totally agree that the acting, sans Kristen is so much better in "Little Ashes." Too bad, Roger Ebert is the only major critic who really appreciated the quality and excellent acting in that film.

kespax said...

Oh my, this is just - well this director is a genius, closer, closer, closer yummy Rob I love Chris this kiss is an all time freakin classic!

No wonder Kristin is awkward and kind of bumbling so often, she's probably dazzled senseless and barely functions. Imagine, oh my heavens, I think he would melt your bones.

aimary said...

HATE TAYCOB... :((((

Tess said...

Geez Louise..... what a kiss!

mymind said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mymind said...

that kiss is so hottt!!!
do you mind if i publish the gif file in my blog i will give u'r blog 4 the source,thx

Kymz said...

See now I did mean to comment here a while ago but I think I mesmorised by that gif so much that I had actually forgotten.

Just wanted to convey my thanks for sharing. I shall go back to staring now.

Anonymous said...

It will be reallly awesome to have Meet Edward Cullen trailer also i hope they make somthing like that. i totally agree with the lips of Rob they are just beutiful they look so soft and yummy .

Haystackhair said...

Is it wrong that I keep scrolling back down and staring at this all day again today. There just are no words.
@kespax-No wonder Kristin is awkward and kind of bumbling so often, she's probably dazzled senseless and barely functions.

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