Even More Teen Choice Award Pics

Were you up past your bedtime Rob??

Don't look so surprised somebody was gonna ask that question!

Pop over to the Source for loads more pics


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Unknown said...

Lol..that surprised look! So cute!

kchambers77 said...

i'm watching it now. the things i do for rob because i really want to claw my eyes out.

Kate said...

Live Streaming for anyone outside the US

enjoykim said...

WOW,that second pic is creepy!!!*burst out laughing*

Sorry Robbie,love you yet still ;-)

enjoykim said...

@ Kate


*must watch TCA now!*

Kate said...

You're welcome!!
<3 you too!

keti said...

@enjoykim , it is a creepy Pic, The Edward coming out of him ...
love you Rob

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

God he looks so good just wsnt to eat him up....

I am finally reading WA and understand the hype now....I wouldn't mind my own bad ass Edward...

Teen awards on in a 2.5 hrs-how stupid do I feel saying that at my age???

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

iam watching it now

OMG i hate the jonas bro

so fucking lame

the things i do for rob

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

have not seen rob

where the fuck is he?

RPnKSaddict said...

Just wanted to say hi to you all. I'm squeeing to get to see Rob on my flat screen. Gonna go watch now. Have a great nite ladies. Hugs to all.

Temptation said...

If I watched that I would have to mute it, what is it 2.5hrs of screaming girls...YUUUUCCCKK. I would rather see the stills and UTUBE highlights than go through the pain. Don't the Twilight gang come on at the end ????

keti said...

ohhhhh, I cant watch bloody anything, my stupid work blocks all access to UTube. - Good thing for them - VERY BAD FOR ME!!

enjoykim said...

Rob @ Chateau Marmont

literally smoking hot:


Temptation said...

Why Keti I didn't think you liked Jonas Brothers and Myle Cyrus so much.....I don't think you are missing too much...

keti said...

Tempt, I hate the Jonas Brothers and Myle Cyrus, I want to see ROB : ))))))
He looks so good with Megan Fox in those pic's. I want to be her!!

keti said...

Hey Tempt is this going to be aired on Foxtell for us??

Temptation said...

They are bagging MF something awful on some of the other comments. I agree she looks extremely HOT and the way Rob puts his arm around her when they are coming down the stairs I don't think he thinks she too shabby either.

kchambers77 said...

did miley just come out of a trailer?


god kill me now rob vampire sex style

Temptation said...

I just did a search online and the TV guide isn't showing anything. They usually have this sort of thing on MTV or FOX8 ......

Have you noticed TED C. is easing up on the Rob/Kristen thing, perhaps he has decided to give them a break, or Publicity may have stepped in, what do you think??

keti said...

Rob's Human after all. MF is hot.

Temptation said...

GOD help us all if he happens to Hook Up with someone apart from KS, by the way I am still on the shelf on that one.

Did you check out the airport photos, they guy is just pure pretty, how could you speak coherently if he was booking into a flight.....

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

i should be ashamed

a grown woman watching this shit

still no sight of rob??

Temptation said...

DANY where are you watching it ??? online or on TV ??? what is the screaming like..

keti said...

Tempt, Ted C is probably chocking somewhere for Air ...

Temptation said...

I would of thought he would of been Crowing Like a Rooster regarding the whole Rob/Kristen thing...infact didn't he start the rumor when Twilight first came out ?? I remember because I felt so sorry for Kristen's boyfriend TED C. just went on and on and on it must of been so hard for him..

Ana73 said...

just started watching it here (New Mexico).

uh, jonar bros. just performed, i cant believe i am watching this too...not even my daughter is watching it, she is laughing at me :)

Temptation said...

YOU GUYS I am so impressed, what you will do to get a glimpse of the our beloved RP your loyalty should be rewarded...If you last the distance of the whole show cudos to you..

enjoykim said...


Live stream freezes everytime Rob´s shown...maybe sexiness overload?!

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

ok just saw rob with megan fox

al he did was help her up the stairs no biggie

why is everyone talking about this?

he did not want her to fall down

Temptation said...

There are a couple of still photo's floating around from different angles, not starting rumors don't panic it just looks like he is gabbing as tight as he can and doesn't want to let go...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

iam watching it on fox 5 here in new york

Temptation said...

I just checked out Aussie Foxtel and it doesn't look like they are going to screen it here...obviously not that popular down under..

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

he is grabbing her tight so she wont fall on her face
and i think he already hit that

heard a rumor awhile back they use to hook up

keti said...

Really Tempt, Shit that sux :(

Temptation said...

IF that rumor is true that is one good looking couple, MF looks so much sexier in just jeans and a TShirt, without all the makeup. See now isn't that interesting the way people interpret photo's, if that was Rob with his arm around Kristen it would be a whole new headline for "famous" or "OK" magazine. Here I'll give it a try "ROB CAN'T KEEP HIS HANDS OF KRISTEN" or "THEY DECLARE THEIR LOVE IN PUBLIC" god I am good at this perhaps this could be my calling.. HA HA

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

if it turns out that rob and kristen are a couple

if they are not its probly heading in that direction

if in the end it is TRUE???

then Ted c was right all along

when that time comes?? you must give him credit for being right all along

Unknown said...

megan is gorgeous (although someone leaked her high school pictures and girl's definitely gotten some work done. lol).They've met before though, that's where the hookup rumors started in February of those two. Coincidentally at the same hotel Robert and kristen had lunch at this Saturday. lol

fragile human said...

I must really like Rob for enduring the TCA. Ugh. But Rob is cute. Can I say- I HATE all the pics that I've seen of Rob with Meghan Fox. She is just so... icky. I know, not really the word that i want to use. I think Robsten is soooo much better. Not that I'm saying Robsten exists, but given the choice between Kristen and MF, I PICK Kristen!!! JMO.

orion said...

Hi Guys! before they go together to the stage, she waits for him and told him something, and he helps her on the stairs..just looks like,lol

Temptation said...

ROSA is that true...so Rob has a favourite hook up hotel...Nice one Rob.. As for Megan being ICKY each to there own, my only comment on that is I wish I looked that Icky.

Unknown said...

I think she wanted help up the stage, her heels are firerce but accident prone for slippery stairs. And if you look at the backstage photos, Megan's heart is with Hugh Jackman, she's all googly over him in the photos I saw, just staring up at him with glazed eyes. She likes her men older, and Jackman is so an upgrade from 90210's David Silver!

kchambers77 said...

can they dare the jonas brothers to take a punch in the face? :)

keti said...

I did read somewhere that MF thinks he is too young, she likes her men older .. I think Rob has an old sole. He isn't your typical Male.

Unknown said...

Tempt-the common ending for the rumor to0 was Robert hit it and ran, much to her annoyance. lol Our little Casanova.(Im sure it's all gossip though).

Temptation said...

Jackman also has a lot of pull in Hollywood these day's and owns his own production company, didn't Rob meet him at a Bar in Japan and that's where they Bonded???

Plus How could you not love Hugh Jackman?

Temptation said...

Did anyone see the new trailor for Heath Ledgers new movie this morning....It was aired in Australia but apparently it has been leaked on the internet. Heath looks so sexy in it and they are allready talking about awards for him. Although I find it really sad to watch, I loved Heath Ledger....

Sorry Right off track there.. As for Gossip the way I look at it is we will never know because we were never there.

JandR said...

I think the cutest thing was Rob signing an autograph for a little girl outside - he is always so considerate with fans if he gets the chance. I think us Aussies can see all we want in the youtube videos of the TCA's even though the picture quality is not so great and the screaming is deafening. You get to see Rob on stage and that's what it's all about for me. Not interested in the other guff although my daughter would like to see Chace Crawford...lol

Temptation said...

Chace is one spunky dude I don't blame her....I wouldn't put him in the Rob category but nice eye candy..

JandR said...

as you mention Heath I have to say he lived across the road from my husband when he was very young. My sister-in-law used to babysit Kaye and Heath and my husband used to go with Kim (Heath's dad) to the speedway every Friday night. He's still involved in motorsport and as that is my husband's job they see each other regularly. People in Perth are still reeling from his sad death. They are building a new performing arts centre and naming it after him.

JandR said...

as you mention Heath I have to say he lived across the road from my husband when he was very young. My sister-in-law used to babysit Kaye and Heath and my husband used to go with Kim (Heath's dad) to the speedway every Friday night. He's still involved in motorsport and as that is my husband's job they see each other regularly. People in Perth are still reeling from his sad death. They are building a new performing arts centre and naming it after him.

JandR said...

oops shouold say Kate not Kaye typo..being quick cos off to a meeting shortly...

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

omg they are all on stage i think its over now

i cant believe i survived watching that shit

but its rob so.....

Temptation said...

That is so cool, he was such a passionate actor who had no fear and was extremely humble. One of only a few actors who know which path to take and has the courage to pick and choose his roles.

JandR said...

We all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder - I had to laugh at my son yesterday, he is 14, he said to me why do you even like that guy - he is so ugly, I've never seen a good picture of him...listen for all the gasps..haha and I said did you ever think there is much more on the inside that we like too...I love all of Rob not just what he looks like. :-)

Temptation said...

WELL DONE I am so impressed, what happened at the best kiss award I know they won but apparently there was no kiss....What was the go with that one..

Temptation said...

JandR my son said Rob looked like he had been hit in the face with a shovel, I am sure if Rob heard that he would laugh and perhaps agree with him.

JandR said...

Heath was another intensely private person who was pretty freaked sometimes by the media attention to the point of paranoia at times and I think Rob gets that way too. How couldn't you under that constant intense glare. Both very committed to their acting too - more of their intensity and their efforts show in their work.

enjoykim said...

did they cut out Rob saying something like he should stretch the show or was the livestream just freezing atm ?!

orion said...

I don't think that MF likes Rob, she said in one interview that she doesn't like Rob coz is to young, and she likes older men.

Temptation said...

I put Heath, Rob and Johnny Depp all in the same category with very similar values.

kchambers77 said...

ok i survived. rob is too cute. now weeds!

orion said...

I love Rob, but I think we have to see a little bit more before with put him in the same category of Heath or Johnny Depp, anyway I saw LITTLE ASHES and I really like Rob there

Temptation said...

Totally agree Orion I was referring more to values and attitude towards acting rather than his performances...

orion said...

Oh sorry Temp!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

wow, kate, thanks, i think....

that was excruciating!
seriously, it was aaaa, lol bad...

well MEGAN FOX and ROB, really did look beautiful together. and yes ROB sure held on to that tiny waist firmly...

all and all, i should have waited for u-tube, myley cyrus is sure to give me nightmares. but yeah, on HUGH JACKMAN, he was such a man, such a gentelman in a cesspool of screaming kids. oh and who the hell is the jonas brothers? so unappealing...

Temptation said...

No need to be sorry, I think I will go grab some lunch and watch a little Law and Order the computer is burning my eyes out.... Catch you all later..

Temptation said...

By the way WHY WAS HUGH JACKMAN THERE ?? Did he present or something or was he nominated....LUVVVV HUGH...

orion said...

I saw in the news that he received an award, I don't know for wat

Temptation said...

Everyone seems to hate the Jonas brothers so why are they so popular. Aren't they like some Christian boys who wear promise rings and want to remain virgins. Myle Cyrus hangs out with them, she is also another virgin. Take note guys Britney Spears also had a virgin promise ring until she met Justin Timeberlake..Gotta Love Justin....

rpgirl27 said...

I can't believe I just spent 2hrs watching the TCAs...my own personal coolness factor just went down by like, 10 points LOL!
oh Rob, the things I do just to see you on tv!
I don't get MF, don't understand why guys think she's hot??? maybe if she scraped off several layers of the trannie makeup???
my hubby popped upstairs in the middle of the show to make fun of me for watching it but then Ashley Greene came onstage for the fresh face award and he said
"Who is that? I'd like to grab her jubblies"
I told him she was from Twilight (which he refuses to watch) and he got all pissy...
he hates all things twi and wishes Rob was sucked into a black hole never to be seen again
loved watching Rob "handle" his surfboard!!

keti said...

Our Rob will be something special ...... we are lucky, watching his career turn into the mayhem
he is so in demand right now.
BTW I love Johnny, RIP Health - I love him in Brokeback Mountain - Jack is major hotness too

Ana73 said...

just saw rob & Megan and replayed it a few times.

it looks like megan waits for rob and she says help me up the stair so i dont fall. and then when they get up to the stage she gives him the pat on the arm and says ok now.

just my interpretation :)

Ana73 said...

also... watching it and my 5 year old son is in the room and after miley performs he said
"this is so dumb" and leaves the room, what i do to see Rob :)

kchambers77 said...

hugh jackman won for action adventure movie. i loved what he said about being the only aussie to not own a surf board until now. LOL!!! he is awesome.

Ellie said...

That whole show was excrutiating.

But Rob was his usual sexy-hot self. *thud

Loved how he straddled the surfboard, at the end.

Ellie said...

Oh, and too much screaming.

Miley pole-dancing? Yuck.

Ashley's acceptance was heartfelt and sweet.

Taylor's still full of himself...he's young.

Did I mention Rob? :)
(Sex on Legs...)

Treasure_7 said...

He is so cute!

kimberlesk said...

Evening Ladies -- how's the party going tonight!!

Christ, I'm glad those 2 hours are over with, I'll never get them back. But I guess it was worth it for about 5 minutes of The Pretty!

Hi Ellie!

Athena said...

LMAO @ the first two pictures!!! Hahaha! He does pull the strangest faces... and manages to still look gorgeous! What a man! :D

kimberlesk said...

Yep, I'm embarrassed to admit I spent the night watching the TCAs.

Anybody else?

Ellie said...

Kim, I was there the whole time...I was almost prayingt for the thunderstorm to take out electricity!

kimberlesk said...

Athena, luv your avatar!

Ellie said...

Yes! That IS a cool avatar!

TwiHartRK said...

Loved the Rob's choice awards tonight - too bad there was all that other stuff in between.

Ellie said...

I knew they'd wait until the end for the cast to come up on stage.
At least we didn;t have to wait til the end for the Hottie award...

kimberlesk said...

Fo Sho TwiH!!

And good evening to you BB!

Anymore RKs joining the party?

It's a little lonely here!

kimberlesk said...

I'm still pissed that they edited out Rob straddling the surfboard -- I wanna be that surfboard!

kimberlesk said...

HELL-OOOOO Anybody out there?

Ellie said...

Damn conflicting edits!!

I guess it was you, Kim.

Jewels64 said...


I'm here! I'm exhausted, tired, happy as shit....and I'm here!

Helloooo ROBKATS!!!! :p

Ellie said...

I'll keep you warm, Kim.

How do you feel abpout a tent with Edward and Jacob?

No, wait, scratch that.

Just Rob.

marie said...

I just saw ashley greenes nude pictures on you tube. Poor thing. Somebody should sue these people!!!

Ellie said...

Hi, my Jules!

How was your evening???

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...

yeah, i think MEGAN asked ROB to call her sometime, what do you think?

kimberlesk said...

Evening Jules!!

What's up ma bitches?

Who else is on tonight -- role call please?

Jewels64 said...

Rob's pitching a tent? Where?

Unknown said...

What's up ladies??? We are trying to cleanse our souls a little of the fuckery known as the tcas?

kimberlesk said...

Um, hoping we didn't clean house?

Jewels64 said...

My evening was f**kawesome!

How was you evening my darling RKats?

Ellie said...

LMAO, Jules!

After I hit send, I realized the implications... :)

kimberlesk said...

Yes, the TCAs must be thoroughly cleansed!

Any suggestions?

Ellie said...

Just sitting here and waiting for any glimpses of The Pretty, Jules.

And damn, he is!

Ana73 said...

twilight just got their award. all in all about the show, i sat thru 2 hours to see about 10 minute (if that) of Rob but it was worth it to see him. i wished they showed more of him.

i didn't think that taylor was full of himself, i think that he has been coached well in speaking in public. he seems to have good people skills, if that all makes sense.

Ellie said...

Kim, the clensing is called....fast forward!

Jewels64 said...

How does he get better looking everyday? I mean...damn...I'm going to be in a rocker at the old folks home and I'm still gonna think he's hot when he's in his fifties!

kimberlesk said...

Ana, I think they're all coached. Rob most of all, even tho, he breaks his training most of the time. Did you ever see how tight a grip his "handlers" have on him ... it's wrong.

Ellie said...

True, Ana. He probably listens to all that he's told to do. I'm sure it's overwhelming to him and hard to reign in the enthusiasm.

Unknown said...

ellie, jules, kim, alie :)

look at us all here on a school night...

Emily said...

I DVR'd it and am just about to start watching. From the comments I imagine I'll have my finger on fast-forward and mute a lot.

I suppose seeing Rob in all his hotness is worth it though. The hair is looking especially touchable . He could have shown up in those blue sewn up crotch pants and a dirty shirt and he'd still look better than most the people there. Can't take my eyes off him.

Jewels64 said...

TS...makes me feel all NAWTY....

Makes my girly parts tingle to be here with you ladies....

Ellie said...

Hey, TS!

Ellie said...


How are you????

Again, it's been too long, Sweets!

kimberlesk said...

Emily, you'll get more from all the posted pix from the show, than the actual show!!

The part we were most excited about, him straddling the surfboard/award, was fucking edited out!

Don't they know what us Rob fans want to see??

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I watched the whole thing! But I did like that song by Sean Kingston, got it and put it on my Walkman..heh!

Yup, Rob gave Meagan her thrill..must be a thank you for saying she wanted eat him up to get some of his "pretty" at Comic Con..:) Maybe that's why Kristen hit him on stage later..Anyhow, I think he was just being a gentleman, we know he is one.

Did anyone notice how Zac Efron did that hair flip ala Rob when he was accepting his award? I also saw photos of Chace Crawford standing with Taylor, good thing he picked Taylor, they are the same height..he would have looked er...short beside Rob.

I was thought we'd see more of Rob on camera like the MTV awards..but alas..no.

Unknown said...

i feel nawty too...

after the tcas i keep looking over my shoulder waiting for my mom to tell me to get off the porn site...

Jewels64 said...

So are we all ready to start seeing new Edward Cullen pix? I'm going to be curious to see what kind of updates we're going to get from the set!

Ana73 said...

kim - yeah i noticed that too, sometimes he looks like a doll being pulled in every direction :(

the jonas bros. were the most annoying of the whole show.

just saw the ending and they re-showed megan&rob and it really looks like she is saying "help me so i dont fall" -

Ellie said...

Jules, I can't wait to see what he'll look like in Eclipse. I hope they keep it in line with NM. Rob looks not as hell in the clips.

Jewels64 said...

Ana73....are you sure she didn't say "Fuck me....you're tall!"?

Ellie said...

Um, I meant HOT as hell...

Jewels64 said...

Ellie...'NOT AS HELL'....

What the hell?


Unknown said...

i'm thinking he's going to look even darker... it is david slade

mmmm can't wait!

Emily said...

Hi Ellie and everyone else! I know, I suck. I'm so out of the loop with everyone it's not even funny. I guess moving and having a baby will do that.

I'm so happy to see Rob smiling. It does my heart good.

Thanks for the heads up, Kim. I'm sorry, Rob was straddling something and they edited it? Didn't Miley Cyrus work a stripper pole in her performance? Yet they cut out Rob? That's just wrong.

Ana73 said...

lynda - i noticed the zac hair flip, thought the same thing. and agree about mtv awards too.

Ellie said...


Love him!

Jewels64 said...

Yeah, but at the same time he can't be to totes scary because it's the big face off between he and Jacob!

Scary during the fight...good. Scary during the scene where Bella is trying to seduce him...not good.

Ellie said...

Fucking delicious cookies, anyone?

Unknown said...

what? the zefron flipped his hair like rob? i must have blacked out from jobros overload at that point.

Ellie said...

TS, it was really funny!

Ana73 said...

jewels - well she could have said that, it is Rob with her... LOL

Jewels64 said...

Pass those bitches over Ellie! I need some cookies!

Ellie said...

Emily, you had a baby?
Did I know this?


Jewels64 said...

Ana...I know I'd say something like that. Okay. That is if I could speak standing that close to him. Okay. That's if I were conscious....

Yeah..I'm utter fail....

Unknown said...

ellie: oh yeah...! i didn't see it but my daughter asked if he was trying to have rob hair...lol now i remember

Ellie said...

Jules, they come with a guarantee for unicorns...
Are you afraid?????????

Jewels64 said...

Congrats on the new baby Emily!!!

Ellie said...

Jules, say it. Outloud. SAY IT!!!

Jewels64 said...

Only afraid of losing you...and I did see some of those lovely mythical creatures earlier this evening! LOL!!!

Unknown said...

so kim....? you already jetted?

*crosses arms*

Unknown said...

until you cried jules???

ellie: pass me some cookies too bb!

Ellie said...

I figured...

Wouldn't want it any other way!

Jewels64 said...

Hey...I do want to say thanks to all the peeps who have been reading Two Stepping though!

The last chapter was a huge success!!

kimberlesk said...

Um, not only did Zac do the hair flip, he had the same hairdo -- he was trying to rock the Sex Hair -- andnot happening!!

Emily, congratulations on having a baby!! Good for you!

Hi Lynda!

And Ellie, how about some Hot Box Creamy Delights?

Jewels64 said...

Weeping like a baby TS!!! It was glorious!

Ellie said...

Oh, and for old times' sake?





kimberlesk said...

No TS I'm still here, just had to take the pups out to pee!

Ellie said...

Kim, I was gonna write the Hot Box CD cookies...you beat me to it!

Um, whipping bench, anyone?

kimberlesk said...

Don't forget


and there's always room for more


Jewels64 said...

Kim!!! My dirty little mind thought you said you took your "puppies" out and went to pee!!!

Ellie said...

Jules, your latest chapter rocked!

Unknown said...

good thing kim... i was glowering at you...lol

kimberlesk said...

Um I already had my turn on the whipping bench tonight

Oh yeah, that was the TCAs ...

Emily said...

Thanks! Yep baby #2 arrived. All 9 lbs. 7 oz. of him..it's been awesome but an adjustment. I actually had Goz do the no email thing when we moved because we were going to be without internet forever. It was awful. And then with the baby and just life I still haven't got back into it. It's nice to finally be on here with some familiar people. You ladies are just lovely!

Ellie said...

Hey, keep those puppies under wraps, okay?

Unless you're next door at a party...

Unknown said...

aaahhh jules so glad you got those *ahem* tears out ;)

kimberlesk said...

TS you can glower at me thru Rob's Ray-Bans anytime!

TwiHartRK said...

Zefron was more trump than Pattinson...no one does anything like Rob.

Anonymous said...

Ok, what kind of cookies? Just asking, I'm diabetic..but naughty..:)

Yup, I've been noticing Zac trying to get some of that Rob heat..he's goignt o have a tought time if he's actually doing a remake of "Saturday Night Fever" (I can't believe they'd ever try that..but I read they're really going to do it...!)

Ellie said...

Truer word have never been spoken, Alie!

Jewels64 said...

Twi!!! Hey BABY!!!

Ana73 said...

twiheart - trump, too funny!!!

TwiHartRK said...

Congratulations Emily!

Ellie said...

Lynda, really? I can't see him in that at all!

Ana73 said...

well after watching the TCAs i think i am going to go watch true blood and cleanse my mind with vampires :)

Unknown said...

oh great now trump has made an appearance in my brain....ewww bleach please

kimberlesk said...

Hey Ellie, stop talking about my "puppies"

And what the French -- they're doing a remake of Saturday Night Fever with that fagala Zefron???


TwiHartRK said...

Hey Ladies!!! - thought maybe I missed everybody. I have two lil ones still struggling to get them to bed. It's an adventure Emily!! So fun tho. Thank God for You Tube - I didn't have to be subjected to Miley HO to get my Rob fix.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Emily! 9.7? Wow..like my grandkids, Aaron was 9.11 and Amy 9.6 They coming our big these days...I feel puny, my daughter was only 6.8.

excuse all the typos..my fingers are working faster then my brain tonight.

Jewels64 said...

KIM! LMAO!! Fagala....

Unknown said...

i swear miley was dancing for her daddy... YUCK

kimberlesk said...

Ana, nothing better to cleanse the brain than True Blood -- I luvs me some Eric!!

Enjoy girl!

Ellie said...

TS, that was ewwwwwwww.

Ana73 said...

just saw that comment...

why in the world would they make saturday night fever and why in the world would they pick zach, is this for sure???

there is only one Tony Manero

kimberlesk said...

Aaah Lynda, glad to hear you're not a preteen!!

Welcome lady! When did you come upon your Robsession?

Emily said...

okay I'm half watching the TCAs and trying to keep up with you all and not succeeding at either. But can I just say how adorkable Rob looks holding that surfboard. Mmmm...nice finger porn. Let's see...Rob on a surfboard - probably dangerous but a sexy thought.

Jewels64 said...

Okay after the Miley comment.... pass the bleach please....

TwiHartRK said...

What - we can't talk about Kim's puppies?? I'm out.

Kim - ya know they have no original ideas have to ruin, I mean remake, Sat Night Fever...

Temptation said...

Are you guys serious, did Myle really do the pole dance thing...and afterward did she thank GOD like she usually does ???

kimberlesk said...


Ana73 said...

thirtysomething - that is growse and i thought the same thing...

kim - i will just waiting for my sons show to end so i can put him to sleep so i can watch it, i love eric too, he is hot :)

Jewels64 said...

Who would play Donna Pescow's part? I'm trying to think of someone really heinous....

kimberlesk said...


Unknown said...

i'm just saying something's not right in cyrusville, tennessee

okay... enough of that garbage

robert fucking pattinson is hot right???

TwiHartRK said...

Emily - apparently there is a Wii Fit surf game. Kat was telling us about it. That would be less dangerous - but equally hot- as long as he was in the living room and in board shorts. But we need water - We could pour water on him so it was more authentic. That might ruin the Wii???

Ellie said...

Temptation, yes, she thanked God afterward.
The pole thing just skeeved me out.
She's only 16!

Jewels64 said...

Wow Twi! Thanks for that image...

*jules scrambles to go look at the US magazine "wet" pictures of Rob*

Sabrizzle said...

Hi loves!

Anonymous said...

Yup, I read that recently, we've been shaking our heads here over this news. There is only one "Saturday Night Fever" and Zac is no Tavolta, let alone close to Rob...are they doing a period piece...I dunno...do the Bee Gees need money? I don't think so...

kimberlesk said...

Me!! Jules, I could be Annette!!

Hey Annette, can you dig it? I KNEW THAT YOU COULD???

Oh and no, there's no more talking about my puppies Twi!


Ellie said...

Yes, he's fucking hot.
There. I said it.

Jewels64 said...

Careful Lynda...they may get the JoBros. to re-do the soundtrack....

TwiHartRK said...

LOL - You're welcum Jules! I was thinking that myself...

Ellie - 16 is coming of age to skankville for Disney chicas isn't it?

Temptation said...

Like I said before Brittney was the original Miley, wore the Virgin promise ring, always thanked god UNTIL SHE MET JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE....

Ellie said...


how are you, babe??

Missed you!

kimberlesk said...


Unknown said...

sabrizzz! hello :)

thanks for saying it ellie. whew!

Jewels64 said...

Sabrizz! What's up BABY!!??

kimberlesk said...

DAMMIT It's all gone to hell since Michael Jackson died.

Sabrizzle said...

Hey Ellie! I'm feeling pretty crampy, bleh, but other than that I'm good. How are you?

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