How Much Will Rob Be in New Moon?

Appearing in New York City this weekend to promote her charity,, Ashley Greene gushed to InTouch Magazine:

Ashley had lots of things to say, including reassurances for Robert Pattinson fans that he ain’t going anywhere!

Of course they threw Rob in there! He comes in as a flittering image to tell Bella not to do anything reckless and then you have him at the very beginning at school, at the party when he’s saying goodbye to her and the flitterring images and in Italy as well, so they’ll get their fix.

(Gozde: I am just praying for a shirtless Robward under the clock tower. I've been a VERY good girl this year and I don't think that's too much to ask :)) Judging by this mipple picture it's going to be a sight to see!


Once again, thanks to Rocio for the link :)


Ms. Bonderson said...

I'm guessing there's a good possibility for the shirtless clock tower scene - it's key to the story! Plus, there were those pics of Rob leaving the gym, right? He wouldn't be going to the gym unless he had a reason, right? Keeping fingers crossed! :)

Ms. Bonderson said...

And oh... I really like that picture. Rob's chest is on my list of favorite "parts": hands, lips, hair, arms, chest... Hell, I can't think of a part I don't like.

Emmes said...

He has been putting a lot of hours at the gym...I´m excited for the BIG REVEAL!

Lynn said...

Hey, I want a commando, shirtless Edward under the clock tower....incubus peen, anyone?

Of course, Rob will be shirtless, he is working out for a purpose!

Laura said...

I hear ya, Lynn!! I wonder if they'll make Rob wax his chest. I am squeeeeing in anticipation of the "topless" scene! LOL

Anonymous said...


kristen said...

They HAVE to do the shirtless reveal scene at the clock tower! It's vital to the story!

Plus, the peeps over at Summit aren't complete idiots - I'm pretty sure they realize that if they give Rob's nips some screen time then it will ensure more viewers aka more money. And they also probably realize that if they DIDN'T do that scene, they would have some angry angry women on their hands :)

kristen said...

Laura - maybe they will make him "shave his belly hair" or "glue it down with glitter glue" like last time! Man, I love the funny shit that comes out of Rob's mouth!

Divinesally said...

LOL Lyla, that shiz made me crack up in the commentary. Glitter glue, ha! He is so damn hilarious. I used to play with that all the time growing up.

I hope he gets toned up by the time he has to shoot the highly anticipated suicide scene. November can't get here soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Oh GOD....GOOD!!
I was scared that they wouldn't do Bella's visions of Edward. At least we'll have him in the middle too. Can't stand that stupid Jacob -- Ugh!!

I'm definitely sure we'll get that shirtless scene. I just hope those Italian skanks don't lick him! =D =D

Ellie said...

Haha, I love that Ashley said Rob will be flittering...just reminds me of him running like a cheese string.

Hi, lovies!!

Anonymous said...

I have to find a way to go to this premiere alone...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...



Me too. I have to find a way to go to that premiere alone; or with another friend secretly Robsessed.

Anonymous said...

After seing shirtless zygote Rob, I'm super excited to see shirtless adult Rob.

Evening ladies!

Anonymous said...

I hope they stay true to the book! I understand the need to see Rob, but if they inject him while Bella is bonding with Jacob, it will ruin everything! His reappearance won't be nearly as effective. I wouldn't mind seeing where he was while he was gone (mentioned in Midnight Sun) but that, too, would go in the last portion...

Rereading the book STILL makes me cry. I skip from the breakup to Alice's appearance. When Charlie describes Bella's behavior after the breakup it takes me back to my first breakup at the same age--I walked around like a zombie crying for nine months straight.

I like to keep in mind Eclipse will be out only six months later than New Moon and we'll get plenty of Rob then.

Anonymous said...


I was thinking... In the book Edward is in Rio de Janeiro before leaving to Volterra, right?

So, why don´t they come to Rio to shoot that??? I could help; I could be Rob´s interpreter; Rob´s "chaperone" around Rio; and whatever we could think of doing... Endless possibilities. What about that? Rio is a wonderful city, that would be just perfect for the movie.

HEY, ROB, checking on stuff about you on the internet, UGH? Tell them about my brilliant idea! You could do it!

Anonymous said...

Does the word "flittering" sound dodgey to anyone else?
I hope they don't make Rob look like a gay ghost lol. I hope they keep the clock-tower scene where he's shirtless and about to step into the sun.

crazy said...

LYLA : I agree 100%. the reveal scene is vital to the story, and he's the moneymaker!!!!

Anon: I too want to go see it alone. don't ask.

Sophia!: Me likey the chest hair ALOT also! and the fabulous happy trail...oooh don't get me going!

TS! : shirtless adult Rob = HOT
shirtless zygote Rob = NOT

Chicago: i hardly care about the story! AMRAP (as much rob as possible)!

Hi girls!!!!!!!!!!

crazy said...

Gozde: thanks again sooo much for the nip-pic. ooooh. and yes, you have been a very good girl (to us)!

Anonymous said...

Kerr bear- LOL "gay ghost"

I know I wouldn't mind helping Rob shave his chest. Preferably naked in the shower together and be there in beautiful Italy for all the touch-ups...

That's my evil plan (evil grin and laughs)HAA HAAAAAA!!!!!

crazy said...

Shani - you're killing me here! "naked in the shower"

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I hope the director doesn't put Rob in too much. It will ruin the intense heartbreak of his desertion. Plus, it will take away from the power of their reunion. Plus, this love triangle has to be believable to carry through Eclipse.

That being said, I'm all for close-up nipple shots, with chest hair, six-pack or no.

Anonymous said...

Chicago girl: That is exactly how I reread the last 3 books. Skipped right over anything Jacob or LaPush. LOL.

crazy said...

KK: yes, yes. Nipples, chest hair, and who cares about the 6 pack? Oh, and i want happy trails too. please. ;)

crazy said...

OMG me too!!!! who cared about jacob?

Anonymous said...

Crazy, the happy trail is the best...

Anonymous said...

Girls, there are new pics in the site!

Anonymous said...

CRAZY, the happy trail is in the first pic!!!

Anonymous said...

Luv this pic!! Can we clone him? I don't think I can take a shirtless Rob! I don't care if he is buff or not! He is so fine!

crazy said...

Anon~ I'd melt if he was in a friggin parka!

Anonymous said...

"Of course they threw Rob in there! He comes in as a flittering image to tell Bella not to do anything reckless and then you have him at the very beginning at school, at the party when he’s saying goodbye to her and the flitterring images and in Italy as well, so they’ll get their fix."

What does she mean "at the party"? I hope Edward doesn't leave Bella at her own birthday party. Or will there maybe be an added party scene? Hmm....

Anonymous said...

They'll probably make Rob wax his chest? hahaha. Just like they plucked his eyebrows. I hope he got them threaded by the way-that's a lot faster and easier than plucking each individual hair.

But yea I really hope they don't put him in there too much. The movie would just get bad reviews and everybody would think the series is even more cheesier and I would have to defend my Rob-love to people!!! I mean COME ON! I thought they would just put his voice in there everytime Bella heard him, thats it. Not a little flittering image of him at the same time.. wtf? lol.. that would be funny.

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